The Bulkers

“Yes, Eliza, that’s what my man reported. He said the zombies started running away from the house and then started running towards it and now they are right up against it. I bet whatever they were using had a power surge, then blew,” Kong said to Eliza. He felt bad; he had hoped that the Talbots might make it through. If something as evil as Eliza wanted them destroyed then they must have walked strongly in the light. The world needed more people like them if it was ever going to recover, and now he was on the opposing force. If there ever was a history, how would he be remembered? I’m the fucking Benedict Arnold of the zombie apocalypse, he thought sourly.

“Release the contents of truck fifteen,” Eliza said as Kong wrapped up.

He wanted to question the validity of her plan, but as long as it didn’t involve his men, he thought discretion was the better part of valor. He might not be able to save the Talbots, but he would do all he could to save the people that he called his friends and co-workers.

He nodded to her. He noted the look of concern on Tomas’ face; apparently the boy had the same reservations that he himself had. He walked away from the duo and back towards where the majority of trucks were parked. “Roy, radio the guards tell them to pull back to the fallback area.”

“We getting out of here?” Roy asked, the hope clear in his voice.

“Just do what I said,” Kong told him as he walked by. “Walt!” Kong yelled motioning with his hand. Walt had been reading when he heard Kong’s yell. He stepped down off the truck holding on to his book fearful he was going to lose his page. “What are you reading?” Kong asked, astonished that the man could concentrate enough to read in the midst of all that was going on.

BeSwitched by Molly Snow, it’s a paranormal romance, funny shit.”

“Romance?” Kong asked.

“It takes me away from the horror of all this.”

“Fair enough. In about ten minutes I’m going to need you to open up your trailer.”

“You’re really going to let them go?” Walt asked.

I’m not doing anything Walt.”


“Just make sure you get back in your truck as soon as you undo the latch.”

“I appreciate the advice, but that’s like telling me not to put my hand on a stove burner.”

“I’m sorry for getting you into this, Walt.”

“I’m a big boy, Kong, I should have taken one look at Eliza and left.”

“Just get back in the truck as fast as you can,” Kong said, clapping the man on the shoulder.

“Not a problem, even being in the cab knowing they’re locked in the trailer is an uncomfortable feeling.”

Kong wasn’t sure where Eliza got the new breed of zombies, but they terrified him. There was rumor that she had a doctor that could genetically alter the zombies; some thought she had perhaps gone to a ‘Fat Farm’ and bitten the residents there. Though no matter where she got them from, the zombies in the back of Walt’s truck were enormous; the smallest of the them tipping the scales at five hundred pounds, and they were meaner than the normal zombies, the vials were no guarantee against an attack. More than one of Eliza’s helpers had been devoured while they were tasked with the unenviable job of strapping helmets on the brutes.

Eliza had armed herself with the zombie equivalent of a tank and she was about to unleash her armada. God help them all.
