BOTH John Yealland and I would like to thank the following people, who, while we were in the Cameroons, helped and advised us in many ways.

Of the United Africa Company: Mr Baker and Mr Milsome of Mamfe, and Mr Coon at Victoria, who dealt with the many problems of supplies and transport.

The Elders and Fyffes representatives at both Victoria and Tiko who helped us to secure return passages for ourselves and our animals, and the Captain and crew of the ship we travelled back on, who did their utmost to make our voyage easy.

To the various District Officers in the Cameroons who helped us in many ways, and in particular Mr Robins, District Officer for the Mamfe Division, who did much to smooth our difficulties for us. We are deeply indebted to the Reverend Paul Schibler and his wife, of the Basle Mission in Kumba, who perhaps did more than anyone else in helping us in our work when we stayed with them at Kumba.

We would also like to thank all those Africans — personal staff, hunters, guides, and carriers — without whose work and help we should have achieved very little.

Finally, I would like to thank Miss Sabine Baur for the trouble and care she has taken over the illustrations for this book, and my wife, who helped in the preparation of the manuscript and who bravely undertook the dangerous task of criticizing my work.
