“What did they do to her?” Nozipho shook her head.

“Yeah. And above all, why?”

“They beat and kicked her. Imagine that. And they spit on her, too.”

“Uh-huh. Main thing, they killed her.”


“Hmm… We could try to get out of here.”

“But if we open this door and they come back from the garage at that moment, we’re dead.”

“True. We’ll also get beaten and kicked, as well as spat on.”

“What should we do? I still need to pee.”

“I don’t know.”

“We could call for help. Out the window.”

“But the security guys just saw the whites walk into this house. If we call for help, they’ll shoot at us.”

“You’re exaggerating.”


“What a shitty situation.”

“It’s totally a shitty situation.”

The door to the garage opened. Thembinkosi and Nozipho vanished back into the wardrobe.
