Nicander fought down his exhilaration. From utter despair to the situation now – when anything seemed possible!

‘I really do believe we’re on to something. I reckon at the very least Justinian will reward us handsomely.’

Marius merely grunted in reply.

Nicander allowed his thoughts to roam. Their spoils would probably be vast: this was no less than the saving of a king’s ransom in gold at a time when the Byzantines needed all the wealth they could find to preserve the country’s borders against the tidal surge of barbarians.

It seemed so unreal: this wretched squalor and the talk of gold and empires in which he was a central player.

He glanced at Marius, who now had a brooding expression.

‘I do think that notion of going as monks makes a lot of sense, don’t you? On the way back we can even hide the seeds in a holy relic or some such.’

There was another ill-natured grunt.

Nicander sighed; he was not going to let Marius’s mood spoil the moment.

‘So. A plan. It’s got to be a good one, credible and appealing to an emperor. How do we start?’

Marius sat unblinking, a scowl now darkening his face.

‘We’ve first got to work out a route that takes us past the Goths and other foul heathens. And to make us sound credible we have to know in detail what we’re talking about. This will, as well, tell us what’s ahead so we can plan for it, put it in the costings. Where do we get such information? It has to be from impeccable sources and as comprehensive as we can manage. Of course! The library, right here in the city! All the knowledge of Serica and the East… it must have everything.’

There was still no response from Marius and Nicander was beginning to be irritated by his sullen attitude. Did he not see the scale of the task?

‘Be in classical Greek or legal Latin, naturally,’ he went on, ‘Shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Only thing is, so much to get through.’

Suddenly Marius got to his feet with a venomous glare and stormed out.

The next morning Nicander was vexed to see Marius’s mood was still there but he decided to let whatever was riding the man pass in its own time.

He took up his satchel. ‘I’ve had a few thoughts about topics to investigate. I don’t have to tell you that I have to be disciplined in this or I’ll not cover the ground in time. So I’ll be off, then. Don’t know how long I’ll be.’

But just before he reached the door Marius thrust himself across it, barring his way. ‘You don’t fucking need me now, do you!’

Nicander stopped in his tracks, taken aback by the outburst.

‘Admit it!’ Marius snarled. ‘All your grand plans, prancing off to a library – you don’t want an old caligatus getting in the way, spoiling your pitch! I’m no fucking use to you any more, right?’


‘So what do I bloody well do? Hey?’


‘See! I saw you with that scumbag John the Cappadocian. He only spoke to you, didn’t he? Didn’t say shite to me. You’re going off to speak to Emperor Justinian yourself – can you see him giving me the time o’ day? No way!’

‘It’s not like that-’

‘I’m a shame to you! To drag about and act dumb all the time – you don’t have to fling it in my face, I know.’


‘You’re going to dump me. But have the guts to tell me first!’

Nicander sat down slowly. So that was what was goading him.

‘I’ve no intention of getting rid of you, Marius. In this venture you’ve equal shares with me.’

The legionary breathed deeply. ‘Listen to me, Greek. Don’t you dare patronise me. You go out of that fucking door without you swearing on all that’s holy that you’ll not betray me… you won’t find me here when you get back!’

In a rush of feeling Nicander realised that he was about to challenge fortune for the greatest stakes of his life yet he had not a single one to trust, any to whom he could safely open his heart, lay out troubles and frustrations, share the burdens – except this bear of a man with his strong, uncomplicated views.

He stood and clasped Marius’s hand. ‘We’ve gone through so much together…’ He paused, aware that a lump was forming in his throat. ‘And in what lies ahead I want you with me. I’ll swear, if you insist, but I allow before all that you’re my true friend and… I could never let you down.’

At first there was no reaction. Then the other big hand came out and a smile surfaced. ‘Friends. Yes. You and me, Nico – that is, Nicander,’ Marius added with a self-conscious chuckle.

‘No, m’ friend, it’s Nico.’ He grinned. ‘But only from you!’
