
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their invaluable help and support:

My editor, Liz Scheier, for her kindness, cheerleading, and wonderful ideas.

My agent, Damaris Rowland, for her faith and wisdom.

My critique partners, Donna Fejes, Susan Goggins, and Carina Rock, for all the good times.

My mom and dad Kay and Jim Johnson, for a lifetime of love and support.

My in-laws, Lea and Art D'Alessandro, for the priceless gift of their son.

My sister, Kathy Guse, whom I am very proud of.

Martha Kirkland, my best research source, for being so generous with her time and knowledge.

Denise Forbes, Pat Pruitt, Nancy Krava, and Julie Teasley, for the great book signings.

Kathy Baker, bookseller extraordinaire, for her kindness and support.

Michelle, Steve, and Lindsay Grossman, for all the laughs and fun and for being such great peeps.

And a cyber hug to Connie Brockway, Marsha Canham, Virginia Henley, Jill Gregory, Sandy Hingston, Julia London, Kathleen Givens, Sherri Browning, and Julie Ortolon. You Looney Loopies are the best!

A very special thank you to Wendy Etherington and Jennie Grizzle. Thanks also to the members of Georgia Romance Writers.

And finally, thank you to all the wonderful readers who have taken the time to write or email me. I love hearing from you!
