Chapter Seventy

Sandy's journal, Wed. 14 Feb. '07

A shiny new surname for a valentine! Sweet, gruff old Jess Marrow nearly ruined my — our ceremony in the WCS chapel as he gave me away this afternoon. Ted heard his thunderous whisper to me, "Do you really take this damn fool?" and each kept the other snorting with mirth, made worse by poor nervous Mr. Hutcherson, who had jammed the ring on his pinkie and panicked when he could not get it loose. I conclude that not all men are children. But the best ones sometimes are, and at the most inopportune times!

I was simply flabbergasted to learn, over twice-spiked, punch in the central lodge, that the mysterious buyer of the northern Garner parcel was MY HUSBAND! My cup erupteth over! I swear Ted seemed more apprehensive than proud, and I'm sure my tears did not reassure him. I hope the kiss did. I know it provoked applause from Childe (winsome but ill at ease in her first white frock), who did not yet know what I had just learned. When she did, she flew to Ted and tried to imitate my embrace. I know very well what the little stinker was thinking: another twenty square miles for her and Ba'al to safely roam.

Must ask Ted the identity of the woman who pressed that tiny package into my hand without a word before leaving the lodge. I know Ted saw her, though they never spoke. Wonderful proud bearing despite those thin facial scars I could see through her makeup. And a lovely body of which I should, I suppose, be envious. She must be a conduit to Lufo, for only he would know where in Mexico to locate the Ember of Venus. Nearly swallowed my teeth when I unwrapped it, now that I know its value. I hid it in my cleavage; chilly little critter. If I know L.. he stole it! I could never wear it in public but with some simple setting, may wear it at my throat some night for MY HUSBAND when I am wearing nothing else.

Childe is much too sophisticated since she started school, for she positively demanded to spend these next few nights with a schoolmate in Rocksprings. Not because Ted and I would be gone from here at the soddy, but because we won't be! Where do they learn these things?!

I have taken too long with you, journal, delaying until the effects of that punch wore off while poor Ted waits, ferociously patient, pretending to be interested in his holo program. I know what he is really waiting for, and I intend to be thoroughly alert when I wife him through this night!

Today's entry may be declasse with its fulsome sprinkle of exclamation marks, but this Valentine's Day has earned them. I feel valentiney all over, and it is my pleasure to sign myself…

Mrs. Sandra Quantrill
