Chapter 13

Giselle was semihorrified when Luke announced his plan. But sure enough, he mounted an expedition into the kitchen and retrieved the two pieces of cake from the refrigerator, where Mr. Thatcher had tucked them away.

Once Luke had their cake, each on a serving plate, he announced his intention to eat the cake in bed. He suggested they’d have more fun if they used their bodies as serving platters.

“No way!” She tried to take the plates away from him. “If you’re hungry for cake, we’ll eat it in the living room.”

“Nope.” He held the plates over his head. “It’s my bed and my sheets. If I want to eat chocolate cake in here, I will.”

“And you accused my brother of not acting his age! Seriously, even if you try to be careful, you’ll ruin these sheets.”

“I have no intention of being careful.” He started toward the bedroom with the plates. “But I have every intention of licking chocolate off your—”

“Luke, don’t do this. You’re about to make a huge mess.”

“No, we are. Unless you’re not coming. Oh, but I think you will come. Many times. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac. Did you know that?” He continued walking toward his bedroom. “Not that I need an aphrodisiac with you around. I’m getting hard again. That’s good, though, because then you’ll have an easier time putting chocolate on it.”

“You’re incorrigible.” But she followed him, despite her misgivings. She was also laughing, which wasn’t helpful. And when she pictured him smearing chocolate over her body and licking it off, her resolve slipped another notch.

He stood in the bedroom on his white carpet, holding the plates and gazing at her. “You look good naked, but you’ll look even better in chocolate.”

“I have an idea. Let’s keep the plan but move the venue into the bathroom. We can lie in your Jacuzzi tub without any water, do this chocolate body paint thing, and shower off afterward.”

“Sounds sensible.”

“Good. Then let’s do that.” She started toward the double doors into his large bathroom.

“I don’t want to be sensible. The white sheets are history, anyway. Let’s mess them up.” There was a stubborn light in his blue eyes.

She began to understand what was behind his insistence. Like her brother, he was expected to shoulder a huge amount of responsibility. Unlike her brother, he didn’t have the luxury of running away. His father had died, and he was the only one who could step in and take over.

Perhaps ruining a set of high-thread-count sheets was exactly what Luke needed to blow off a little steam. As rebellions went, it wasn’t particularly destructive. And as he’d pointed out, he was going to get rid of the sheets anyway.

She also liked thinking that she’d help create a once-in-a-lifetime experience for him. Chances were slim he’d ever buy white sheets again, let alone defy common sense by playing chocolate games on them. This night would be one for the record books. Although reason told her they had no future, her feelings for him were strong enough that she didn’t want him to forget her.

“Okay, I’m in,” she said.

“Excellent.” His grin was triumphant. “Then I can put these down without worrying that you’ll snatch them away.” He walked over and set the plates on a low dresser.

“But can we at least take the white comforter off first?”

“I dunno.” Arms folded, he surveyed the bed, which looked like a giant marshmallow. “I doubt that I’ll keep that, either, so why save it from its fate?”

“Let’s say you decided to buy black satin sheets. A white comforter on top of that would be very sexy and sophisticated.”


“Come on, Luke. Don’t ruin that beautiful goose-down comforter.”

“How’d you know it was goose down?”

“I can sm—” She caught herself. “Anybody could tell it is. It’s obvious.”

“That’s not what you started to say.” He uncrossed his arms and walked over to her, his expression curious. “You started to say you could smell it. But it’s supposed to be supersanitized goose down. It shouldn’t smell any different from the polyester filling in other comforters.”

Well, damn. This was what she got for jumping into an intimate relationship with a human. She couldn’t say the first thing that popped into her head the way she might with a werewolf lover. The werewolf lover wouldn’t have asked the question, though. He would have been able to smell the difference, too.

“You’ve already told me you have better-than-average hearing,” Luke said. “Do you have a better-than-average nose, too?”

“Apparently.” She had to see this through. “But I tend to freak people out if they know that, so I try not to let on.”

Luke smiled. “But you let down your guard with me.” He reached for her and drew her into his arms. “I’m flattered. But now I wonder if I should shower before we take this evening any further.”

“No!” Whoops, that was a little too emphatic. “I mean, please don’t. I like the way you smell.” She more than liked it. She was drawn to it in a way that shocked her.

Technically, she shouldn’t be so turned on by a human’s scent, but something about Luke’s natural aroma hit all her olfactory pleasure centers. And when he was aroused, like now, her response was off the charts. She had to stifle the urge to bury her nose in the curve of his neck and inhale.

“Are you sure?” He looked at her as if he thought she might be making that up. “Most women I know like the scrubbed version of me, complete with aftershave.”

“I like this version.” Giving in to her primitive needs, she stood on tiptoe and sniffed the hollow of his throat. “Mmm.” Then she licked him there.

He chuckled. “I believe you, and you’re turning me on with that routine. If you don’t watch out, we’ll be doing it doggie style next.”

No, they wouldn’t, she thought with some sadness. That position was reserved for the werewolf tradition of binding, when a male and a female mated for life. She would never experience that with Luke.

Stepping back, he surveyed her from head to toe. “You’re wonderful,” he said softly. “And you are going to look so good covered in chocolate.”

That propelled her into action. “Not until I take off that comforter!” She hurried over to the bed.

“I don’t give a damn about the comforter.” He grabbed her from behind, wrapped his arms around her midriff, and hauled her against him. “Leave it.” His mouth found the curve of her neck, and he nipped her there.

She quivered with lust. Without realizing it, he was behaving in a very wolflike manner by grabbing her from behind and nipping at her throat. He couldn’t know that was the very thing that would drive her wild, and yet somehow he’d instinctively done it.

“You smell good, too. And you taste good.” He nuzzled her shoulder as he cupped her breast with one hand and slipped the other unerringly through the triangle of red curls to his ultimate destination. His voice roughened. “And you feel good. Especially here.”

She gasped as he probed deep with his fingers. Her desire had been no secret before, and it was no secret now, either. She was drenched and he knew it.

“The chocolate might have to wait,” he murmured as he moved his fingers rhythmically back and forth.

She couldn’t speak. Having him hold her like this, imprisoned by his arms and her own desperate needs, was incredibly erotic. She couldn’t move and didn’t want to.

He pressed her close, so the long, hard length of his cock was wedged in the cleft of her backside, pinning her to him. And all the while he massaged her slick heat and gently squeezed her breast.

His warm breath feathered across her sensitive earlobe. “Come for me, Giselle.”

She would have laughed if she had the breath to do it, but she was too busy gasping and moaning.

“That’s it.” Murmuring soft words of encouragement, he pushed in deeper and curved his fingers, seeking her G-spot.

When he found it, she knew the game was over.

“There.” His voice tickled her ear. “Right there. I can feel you tightening around my fingers. That’s the magic place, and you’re going down, lady.”

Helpless beneath his practiced touch, she surrendered. Bathing his questing fingers with her climax, she pressed her head against his broad shoulder and cried out with the joy of it.

As she slumped against him, she admitted that humans knew a thing or two about sexual pleasure. At least this particular human did. And the night was young.

* * *

So many possibilities. Luke wanted it all, but he had to take his delights one at a time. They had all night, or what remained of it. He might want to plan how best to use these special hours.

Much as he longed to sink into Giselle’s supple body again, he had a feeling that if he went for full-body sex a second time, he might not have the creative energy to handle chocolate mousse cake the way it should be handled. So it was chocolate time, and he agreed maybe they should stow the white comforter before they began.

She quickly stripped off both the comforter and the top sheet, leaving only the bottom sheet and the pillows. “We didn’t discuss the top sheet,” he said. “We might need that.”

Her gaze swept over him, lingering for a few gratifying seconds on his cock, which stood proud and free. “Think about it, Luke. If we’re decorating each other with chocolate mousse cake, why would you need or want to cover that situation with a top sheet?”

“We might when we’re done.” He’d never tried this maneuver before, so he wasn’t sure how it would work out.

“Ick. Speak for yourself, but once we’ve played with our cake and eaten it, too, I’m not going to settle into that sticky mess for a cuddle and a snooze. I’m hitting the showers.”

“That could be fun. I have a pretty awesome shower.”

Her eyebrows arched. “Sounds promising.”

And to think he’d almost missed being with her like this. He vowed not to spoil what time they had together by obsessing about how quickly it would end. But did it have to?

He understood that she was a key player in her family’s business, and so was he. But telecommuting was all the rage these days. Geography and competing jobs didn’t have to be a deal breaker the way they’d been once upon a time.

They weren’t even close to having that kind of discussion, though. Even so, he might suggest at some point that they stop putting a time limit on their relationship. Given the way they reacted to each other, that seemed too rigid. Compromises might be possible if they gave themselves permission to think creatively.

He planned to start by thinking creatively about chocolate mousse cake and where it might do the most good on his sweet lady. She’d been resistant to this idea, but he expected her to loosen up once he got rolling.

“We need to take turns.” He picked up one of the plates. “It was my idea, so I get to do you first.”

She laughed. “I thought you were reforming, but here you are acting bossy again.”

“Hey, in case you haven’t heard, I am the CEO of the Dalton Corporation, which is only slightly less important than being a leader of the free world.” He couldn’t remember ever joking about his responsibilities before. With Giselle, he could, and that felt great.

“Oh, excuse me, your CEO-ness. I suppose I should be treating you with more deference, since you’re so important and all.”

“Obedience will do. Lie down.”

“Sunny-side up or over easy?”

He considered the options. He’d love to have both, but once he started, she’d probably refuse to turn over and get even more chocolate on the sheet. Coaxing her to do this at all was a victory. “Sunny-side up. I want to be able to kiss your mouth and watch your expression while I play.”

“The neat freak in me is already screaming for you to reconsider this plan. I forgot about the mattress pad and the mattress underneath.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He savored the graceful way she stretched out on the soon-to-be-ruined sheet. “We’ve reached the point of no return.” And he upended the plate on her stomach.

“Yikes!” She stiffened but didn’t move, because if she did, the cake could slide off. “You might have given me a little advance warning!”

“And have you tell me no? Now it’s done. There’s no turning back. You’ll need to lie very still, though, or it might start to shift.”

She raised her head to look at the slice of chocolate cake resting midway between her breasts and the red curls covering her sex. “You need to do something, Luke.”

“I intend to.” He dropped to his knees beside the bed.

She rolled her head to one side and gazed at him. “This isn’t at all how I imagined you doing this. I thought you’d leave the cake on the plate and dip into it with your fingers.”

“You can do that when it’s your turn, if you want. I like this method.” Now that the cake was resting on her stomach, he debated his next move. He hadn’t planned this out in advance, which was half the fun. He’d spent too much of his life calculating his actions several moves in advance.

“You should be very glad I have good abs so I can balance this piece of cake.”

“I see that you’re controlling it beautifully. I’m impressed. You look great with that piece of cake on you. It’s like performance art.”

“Luke. Do something!”

“Okay.” Reaching out with his right hand, he pressed it down into the cake. It squished up through his outstretched fingers as Giselle gasped in surprise. He loved the sloppy feel of it, like mud, only better because he could eat it.

She lifted her head and stared at him. “What are you doing?”

“Enjoying myself.”

She let her head fall back to the pillow. “Oh, dear God. You really did love playing in the mud when you were a kid, didn’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am, I did.” He began to slowly smear chocolate mousse over her breasts. The sensation of creamy mousse mixed with nubby pieces of cake rubbed over her breasts was outstanding. His body pulsed with excitement. “Why are your eyes closed?”

“I’m afraid to look.”

“You should see this. I’ve turned your breasts into truffles.”

Her lashes fluttered up and she raised her head again. “You are making an unholy mess.”

“Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not turned on by it.”

She met his gaze, and heat flashed in her eyes. “I’m not turned on by it.”

“Your eyes say different.” He massaged the chocolate into her breasts with slow, erotic strokes and watched the flame leap in those emerald depths. “Your nipples are all tight and happy.”

“Of course they are. You’re rubbing them.”

“And you like it.”

“I would like it without the chocolate.”

“So would I, but this is more fun.” Sliding his hand between her breasts, he returned to the remaining cake and began spreading that over her stomach and down the tops of her thighs.

“You’re insane.”

“Right at this moment, yes, I am. And getting more so by the second.” He covered her knees and her shins and finally reached her toes. “Now, this is what I’ve been waiting for.” He had enough mousse on his hand to work it between her toes with their sexy apricot toenail polish. “Remember walking through the mud in your bare feet?”

She braced herself on her elbows. “Luke, do you have a foot fetish?”

“Not yet.” Now that he’d distributed the chocolate mousse cake fairly evenly over her body, he was ready to work his way back up. “But I might before this is over. You have extremely sexy toes.”

“You’ve put chocolate all over them.”

“The better to suck them clean, my dear.” Scooting to the end of the bed, he wiped his chocolate-covered hand on the sheet. So it was done. He’d officially christened the sheet. If she thought he’d made a mess before, wait until he really got into it.

Now that he’d spread the chocolate all over her, he knew exactly how to proceed. Cradling one foot in both hands, he carefully sucked and cleaned each of her toes.

He found it arousing as hell, but he couldn’t tell if she felt that way. Not at first. Then he heard little noises coming from the other end of the bed. As he turned his attention to her other foot and began licking between her toes, he realized she was whimpering.

He paused. “Are you all right?”

Her reply was slightly breathless. “Uh-huh.”

“You’re sure?”

“Okay, I’m admitting it. That feels amazing. I had no idea my feet were so sensitive. You’re . . . Luke, you’re getting me really hot.”

“Good to know.” He continued to lick and suck her toes.

“I mean really hot.”

“I’m glad.” He started working his way up her leg.

“Luke . . .” She was breathing pretty fast. “I can’t wait.”

“I still have a lot of chocolate to go.”

“Um, slippery and sticky might be fun.”

That jacked up his heart rate considerably. “Is that you talking? The neat freak?”

“Yeah.” She moaned softly. “I need you. All of you, sliding over my chocolate-covered body.”

Lust surged, hot and heavy. “Alrighty, then.” He’d planned to lick most of the chocolate off before moving to the next phase, but then again, why do that? Why not see how it felt to make love to a woman covered in chocolate?

With a groan of surrender, he changed position. His knees picked up some chocolate as he moved between her thighs. Holding her gaze, he thrust deep . . . and nearly came. She felt good, too good.

She raised her hips and wrapped her legs around his. He could feel the slippery chocolate against his thighs, and once again, he almost lost it. He tried to speak, to tell her to take it easy, but the words stuck in his throat.

He didn’t want to take it easy, anyway. He wanted to abandon himself to this chocolate-covered experience and hope that he didn’t embarrass himself by coming immediately. Lowering himself to his elbows, he drew back, and as he slid forward, he rubbed his chest against hers.

The sensation of slippery mousse and the friction of cake combined into an erotic banquet. He swore softly and clenched the muscles of his jaw. It would be so easy to—

“I’m going to come.” Her breathy announcement was followed by a high, keening cry as she arched her back.

Luke absorbed her contractions and fought to keep his own at bay. Something this mind-bending was meant to last, and he would last, by God. They were going to enjoy this together, every chocolate-smeared minute of it.
