
Originally appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, December 1977.

Rooms For Rent

Lonely widow, recently bereaved, will consider tenant for cheerful room, kitchen privileges. Must be companionable and willing to assist in care of fine old home in Rathmoor Estates. Phone 253-6655. Mrs. Thelma McCarson.

Household Goods For Sale

Moving to Rathmoor Estates. Must sell several pieces of furniture from bachelor apartment, including zebra rug, waterbed, beanbag chairs. Call 367-8765, ask for Larry Summers.


Marie, I didn’t run out. Glommed a deal. Tried to call. You had moved. Am petting gray old pigeon. List your new address or phone number in Personals column as quickly as possible. L.


L.: 564-2380. I’d better be part of the big deal. M.

Wanted To Buy

Fully restored 1S55 model Thunderbird with cloth top. Must have by April 14 for birthday gift to young friend who will be 28 on that date. His expressed desire. Price no object. Call Mrs. Thelma McCarson. 253-6655.

Lost & Found

No questions asked for return of lady’s purse taken from T-Bird parked at Foster Motel night of May 10. Keep money. Return papers, especially the reference qualifying bearer as maid in well-to-do home. Marie, 564-2380.

Employment Opportunities

Maid wanted for Rathmoor Estates home. Cheerful quarters, pleasant surroundings. Engaged couple sole occupants. Thursdays and Sundays off. Best pay. Call Mr. Larry Summers. 253-6655, who will arrange interview with employer.

Employment Opportunities

Need temporary caretaker, preferably with watchdog, to look after estate while occupants and maid travel for few weeks. Call 253-6655.


Mr. and Mrs. Larry Summers have returned to their Rathmoor Estates home after honeymooning in Acapulco. Mrs. Summers is the former Mrs. Thelma McCarson. Friends are invited to call.

Employment Opportunities

Girl needed to do chores in Rathmoor Estates home, assistant to maid, freeing maid for other duties. Short hours, top pay. Call 253-6655 for interviews with Marie and employer.

Lost & Found

Must recover hubcaps taken from T-Bird while parked at Foster Motel on night of Sept. 21. No questions asked. Will pay reward. Call 253-6655 and hang up if Larry does not answer.

Wanted To Buy

A copy of “Toxicology. The Complete Encyclopedia of Poisons” by Harbison & Brackett. Will pay top price. Condition not important as long as contents complete. Box L-6 Chronicle-Times.

Lost & Found

Reward for return of package taken from trunk of T-Bird while parked at the Foster Motel the night of Oct. 26. Package contains book on poisons of interest only to students and book collectors.

Will double antiquarian book market price for immediate return. No questions asked. Call 253-6655 and hang up if Larry doesn’t answer.


To “Bookman”: Terms satisfactory. Will have cash on hand for delivery of book at Pickens Park, bench near fountain, at 9 p.m. Saturday. L.

Wanted To Buy

Centrifuge, distillation equipment, small laboratory furnace for amateur experiments in basement lab by student of toxicology. Call 253-6655 and ask for Larry or leave message with Marie, housekeeper.


Due to illness Mrs. Thelma McCarson Summers of Rathmoor Estates will not receive callers until further notice.

Positions Wanted

Assistant maid seeks employment. Efficient and whiling worker. Box C-883 Chronicle-Times.

Employment Opportunities

Need fine craftsman and crew to clean out and restore basement in Rathmoor Estates home where explosion due to inexperienced handling of volatile chemicals resulted in severe damage and claimed lives of my husband and young housekeeper. Call 253-6655.


Mrs. Thelma McCarson Summers, recovered from recent illness, is again receiving at her Rathmoor Estates home.

Autos For Sale

Classic T-Bird. Cheap. 253-6655.
