Here’s what to do when the pimple fairy dumps a big, fat, disgusting one on your face.

Zit Hiding

Holding an ice cube against a pimple reduces the inflammation. Once that volcano is smaller, ask a makeup pro (like your mom or sister) to help you conceal it. Look for a concealer that matches your skin tone (it might take a few tries before you get it right).

Zit Prevention

The more you touch your face, the more dirt and oil you rub in—so hands off! Fight the urge to pick, prick, or pop. And no squeezing that blemish, because it’ll only get worse.

Finally, wash your face twice (and only twice) a day with warm water and gentle soap or cleanser. Wash any more and you’ll risk irritating your skin.

BE AWARE • If things get really bad, ask to see a dermatologist who’ll banish the bumps professionally.
