Chapter 60

Oh, come on, you guys.” Everyone but Laura was in our kitchen . . . it was the next evening, and I didn’t think Tina was going to not try to kill my sister anytime soon. And who could blame her? Laura had tricked her, trapped her, and starved her. Something other than a Hallmark card was definitely called for. “We won! The bad guys are vanquished. Why so glum?”

Sinclair was giving Marc his “you idiot” stare, but Marc was so happy we were all back home he was overlooking a few things.

Sure, we had friends among the werewolves now . . . including Michael and Jeannie, which was quite a coup. I could practically hear Sinclair trying to figure out how to turn their goodwill to our advantage.

And yes, we’d found out BabyJon was no ordinary baby—which was a great relief, given our dangerous lifestyles. If he was going to be raised by vampires, it was excellent that he couldn’t be hurt by them.

The vampires Laura and her minions had killed were all pretty bad characters . . . Sinclair and Tina knew each and every name, and couldn’t deny the planet was better off without those particular undead walking around.

However, the ends don’t justify, etcetera.

Worse, I didn’t think Laura had learned her lesson. She had never regretted killing the vamps, she only regretted hurting me. There was still work ahead.

The only thing worse?

She threw the fight. She let me win. Let me. Which meant she could probably kill me whenever she wanted. If the devil decided to whisper in the wrong ear again, I could be in very serious trouble.

But even if that never happened (ha!), I had discovered something knew and awful about my sister.

Despite my earlier assurance, Laura wasn’t necessarily a good guy. In fact, I was pretty sure she was the worst kind of bad guy. She was a bad guy who thought she was a good guy.

I was normally pretty sanguine about the future, but I wasn’t going to be able to relax for a while.

I didn’t think any of us were.
