For the first time in a long time, Deuce knew true peace.

Three months went by and Ivy was discharged.

Eva turned half his room at the club into a nursery.

Then the crazy bitch gave Danny her own room at the club, helped her decorate the fucking thing too. Pink and purple as far as the eye could see. He flipped his fucking shit. Put a steel door on her room with a sliding deadbolt. Put bars on her window. Lined all his boys up and told them straight up his baby girl was off fucking limits. Told them if any of them looked at her the wrong way they were going to ground.

Not one of them so much as looked at her. In fact, they stopped talking to her altogether.

Shit moved forward.

Life got good. Real fucking good.

Kami and Devin moved to Montana to be near Eva and Ivy. Not Cox. Kami swore up and down Cox had nothing to do with her decision. He might have believed her if she hadn’t been in Cox’s lap while she was spouting her bullshit.

He turned forty nine.

Cox left his wife and moved in with Kami.

Danny got a boyfriend.

Danny's boyfriend broke up with her and he swore he had nothing to do with that.

Cox finalized his divorce. He put a diamond ring on Kami’s finger. She didn’t like it and bought herself a bigger, more expensive one. And matching earrings. And he thought he heard Cox muttering about taking away her internet access. Something about shoes that cost several thousand dollars.

Devin turned five.

Cox bought him a dirt bike and Kami beat the crap out of him with a cooking pot.

Eva turned thirty one.

Kami kicked Cox out. Something about not liking the way he’d been looking at a supermarket cashier. He was more interested in how she’d managed to get Cox in a supermarket.

The boys had a new tag made for him, the back of which read, "Foxy". He managed to punch three of them in the face before they all turned tail and ran. Then he put it on.

And grinned.

Summer was good to the club. Lots of business. Lots of coin rolling in. Two of his boys got married. The club voted in three new brothers.

Eva’s ass deflated. Not that he cared. He'd take Eva any which way he could get her. Thin, curvy, juicy as hell. A fucking blimp. What the fuck ever. It had never been her body that kept him tied to her. Shit with Eva went a hell of a lot deeper than looks. Although those tits of hers…and those lips…

And god knows those fucking eyes made him damn crazy.

Cox and Kami got married; she let him move back in.

Ivy turned one. She took one look at her Hello Kitty birthday cake, Danny's idea, and did a face plant dead center. A picture of her covered in cake and frosting, her white flecked blue eyes glittering, grinning her old man’s grin, was sitting front and center on his desk.

He started planning something big. Something real fucking special for his woman.

Then one summer day it all blew to smithereens.
