A Just Russia (political party) 224

Abkhazia 16

abortion 130, 146, 147

Abuladze, Tengiz 184–5

Adamovich, Ales 234


adoption rights for gays 137

law forbidding foreign adoptions ix, x, 13, 81–2, 121, 155, 163, 167


condoms 128, 129, 130

foreign words in 109

Afghanistan 14, 78, 93, 144, 179, 180, 181, 236

Agamben, Giorgio 105, 135–6

agriculture 7

AIDS 120, 128, 132, 144

Akhmatova, Anna 239

Aksyonov, Vasily 64

al-Baghdadi, Abū Bakr 20

Al-Qaeda 20

Alaska 180, 181

Aleppo 89

Alexander I, Emperor 246

Alexander II, Emperor 246

Alexievich, Svetlana 144, 233–7

Boys in Zinc 234, 236

on trauma and pain in Russia 234–7

Andropov, Yury 66, 126

Antarctic Agreement (1959) 11

Antarctica 12

anti-globalism 23

antisemitism 135, 137

Antonov, Alexander 22

Apple 132

Arab Spring 87

Arab states 49

Aral Sea 35

the ‘Arbat Hamlet’ 161

Arbatov, Georgy 108

Arctic 9–12

Northern Sea Route 11–12

oil exploration 9–10, 56

sovereignty 10–12

Aristotle 191

armed forces 76, 108

violence against junior soldiers (dedovshchina) 142

Armenia 230

Ashurkov, Vladimir 27

Assad, Bashir 89, 91, 173

Astafiev, Viktor 200

authoritarianism, and the information society 51–2

autocracy, return to Russian tradition of viii–ix, 246, 248

avatars 112–16

Babiy Yar (poem, Yevtushenko) 200

Bakhtin, Mikhail 211

Baklanov, Grigory 200

Balabanov, Alexei 15, 22

Balibar, Étienne 227

Baltic States 35, 84, 228

Bandera, Stepan 218

Banishment, The (film) 161

Barber, Benjamin, Jihad vs. McWorld 23

Barnes, Julian, The Noise of Time 215

Bataille, Georges 156

Batomunkuev, Dorzhi 78

Baudrillard, Jean

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place 40

The Violence of the Global 42

beauty contests 138–40

Beck, Ulrich 87–8, 90

Belarus 230

Belkovsky, Stanislav 188

Belorussian Station, The (film) 200

Belovezha Accords 37, 181

Belsky, Vladimir 150

Benjamin, Walter 105

Berdiev, Ismail 146, 243

Beria, Lavrentiy 184, 199, 215

Berlin Olympics (1936) 94, 97–8, 121

Berlin Wall 14, 17, 23, 105

Berlusconi, Silvio 13, 92, 126

Bernasconi, Boris 244

Bernes, Mark 198

Beslan tragedy (2004) 55, 87, 106, 113–14, 116, 224

Beust, Ole von 133

bin Laden, Osama 23

biopolitics x, 120–2

and disability 167

and the female body 149

Biryulyovo, ‘Russian March’ in 27, 28–9

Bismarck, Count Otto von 74

Blok, Alexander 8

Blokhin, Vasily 239

body, cult of the 121

body of the sovereign 123–7

Boko Haram 20, 21, 23

Bolivia 22

Bolotnaya Affair 106

borders of Russia, and sovereignty 95–6

Boris Godunov (Pushkin) 163, 164

Borodai, Alexander 20, 25

Boston Marathon, terrorist bomb (2013) 86, 115

Brazil 109

Brexit 93

Brezhnev, Leonid 51, 66, 186–7, 188, 189, 224–5

and victims of Stalin’s terror 239

and Victory Day 200–1

Brimson, Dougie 104


Brexit vote viii

Iraq war 40

post-imperial feelings 219

and Russian resentment 221

Salisbury poisoning viii, 172, 173

Brodsky, Joseph 209, 219, 234

Brother 2 (film) 15

Bryl, Yanka 234

Brzezinski, Zbigniew 30, 172

Bulatov, Alexander 251

Bulatov, Erik 247

Bunin, Ivan 233

Bush, George Jr 20, 199, 224

Bykov, Vasil 200, 234


in central Moscow 63

and the culture of violence 143

GLONASS satellite tracking system for 48

pathological fetishism about 150–3

traffic in Moscow’s Kutuzovsky Prospekt 65–8

cartography 45

Castells, Manuel 175

Cat Stomping Law 13

Catherine II, Empress 246, 248

Caucasian war 95

CCAMLR (Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) 11

Central Asia

invasion by Russia 35

and Russian nationalism 29

Chaadaev, Pyotr 99

‘Philosophical Letters’ 183–4

Chaplin, Archpriest Vsevolod 146

Chaplin, Charlie 215

Charles I, King of England 124

Charlie Hebdo (journal)

cartoons 112–13

terrorist attack on offices 114, 115

Chechnya 24, 78, 143, 236, 237, 246

cheese, Russian state’s war on 154, 156, 157–60

Chekists 85, 171, 196, 204–7, 210, 238, 242

Chernenko, Konstantin 123, 126

Chernobyl disaster 38, 144, 234, 236


abandoned 161–4

car drivers and aggressive behaviour towards 150–2, 153

education in use of weapons 152–3

see also adoption

Children of Iron Gods (film) 22

children’s crusade 161

children’s ombudsman 146–7, 148

Chilingarov, Artur 95

China 32, 109

Beijing Olympics 98

Beijing’s Forbidden City 63

Chinese community in San Francisco 131

Chubais, Anatoly 222

Chudakova, Marietta 212

Churchill, Winston 86, 216

citizenship 45, 46

Civil War in Russia (1918-21) 22, 114, 209

class in Russia 71

and Elite Road theory 67–8

Clinton, Hilary 55

Cold War 30, 33, 39, 91, 92, 185

Colombia 22, 25

colonialism 34–7, 45

‘colour revolutions’ 79, 87, 230, 232

Come and See (film) 198

complexity management 132–4

condoms 120, 122, 128–30

conspiracy theories 86–7, 170, 221

Constitution Day 251, 252–5

Constitution of the Russian Federation 193, 202, 253

consumption, and European cheese 158

contraception 128–30

corporal punishment 142

corruption 69–70

Cossacks 21, 22, 37, 103

Council of Europe 13

The Cranes are Flying (film) 200

crime, organized crime and modern wars 23–4


annexation vii, viii, ix, 14, 17–18, 22, 32, 37, 38, 40, 143, 162, 242

and imaginary threats 84

EU ban on technology exports to 53

and feelings of resentment 219

and football thugs 103

and historical revisionism 179, 180–1

and the hybrid war 102

‘little green men’/‘the polite people’/Russian spetsnaz soldiers vii, 38, 40, 78, 102, 103, 175

rebuilding of 84

and Russian sovereignty 54, 55

Siemens turbines scandal 53, 57, 172

and the Sochi Olympics vii, 169

and the Soviet Union 179, 180–1

state of emergency in 37–8, 107

as a territory of the subconscious 13–16

as a toxic asset 172, 173, 180

and Victory Day 202

Crimean War 251

cruise missiles 41, 42

Customs Union of Post-Soviet Countries 48

cyber warfare 78, 92

Czech Republic 103

Czechoslovakia, Soviet invasion of Prague 77, 231

Dadin, Ildar 242

Danilevsky, Nikolai 14

The Dawns Here Are Quiet (film) 200

The Death of Stalin (film) 214–16

Decembrists 246, 249–55

Degtyarev, Yury 34

Delanöe, Bertrand 133

demographic policy 119, 120

Dima Yakolev Law see adoption

disabled children 155, 166, 167

disabled people

and the Eurovision Song Contest 166, 167–8

lack of rights 166

and the Paralympics 166–7

Do the Russians Want War? (song) 200

Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak) 225

Dombrovsky, Yury 239

domestic violence 142, 152, 163, 240

Donbass 22, 24, 37, 38, 39, 41, 55, 84, 163, 165, 173, 237

and Victory Day 202, 203

see also Crimea

Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) 20, 21–5, 172, 196, 227

Donne, John 116

doping in sport 91

and the Paralympics 166–7

Sochi Olympics 169–71, 173

Dosteovsky, Fyodor 14, 19, 55, 113

The Brothers Karamazov 190, 220

The Demons 221

Notes from Underground 8, 220, 221

Dovgan, Irina 21

DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) 20, 21–5

drones 40

dubbing of films 109–10

Dubin, Boris 219

Dugin, Alexander 14, 20

Dulles Doctrine 86

Durov, Pavel 49

Dyushes (doping cocktail) 171

Dzerzhinsky, Felix 196, 213

Ecuador 22

EF (English First) 109

Eidelman, Natan 252

Elena (film) 161

Eliot, T.S. 195

English football fans 101–2

English language 108–11

English Revolution 124

Epstein, Mikhail 8

Erlikh, Sergei 252

Estemirova, Natalia 231

Etkind, Alexander, Warped Mourning 209–13

EU (European Union) 15, 32, 53, 73, 93, 152, 223

exports of foodstuffs from 154

Russian hackers’ interference in elections viii

and Ukraine 84, 227

Euclid 45

eugenics 119

European Football Championship (2016) 101–2

European Parliament, and ‘the Dadin list’ 241–2

Eurovision Song Contest 165–6, 167–8

Facebook 48, 49, 70

avatars 112, 113, 115

and the destruction of sanctioned food 154

and the US presidential elections 173

fake news 172

families, violence in 142, 240

family policy in Russia 128–9, 136

FARC guerrillas 22, 23


homophobic 136, 137

imaginary 212

myth of Ukrainian 226–8

fear, and Russia’s hybrid war 90–3

female genital mutilation 146

feminism, and beauty contests 138–9

festivals, and military-patriotic hysteria 76–7

films, dubbing of 109–10

Finland 34, 36

English language in 110–11

fires, grass burning 6–8, 183

First World War 77, 148, 213

Flaubert, Gustave 234

flower memorials 229–32

flower revolutions 230

Fogel, Brian 170


destruction of sanctioned foodstuffs 143, 154–6

Russian state’s war on cheese 154, 156, 157–60

sanctions 81, 83


Heysel Stadium tragedy 101

Russian football fans 92

thugs 101–4

World Cup 5, 71, 101, 170

Forbes magazine 20

Foreign Affairs 30

foreign languages 108–11

foreign policy

and fear 89–93

and Russian sovereignty 53–7

Foreign Policy (journal), list of ‘Agitators’ 20, 23, 24


fires 6

and roads 4, 5

fortress towns 62–3

Foucault, Michel x, 120, 124, 137

France 196–7

Charlie Hebdo 112–13, 114

football hooligans in Marseilles 101–2, 104

foreign films in 109–10

‘hard’ memory 210–11

migrants 26

National Front 172

Palace of Versailles 124

post-imperial feelings 219

seventeenth-century 67

Franco-Prussian War 74

Frangulyan, Georgy 245

French Revolution 86, 124, 129

Freud, S. 55, 212, 213

Friedländer, Saul 210

Fry, Stephen 136, 216

FSB (Federal Security Service) 49, 83, 91, 171

FSO (Federal Protection Service) 63

Fujimori, Alberto 52

Fukuyama, Francis 23

Furtwängler, Wilhelm 97

future of Russia, crisis of belief in 96

Fyodorov, Yevgeny 114

G8 group of countries vii, 13, 109

Gaaze, Konstantin 83

Gagarin, Yury 47, 74

Gaidar, Yegor 222

Galich, Alexander, Petersburg Romances 252

Game of Thrones (TV series) 46

Gandhi, Indira 187

Gaulle, Charles de 159, 160

gays see homosexuality

Gazprom 9

Gelman, Vladimir 69–70

Genghis Khan 182

geopolitics 17, 30–3, 39, 42, 90, 91

Georgia 55, 74, 230

South Ossetia 196

German, Alexei 216


Berlin Olympics (1936) 94, 97–8

foreign films in 110

Nazi (Third Reich) 97, 105, 136, 148

biopolitics 120–1

concentration camps 208

de-Nazification 183, 185, 209, 210–11

and Ukrainian fascism 226–7

populism in 172

postwar 19

Weimar Republic 105, 113, 220

‘stab in the back’ theory 226, 228

Giddens, Anthony 90

Ginzburg, Yevgenia 211

glasnost 201

global cities, creative class in 132–3

global community, Russia as part of 115

global warming, and the Arctic 10


and geopolitics 32

and Moscow 28

rejection of 23, 25

and Russian sovereignty 54, 56

GLONASS satellite tracking system 48, 84

Gobineau, Count de 27

Goebbels, Josef 94, 97

Goering, Hermann 97

Goethe, Johann von 149

Golden Horde 28

Goncharov, Ivan, Oblomov 187–8

Google 79, 84, 173

Maps 45, 46

Gorbachev, Mikhail 92, 125, 186, 187–9, 239, 246

failed coup against (1991) 74, 79, 188–9, 190, 191, 193–7, 246

Nobel Peace Prize award 233

Goryunov, Maxim 7

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 152, 153

Granin, Daniil 200

grass burning 6–8, 183

Grass, Günter, The Tin Drum 18, 19

The Great Dictator (film) 215

Greece 230

Greenpeace 6

‘and the Arctic 11, 12

Russian seizure of the Arctic Sunrise 9, 10

Grossman, Vasily 211, 212

Grushin bard song festival 76

Grybauskaitė, Dalia 20

Gudkov, Dmitry 108, 109, 232

Guevara, Che 23

GULAGS 208, 210, 211, 213, 235

guns, education in the use of 152–3

Guriyev, Sergei 52

Gurtskaya, Diana 167

Habermas, Jürgen 105

hackers 91

Hegel, G.W.F. xi

Herzen, Alexander 252

Himmler, Heinrich 136

historical revisionism 179–82

Hitler, Adolf 97, 220

Hobbes, Thomas 91

Holocaust 137, 210, 242

homophobia 133

anti-gay laws ix, x, 13, 82, 121–2, 135, 144

test for 135–7


and complexity management 132–3

same-sex marriages 136, 137, 214, 216–17

human rights 13

and migrants 26

Human Rights Commissioner 148

Hungary 52

Soviet invasion of 77

Huntington, Samuel 16

hybrid war ix, 89–90, 173

and football thugs 102–4

special operations 171–5

in Syria 90, 91, 92, 104

in Ukraine 21–5, 104

hygiene policy 119–22

Iampolski, Mikhail 222, 227

Iannucci, Armando 215, 216, 217

Icarus (film) 170

Ilyin, Ivan 14

‘I’m not afraid to speak out’ (yaNyeboyusSkazat) flash mob 141–2, 147, 148, 163, 240

immigration, anti-immigration mood in Russia 133–4

imperialism ix, 28–9

India 74, 109

industrialization 35, 36

infantilism of Russian consciousness 17–19

information ‘bombs’ 155

Ingham, Bernard 88

innovation culture 50–1

International Memorial 47

International Space Station (ISS) 94

Internet 45, 49, 50, 52, 79

cyberattacks 92

digital hygiene 120

hackers 91

and imaginary threats 83, 84

League for a Safe Internet 82–3

and Russian sovereignty 56

and Russian special operations 173

trolls 91

war of the avatars 112–16

‘invader’s syndrome’ 37

‘Invader’ video 34–5

Iran 16, 41, 93

and Russian sovereignty 55

Iraq 21, 23, 25, 39, 40

ISIS (Islamic State) 20, 21, 23, 24, 33, 41, 42, 46

and humanitarian aid 156

and IT 50, 52

Islamists 20, 21, 23, 49

IT (information technology) 48–52

innovation culture 50–1

military planning 78

network neutrality 49–50

Silicon Valley 131–2

and the Soviet Union 174–5

Ivan the Terrible viii–ix, 56, 62, 71, 212, 221, 245–6

Ivan’s Childhood (film) 200

Japan 98

Jerusalem 64

Jews 86, 121, 137, 185, 221

antisemitism 135, 137

the Holocaust 242

‘Jihadi John’ 20, 24

A Just Russia (political party) 25

Kabaeva, Alina 123, 125

Kachalov, Vasily 71–2

Kadyrov, Ramzan 24, 70

Kakhovsky, Pyotr 251

Kalatozov, Mikhail 200

Kaldor, Mary 23, 24

Kalinin, Mikhail 204

Kant, Immanuel 91

Kantorowicz, Ernst, The King’s Two Bodies 124

Karachinsky, Antoly 48

Karaganov, Sergei 222–3

Karagodin, Denis 238, 240, 241, 242

Karagodin, Stepan Ivanovich 238

Karajan, Herbert von 97

Karamzin, Nikolai 246

Kaspersky, Eugene 48, 51

Kaspersky Lab 48, 49

Kaspersky, Natalya 48

Kazakhstan 64

Kennedy, John F. 86

Kennedy, Paul 36

Khakassia, fire in 6

khalyava 187

Khinshtein, Alexander 241

Khlebnikov, Paul 231

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail 55, 188, 252

Kholmanskikh, Igor 78

Kholodov, Dmitry 231

Khrushchev, Nikita 51, 180–1, 215, 223, 246

de-Stalinization programme 210, 239

memorial to 191

and Victory Day 200

Khrustalyov, My Car! (film) 216

Khvat, Alexander 239

Kiev, Maidan Square demonstrations 84, 87, 195–6, 224, 226

Kildyushov, Oleg 106

King, Stephen 44

Kipling, Rudyard 27, 35, 36–7

Kirill, Patriarch 70

Kiselyov, Dmitry 8, 14, 90, 155, 163

Kjellén, Rudolf 30

Klimov, Elem 198

Klintsevich, Franz 44

Klyuchevsky, Vasily 246

Kolesnik, Vladimir 234

Komsomol 19

Kordonsky, Simon 82

Korolev, Sergei 74

Kosovo war 39, 40, 42, 223

Kozintsev, Grigory 211

Krasner, Stephen 54, 56, 57

Kremlin, the 56, 61–4

Krichman, Mikhail 162

Kuivashev, Yevgeny 243

Kukly (television series) 216

Kurile Islands 95

Kurilenko, Olga 214

Kursk, Battle of (1943) 77

Kuszyńska, Monika 167

Kuznetsova, Anna 146–7, 148

Kyrgyzstan 230

language wars 108–11

Latin America 22–3, 37

Latynina, Yulia 27

Le Pen, Marine 92

Lebedev, Igor 102

Lenin, V.I. 216, 234

Mausoleum 61, 62, 74, 96

Leningrad, siege of 236

Leshchenko, Pyotr 204

Leviathan (film) 161, 163, 164

Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 18, 25, 224

Libya 89, 93

Likhachev, Dmitry 211

linguistic nationalism 108–11

Listyev, Vladislav 231

Lithuania 20

Little Zaches: The Story of Putin from Beginning to End 216

Litvinenko, Alexander 231

Livanov, Dmitry 148

Lockerbie bombing 89

Lotman, Yuri, Culture and Explosion 99

Loveless (film) 161–4

Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) 21–5, 172, 196, 227

Lutsik, Pyotr 22

Lutsky, Alexander Nikolaevich 249–51, 252–5

McCain, John 32

McKenzie, Scott 132

McLaren Report 170, 173

Magnitsky, Sergie 231, 239

Makhachov, Gaji 65

Makhno, Nestor 22

Maksakov, Vladimir 21–2

Malaya Zemlya 201

Malenkov, Georgy 199, 215

Malofeev, Konstantin 50, 82

Mamardashvili, Merab 18–19

Mamleyev, Yury 211

Mandelstam, Nadezhda 211

Mandelstam, Osip 61–2

Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 69, 124

Markin, Vladimir 102

Martynov, Kirill 246

Massachusetts Institute of Technology see MIT

Mayakovsky, Vladimir 8

Mearsheimer, John 30

media, Russian media and the war in Syria 41

Medinsky, Vladimir 44, 243, 245

Medvedev, Dmitry 63, 133, 186, 243

men, and the culture of power and violence 142–4, 145

Merkel, Angela 82

MeToo movement 141

Mexico 98

MH17 (Malaysian airliner), shooting down of viii, xi, 24, 89, 90, 91, 114, 115, 163, 171, 172, 174, 242

Middle Ages, and the body of the sovereign 124, 126

migrants 26–9, 91, 92

migration crisis 91

Mikhalkov, Nikita 243, 245, 248

Mikoyan, Anastas 158

military-industrial complex 50, 51

and missile parades 75

military-patriotic hysteria 76–7

Milk, Harvey 132

Milonov, Vitaly 13, 15, 136, 164

Minchenko, Yevgeny 71

The Mirage of Enchanting Happiness (film) 251–2

Miss Universe contest 139

missile parades in Moscow 57, 73–5, 149

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 132

Mizulina, Elena 13, 136, 164

Molotov, Vyacheslav 215

Mongol Empire 182

Montenegro viii

Moore, Michael 199

Morozov, Alexander 15


Architectural Institute 64

Biryulyovo pogroms 134

Bolotnaya Square protests (2011-12) 13, 48, 87, 106, 115, 158, 212, 226, 252

Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge memorial 229–32

Bolshoi Theatre 63, 198

coup of 1991 74, 79, 190, 193–4

‘Know your Moscow’ app 46–7

Kutuzovsky Prospekt 65–8

Lubyanka Square memorial 115

memorial plaques 186

missile parades 57, 73–5, 149

multicultural heritage 28

Pokémon in 43, 46–7

Presidential Administration headquarters 25

Red Square 61–2, 74

School No. 57 scandal 146, 147, 148, 240, 241

and separatist fighters in Ukraine 24–5

and the Sochi Olympics Torch Relay 94, 96

‘The Topography of Terror’ 47

University 63, 79

Victory Day in 198

Victory Memorial 201

‘wedding cake’ buildings 61

White House 79

see also Kremlin, the

Moskalkova, Tatyana 148

mourning in Russia 208–13

Mozgovoi, Alexei 21, 25

Mukharsky, Anton 165

multiculturalism 28, 132

Murray, Glen 133

Musk, Elon 79

Mussorgsky, Modest 5

Mutko, Vitaly 98

My Duck’s Vision (recording studio) 34–5

mysticism 148

Nabokov, Vladimir 216

The Gift 31

Invitation to a Beheading 194

Napoleon 51, 200

Nashestvie rock festival 76

Nashi movement 34

nation states 45

National Unity Day (4 November) 113, 114, 199

nationalism 25–9

NATO 32, 39, 46, 77–8, 84, 147, 223, 227–8

Navalny, Alexei 69, 161

Nazarov, Dan 113

Neizvestny, Ernst 191

Neklyaev, Vladimir 234

Nemtsov, Boris 115, 123, 143

murder of 229–30, 231–2

Netherlands 109

Nevsky, Alexander 245

new wars 23–4

Newton, Isaac 45

Nietzsche, Friedrich 227

On the Genealogy of Morality 219–20

Nigeria 21, 23, 25

Nikiforov, Nikolai 50

Nobel Peace Prizes 233

Nobel Prize for Literature 233, 237

Nora, Pierre 231

North American Indians, Potlatch festivals 156

North Caucasus 146

and the Olympic Torch Relay 95

terrorism in 114

North Korea 55, 74, 93

North Pole 94, 95

Novgorod Veche 245, 248

nuclear threats 8, 14, 90, 155

nuclear war 77–8

training sessions for 81

nuclear weapons, and Stalin 185

Nuremberg Trials 97

Obama, Barack 20, 49, 55, 82, 92, 114, 131

Occupy movement 46

oil exploration 9–10

Olympia (film) 97, 98

Olympic Games

Berlin Olympics (1936) 94, 97–8, 121

Paralympics 166–7

see also Sochi Winter Olympics

OMON riot police 149

Onishchenko, Gennady 119

‘orange threat’ myth 82

Orbán, Victor 52

The Order of the Russian Knights (film) 251

orphans, prohibition on foreign adoptions ix, x, 13, 81–2, 121, 155

‘Orthodox bikers’ 103

Orthodox Church 16, 18, 23

as an offended group 225

on corporal punishment 142

hygiene policy 120, 122

Old Believers 146

and the Olympic Torch Relay 94

and the politics of the female body 146, 147–8

and Putin 125

and suffering 237

Osipova, Natalya 241

Ossetia 16

Outskirts, The (film) 22

Pakistan 74

Paneyakh, Ella 147

Paralympics 166–7

Pasternak, Boris 233

‘Patriot’ military park 76

patriotism, and armoured tanks 76–7, 78

Pavlov, Arseny 23

Pelevin, Viktor xi, 8, 40, 211, 237

‘people’s diplomacy’ 91

perestroika 69–70, 195, 198, 201, 246

Peru 22, 52

Peskov, Dmitry 231

Peter the Great 114, 158, 221

Petranovskaya, Ludmila 142

Petrov, Nikita 239

Pioneer Cinema (Moscow) 214, 216

Pioneer Dawn (radio programme) 17, 18

Pokémon 32–7

Pokrov charity foundation 147

Poland 18

police, and the culture of violence 143

political correctness 132–3, 144

Politika talk show 18

Politkovskaya, Anna 231

populist politics

and Russian special operations 172–3

in the West 92

Poroshenko, Petro 31, 82, 218

Portnova, Martha 250

Portugal 230

post-industrial society 32

complexity management 132–4

postcolonialism 36–7

postmodern wars 39–42

Potlatch festivals 156


and the culture of violence 142–4

excess and the legitimization of 70

and the politics of the female body 148–9

state power and the Kremlin 62–4

Pozhigaylo, Pavel 108, 109

Prague Spring (1968) 189

presidential elections (2018) 148

Primakov, Yevgeny 108

prisons, women’s beauty contests in 138–40

Prokhanov, Alexander 14, 15

Prokhorovka, Battle of (1943) 78

Pugachev, Yemelyan 22, 252

punitive hygiene policy 119–22

Pushkin, Alexander 7, 46–7, 99, 234

Boris Godunov 163, 164

‘Eugene Onegin’ 221

statue of 253

To the Slanderers of Russia 219

Pussy Riot 9, 13, 106, 138, 148, 149, 180, 225

Putin, Vladimir 13, 41, 229

as ‘Agitator’ 20

and battle tanks 78

body of 123, 125–7

and Brezhnev 188

and Chechnya 24

and civil memory 115–16

and the collapse of the Soviet Union 37, 95, 191, 193–4, 222

and conspiracy theories 87

and contraceptives 128, 130

and Crimea 180

disappearances of 123, 126

and football thugs 10

foreign policy thinking 223–4

and geopolitics 31, 32–3

and Gorbachev 189

and homophobia 136

and IT 51–2

and Kukly 216

and the ‘Magnitsky list’ 241

and missile parades 74

Munich speech (2007) 55

and the Orthodox Church 147–8

and punitive hygiene policy 119, 120

Putinism as ‘warped mourning’ 212–13

re-election (2018) vii–viii

resentment as state policy 221–4

and the return of autocracy viii–ix

and Russian history x–xi

and Russian sovereignty 54–6

and Russia’s hybrid war 91

and Schmitt’s theory of ‘the state of emergency’ 106–7

and the Sochi Olympics vii, 98, 169, 171

and special operations 174

and Stalin 78, 93

and Syria 92

third presidential term ix

and Ukrainian fascism 226, 227

upbringing in St Petersburg 104, 107

and Victory Day 201–3

and Yeltsin 243–4, 248

PyeongChang Winter Olympics (2018) 169, 172

Qaddafi, Colonel 89

racism 27–8, 36–7, 135

Ralph Appelbaum Associates 247

Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel 113

Rasputin, Grigory 147, 148

Ratzel, Friedrich 30

Razin, Stepan 22

Reagan, Ronald 98

refugees 91, 113

remembrance 115

Repentance (film) 184–5

resentment 218–28

myth of Ukrainian fascism 226–8

the offended and the insulted 224–5

Putin’s resentment 221–4

and the slave revolt 219–21

and Ukrainian independence 218–19

The Return (film) 161

Riefenstahl, Leni 97, 98, 121

risk society 87–8, 90, 174

roads 3–5

Elite Road theory 66–8

and military parades 75

road tariff protests 114

Rodchenkov, Grigory 170, 171

Rogozin, Dmitry 5, 14, 53, 95, 119

Romania 53, 54

Romanov dynasty 56

Rosneft 31

Rotenburg brothers 75

Royzman, Yevgeny 243, 245

Rozanov, Vasily 221

The Apocalypse of Our Time 194–5

Russia Day (12 June) 76, 103

Russia Today (RT) 91, 92, 173

Russian Empire 28–9, 36, 148

fall of 194–5

Russian Revolution (1917) 8, 71, 86, 114, 209

Russian Sea companies 83

‘Russian spring’ 23

Said, Edward, Orientalism 36

St Petersburg 57

Sakharov, Andrei 233

Salisbury poisoning viii, 172, 173

Samaranch, Antonio 98

same-sex marriages 136, 137, 214, 216–17

Samoilova, Yulia 165–6, 167, 168

Samoyardov, Alexei 22

San Francisco

Chinatown 131

gay quarter 131, 132, 134

sanctions against Russia 53–4, 56, 174

destruction of Western sanctioned goods 55–6, 81

Scheler, Max 220

Schlöndorff, Volker 18

Schmitt, Carl x, 97, 105–6, 107, 114

Schroeder, Gerhard 13, 92

scientific knowledge, crisis in 148

scientific research 51

Sechin, Igor 31

Second World War 18, 99, 226

and battle tanks 77–8

the ‘Lieutenants’ prose’ 200

missiles 74

and Victory Day 198–203

as a war of memory 209

Segalovich, Ilya 48

separatists 84, 95

Ukraine 8, 20, 23, 81, 89, 92

SERB 232

sex education 129, 130

sexual violence 141–2, 147, 240–1

and homophobia 135


Russian views on 129–30

see also homophobia

Shakespeare, William 161, 211, 215

Shalamov, Varlam 210, 212, 235–6

Sharov, Vladimir 211

Shchegolyov, Vanya 150

Shchekochikhin, Yury 231

Shcherbak, Andrei 133

Shekau, Abubakar 20

Shevchenko, Maxim 86

Shoigu, Sergei 79

Sholokhov, Mikhail 233

Shostakovich, Dmitry 215

Shulzhenko, Klavdiya 198

Shuvalov, Igor 69–72

Siberia 35

Siemens turbines scandal 53, 57, 172

Silicon Valley 131–2

siloviki (power ministries) 9, 44

as an offended group 225

and the doping scandal 171

as purveyors of threats 83–5

and Soviet computer technology 174–5

Sinyavsky, Andrei 138, 211

Skidelsky, Lord 228

Skolkovo 51, 134

Skripal, Sergei and Julia viii, 172

Sobchak, Anatoly 243

Sochi Winter Olympics vii, 5, 13, 14, 15, 71, 92

and the Berlin Olympics 97

doping scandal 169–71, 173

‘Operation Sochi’ 169–71

Torch Relay 94–6

social Darwinism 26

social media 49

and domestic violence 240

and Gorbachev 186

‘groups of death’ 161

politics of the female body 141–2, 148–9

trolling on 172

see also Facebook

Sokolov, Maxim 26

Sokolov, Nikita 200–1

Sokurov, Alexander, Taurus 216

Soldatov, Andrei 50–1

Solovetsky Monastery 208, 213

Solzenitsyn, Alexander 212, 233

Somali extremists 156

Somme, Battle of the (1916) 77

SORM (Operational Search Systems) 49

Sorokin, Vladimir 51–2, 211

Day of the Oprichnik 157, 160

South Korea 98

South Ossetia 74

sovereigns, bodies of 123–7

sovereignty x, 45, 46

and the Arctic 10–12

and biopolitics 120

and the destruction of sanctioned foodstuffs 154

and the failed coup of 1991 193

and fear of the future 96

loss of 4–5, 53–7

and missile parades 73

and the Olympic Torch Relay 95–6

punishment for thoughtcrime against 95

and Russian territorial expansion 20

Schmitt’s theory of ‘the state of emergency’ 105–7

and Victory Day 202

Soviet Union

Afghanistan war 14, 78, 93, 144, 179, 180, 181, 236

biopolitics 121

‘closed towns’ 51

collapse vii, 14, 17, 37, 79, 86, 93, 95, 191, 193–7, 199, 209, 222

Comintern 102

computer technology 174–5

and Crimea 179, 180–1

and the Decembrists 251

and the English language 108

foreign policy 93

labour camps 206

and military-patriotic hysteria 77

return of Soviet speech practices 225

stagnation era 123

territorial expansion 17, 18, 36

and Victory Day 199–201

see also Stalin, Josef

Sovok 195

space of flows 45

Spain 230

special operations 171–5

Speer, Albert 97

Speransky, Mikhail 246, 248

Spitting Image (TV programme) 216

Spivak, Gayatri 36

spontaneous memorials 229–32


Paralympics 166–7

see also Olympic Games

sports journalists, and football hooligans 101–4

Stalin, Josef 16, 74, 78, 93, 163, 246

anniversary of the death of (5 March 1953) 123, 183–5

and biopolitics 121

and conspiracy theories 87

de-Stalinization programme 210, 213

death of 123, 126, 215

The Death of Stalin (film) 214–16

and the ‘Doctors’ Plot’ 185

and historical revisionism 180

and Hitler 220

and innovation culture 51

and the Kremlin 62

memory of the terror 208–13

and nuclear weapons 185

rehabilitation of x

and the Second World War 99

trauma of Stalin’s repressions 144

victims of terror 238–40, 241

Victory Banquet 199, 237

and Victory Day 199–200, 203

Stalker (film) 35, 162

Starovoitova, Galina 231

the state

return of viii, ix

state power and the Kremlin 62–4, 98–9

threats in the state system 81–5

Stockholm Syndrome 184

Stotsko, Pavel 214

Strategy-31 opposition movement 230–1

Streltsy 62

Stubbendorf, Ludwig 97

surrogate motherhood 146

Suslov, Mikhail 69, 201

Suvorov, Viktor 201

Sverdlov, Yakov 245

Sveshnikov, Boris 211

Syria viii, ix, 5, 8, 21, 23, 40–1, 89, 143, 173

and Russia’s hybrid war 90, 91, 92, 104

tanks 76–80

and the coup of 1991 79, 188–9, 190

and missile parades 74

Tarkovsky, Andrei 35, 162, 200

Tatars 56, 180, 210

Taurus (film) 216

technical sovereignty, loss of 56

telegony 146, 148


and military-patriotic hysteria 77

Russian television on the war in Syria 41, 42

terrorism 20, 23, 42

avatars of sympathy for 112–13, 115, 116

Beslan school seizure (2004) 55, 87, 106, 113–14, 116, 224

Boston Marathon (2013) 86, 115

in Chechnya 24

global war against 116

Kenya 113

the Lockerbie bombing 89

Moscow theatre seizure 113

in Norway 115

in Paris 112, 114, 115

and Russia’s hybrid war 91

Sinai aircraft explosion 112–13, 114, 116

in the United States 42, 86, 91, 115, 224

Thatcher, Margaret 88, 187

threats, purveyors of 81–5

Tikhon, Bishop 147–8

Timchenko, Gennady 75, 83

Timoshenko, Yulia 218

Tin Drum, The (Grass) 18, 19

Toffler, Alvin 78


and complexity management 132–3

of sexual minorities 137

Tolokonnikova, Nadezhda 138, 139–40

Tomsk, mass graves of terror victims 209

Trans-Dniester 16

Treisman, Daniel 32, 52

trolling of the West 155

Trubetskoi, Prince Sergei 251

Trump, Donald viii, 49, 53–4, 55, 92, 139, 172, 173, 241

Tsarist Russia see Russian Empire

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin 74

Tsoi, Viktor 47

Twitter 173

Tyrants Destroyed (Nabokov) 216


Association Agreement with the EU 84

and biopolitics 121

Eurovision Song Contest in 165–6, 167

geopolitics 31, 32

Holodomor 210, 236

hybrid war in 21–5, 104

the Maidan 84, 87, 195–6, 224, 226

myth of Ukrainian fascism 226–8

revolutions 37, 82, 119, 158, 224, 230

Russian fixation with 218–19

Russian plan to divide up 18

and Russian sovereignty 53, 55

Russian view of 37

and Russia’s hybrid war 90

separatists 8, 20, 23, 81, 89, 92

and the ‘state of emergency’ theory 107

and Victory Day 202

war in ix, xi, 8, 14, 32, 84, 172, 227

and military-patriotic hysteria 77

see also Crimea; MH17 (Malaysian airliner)

United Nations

Security Council 13

and sovereignty 54

United Russia party 114

United States

California 131–2

CIA 86

Democratic Party 92

and foreign languages 110

and the Kosovo war 42

and Latin America 37

and nuclear blackmail 90

and Pokémon in Russia 44

presidential elections 46, 55, 172, 173

and Russian conspiracy theories 86

Russian hackers interference in elections viii, 92

and Russian hybrid warfare 92

and Russian resentment 221, 224

and Russian sovereignty 54–5

sanctions against Russia 53–7

and Soviet computer technology 174–5

terrorist attacks 42, 86, 91, 115, 224

and the war on terror 222

Urals separatism 245

Uralvagonzavod Tank Factory 78

USSR see Soviet Union

Uzbekistan 35, 230

vaccinations for children 146

Valls, Manuel 26

Valuyev, Nikolai 119

Vancouver Winter Olympics 171

Vavilov, Nikolai 239

Vayno, Anton 148

Verkhovensky, Pyotr 221

Versailles, Palace of 124

veterans, as an offended group 225

Victory Day (9 May) 6, 113, 135, 198–203

falsification of 203

military parades for 74, 76, 78

and Putin 201–3

St George ribbon 198–9, 203

and Stalin 199–200, 203


abandoned 4

grass fires 6–8


against women 141–5

car drivers and aggressive behaviour 150–2, 153

domestic violence 142, 152, 163, 240

education in weapons use 152–3

Russian culture of 240–2

sexual violence 135, 141–2, 147, 240–1

victims of Stalinism 238–9

virtual wars 39–40

Vizbor, Yuri 74

Voitsekhovsky, Yevgeny 214

Volodin, Vyacheslav 126

Volozh, Arkady 48

Voronenkov, Denis 44

Vysotsky, Vladimir 86

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) 91, 170, 174

‘The Waltz of the Urals Chekists’ (song) 204

warped mourning 208–13

Weber, Max 54

Welke, Hans 97

Westphalian sovereignty 54, 56

White Protest Movement 252

Wikileaks 125, 174

Wilson, Woodrow 105

Winter Olympics see Sochi Winter Olympics


and beauty contests 138–40

in the Lugansk People’s Republic 21

politics of the female body 146–9

violence against 141–3

World Anti-Doping Agency see WADA

Wowereit, Klaus 133

WTO (World Trade Organization) 109, 222

Wurst, Conchita 167

Yakovlev Law 167

Yakubovich, Alexander 251

Yakunin, Vladimir 94

Yalta Conference (1945) 15

Yanayev, Gennady 194

Yanukovych, Viktor 84

Yarovaya, Irina 50

Yastrzhembsky, Sergei 125

Yegorov, Dmitry 101


Church of the Blood 247

Yeltsin Centre 243–8

film clip of Russian history 243, 245–6

Yeltsin, Boris 69, 181, 189, 190–2, 212, 222

body of 125

election as President 246

and the failed coup of 1991 79, 190, 191–2, 193

and Putin 243–4, 248

‘The Yeltsin Test’ 191

Yeltsin Centre in Yekaterinburg 243–8

Yeltsina, Naina 243, 244

Yemelyanenko, Fyodor 119

Yesenin, Sergei 71–2

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 200, 202

Yezhov, Nikolai 240

Yugoslavia 79, 188, 222

Yurchak, Alexei 93

Yurgens, Igor 224

Yushenkov, Sergei 231

Zaldostanov, Alexander ‘the Surgeon’ 15

Zemsky Sobor 56

Zhemchuzhina, Polina 215

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir 18, 224

Zhirkov, Yury 139

Zhirkova, Inna 139

Zhukov, Marshal 200, 212, 215, 252

Žižek, Slavoj 105

Zorin, Valentin 108

Zubov, Valery 232

Zvyagintsev, Andrei 161–4
