The WORST-CASE SCENARIO Survival Handbook: MIDDLE SCHOOL By David Borgenicht, Ben H. Winters, and Robin Epstein Illustrated by Chuck Gonzales


Sometimes being “in the middle” gets a bad rap. But if you’re in the middle—or about to start the middle—of your school career, there’s actually a lot to look forward to… if you’re prepared.

This handbook is your very own insider’s guide to the unique world that is middle school. It’s kind of like getting a sneak peek at the teacher’s edition of your math book. It doesn’t have all the answers to your next test, but it does have all the tips and secrets you need to make the most of that oh-so-special time in the middle.

So, what exactly is so special about middle school? One word: CHANGE.

Middle school is one of those times in life when a whole lotta change happens in a pretty short time. In those middle years, people get taller, they get new interests, their social lives change, and their minds start thinking in more and more sophisticated ways. It’s one big chapter of change.

And it’s not just about what happens during middle school—the chapter begins with a big whammy of a change, too. When you start middle school, you’re fresh out of elementary school. Back there, you were old and wise. You knew the ropes. You knew the rules. There were plenty of short people around to make you feel tall. But then, along comes middle school and suddenly, BANG! You’re in opposite land. You’re a newbie. A young’un! Lots of things are different—the way your classes are set up, what’s expected of you, the way your friends act, everything!

This book is here to help you navigate that sea of change. It’ll help prepare you for the choppy waters—and sharks!—so you’ll have plenty of time for smooth middle-school sailing. Here’s how this handbook can help:

Nervous about the school dance? We have the moves to get you through.

Prepping for a big test? You’ll find plenty of tried and true studying hints in here.

Have a sinking grade? We toss you a lifeline.

Dealing with a bully or mean girl? We give you the upper hand.

Being crushed by a crush? We show you how to read the signs.

Growing apart from your best friend? We help you deal— and make new friends.

Whether you’re a middle-school rookie or a seasoned pro, the tips, tricks, and secrets you’ll find inside this handbook will help you have an amazing year (or two, or three). Now, it’s time to dig in and get to the juicy middle of things!

David Borgenicht, Ben H. Winters, and Robin Epstein
