Библиография [1022] и список сокращений

I. Сочинения прп. Максима: источники и переводы

ad. Theop. — «А Critical Edition of the Quaestiones ad Theopemptum of Maximus the Confessor (CPG 7696)», ed. B. Roosen, P. Van Deun, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, vol. 55, iss. 1–2, p. 65–79.

amb.Ambigua ad Iohannem = PG 91, 1061–1417, ed. Oehler.

cap. theol.Capita theologica et oecumenica (I–II) = PG 90, 1084–1173, ed. Combefis.

carit.Capita de caritate, ed. A. Ceresa-Gastaldo [Massimo Confessore, Capitoli sulla caritá, Rome: Editrice Studium, 1963]; Capita de caritate = PG 90, 960–1080.

disp. — Dispute de Maxime le Confesseur avec Pyrrhus, introd., texte crit., trad. et notes par M. Doucet, Montréal, 1972 (Thése ronéotypée).

ep.Epistulae XLV = PG 91, 364–649, ed. Combefis.

exp. Ps. 59 — Expositio in Psalmum LIX, ed. P. van Deun [Maximi confessoris opuscula exegetica duo, Turnhout: Brepols, 1991 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 23)].

lib. ascet.Liber asceticus, ed. R. Cantarella [S. Massimo Confessore, La mistagogia ed altri scritti, Florence: Testi Cristiani, 1931]; Liber asceticus = PG 90, 912–956, ed. Combefis.

туst.Mystagogia, ed. R. Cantarella [S. Massimo Confessore, La mistagogia ed altri scritti, Florence: Testi Cristiani, 1931]; Mystagogia = PG 91, 657–718, ed. Combefis.

or. dom.Expositio orationis dominicae, ed. P. van Deun [Maximi confessoris opuscula exegetica duo, Turnhout: Brepols, 1991, p. 27–73. (Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 23)].

qu. dub.Quaestiones et dubia, ed. J. H. Declerck [Maximi confessoris quaestiones et dubia, Turnhout: Brepols, 1982 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 10)].

Thal.Quaestiones ad Thalassium, ed. C. Laga, C. Steel [Maximi confessoris quaestiones ad Thalassium, 2 vols., Turnhout: Brepols, vol. 1, 1980; vol. 2, 1990 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 7, 22)]; Quaestiones ad Thalassium = PG 90, 244–785, ed. Combefis.

Qu. dub. 1999 — Maxime le Confesseur, Ouestiones et difficultés, traduction et notes par E. Ponsoye, introduction par J.-C. Larchet, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1999.

Max. disp. Biz.Maximus the Confessor and His Companions. Documents from Exile, ed. and trans. P. Allen, B. Neil, Oxford, 2002.

Максим Исповедник 1993Творения преподобного Максима Исповедника, пер. С. Л. Епифановича, А. И. Сидорова, вступ. статья и прим. А. И. Сидорова, кн. I, II, Москва, 1993 (Святоотеческое наследие).

Диспут с Пирром 2004Диспут с Пирром: преподобный Максим Исповедник и христологические споры VII столетия, отв. ред. Д. А. Поспелов, Москва, 2004.

Максим Исповедник 2006 — Прп. Максим Исповедник, О различных недоумениях у святых Григория и Дионисия (Амбигвы), пер. арх. Нектария (Яшунского), Москва, 2006 (Bibiliotheka Ignatiana, Духовность).

Максим Исповедник 2007а — Максим Исповедник, Полемика с оригенизмом и моноэнергизмом, сост. Г. И. Беневич, Д. С. Бирюков, А. М. Шуфрин, Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2007.

Максим Исповедник 2007b — Максим Исповедник, Письма, пер. Е. Начинкин, сост. Г. И. Беневич, предисл. Ж.-К. Ларше. Санкт-Петербург: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2007.

Максим Исповедник 2008 — Преп. Максим Исповедник, Вопросы и затруднения, пер., вступ. статья и прим. П. К. Доброцветова. Москва, 2008.

II. Другие древние авторы: источники и переводы [1023]

Agath. histor. — Agathias Scholasticus, Historiae, ed. R. Keydell [Agathiae Myrinaei historiarum libri quinque, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1967 (Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae, 2, Series Berolinensis)].

Amph. in natal. dom. — Amphilochius, In natalitia domini (orat. 1), ed. C. Datema [Amphilochii Iconiensis opera, Turnhout: Brepols, 1978].

apoph. patrumApophthegmata Patrum. Collectio alphabetica, greek text ed. J.-B. Cotelier (1647); PG, 65, 71–440, ed. J.-P. Migne, Paris, 1864.

Arist. fragm. varia — Aristoteles et corpus Aristotelicum, Fragmenta varia, ed. V. Rose [Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta, Leipzig: Teubner, 1886; repr.: Stuttgart, 1967].

Athan. (?) expos. in Psal. — Athanasius, Expositiones in Psalmos, PG 27; текст принадлежит Евагрию.

Athan.(?) schol. in Matth. — Athanasius, Scholia in Matthaeus [Sp.], PG 27.

Athan. (?) synt. ad quend. politic. — Athanasius, Syntagma ad quendam politicum [Sp.], PG 28.

Athan. (?) test. e script. de comm. essent. patr. et fil. et spirit. — Athanasius, Testimonia е scriptura (de communi essentia patris et filii et spiritus sancti) [Sp.], PG 28.

Bas. Caes. de jejunio I — Basilius, De jejunio (homilia 1), PG 31.

Bas. Caes. ep. — Basilius, Epistulae, ed. Y. Courtonne [Saint Basile, Lettres, 3 vols., Paris: Les Belles Lettres, vol. 1, 1957, vol. 2, 1961, vol. 3,1966].

Bas. Caes. hom. diet. in Lacis. — Basilius, Homilia dicta in Lacisis, PG 31.

Bas. Caes. hom. in princip. proverb. — Basilius, Homilia in principium proverbiorum, PG 31.

Bas. Caes. hom. in Ps. — Basilius, Homilae super psalmos, PG 29.

Clem. Alex, strom. — Clemens Alexandrinus, Stromata, ed. O. Stählin, L. Früchtel, U. Treu [Clemens Alexandrinus, vols. 2, 3rd edn. and 3, 2nd edn., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, vol. 2, 1960, vol. 3, 1970 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 52 (15), 17)].

Cyr. Alex, collect. diet. Vet. Test. — Cyrillus, Collectio dictorum veteris testamenti [Sp.], PG 77.

Cyr. Alex. comm. in XII proph. — Cyrillus, Commentarius in XII prophetas minores, ed. P. E. Pusey [Sancti patris nostri Cyrilli archiepiscopi Alexandrini in XII prophetas, 2 vols., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1868, repr.: Brussels: Culture et Civilisation, 1965].

Cyr. Alex, de adorat. et cult. in spir. et verit. — Cyrillus, De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate, PG 68.

Cyr. Alex. ep. pasch. — Cyrillus, Epistulae paschales sive Homiliae paschales (epist. 1–30), PG 77.

Cyr. Alex, in reg. — Cyrillus, Fragmenta in libros Regum, PG 69.

David, proleg. phil. — David, Prolegomena philosophiae, ed. A. Busse [Davidis prolegomena et in Porphyrii isagogen commentarium, Berlin: Reimer, 1904 (Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, 18.2)].

Diad. Phot., cap. cent. de perf. spir. — Diadoque de Photicé, Oeuvres spirituelles, ed., tr., intr. Édouard des Places, Paris: Le Cerf, 1966 (Sources Chrétiennes, 53).

Didym. comm. in Ps. 29–34 — Didymus Caecus, Commentarii in Psalmos 29-34, ed. M. Gronewald [Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar, pt. 3, Bonn: Habelt, 1969 (Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen, 8)].

Didym. comm. in Ps. 35–39 — Didymus Caecus, Commentarii in Psalmos 35–39, ed. M. Gronewald [Didymos der Blinde, Psalmenkommentar, pt. 4, Bonn: Habelt, 1969 (Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen, 6)].

Didym. fragm. in epist. II ad Corinth. — Didymus Caecus, Fragmenta in epistulam II ad Corinthios (in catenis), ed. K. Staab [Pauluskommentar aus der griechischen Kirche aus Katenenhandschriften gesammelt, Münster: Aschendorff, 1933].

Didym. fragm. in psalm. — Didymus Caecus, Fragmenta in Psalmos (e commentario altero), ed. E. Mühlenberg [Psalmenkommentare aus der Katenenüberlieferung, 2 vols., Berlin: De Gruyter, vol. 1, 1975., vol. 2, 1977 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 15, 16)].

Didym. in Genesim. — Didymus Caecus, In Genesim, ed. P. Nautin, L. Doutreleau [Didyme l'Aveugle, Sur la Genese, vols. 2, Paris: Cerf, vol. 1, 1976; vol. 2, 1978 (Sources chrétiennes 233, 244)].

Didym. in Zacchar. — Didymus Caecus, Commentarii in Zacchariam, ed. L. Doutreleau [Didyme l'Aveugle, Sur Zacharie, 3 vols., Paris: Cerf, 1962 (Sources chrétiennes, 83, 84, 85)].

Diog. Laert. vit. philos. — Diogenes Laertius, Vitae philosophorum, ed. H. S. Long [Diogenis Laertii vitae philosophorum, 2 vols., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964, repr.: 1966].

Ps.–Dion. c. h. — Pseudo-Dionisuis Areopagita, De caelesti hierarchia, ed. G. Heil and A. M. Ritter [Corpus Dionysiacum II: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, De coelesti hierarchia, de ecclesiastica hierarchia, de mystica theologia, epistulae, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1991 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 36)].

Ps.–Dion. ep. — Pseudo-Dionisuis Areopagita, Epistulae, ed. G. Heil and A. M. Ritter [Corpus Dionysiacum II: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, De coelesti hierarchia, de ecclesiastica hierarchia, de mystica theologia, epistulae, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1991 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 36)].

Ps.–Dion. myst. theol. — Pseudo-Dionisuis Areopagita, De mystica theologia, ed. G. Heil and A. M. Ritter, [Corpus Dionysiacum II: Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, De coelesti hierarchia, de ecclesiastica hierarchia, de mystica theologia, epistulae, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1991 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 36)].

doctr. patr.Doctrina Patrum (fort. auctore Anastasio Sinaita vel Anastasio Apocrisiario),ed. F. Diekamp [Doctrina patrum de incarnatione verbi, Münster: Aschendorff, 1907].

Ephr. Syr. de uirtutib. et passionib. — Ephraem Syrus, De uirtutibus et passionibus, ed. Konstantinos G. Phrantzoles [Ὁσίου Ἐφραΐμ τοῦ Σύρου ἔργα, vol. 5, Thessalonica: Το περιβόλι της Παναγίας, 1994].

Ephr. Syr. encom. in sanct. quadr. mart. — Ephraem Syrus, Encomium in sanctos quadraginta martyres, ed. Konstantinos G. Phrantzoles [Ὁσίου Ἐφραΐμ τοῦ Σύρου ἔργα, vol. 7, Thessalonica: Το περιβόλι της Παναγίας, 1998].

Ephr. Syr. modi dei prouident. — Ephraem Syrus, Modi dei prouidentiae, ed. Konstantinos G. Phrantzoles [Ὁσίου Ἐφραΐμ τοῦ Σύρου ἔργα, vol. 5, Thessalonica: Το περιβόλι της Παναγίας, 1994, 412–413; Dup. Assemani J. S., Sancti patris nostri Ephraem Syri opera omnia, vol. 3, Rome].

Epiph. panar. — Epiphanius, Panarion (= Adversus haereses), ed. K. Holl [Epiphanius, Ancoratus und Panarion, Bd. 1–3, Leipzig: Hinrichs, Bd. 1, 1915, Bd. 2, 1922, Bd. 3, 1933 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 25, 31, 37)].

etym. gudian.Etymologicum Gudianum (ζεΐδωρος-ὧμαι), ed. F. W. Sturz [Etymologicum Graecae linguae Gudianum et alia grammaticorum scripta e codicibus manuscriptis nunc primum edita, Leipzig: Weigel, 1818, repr.: Hildesheim: Olms, 1973].

Euseb. comm. in Ps. — Eusebius, Commentaria in Psalmos, PG 23–24.

Euseb. de eccles. theol. — Eusebius, De ecclesiastica theologia, ed. E. Klostermann and G. C. Hansen [Eusebius Werke, Bd. 4: Gegen Marcell. Über die kirchliche Theologie. Die Fragmente Marcells, 2nd edn., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1972 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 14)].

Euseb. praep. evan. — Eusebius, Praeparatio evangelica, ed. K. Mras [Eusebius Werke, Bd. 8: Die Praeparatio evangelica, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, Bd. 43.1, 1954, Bd. 43.2, 1956 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 43.1, 43.2)].

Evagr. capit. pract. ad Anat. — Evagrius, Capita practica ad Anatolium, PG 40.

Evagr. (sub nomine Nili Ancyrani) de о rat. — Evagrius (sub nomine Nili Ancyrani), De oratione, PG 79, 1165–1200.

Evagr. gnost. — Evagrius, Gnosticus (fragmenta Graeca), ed. A. Guillaumont and C. Guillaumont [Evagre le Pontique, Le gnostique ou á celui qui est devenu digne de la science, Paris: Cerf, 1989 (Sources chrétiennes, 356)].

Evarg. in Psalmos — Origenes, In Psalmos, ed. J. B. Pitra [Analecta Sacra, vol. 2, p. 444–483, vol. 3, p. 1–364].

Evagr. pract. — Evagrius, Practicus (capita centum), ed. A. Guillaumont and C. Guillaumont [Évagre le Pontique, Traité pratique ou le moine, vol. 2, Paris: Cerf, 1971 (Sources chrétiennes, 171)].

Evagr. schol. in Eccl. — Évagre le Pontique, Scholies ά l’Ecclesiaste, ed. P. Gehin, Paris, 1993 (Sources chrétiennes, 397).

Evagr. schol in Prov. — Évagre le Pontique, Scholies aux Proverbes, ed. P. Gehin, Paris, 1987 (Sources chrétiennes, 340).

Ps.-Galen. definit. med. — Pseudo-Galenus, Definitiones medicae, ed. C. G. Kühn [Claudii Galeni opera omnia, vol. 19, Leipzig: Knobloch, 1830, repr.: Hildesheim: Olms, 1965].

Georg. Cedr. compen. historiar. — Georgius Cedrenus, Compendium historiarum, ed. I. Bekker [Georgius Cedrenus, Ioannis Scylitzae ope, 2 vols., Bonn: Weber, vol. 1, 1838, vol. 2, 1839 (Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae)].

Greg. Nyss. contra Eunom. — Gregorius Nyssenus, Refutatio confessionis Eunomii, ed. W. Jaeger [Gregorii Nysseni opera, vol. 2.2. Leiden: Brill, 1960].

Greg. Nyss. de virg.Gregorii Nysseni Opera, 9 vols., ed. Wemer Jaeger, Hermann Langerbeck, Heinrich Dorrie, Leiden: E. J. Brill, (1960) 1967, vol. VIII. I.

Greg. Nyss. de vita Mosis — Gregorius Nyssenus, De vita Mosis, ed. J. Daniélou [Grégoire de Nysse, La vie de Moїse, 3rd edn., Paris: Cerf, 1968 (Sources chrétiennes, 1 ter)].

Greg. Nyss. in Christi resurrect. — Gregorius Nyssenus, In Christi resurrectionem oratio III, PG 46.

Greg. Nyss. orat. catech. mag. — Gregorius Nyssenus, Oratio catechetica magna, ed. J. Srawley [The catechetical oration of Gregory of Nyssa, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903, repr.: 1956].

Greg. Nyss. orat. de beat. — Gregorius Nyssenus, Orationes VIII de beatitudinibus, PG 44.

Greg. Nyss. refut. conf. EunomiiRefutatio confessionis Eunomii, ed. W. Jaeger [Gregorii Nysseni opera, vol. 2.2, Leiden: Brill, 1960].

Hipp, refutat. omn. haeres. — Hippolytus, Refutatio omnium haeresium (= Philosophumena), ed. M. Marcovich [Hippolytus, Refutatio omnium haeresium, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 25)].

Iamb, theol. arith. — Iamblichus, Theologoumena arithmeticae, ed. V. de Falco, [[Iamblichi] theologoumena arithmeticae, Leipzig: Teubner, 1922].

Joan. Cass, collat. — Jean Cassien, Conferences, p. 1, 1955 — 3, 1959, ed. E. Pichery (Sources chrétiennes, 42, 54, 64).

Joan. Chrys. ad popul. Antioch. — Joannes Chrysostomus, Ad populum Antiochenum (homiliae 1-21), PG 49.

Joan. Chrys. de incomp. Dei nat. — Joannes Chrysostomus, De incomprehensibili dei natura (= Contra Anomoeos, homiliae 1–5), ed. A.-M. Malingrey [Jean Chrysostome, Sur l'incomprehensibilitέ de Dieu, Paris: Cerf, 1970 (Sources chrétiennes, 28 bis)].

Joan. Chrys. de. virg. — Joannes Chrysostomus, De virginitate, ed. H. Musurillo, B. Grillet [Jean Chrysostome, La virginite, Paris: Cerf, 1966 (Sources chrétiennes, 125)].

Joan. Chrys. in ill.: si esur. inim. — Joannes Chrysostomus, In illud: si esurierit inimicus, PG 51.

Joan. Chrys. in Matth. — Joannes Chrysostomus, In Matthaeum (homiliae 1–90), PG 57.

Joan. Euer. spir. pratum — Beauti Joannis Eucratae (John Moschos), Liber qui inscribitur pratum, PG 87.

Joan. Philop. de creat. mund. — Joannes Philoponus, De opificio mundi, ed. W. Reichardt, Leipzig: Teubner, 1897.

Joan. Philop. de aeter. mund. — Joannes Philoponus, De aeternitate mundi, ed. H. Rabe, Leipzig: Teubner, 1899, repr.: Hildesheim: Olms, 1963.

Ps.–Macar. hom. — Pseudo-Macarius, Sermones 64 (collectio B), ed. H. Berthold [Makarios/Symeon Reden und Briefe, 2 vols., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller)].

Nemes. de natur. hom., ed. Morani — Nemesius, De natura hominis, ed. Morani, Leipzig: Teubner, 1987.

Nemes. de natur. hom., ed. Einarson — Nemesius, De natura hominis ed. B. Einarson [Nemesius of Emesa (typescript), in press (Corpus medicorum Graecorum)].

Nil. Anc. comm. in Cant. Cant. — Nil d’Ancyre, Commentaire sur le Cantique des Cantiques, ed. M.-G. Guerard, Paris, 1994.

Oecum. comm. in Apocal. — Oecumenius, Commentarius in Apo- calypsin, ed. H. C. Hoskier [The complete commentary of Oecumenius on the Apocalypse, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1928].

Orig. Cels. — Origenes, Contra Celsumy ed. M. Borret [Origéne, Contre Celse, 4 vols., Paris: Cerf, vol. 1, 1967, vol. 2, 1968, vol. 3–4, 1969 ([Sources chrétiennes, 132, 136, 147, 150)].

Orig. comm. in evan. Joann. — Origenes, Commentarii in evangelium Joannis (lib. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13), ed. C. Blanc [Origéne, Commentaire sur saint Jean, 3 vols., Paris: Cerf, vol. 1, 1966, vol. 2, 1970, vol. 3, 1975 (Sources chrétiennes 120, 157, 222)].

Orig. de orat. — Origenes, De oratione, ed. P. Koetschau [Origenes Werke, vol. 2, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1899 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 3)].

Orig. fragm. in Jerem. (in catenis) — Origenes, Fragmenta in Jeremiam (in catenis), ed. E. Klostermann [Origenes Werke, vol. 3, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1901 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 6)].

Orig. fragm. in Lament. — Origenes, Fragmenta in Lamentationes (in catenis), ed. E. Klostermann [Origenes Werke, vol. 3, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1901 (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller, 6)].

Ps.-Orig. fragm. in Psal — Origenes, Fragmenta in Psalmos 1–150 [Dub.], ed. J. B. Pitra [Analecta sacra spicilegio Solesmensiparata, vol. 2, Paris: Tusculum, 1884 (repr.: Farnborough: Gregg Press, 1966), vol. 3, Venice: St. Lazarus Monastery, 1883.

Orig. schol. in Cant. — Origenes, Scholia in Canticum canticorum, PG 17.

Orig. schol in Matth. — Origenes, Scholia in Matthaeum, PG 17.

Orig. (?) selecta in Ps. — Origenes, Selecta in Psalmos [Dub.] (fragmenta e catenis), PG 12; сочинение, как считает большинство ученых, принадлежит Евагрию.

Philo, congr. — Philo Judaeus, De congressu eruditionis gratia, ed. P. Wendland [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 3, Berlin: Reimer, 1898, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, de cherub. — Philo Judaeus, De cherubim, ed. L. Cohn [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 1, Berlin: Reimer, 1896, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, de ebriet. — Philo Judaeus, De ebrietate, ed. P. Wendland [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 2, Berlin: Reimer, 1897, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, de mutat. nomin. — Philo Judaeus, De mutatione nominum, ed. P. Wendland [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 3, Berlin: Reimer, 1898; repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, de opific. mundi — Philo Judaeus, De opificio mundi, ed. L. Cohn [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 1, Berlin: Reimer, 1896, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, de plant. — Philo Judaeus, De plantatione, ed. P. Wendland [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 2, Berlin: Reimer, 1897, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, de somn. — Philo Judaeus, De somniis (lib. III), ed. P. Wendland [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 3, Berlin: Reimer, 1898, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, leg. alleg. — Philo Judaeus, Legum allegoriarum libri IV, ed. L. Cohn [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 1, Berlin: Reimer, 1896, repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Philo, quod deus sit immutab. — Philo Judaeus, Quod deus sit immutability ed. P. Wendland [Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt, vol. 2, Berlin: Reimer, 1897; repr.: De Gruyter, 1962].

Phot, bibl — Photius, Bibliotheca, ed. I. Bekker, vols. 1–2, Berlin, 1824.

Physiologus — Der Physiologus nach den Handscriften G und M, ed. D. Offermanns, Meisenheim an Glan: Verlag Anton Hain, 1966 (Beitrage zur Klassischen Philologie, 22).

Plot. Enn. — Plotinus, Enneades, ed. P. Henry and H.-R. Schwyzer [Plotini opera, 3 vols. Leiden: Brill, vol. 1, 1951, vol. 2, 1959, vol. 3, 1973].

Porphyr, quaest. Homeric, ad Iliadem. — Porphyrius, Quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium reliquiae, ed. H. Schrader [Porphyrii quaestionum Homericarum ad Iliadem pertinentium reliquiae, fase. 1, 2. Leipzig: Teubner, fase. 1, 1880, fase. 2, 1882.

schol. in Homer., schol. in Odysseam.Scholia in Homerum (varia), cf. Joannes Galenus Gramm., Scholia in Odysseam (scholia vetera), ed. W. Dindorf [Scholia Graeca in Homeri Odysseam, 2 vols., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1855, repr.: Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1962].

Theocr. idyll. — Theocritus, Idyllia, ed. A. S. F. Gow [Theocritus, vol. 1, 2nd edn., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952, repr.: 1965].

Theod. quaest. in Octat. — Theodoretus, Quaestiones in Octateuchum, ed. N. Fernández Marcos, A. Sáenz-Badillos [Theodoreti Cyrensis quaestiones in Octateuchum, Madrid: Poliglota Matritense, 1979 (Cardenal Cisneros, 17)].

Theod. quaest. in libr. Regn. et Paralip. — Theodoretus, Quaestiones in libros Regnorum et Paralipomenon, PG 80.

Zeno, fragm. — Zeno, Fragmenta, ed. J. von Arnim [Stoicorum veterum fragmenta, vol. 3, Leipzig: Teubner, 1903, repr.: Stuttgart: 1968].

Аристотель 1975–1983 — Аристотель, Сочинения в 4-х томах, Москва, 1975–1983.

Афанасий Великий 1994, т. 4 — Афанасий Великий, Творения в четырех томах, т. 4, Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра, 1902, репр.: Валаамский монастырь, 1994.

Василий Великий 1911Творения иже во святых отца нашего Василия Великого архиепископа Кесарии Каппадокийской, т. 1–3, Санкт-Петербург, 1911.

Василий Великий 1993Творения иже во святых отца нашего Василия Великого, архиепископа Кесарии Каппадокийской, Москва, ч. I–IV, 1843–1848, репр.: 1993.

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