Chapter 26

At the front of the aircraft Mark Howard was reclined, sipping water and being cared for by Ms. Sarah Slate.

Chiun pursed his mouth as he watched them.

“He’s feeling no pain,” Remo said.

“He’s besotted and it clouds his judgment,” Chiun said. “The emperor will be angry to find the Slate woman accompanies us.”

“He’ll get over it.”

“The young prince will suffer Smith’s disfavor for this rash action,” Chiun added.

“Mark had no choice in the matter. I told him I’d lobotomize him if he made a fuss.”

“That is a lie.”

Remo sighed. “Hey, Junior,” he called up to the front of the aircraft, “you better not give me any shit or I’ll remove your frontal lobe.”


“Just watch yourself.”

Mark shrugged to Sarah.

“There,” Remo said to Chiun. “Now it’s true.”

Chiun faced out the window, his eye on the wing.

“Chiun, how do you feel?”


“You know what I mean.”

Chiun concentrated on the wing.

“Hey, old man, I asked you a question.”

The Master of Sinanju Emeritus turned on Remo Williams with fire in his eyes, but Remo Williams didn’t let him speak. “Listen to me, Chiun, dammit. I know what that neural disruption stuff did to me and I remember what happened when we were in Berkley. We nearly got our nerves fried.”

“I remember,” Chiun said testily.

“Do you remember that I had to get Anna Chutesov’s help to drag you out of the room?”

Chiun colored, his green eyes flashing like an angry child’s eyes. “Do you have a reason for insulting me or is this simply your form of in-flight entertainment?”

“What do you think? You are old, Chiun. It’s stupid to dance around it.”

“I am in full possession of my faculties!”

“I didn’t say you were infirm. You’re a Master of Sinanju in your prime. But you are not as strong as I am, and I almost got my brain drained today. The only reason you survived is because you kept your distance.”

“Now you label me a coward?” Chiun hissed, but without conviction.

“I am saying you were smart enough not to go walking into a fight you could not win,” Remo said. “Chiun…”

“Yes?” Chiun demanded, his curiosity evident.

“Chiun,” Remo said at last, “whatever this is, it is not a rock.”

Chiun’s face clouded, then he understood, and he hissed like a snake.
