King Amrath stared out the shattered window of what had once been his council chambers. Now a gutted, scorched-black cave, it stank of smoke and death. Long black tears ran so that even the stone walls cried. The rain continued, weeping for the loss as the king looked out of his ruined home at the city below. The king had no more tears to shed.

The ache was still in his chest, a crushing sensation as if someone had punched a hole through his ribs and squeezed his heart. The rest of him was just numb. He still had trouble breathing. Leo had likely saved his life by sending his children in, but the king wasn’t sure if a thank-you was appropriate, nor was he at all certain his trouble breathing had anything to do with the smoke.

But he was still king. He still had responsibilities. Leo and Braga were steering the kingdom as best they could, but they still needed him.

The meeting had begun with a tally of the dead. Remarkably only a little over a dozen people perished in the fire, mostly servants who worked the upper floors-Drundiline, his wife’s favorite handmaid, and Nora, the kids’ nurse. Their loss was tragic, but Amrath hardly noticed. He still puzzled at how Ann’s bedchamber was hardly touched by the fire, but Arista’s room was nothing but a blackened shell.

“Your Majesty?” Leo said softly.

“What? Sorry, I…”

Leo smiled sadly. “Never mind. Go on, Chancellor.”

Braga nodded. “It was Richard Hilfred who set the fire but Exeter who ordered it.”

“As I tried to warn you, Your Majesty,” Saldur said.

The bishop’s voice irritated him. By not heeding his counsel, Saldur was blaming him for Ann’s death. There was too much truth there not to hate the cleric for pointing it out.

“As far as I have been able to determine,” Braga said, “Lord Exeter had long plotted to take the throne. I suspect he may have murdered Chancellor Wainwright, hoping to obtain the chancellery. When you appointed me to that position, he apparently decided to take action.”

“And where is Exeter now?”

“He’s dead. Butchered in Gentry Square.”

“Who killed him?”

“We think he was betrayed by someone he was conspiring with.”

“Yes,” Saldur agreed. “That’s how things look.”

“Wasn’t there a note? Something about a group of women taking credit?” Leo asked.

“Oh yes, some foolishness suggesting a house of prostitution was involved,” Saldur said. “Obviously a poor attempt at diversion.”

“I would have to agree with the bishop, Your Majesty,” Braga added. “I’m continuing the investigation, but the women mentioned in the note don’t appear to have had anything to do with it. Medford House is literally a handful of women struggling to survive in an alleyway. The madam of the house was recently battered by Exeter during an investigation the high constable was conducting. This appears to have been the source of the charade, but that’s where it ends. The real killer was just trying to throw us off his scent.”

“But the women of Medford House were arrested?” Leo said.

Braga raised his hands and shook his head in a show of frustration. “The sheriffs are Lord Exeter’s men and some can actually read. You can hardly blame them. At the time his body was found, his treachery was not yet known. They acted in haste-without knowing the facts or about the constable’s guilt. I’m just grateful they didn’t kill anyone. I’ve already given the order for the women’s release.”

“I think we need to do more than that,” Saldur said. “These poor girls have been treated badly, and while we know they weren’t involved, rumors are already spreading. People think they were responsible for the wanton slaughter of a high-ranking nobleman and relative of the king.”

“And the killer of my wife,” Amrath reminded them.

“Of course, excuse me. It’s just that people might be angry to think someone of their social standing might do such a thing and get away with it.”

“How would it be if I knighted them?” the king said, not entirely joking.

Saldur offered an uncomfortable smile. “I think just some declaration of royal protection would suffice.”

“I suppose we could issue an edict and instruct the sheriffs to actually enforce it,” Braga said. “It’s my understanding that crimes against women in that profession often have a blind eye turned by those entrusted with keeping the peace in the quarter.”

“Do as you want,” Amrath said to the chancellor. “I really don’t care. Now what about Richard Hilfred?”

“He is dead as well, Your Majesty, by my own blade, the night of the fire,” Braga said.

“Well done, Chancellor,” Leo exclaimed, and it was followed by rousing applause by all in attendance.

Braga bowed his head respectfully and humbly, but his pride was evident. Amrath had been right in appointing his brother-in-law to the position. At least one member of the council had done something of value that evening.

“Richard Hilfred…” the king muttered. “He saved my life once. It’s hard to believe.”

“I knew Richard Hilfred well,” Saldur said. “He often came to me with concerns about his life-and Richard was a very troubled man.”

“Don’t you dare try and excuse him.” Amrath tore at his beard, pulling until it hurt.

“Absolutely not, sire. I would never-but as his bishop, I listened to him confide his many personal troubles with me and often mentioned his great sadness at the death of Rose Reuben-something he blamed you for not preventing. Still, I never suspected he would go so far.”

“So Exeter and Hilfred are dead,” Amrath said. “But that doesn’t explain the queen’s death. Why is it that no one woke her? No one thought to get her out? How is it all of you stand before me without a scratch or a burn?”

With each word the king’s voice grew louder until the roar of the bear had returned and his hand had settled on the pommel of his sword.

There was a long pause.

“Your Majesty,” Braga began softly. “We tried.”

“How hard is it to run up a set of stairs?”

“Before setting the fire, Richard Hilfred chained the doors to the residence shut. He thought you and your family were inside. His plan was to kill all of you. I tried … please believe me, Your Majesty. After killing Richard Hilfred, I did everything I could to get the doors open, but it was useless. As the fire grew, I was pulled from the inferno by two guards. There simply was nothing that anyone could do.”

He chained the doors shut?

If the conversation continued, Amrath didn’t hear what was said. It was as if he were falling into a bottomless well. All he could think of was his wife and daughter, trapped as the castle burned, and all the times he had offered a kind word to a man who chained them in to die. The mention of his daughter’s name pulled him out. “What was that?”

Leo spoke. “I was asking how it was that Arista survived?”

Braga said, “It was Richard Hilfred’s boy. He carried the princess out.”

“Hilfred’s son saved my daughter?”

“But how?” Leo again. “If the doors were chained, how did a boy manage to do what none of you could?”

“Reuben Hilfred had a key,” Braga said.

There was a silence as everyone paused to consider this.

“It’s likely the son was in league with the father,” Saldur said.

“Did he perish in the fire as well?” Amrath asked.

Braga said, “He escaped but suffered severe burns and is being cared for by a healer. It may be days until we know what really happened. He’s unconscious and under guard.”

“But if he was in league with his father, why did he save Arista?” Amrath asked.

“We don’t know.”

“I say he should be executed,” Saldur said. “I’ve seen this many times, the poison of the father infects the son. Likely the boy’s guilt drove his actions, and it was only fear of Novron’s judgment that motivated his saving of the princess. Such a tragedy.” Saldur shook his head. “If only you had listened to me, sire, the queen might yet live.”

There it was again, the accusation that all this was his fault. Amrath pulled the great sword of Tolin Essendon from its sheath. The huge blade came out easily and the king wanted nothing more than to sever the bishop’s head from his shoulders.

He took a step forward, raising the blade and watching the bishop’s eyes widen in horror as he inched backward. An instant later, Leo’s shimmering blade lifted his own and forced it aside. “Amrath … he didn’t mean it.”

The king fumed, his chest rising and falling with his breath, which hissed through his teeth. He stared at Saldur, who fell backward, tripping on the blackened timbers, rain splattering his grandfatherly face. That fall saved his life.

“Go on, Sauly, say this is my fault one more time!” This wasn’t a bear growl; this was a roar. “I’ll cleave you in half and string you up in the square so the peasants can have a new corpse to gawk at!”

“Forgive me, Your Majesty. I only-”

“Shut up, Bishop,” Leo said, still holding the massive Tolin blade with his own slender rapier. “If you want to live to draw another breath, just be quiet and leave.”

Saldur got to his feet, surprisingly fast given his age, and retreated out of the ruined room.

Leo put his sword away, and the great Essendon blade lowered until the tip touched the floor. Then in a sudden burst of rage, Amrath raised it again and with a shout he cleaved through one of the more substantial oak beams, only partially chewed by the fire. The massive blade rang as it slew the wood in two. The king struck again and again in a mad fury, chipping hunks of wood, such that both Leo and Braga backed away. In a few minutes the fit ended and Amrath stood heaving in a shower of sweat and rain. He dropped his sword, fell to his knees, and covered his face. “I should have been here.”

“You would have only died along with her,” Leo said, his voice as soft as the patter of the rain.

“I should have. It would be better than this.”

“The land would be without a king.”

“Bugger the land! My son would rule.”

“Your children are too young.”

“Then Percy would rule until they came of age, but I … I wouldn’t have to feel this way.” He looked up at Braga. “I don’t know how you managed. How did you find the will to breathe after Clare died?”

“I just did.”

Amrath nodded. “We have a lot in common now, you and I.”

“I’m here for you, sire. I’ll help take care of everything.”

The rain continued.

Royce slipped back inside The Hideous Head without a word and went to stand at the window, soaked and dripping. He’d been going in and out all night. Hadrian had no idea where. Maybe he visited the castle trying to find Gwen, maybe he checked up on Albert, or maybe he just wandered the streets in frustration.

Outside, the rain poured on Wayward Street. Hadrian didn’t know why they called it a street. Even in good weather the dirt lane was little more than a path between shacks, and at that moment it was on its way to being a lake.

Hadrian never left the Head. With four full kegs behind the bar, he typically would have spent the night drinking and the morning sleeping, but he hadn’t had another drop since Royce knocked over his cup. He never said anything, but he knew Royce’s plan wasn’t going to work. Not that it wasn’t worth a try, but what were the odds that Maribor would smile on the likes of them? In the past the gods had always demanded blood.

It was midmorning and Royce was back to pacing, leaving a stain of rainwater on the otherwise dull floor when Hadrian spotted Albert. The viscount was in a full-out run and he suspected it wasn’t because of his desire to get out of the rain.

This is it. Battles always start early.

Hadrian frowned and slipped the big sword over his shoulder as he called out, “He’s coming.”

Royce halted and spun, his face tense.

Albert opened the door, breathing hard and wearing a grin. “It worked!”

“Details!” Royce snapped.

“Heralds have gone out and edicts are posted. The castle announced that the women of Medford House have been cleared of all charges and are now under official protection of the crown. Chancellor Percy Braga signed the proclamation himself. I don’t know how, or what you did, but whatever it was it worked!”

“Where are they?”

Albert shrugged. “In the process of being let out I suspect. You said to run right back here the moment I heard anything.”

For the first time since Albert had left with Lord Exeter’s finger, Royce finally sat. He ran hands over his face, and Hadrian noticed they were shaking.

Going behind the bar, Hadrian pulled out a bottle of rum, a bottle of wine, and two glasses. Adding a fresh pulled mug of ale for himself, he joined Royce and Albert at the table.

“Sorry, it’s not Montemorcey,” Hadrian said, pulling the wine bottle’s cork. He motioned to Albert and the rum.

“Are you sure?” he asked, looking to Royce.

“To Gwen.” Hadrian lifted his mug.

“Can’t argue with that,” Royce said, and nodded at Albert, then poured his wine.

“To Gwen,” Royce and Albert echoed together as they clinked their drinks.

Royce drank and set the glass back on the table. Smiling, he said, “Wow.”

“Grue had good wine? Really?”

“Huh?” Royce looked up, confused. “Oh … no. I’m amazed the plan worked. I never … I mean, it was just too easy, you know? Maybe we should try doing this sort of thing more often.”

“I’m always up for anything that requires less blood.”

Royce nodded and took another sip and grimaced. “Oh damn-yeah, this stuff is hideous.”

“Hence the name.”

Royce left the table as if needing to put distance between him and the wine and went to the window to look out at the street.

“Do you see them?” Hadrian asked.

“Not yet,” Royce replied.

“I wouldn’t worry. Streets are flooded, hard to walk in skirts,” Albert mentioned.

Hadrian stood up. “Who’s hungry?”

“Since the barn, I don’t think I’ll ever pass up the offer of a meal,” Albert said, pouring a second glass of rum.

“Let’s see what Grue has in his pantry.” Hadrian searched the shelves. Grue might not have sold food, but he certainly had plenty. Hadrian found some stale bread, several bags of flour, and a kettle of something. He spotted a hunk of smoked ham on a cutting board and half a waxed round of cheese and hauled them out.

Hadrian returned to the table and set the food down.

Royce stayed by the window, his eyes glued on the street. “Albert, if you still want to leave, I won’t stop you. Gwen is safe, and that’s all I wanted.”

“Well, I don’t know now. I was searching for news in every inn and public house in the Gentry and Merchant Quarters this morning, and apparently no one remembers me from the party-or no one cares. Almost depressing if I were to really think about it. I’m rather invisible. I guess I have that sort of face or personality. Explains a lot, really. No one ever noticed me. In a world of clout and influence that’s a problem, but as the liaison for a pair of thieves, can there be a better talent? Besides, I have to admit I’m impressed. No-forget that-I’m astounded. I thought I was in league with lunatics, but you did it. You took down a ranking noble, rescued all the girls from the dungeon, and no one even knows you did it.”

“That we did it,” Royce corrected.

“Right.” Albert smiled. “I think I’d like to stay and see where this goes. Besides, I already lined up that job. Would seem a shame to disappoint our client.”

He handed the purse of gold to Royce, who began to count the coins.

“Who’s the job for?” Hadrian asked.

Albert pulled his damp hair back into a ponytail and said, “A nice lady who’s being blackmailed by her servant and an evil baron to betray her husband.”

“I like it.”

“Twenty-five gold?” Royce looked up.

“Half now, half when you deliver.”

Hadrian was concerned, but Royce was the first to ask, “What does she want us to do for fifty tenents?”

“Steal an earring.”

“An earring?” Royce asked skeptically. “Is it guarded by demons or something?”

Albert shook his head. “I suspect it’s not guarded at all. Likely just sitting in Baron McMannis’s jewelry box.”

“Fifty gold to return an earring?” Royce muttered incredulously. “What are these earrings worth?”

“Oh, I suspect they’re actually not worth much at all. Old Hurbert isn’t known for his generosity, even to his own wife,” Albert explained. “The money is for saving the woman’s reputation, which is worth far more than any pair of earrings.”

Hadrian pushed out his lower lip and nodded. “This whole noble thing might actually work.” Then turning his attention to Royce, he added, “You owe me.”

Royce scowled. “I know. I know. We’ll deal with that later.”

“He owes you?” Albert asked.

“When you originally went to the castle the night of the party, Royce said you’d run. Disappear with your new clothes.” Hadrian tied up the purse. “Which once again proves that people are basically good.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Royce said with a gambler’s confidence. “Albert came back because he didn’t want what happened to Exeter to happen to him, right?”

Albert let his shoulders droop and nodded.

Hadrian raised a finger. “You also said he’d hold out on us if he made any money, and he handed it right over. You didn’t even need to ask him.”

Royce folded his arms across his chest. “Albert? The first time you offered me this purse, you said it held twenty gold. How do you think it magically increased to twenty-five?”

The viscount smiled awkwardly. “You remember that, do you?”

“Albert?” Hadrian frowned and sighed.

“It was just five, and I’ve given you all the money this time. Doesn’t that count for something?” He had a terrified look on his face. “I … I expected I would need them to, you know, get away.”

Royce smiled. “See, you can always count on people doing what is best for themselves.”

“Like I did?” Hadrian said.

The smile left Royce’s lips. “You’re a freak of nature or the world’s greatest fool. I’m still trying to figure that out.”

Albert watched them. “I’m sorry I lied. It will never happen again. Please don’t kill me.” He said it just above a whisper, but Royce heard everything.

The thief almost laughed. “You were only going to steal your share of our first profit-all that means is that you’re officially one of us now.”

“And what is that exactly?”

Royce and Hadrian exchanged glances and raised eyebrows. “I suppose we should figure that out at some point.”

Albert happily turned to the food on the table. “I just discovered I’m starved. Are there any pickles?”

“Pickles?” Hadrian paused, surprised by the word and the memory it conjured.

“Yes-little things, sort of tart.”

“No … I don’t know. Go check for yourself.”

Albert looked puzzled.

Before anything else could be said, Royce ran past both of them, punching open the front door to the tavern.

Hadrian and Albert followed the thief out into the rain, which appeared to finally be letting up. Hadrian saw the troop of ladies coming down the road. They were all there, save Rose, all clustered around Gwen, helping her walk. Then like a flock of ducks they scattered as Royce raced in. His arms wrapped around Gwen, lifting her in a hug and a gentle twirl. Scooping her up, he carried Gwen back to Medford House as the sound of rain gave way to the sound of girlish laughter.
