Sale of my Virginity to a Gentleman, who takes me away from the the House in New Bond Street.

It took a day or two for Madame Coulisse to rig me out with all new clothes. She actually sent me to another milliner to have my things made in the best possible fashion, then one Sunday afternoon she took me and two of her young ladies for a drive in Hyde Park, during which I noticed several gentlemen stop and speak to her in a lew tone, as they looked at me rather significantly. This was her market.

I was sold to advantage before we drove back to the house.

The same evening, about ten o'clock. MadLune sent for me to her boudoir, she had previously told me to make myself look my very best, as she expected to be able to introduce me to a very nice gentleman during the evening (of course keeping to herself the fact of having sold my maidenhead for a couple of hundred pounds).

On entering I saw a fine aristocratic-looking man seated by her side on a sofa.

"Allow me, Milord, to introduce Mdlle. Vanessa. Have you ever seen a prettier little thing, she is barely thirteen, and I warrant her genuine." Then turning to me, "This gentleman, Vanessa, wishes to honour you with his love, be as good a girl as you promised, my dear, and you will have nothing but happiness to look forward to in my house," saying which she vanished from the room, and left me vis-a-vis with his lordship, who rose, kissed my lips, and drew me to his side on the sofa.

"So my little dear you are willing to make love with me, look, if I am pleased I shall give you these sovereigns," showing me a handful of gold. "When I make love I don't like crying and sulks, it takes it all out of me."

I blushed awfully, but when he kissed me again I gave him a little one in return, as I clung round his neck, and promised to try and please him if he would not hurt me much.

"Ah, then you know a little, my dear?"

"Yes, madame has told me it hurts first, and gives great delight afterwards — I–I want to be a woman, sir!"

"And so you shall, let us undress, and try what yonder spring bed will do for us, by Jove! I'll take you and keep you if you please me, Vanessa, I want a girl no one has ever had."

We were both soon reduced to a state of complete nudity, except stockings and garters, then lifting me on the bed he jumped up beside me, and began to examine all my charms, first my firm round little bubbies, then my mount just sprouting as it was with a light silky growth of hair, but the spot below was too attractive for him to linger long before he put his 6nger there.

It made me wince, the passage was too narrow and tender.

"You love!" he exclaimed, Ms eyes almost darting 6re as he spoke, whilst I actually saw his manly affair quite suddenly lift its head, which had up to this been only partially erected.

"You love! you're a real virgin, are you not?

How I shall love you, Vanessa! Now? be good, and bear a little pain for the sake of the pleasure to come, then I will pay the old bitch her money, and take you away. I won't leave such a jewel in her care for a moment, she would sell you again before to-morrow night. No, darling, you must belong to me alone!"

Then raising my buttocks, he put a pillow under my bottom, and getting between my legs, his fingers gently opened the lips of my pussey, and pointing the head of his moderate-sized

dart of love to the entrance, he pushed as far as it would go, then feeling the obstruction of my hymen, he paused for a moment, then thrust so suddenly and fiercely that I fainted from the excessive pain, but he effected his purpose at once, so that my defloweration was complete, and he was buried to the roots of his hair when I came to myself in a minute or two.

Presently he began to move, thrusting slowly in and out, with a poking kind of motion, then I felt his warm juice spurt right up into my vitals as it were, and so oil the wounded passage that I soon began to feel some pleasureable sensations, which increased as he went on again till I began to meet him with all the ardour of my warm temperament, now fairly aroused for the first time to the true joys of womanhood.

How we struggled, lovingly and yet almost furiously, to get more love from each other.

My champion was a good man, and his size just suited me, we swam in delight three times before he was compelled to cry a go.

Then embracing me most tenderly, he sponged my lacerated parts till he had cooled them, and removed all trace of the havoc he had committed. I really loved him for his tender kindness, and when he made me dress and took me in his carriage, in spite of all Madame's protestations that she would not have me taken away, I threw my arms round his neck and sobbed with tears of gratitude.

We went to a fine hotel, and the next day saw me installed as his mistress in a pretty suite of chambers at the West End, near Belgrave Square.

I do not want to mention his name, but shall simply call him My Lord, he was so kind to me, and I believe from the first almost loved me to distraction, he got French, English, and musical governesses for me, and took the greatest possible pleasure in seeing me do the honours of his table when a friend or friends visited at our chambers, but it was not to last long, only two brief happy, happy years, and then all was blown to the winds, at least of that real and pure happiness which I enjoyed with him.

He had a bosom friend, a Mr. Gower, in fact a regular chum, who spent hours with him every day, they were partners in every sport, on turf and in everything. He was a much younger and handsomer man than his lordship, and being so often in his company, sometimes he would call and catch me alone, and wait for my protector.

My God! what an oily tongue that serpent had!

How he flattered me and led me on till I really loved him as much as his friend, it was rank adultery. I felt I must have him, and that he would soon ask me to be unfaithful to my pro98 THE PEARL tector, to whom I owed my happiness, my all; still I knew I should yield, I had a fancy and couldn't help myself.

At last the fatal promise was given, but we had to wait for an opportunity for the feast of love we were to taste on the sly.

Our's were the only inhabited chambers in the house at night, and his lordship seldom left me to sleep alone.

At last the chance came, my protector had a great match on at Newmarket, but Mr. Gower was too ill to go with him. As soon as he had started I gave my servant a holiday for the night, and about eight o'clock in the evening my paramour came. I was careful to put up the chain to the street door, his lordship had a latch key, and my guilty conscience told me there was just a chance of his return, although extremely improbable.

How lovingly we walked up the stairs together, after a long luscious kiss behind the street door. I had prepared a nice little cold collation with plenty of champagne, for I must admit having always had a great partiality for the sparkling fizz.

How he bore me to the sofa in a perfect transport of impatience, raised my clothes, and kneeling down, printed hot burning kisses on the sensitive spot itself, till I fairly begged he would give me a better proof of his manhood.

Our first conjunction was far too impassioned to last long, we came together at once in a Hood of bliss, but he kept his place, and soon almost drove me out of my mind by the thrilling effect of his thrusts, he was a little bigger made than his lordship, and Riled me up so tightly that it seemed most exquisite. However, this second turn came to the usual delicious ending, then we sat down to supper, and I must confess he was allowed to pledge me so frequently in bumpers of champagne, that I got quite lecherous, threw off my clothes, made him undress, and then persisted in sitting on his lap with his fine John Thomas buried to the hilt in my crack, and throbbing inside in response to the delicious love grips my tight sheath kept indulging him with.

At last we went to bed, and then commenced a regular battle of love, my champion was quite my equal in lust; how we joined and grappled in our love struggles, each one unable to subdue the raging fires of the other, or even a little quench the constantly increasing flame of desire.

"Hark! I hear a key in the street door," I whispered in alarm, "it must be My Lord returned, what shall we do?"

The craven-hearted coward was frightened in a moment, and would have been caught where he was but I had the presence of mind to shove him into a closet on the landing, and throw his clothes after him. The bell was ringing furiously, and the knocker made a fearful din. So kicking all the debris of the supper under the table, and only leaving my own plate and glass, I at last put on a wrapper and let him in.

"What a time you were, Vanessa, there's been an accident on the line, so I returned to town, and shall go in the morning again."

"Yes, love, I couldn't help it, I was fast asleep, the fact is I've drunk a whole bottle of fizz to myself, dearie," I replied with a feigned yawn.

"Zounds, girl! what a state the bed is in!" he exclaimed, noticing it for the first time. "Who have you had here?"

"No one, love, pray don't look so cross, I have been tossing about for hours thinking of you, and only a little while ago fell off to sleep and had a frightful night-mare, dreaming we had been captured by brigands, they tied you to a tree, and were just drawing lots who was to have your little girl, when your knocking and ringing put an end to it; wouldn't it have been awful to have been really true?"

"Then I suppose, Vanessa, that I'm the brigand to have you, now I've got in?" he said, his face relaxing into a smile, and beginning to throw off his clothes. "I wanted you awfully a little while ago, when our train was blocked on the line and that is the cause of my coming back for a bit of love."

"Then love, come to bed quickly, I do want you so, you will divert my thoughts, and cool my hot blood," I said, hoping to distract his attention, and prevent notice being taken of the debris under the table, and more especially as I fancied I heard my gallant sneaking downstairs at the moment.

Throwing off his clothes, he carried me to the bed with an impetuosity quite unusual to him, as he laid me upon my back and got between my readily opening legs, my hand guided his impatient courser to the love mark, which, notwithstanding all its previous battering and the right I had had, was again in a tremor of longing expectation, my blood had been so fired by the champagne that my lubricity was perfectly unquenchable, I felt as if I could have engaged a dozen lusty men, one after the other, at that moment.

The insertion of a second priapus in my excited affair seemed such a bon bouche and unexpected pleasure, as it glided slowly up the well-lubricated sheath, and if he had not been especially amorous he must have noticed that I was not nearly so tight as usual on a first penetration. My arms clasped him closely to my body, our lips met in hot burning kisses, I sucked his tongue into my mouth in the most lascivious manner, my legs crossing over his buttocks with all the abandon of a perfect bacchante.

Almost in an instant, before he had given more than three vigorous thrusts, I felt the warm rush of his seed up into my very vitals, which had such a thrilling effect on me that my own emission instantly Rowed in response to his, the floodgates of love mingled their flow in the most extatic manner.

Without for a moment relaxing in stiffness, his weapon kept its place in my hot throbbing sheath, and soon commenced another course (it must have been the heat of my vagina, which infused, or rather, kept such strength in him, for it was quite unusual), his swollen and eager courser plunged forward in the most vigorous manner, and so worked up all the lubricity of my! nature, that quite forgetting everything else, I fancied it was my paramour still in my arms, and just at the moment of coming, I murmured "Oh, Henry! Oh, Gower, I shall die, you kill me with love you darling."

He sprang from my embrace as if a serpent had stung him, exclaiming, "Vile wretch, that's it, is it, he must have been here when I came?

Ha! what's this, his watch, by God!" as he caught a glimpse of the chain peeping from under the pillow, and thrusting his hand under brought out the damning evidence of our guilt.

"Revenge is sweet, however," he went on, grinding his teeth and white with rage, "I'll kill you first and him afterwards."

Paralyzed with fear, and seeing him take up a small stiletto belonging to myself, from the toilet table, I threw myself on my knees, all naked as I was, and clasped my hands round his waist, imploring and shrieking for mercy! mercy!! mercy!!! mercy!!! afraid to look up and meet his relentless look. My face was buried in the dark hair at the bottom of his belly, with his stiff pego brushing against my cheek in undiminished size, as if also as indignant as its owner.

"Too late, Vanessa, you should have thought of that before, nothing but blood can wipe out such injuries!" he hissed rather than spoke, at the same time I felt one arm grasped by his powerful hand, wrenching me away from his body, and a perfect rain of stabs pierced neck, bosom, and arms. Shrieking I bit his arm in my struggle for life, and as he let go slipped under the bed for protection from him, where, covered with blood, I sobbed and begged to be spared, promising never even to mention it or prosecute him, if he would but fetch a doctor to save me from bleeding to death.

Strange to say, he now relented, and ran for a surgeon. "Save her life, save me from being her murderer, and keep our secret, here's?500 and a 1000 more if you cure her!" he said nervously, as he brought Dr. Smithson to the side of my bed, where I was weltering in my blood.

As for myself I had crawled upon the bed, and wrapped the sheets as tightly as possible round my wounds, instinctively feeling they were not mortal, unless the How of blood should be too great.

"My lord, you may rely upon my honour as a gentleman, unless the case proves fatal," was the reply. "I will do my best You had better not have a nurse, I will attend to the case myself, and get some one to mind my patients meanwhile; I do not think it will be more than a fortnight before she is convalescent, and if I act as nurse the secret will be safe," said the doctor when he had dressed my wounds.

There is no occasion to go into the details of my recovery, his lordship never saw me again, and in about a month's time the doctor handed me a cheque for?2000, saying he thought I should now be able to shift for myself.
