Chapter Two

Zoe kicked the tennis ball towards the fence, catching it with the side of her foot on the rebound. She kept on tapping and catching the ball until at last it bounced off into a flower bed and she had to crawl through the bushes to find it. It was one of Honey’s old toy balls, Zoe realized, as she picked it up. She used to throw it for Honey to fetch all the time.

Zoe wandered back up the length of the garden with the ball in her hand. What would it be like to have another dog? Honey would have been out here with her, racing up and down, desperate to play. Even though she’d slowed down a lot in her last year, she still loved to run. Zoe had even built her an agility course out of old flowerpots and garden sticks – she’d been very good at weaving in between them. It would be a lot of fun to teach a puppy to do things like that… Zoe smiled to herself, imagining that gorgeous puppy from the park trying to fit between the sticks. From the look of it, the puppy was the perfect size now, but it wouldn’t be long before it was just too huge.

She left the ball on the patio bench and hurried inside, remembering that she’d wanted to find out what sort of dog it was. She started off looking at the dog-breed poster on her bedroom wall, but she’d been right, it definitely wasn’t on there. It was a bit similar to the sheepdogs, but the colouring wasn’t quite the same and Zoe was sure it was bigger all over. She grabbed her book of dog breeds off the shelf instead and started to flick through. She had a feeling that maybe the puppy was some kind of shepherd dog, so she started off in the Working Dogs section, laughing at the photo of a massive black Newfoundland. It really did look like a teddy bear.

Then she turned over a couple of pages and her face lit up in a smile. “Yes! That’s you!” The dog in the book was fully grown, not a puppy like the one she’d seen, but the markings were almost identical. “A Bernese mountain dog…” Zoe murmured. She’d never even heard of them before. One of the smaller photos showed two Bernese mountain dogs pulling a little cart with two toddlers sitting in it. It made it clear just how enormous the dogs were. “These giants are gentle but determined,” Zoe read aloud to herself, leaning back against her bedroom wall and smiling. She was trying to imagine that lovely chunky puppy all grown up. It was going to be so handsome.

The next day, Zoe kept a hopeful eye out as she and her mum headed home from school through the park, looking for the Bernese mountain dog. She gave a delighted squeak as they got close enough to see the playground. Her mum glanced at her in surprise. “What is it? Have you seen one of your friends?”

“No, it’s that puppy! Oh, I forgot, you didn’t see it yesterday, it was Dad.” Zoe’s mum and dad took turns picking her up from school – it depended on who was working where. Luckily they both got to work from home some of the time. “It’s a Bernese mountain dog, I think, I looked it up last night. It’s so cute.”

Zoe’s mum peered at the dog across the park. “It looks quite big.”

“If it is a Bernese, it’s going to be massive. They can pull carts!” Zoe looked sideways at her mum. “I sort of accidentally stroked it… I didn’t mean to! I wasn’t looking and it licked me, and I patted its ears…”

Her mum rolled her eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”

Zoe giggled. “But I’d really like to see who it belongs to, so I could ask to stroke it properly. And maybe find out what it’s called.”

“Well, you’re in luck.” Her mum nodded towards the puppy. “I think that must be its owner, with the pushchair.”

“Oh, yay! Hurry up, Mum.” Zoe grabbed her mum’s arm, and started to tow her across the park. There was a little boy standing close to the puppy now as well. He was wearing the same school uniform as Zoe. “Oh, he goes to Gardner Lane, too. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to him, though. He looks as if he’s in Reception, or Year One maybe.”

As they came closer to the little group round the puppy, Zoe slowed down a bit, feeling shy. The lady with the pushchair was strapping in a little girl and she looked up curiously as Zoe came over to her.

“Um, hi!” Zoe felt her cheeks go pink. “I just wanted to ask about your dog… Is it a Bernese mountain dog?”

The puppy’s owner smiled at her. “Well done! Most people don’t know what he is.”

“He’s called Scout!” the little boy told Zoe proudly. “He’s from Switzerland.”

“Sort of,” his mum agreed. “Scout didn’t actually come all the way from Switzerland, did he, Jack? But Bernese mountain dogs are from Switzerland.”

“I saw him here yesterday and I went and looked it up,” Zoe admitted. “I hadn’t heard of Bernese mountain dogs before. He’s beautiful.”

“You can stroke him, if you like,” the puppy’s owner told her. “He can be a little nervous sometimes, though, so be careful. He does jump up.”

Zoe nodded, moving a little closer to Scout, but not looking him straight in the eyes. It was the way Mum had explained it was best to get to know a dog – to let the dog come to her, instead of marching straight up and expecting the dog not to mind being patted or hugged.

The big puppy sniffed at her eagerly, his heavy tail waving, and then nudged his cold nose into her hand. Zoe crouched down and ran her hand gently along his back.

“You’re very good with him,” his owner commented, smiling at her.

“He’s lovely!” Zoe told her. “Oh!” She looked on a little worriedly as Jack bounced up behind Scout and tried to stroke him, too. The puppy backed away as the little boy grabbed at his collar, his paws skittering on the tarmac.

“Careful now, Jack.” His mum leaned over, murmuring gently to the dog. “It’s OK, Scout. Good boy.”

Jack looked at Scout and Zoe anxiously. Zoe could see Jack didn’t really understand what he’d done wrong – he had just wanted to hug his big teddy-bear dog. He probably didn’t realize that he was making Scout feel scared. She smiled at him. “You’re so lucky to have him,” she said. “He’s so big and so fluffy!”

“Yes!” Jack agreed, cheering up. “He pulls me along on my scooter. He’s really strong.”

“We need to be getting home now,” Jack’s mum said. “Say goodbye, Jack.” She smiled at Zoe and her mum. “Maybe we’ll see you in the park tomorrow. It’s nice for Jack to talk to one of the older children from school. We’ve only just moved here and he’s having to get used to a new class. It’s great having this park so close to the school, though.”

Zoe nodded – so that was why she hadn’t seen Scout around before. She knew almost all the dogs in the park to say hello to, as they walked through it every day on the way home from school.

“Bye! See you tomorrow!” She watched Scout and Jack and his mum heading off down the path, feeling a little envious.

“Isn’t he beautiful?” she said to her mum, as they set off for the park gate.

“He really is,” her mum agreed. “I’m not sure I’d be able to cope with two small children and a huge dog, though. Jack’s mum must be even more of a dog fan than you.”

Zoe grinned at her. “Not possible.”

Over the next couple of weeks, Zoe saw Scout and his family almost every day after school, and sometimes on the way to school, too – Jack’s mum, Lauren, brought him with her when she dropped Jack off. Zoe’s mum and Lauren chatted to each other. Zoe’s mum said she thought she was quite lonely – the family had moved because Jack’s dad had got a new job and she didn’t know that many people in the area yet. It was nice for Jack as well – Zoe always said hello to him at break time. She even heard some of the other boys in his class asking Jack if she was his sister. It made him look cool, knowing one of the older children.

“You can’t wait to get to the park and look for that dog, can you,” Zoe’s dad said, laughing at her as she hurried along the pavement one afternoon. He heaved a dramatic sigh. “I wish you were that excited about seeing me…”

“Ah, Dad…” Zoe raced back and hugged him. “I do like seeing you – but—”

“I’m not a dog, I know.”

“There they are!” Zoe waved to Jack, who was on the path up ahead. The Reception class came out ten minutes before the rest of the school, so Jack was usually at the park before they got there. Jack didn’t wave back, though – he seemed to be arguing with his mum, and Zoe wasn’t sure he’d noticed them coming up behind.

“I want to go on the slide!” He glared angrily at Lauren.

Zoe hung back – she was keen to say hello to Scout, who was looking miserable, but she didn’t want to make anything worse.

“I know you do,” Lauren said patiently. “But Scout hasn’t had a proper walk today! I was late picking up Tilly from the childminder this morning, so Scout missed his walk. We haven’t got time for both, Jack, and it’s not fair on Scout to make him sit outside the playground right now…”

“It’s not fair on me!” Jack wailed. “I want to go on the slide!” Then he noticed Zoe and her dad, dawdling along the path. “She can take Scout for a walk.”

“Oh…” Lauren glanced round and smiled at Zoe, and then at her dad, looking a bit embarrassed. “Sorry. No, Jack, that’s silly.”

“I could take him for a run about, if it helps?” Zoe put in eagerly. “I mean, if that’s OK, Dad?”

Her dad nodded. “We’ve got time.” He shrugged his shoulders at Lauren, grinning. “Zoe used to get in a real tizz if I wouldn’t let her go on the swings… I know how you feel.”

Lauren smiled, looking relieved. “Oh, if you really wouldn’t mind, that would be such a help. We’re having trouble fitting proper walks in just now. Jack’s dad always used to walk Scout at lunchtime, but he can’t do that with his new job. Scout knows you, so I’m sure he’d love it. Just be careful, Zoe, he is very strong. And don’t let him off the lead, will you? He’s not good at coming back. We need to do some more obedience classes, but I haven’t found a session we can get to yet.”

Zoe nodded. “I’ll make sure I’m holding him tight. And Dad’ll be there, too.” She beamed at her dad as Lauren put the lead into her hand, and Scout pulled eagerly, his tail suddenly speeding up. The park was huge – she and Mum and Dad used to bring Honey here nearly every day.

“Shall we run?” she whispered to Scout. “Shall we? Would you like that?”

Scout’s tail wagged even faster and he gave a tiny woof. Zoe laughed and raced off across the grass with the puppy bounding beside her, his ears flapping and his paws thumping the grass.

It was the best feeling ever.
