After the doctor left, Cavanaugh and Jamie studied Kim where she lay on the bunk.

"An ambulance is coming," Jamie assured her.

Pale, Kim managed to nod.

"The doctor says you're in stress from withdrawal."

"What time is it?"

"Two in the morning."

"Longest time I've gone without Oxy since last spring. At least, I'm not shitting my pants yet."

"The doctor says he's taking you to a detox clinic," Cavanaugh said.

Kim nodded weakly again.

"He says you asked to be taken there," Cavanaugh added.

"Hey." Kim ran her tongue along her dry lips. "I'm into withdrawal this far. I might as well go all the way."

Cavanaugh noted that Kim didn't qualify her statement by saying she would try to go all the way. "Don't worry about your job. It'll be there when you come back."

Kim crossed her arms over her chest and shivered. "I'm not worried about me. It's the two of you…" She shivered harder, asking Jamie, "Do you remember the computer codes?"

"You bet," Jamie said. "Your security's so brilliant, I can't get in otherwise."

"Nail the bastard who's doing this."
