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Jacques, Brian.

The Ribbajack & other curious yarns / Brian Jacques.

p cm.

Summary: A collection of six short stories which feature a variety of monstrous

creatures by the author of the Redwall series.

Contents: The Ribbajack—A smile and a wave—The All Ireland Champion

versus the Nye Add—The mystery of Huma D’Este—Miggy Mags and

the Malabar Sailor—Rosie’s pet.

1. Monsters—Juvenile Fiction. 2. Children’s stories, English. [1. Horror tales,

English. 2. Monsters—Fiction. 3. Horror stories. 4. Short stories.]

I. Title: Ribbajack and other curious yarns. II. Title.

PZ7.J15317Ri 2004 [Fic]—dc21 2003066448

eISBN : 978-1-101-14395-7

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