

Первые строки «Сказания о доме Тайра».


Цитаты из европейских источников приводятся по изданию: Michael Cooper, SJ, ed., They Came to Japan: An Anthology of European Reports on Japan, 1543–1640 (Berkley: University of California Press, 1965), cc. 4–7.


Joan R. Piggott, The Emergence of Japanese Kingship (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997), c. 210.


Lee A. Butler, Court and Bakufu in Early 17th Century Japan (Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 1991), cc. 113–114.


Laws of Military Household s (Вике Shohatto), 1615, в кн. David J. Lu, ed., Japan: A Documentary History (Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1997), cc. 206–208.


Это наблюдение, как и последующие цитаты, касающиеся региональных правителей, взято из работы Гарольда Болито «Хан» (Harold Bolito, The Han), опубликованной в издании: John W. Hall et al., gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 4: Hall, ed., Early Modern Japan (Camgbridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), c. 200.


Herman Ooms, Tokugawa Village Practice: Class, Status, Power, and Law (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996), cc. 363–373; Maruyama Masao, Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan, tr. Mikiso Hane (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974), c. 127.


Herman Ooms, Neo-Confucianism and the Formation of Early Tokugawa Ideology: Contours of a Problem. В кн.: Peter Nosco, ed., Confucianism and Tokugawa Culture (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), cc. 28–29.


W. J. Boot, The Religious Background of the Deification of Tokugawa leyasu. В кн.: Adriana Boscaro, Franco Gatti, and Massimo Raveri, eds. Rethinking Japan, t. 2: Social Sciences, Ideology and Thought (Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent: Japan Library, 1990), c. 335.


Naomi Okawa, Edo architecture: Katsura and Nikko, tr. Alan Woodhull and Akito Miyamoto (New York: Wfeatherhill/Heibonsha, 1975), c. 16.


Shigeri Matsumoto, Motoori Norinaga, 1730–1801 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970), c. 84.


Engelbert Kaempfer, The History of Japan, Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam, 1690–1692, tr. J. G. Scheuchzer, ER.S., t. 2 (Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1906), c. 331.


Цитаты из дневниковых записей Кейнена можно найти в следующих изданиях: Jurgis Elisonas, The Regime of the Unifiers, in Wm. Theodore de Bary et al. comp., Sources of the Japanese Tradition, т. 1: From Earliest Times to 1600 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001, 2nd ed.), cc. 468–469 и 471, The Inseparable Trinity: Japan's Relations with China and Korea, in The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 4, c. 293.


Jurgus Elisonas, Christianity and the Daimyo, в кн. The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 4, c. 367.


Charles MacFarlane, Japan: An Account, Geographical and Historical (New York: George P. Putnam, 1852), c. 18.


Cooper, ed., They Came to Japan, c. 401.


Ronald P. Toby, State and Diplomacy in Early Modem Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), c. 101.


Cm.: Engelbert Kaempfer, Kaempfer's Japan: Tokugawa Culture Observed, ed. by Beatrice M. Botart-Bailey (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1999), cc. 360–368; Kaempfer, The History of Japan, cc. 85–94.


James L. McClain, Space, Power, Wealth, and Slalus in Sevenleenth-Century Osaka, в кн. McClain and Wakita Osamu, eds., Osaka: The Merchants' Capital of Early Modem Japan (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999), cc. 55–56.


Tessa Morris-Suzuki, The Technological Transformation of Japan: From the Seventeenth to the Twenty-first Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), c. 29.


Thomas С. Smith, Premodem Economic Growth: Japan and the West, в кн.: Smith, Native Sources of Japanese Industrialization, 1750–1920 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), c. 29.


Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Re-Inventing Japan: Time, Space, Nation (Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1998), c. 13.


Takeuchi Makoto, Festivals and Fights: The Law and the People of Edo, в кн.: James L. McClain, John M. Merriman, and Ugawa Kaoru, eds., Edo and Paris: Urban Life and the State in the Early Modem Era (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994), cc. 404–405.


James L. McClain, Kanazawa: A Seventeenth-Century Japanese Castle Town (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982), c. 94.


Nishiyama Matsunosuke, Edo Culture: Daily Life and Diversions in Urban Japan, 1600–1868, tr. and ed. Gerald Groemer (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1997), c. 160.


Smith, Premodern Economic Growth, c. 27.


Цитаты из книги Бёрд взяты из изданий: Susan В. Hanley, Everyday Things in Premodem Japan: The Hidden Legacy of Material Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), c. 188; Isabella Lucy Bird, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan (Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1973, reprint edition), cc. 49–53; Bird, The Englishwoman in America (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966, rep. ed.), cc. 148–149.


Jippensha Ikku, Shanks' Mare, tr. Thomas Satchell (Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1960), c. 237.


Helen Craig McCullough, ed. Genji and Heike: Selektions from The Tale of Genji and The Tale of the Heike (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994), cc. 394–395.


Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, t. 2 (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1983), s. v. Martin Collcutt, Miyamoto Musashi, c. 222.


Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings, tr. Thomas Clearly (Boston: Shambhala, 1993), cc. 38 и 46.


Ryusaku Tsunoda, Wm. Theodore de Вагу, and Donald Keene, comps., Sources of Japanese Tradition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1958), c. 395.


Eiko Ikegami, The Taming of the Samurai: Honorific Individualism and the Making of Modern Japan (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995), c. 218.


Если не указывается другой источник, цитаты из «Сокрытого в листве» приводятся по изданию: Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai, tr. William Scott Wilson (New York: Avon, 1979), cc. 37, 41, 51, 66, 17 и 84.


Ikegami, The Taming of the Samurai, c. 289.


Ivan Morris, The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan (New York: New American Library, 1975), c. 316.


Moriya Kotsuhisa, Urban Networks and Information Networks, tr. Ronald P. Toby, в кн.: Nakane Chile and Oishi Shinzaburo, eds., Tokugawa Japan: The Social and Economic Antecedents of Modern Japan, tr. Ed. Conrad Totman (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1990), c. 120.


Donald H. Shively, Popular Culture, в кн: John W. Hall et al., gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 4: Hall, ed., Early Modem Japan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), c. 765.


Tetsuo Najita, Vision of Virtue in Tokugawa Japan: The Kaitokudo Merchant Academy of Osaka (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987), c. 255.


Слова Исида цитируются по следующим изданиям: Robert N. Bellan, Tokugawa Religion: The Values of Pre-Industrial Japan (Boston: Beacon Press, 1957), c. 158; Ishikawa Ken, Baigan Ishida's Shingaku Doctrine, tr. Takeo Katow, Philosophical Studies of Japan 6 (1965), cc. 26–27; Eiji Takemura, The Perception of Work in Tokugawa Japan: A Study of Ishida Baigan and Ninomiya Sontoku (Lanham, Md.: Univercity Press of America, 1997), c. 65.


Bellah, Tokugawa Religion, c. 149.


Цитаты из домашних кодексов, если не указано иного, приводятся по изданию: J. Mark Ramseyer, Thrift and Diligence: House Codes of Tokugawa Merchant Families, Monumenta Nipponica 34:2 (Summer 1979), cc. 210, 213, 216, 214, 215, 212 и 217.


Цитаты, принадлежащие Мицуи Такафуса, приводятся по изданиям: Е. Sydney Crawcour, Some Observations on Merchants: A Translation of Mitsui Takafusa’s Chonin Koken Roku, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 3d series, t. 8 (декабрь 1961), cc. 87, 107, 119 и 121; Mitsui Takahara, Chonin's Life under Feudalism, Cultural Nippon 8:2 (июнь 1940) as reprinted by Nippon Bunka Chuo Renmei (Tokyo: 1940), cc. 1—32.


Miyamoto, The Book of Five Rings, c. 6.


Bellah, Tokugawa Religion, c. 157.


Цитаты из труда Ниномия приводятся по изданию: Takemura, The Perception Work in Tokugawa Japan, cc. 585, 578 и 582.


«Онна даигаку» цитируется по переводам, опубликованным в изданиях: Basil Hall Chamberlain, Things Japanese (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1890), cc. 369, 370, 371, 372, 374 и 367; Sakai Atsuharu, Kaibara Ekken and «Оппа Daigaku», Cultural Nippon 7:4 (1939), cc. 51–55; Joyce Ackroyd, Women in Feudal Japan, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 3d series, t. 7 (ноябрь 1959), c. 53.


A Sermon by Hosoi Heishu, в кн. Michiko Y. Aoki and Margaret B. Dardess, comps. And eds., As the Japanese See It: Past and Present (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1981), c. 65.


Jennifer Robertson, The Singaku Woman: Straight from the Heart, в кн.: Gail Lee Bernstein, ed., Recreating Japanese Women, 1660–1945 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), cc. 97 и 94.


Kate Wildman Nakai, Introduction, в кн.: Yamakawa Kikue, Women of Mito Domain: Recollections of Samurai Family Life, tr. Nakai (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1992), c. xxiii.


Anne Walthall, The Life Cycle of Farm Women in Tokugawa Japan, в кн.: Bernstein, ed., Recreating Japanese Women, 1660–1945, c. 58.


Gary P. Leupp, Servants, Shophands, and Laborers in the Cities of Tokugawa Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992), c. 85.


Yamakawa Kikue, Women of Mito Domain, cc. 170–171.


Uchida Kusuo, Protest and the Tactics of Direct Remonstration: Osaka's Merchants Make Their Voices Heard, в кн.: James McClain and Wakita Osamu, Osaka: The Merchants' Capital of Early Modern Japan (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999), c. 89.


Mark Ravina, Land and Lordship in Early Modern Japan (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999), c. 1.


Fukuzawa Yukichi, An Outline of a Theory of Civilization, tr. David A. Dilworth and G. Cameron Hurst (Tokyo: Sophia University, 1973), c. 160.


Constantine N. Vaporis, To the Edo and Back: Alternate Attendance and Japanese Culture in the Early Modern Period, Journal of Japanese Studies 23:1 (Winter 1997), c. 39.


George Elison, Deus Destroyed: The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1988, 2nd printing), c. 321.


Ronald P. Toby, The Indianness of Iberia and Changing Japanese Iconographies of the Other, в кн.: Stuart В. Schwartz, ed., Implicit Understandings: Observing, Reporting, and Reflecting on the Encounters between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), c. 342.


Richard Siddle, Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan (London: Routledge, 1996), c. 42.


Стихи Басё в английском издании приводятся по книге: Basho: The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches, tr. Nobuyuki Yuasa (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1966), cc. 118–123 (на русский переведено с английского Е. Красулиным).


lhara Saikaku, Some Final Words of Advice, tr. Peter Nosco (Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1980), c. 128.


Nakai Nobuhiko and James L. McClain, Commercial Change and Urban Growth in Early Modern Japan, in John, gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), c. 594.


James L. McClain, Failed Expectations: Kaga Domain on the Eve of the Meiji Restoration, Journal of Japanese Studies 14:2 (зима 1988), c. 415.


Kozo Yamamura, A Study of Samurai Income and Enterpreneurship: Quantitative Analyses of Economic and Social Aspects of the Samurai in Tokugawa and Meiji Japan (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974), c. 132.


Susan B. Hanley and Kozo Yamamura, Economic and Demographic Change in Preindustrial Japan 1600–1868 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977), c. 147.


Harold Bolitho, The Tempo Crisis, in Hall et al., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 5: Marius B. Jansen, ed., The Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), c. 230.


Anne Walthhall, Social Protest and Popular Culture in Eighteenyth-Century Japan (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1986), cc. 214–215.


Высказывания Мабучи и Норинага приводятся по книге: Peter Nosco, Remembering Paradise: Japan (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1990), cc. 123 и 199–200.


Tetsuo Najita, Ambiguous Encounters: Ogata Koan and International Studies in Late Tokugawa Japan, в кн. James L. McClain and Wakita Osamu, eds., Osaka: The Merchants' Capital of Early Modem Japan (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1999), c. 221.


Цитаты из Сугита приводятся по книге: Hirakawa Sukehiro, Japan's Тит to the West, tr. Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi, in The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 5, cc. 437 и 438.


Carmen Blacker, Millenarian Aspects of New Religions, в кн.: Donald Shively, ed., Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971), c. 575.


H. D. Harootunian, Late Tokugawa Culture and Thought, в кн.: The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 5, c. 230.


Письмо сёгуната и русская надпись на пластинке цитируются по изданию: George Alexander Lensen, The Russian Push Toward Japan: Russo-Japanese Relations 1697–1875 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959), cc. 154–155.


W. G. Beasley, Great Britain and the Opening of Japan 1834–1858 (London: Luzac, 1951), c. 15.


Если не указано иного, то слова Аидзава цитируются по изданию: Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi, Anti-Foreignism and Western Learning in Early-Modern Japan (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1991, 2nd ed.), cc. 90, 165, 125, 276.


J. Victor Koschmann, The Mito Ideology: Discourse, Reform and Insurrection in Late Tokugawa Japan, 1790–1864 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), c. 57.


Tessa Morris-Suzuki, The Frontiers of Japanese Identity, в кн.: Stein Tonnesson and Hans Antluv, eds., Asian Forms of the Nation (Richmond, Surrey: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies in cooperation with Curzon Press, 1996), c. 54.


Richard Siddle, Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan (London: Routledge, 1996), c. 40.


D. C. Greene, Correspondence between William II of Holland and the Shogun of Japan A. D. 1844, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 39 (1907), cc. 110–115.


Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies, comp., and publ., Meiji Japan Through Contemporary Sources, t. 2 (Tokyo: 1970), cc. 6–8.


Arthur Walworth, Black Ships off' Japan: The Story of Commodore Perry's Expedition (New York: Knopf, 1946), c. 39.


Allen Burnett Cole, The Dynamics of American Expansion toward Japan, 1791–1860 (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1940), cc. 143–144.


Francis L. Hawks, comp., Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan: Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by Order of the Government of the United States (New York: D. Appleton, 1856), cc. 296–297.


Walworth, Black Ships off Japan, cc. 240–246.


Hawks, Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, cc. 299–301.


Meiji Japan through Contemporary Sources, t. 2, cc. 18–19.


Ibid., cc. 31–35.


W. G. Beasley, tr. And ed., Select Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy 1853–1868 (London: Oxford University Press, 1955), c. 181.


W. J. Beasley, The Meiji Restoration (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1972), c. 121.


Select Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy 1853–1868, c. 180.


Anne Walthall, Off with Their Heads!: The Hirata Disciples and the Asikaga Shoguns, Monumenta Nipponica 50:2 (лето 1995), c. 158.


M. William Steele, Goemon’s New World View: Popular Representations of the Opening of Japan, Asian Cultural Studies 17 (март 1989), c. 80.


Anne Walthall, Edo Riots, в кн.: James L. McClain, John M. Merriman, and Ugawa Kaoru, eds., Edo and Paris: Urban Life and the State in the Early Modem Period (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994), cc. 425–427.


Stephen Vlastos, Peasant Protests and Uprising in Tokugawa Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986), c. 114.


Beasley, The Meiji Restoration, cc. 258–259.


Charles L. Yates, Saigo Takamori: The Man behind the Myth (London: KeganPauI, 1995), c. 81.


Слова Кило и Ивакура цитируются по изданию: Beasley, The Meiji Restoration, cc. 266–267.


George M. Wilson, Patriots and Redeemers in Japan: Motives in the Meiji Restoration (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), c. 103.


Основано на следующих изданиях: Ishi Ryosuke, ed., Japanese Legislation in the Meiji Era, tr. William J. Chambliss (Tokyo: Pan-Pacific Press, 1958), c. 145; Robert M. Spaulding, Jr., The Intent of the Charter Oath, в kh.: Richard K. Beasley, Studies in Japanese History and Politics (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1967), cc. 2—26.


Roger E Hackett, The Meiji Leaders and Modernization: The Case of Yamagata Aritomo, в кн.: Marius В. Jansen, ed., Changing Japanese Attitudes toward Modernization (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972, 3d print.), c. 244.


Charles Lanman, ed., The Japanese in America (Tokyo: Japan Advertiser Press, 1926, rep. ad.), c. 22.


Ito Hirobumi, Some Reminiscences of the Grant of the New Constitution, в кн.: Count Shigenobu Okuma, comp. Fifty Years of New Japan, т. 1, ed. Marcus B. Huish (London: Smith, Elder, & Company, 1910), cc. 125–126.


William Elliot Griffis, The Mikado's Empire (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890), c. 526; Iwata Masakuzu, Okubo Toshimichi: The Bismarck of Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964), cc. 143–144.


Japanese Legislation in the Meiji Era, cc. 723–724.


Ibid., c. 722.


W. G. Beasely, The Meiji Restoration (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1972), c. 374.


Стихотворение и цитаты, касающиеся Сайго, взяты из книги: Ivan Morris, The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan (New York: New American Library, 1975), cc. 258–266.


Hirakawa Sukehiro, Japan's Turn to the West, tr. Bob Tadashi Whkabayashi, в кн.: John W. Hall et al., gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 5: Marius B. Jansen, ed., The Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), c. 448.


Стихотворение Уитмена переведено по изданию: Whit Whitman, А Broadway Pageant, in The First Japanese Emassy: Japan-U. S. Centennial 1860–1960 (New York: Information Office, Consulate General of Japan, 1960).


Hirakawa, Japan's Turn to the West, c. 463.


Beasley, The Meiji Restoration, cc. 369–370.


Eugene Soviak, On the Nature of Western Progress: The Journal of the Iwakura Embassy, в кн.: Donald H. Shively, ed., Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971), c. 15.


Marlene Mayo, Rationality in the Meiji Restoration: The Ivwakura Embassy, в кн.: Bernard S. Silberman and Harry D. Harootunian, eds., Modern Japanese Leadership: Transition and Change (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1966), cc. 357–358.


Beasley, The Meiji Restoration, c. 370.


Hirakawa, Japan's Turn to the West, c. 455.


Ibid., c. 482.


Albert M. Craig, Fukuzawa Yukichi: The Philosophical Foundations of Meiji Nationalism, в кн.: Robert E. Whrd, ed., Political Development in Modem Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968), cc. 120–121.


Edward Seidensticker, Low City, High City: Tokyo from Edo to the Earthkquake: How the Shogun's Ancient Capital Became a Great Modem City, 1867–1923 (New York: Knopf, 1983), c. 35.


Carmen Blacker, The Japanese Enlightenment: A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964), c. 31.


Lanman, ed., The Japanese in America, cc. 31–32.


Tokutomi Kenjiro [Roka], Footprints in the Snow, tr. Kenneth Strong (Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle, 1970), с. 110.


Donald H.; Shively, The Japanization of the Middle Meiji, в кн.: Shively, ed., Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture, cc. 92–93.


Свидетельство очевидца этого события можно прочитать в издании: Токи Baelz, ed., Awakening Japan: The Diary of a German Doctor, Erwin Baelz (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1974), cc. 81–83.


Цитаты из Ямагата и последующие цитаты из Ито взяты из книги: George М. Beckmann, The Making of the Meiji Constitution: The Oligarchs and the Constitutional Development of Japan, 1868–1891 (Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications, Social Science Studies, 1957), cc. 126–130.


Whiter W. McLaren, ed., Japanese Government Documents, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, t. 42, часть 1 (1914), cc. 426–432.


Stephen Vlastos, Opposition Movements in Early Meiji, 1868–1885, в кн.: John W. Hall et al., gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 5: Marius B. Jansen, ed., The Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), c. 407.


Ishii Ryosuke, ed., Japanese Legislation in the Meiji Era, tr. William J. Chambliss (Tokyo: Pan-Pacific Press, 1958), cc. 720–721.


Japanese Government Documents, cc. 502–504.


Ito Hirobumi, Some Reminiscences of the Grant of the New Constitution, в кн.: Count Shigenobu Okuma, comp., Fifty Years of New Japan, t. 1, ed. Marcus B. Huish (London: Smith, Elder, & Company, 1910), c. 127.


Japanese Government Documents, cc. 88–90.


Roger F. Hackett, Yamagata Aritomo in the Rise of Modem Japan, 1838–1922 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), с. 110.


Ito, Some Reminiscences of the Grant of the New Constitution, cc. 124–125.


Carol Gluck, Japan's Modem Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985), c. 74.


Takahashi Fujitani, Splendid Monarchy: Power and Pageantry in Modem Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996), c. 53.


Gluck, Japan's Modem Myths, c. 75.


James L. Huffman, Politics of the Meiji Press: The Life of Fukuchi Gen'ichiro (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1980), cc. 139–154.


Richard H. Miner, Japanese Tradition and Western Law: Emperor, State, and Law in the Thought of Hozumi Yatsuka (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970), c. 25.


Gluck, Japan's Modem Myths, c. 105.


Donald H. Shively, Nishimura Shigeki: A Confucian View of Modernization, в кн.: Marius В. Jansen, ed., Changing Japanese Attitudes toward Modernization (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972, 3d print.), c. 213.


George Akita and Hirose Yoshihiro. The British Model: Inoue Kowashi and the Ideal Monarchical System, Monumenta Nipponica 49:4 (зима 1994), c. 417.


Ito, Some Reminiscences of the Grant of the New Constitution, c. 128.


Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies, comp, and publ, Meiji Japan through Contemporary Sources, t. 3 (Tokyo: 1972), cc. 235–241.


Ian Reader, with Esben Andreasen and Finn Stefansson, Japanese Religions: Past and Present (Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent: Japan Library, 1993), c. 71.


Официальный текст обращения императора к своим предкам приводится в книге: Ito Hirobumi, Commentaries on the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, tr. Ito Miyoji (Tokyo: Chuo Daigaku, 1906, 2d ed.), cc. 167–168.


Текст японской конституции можно найти в следующих изданиях: Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, т. 1 (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1993), Constitution of the Empire of Japan, 1889», cc. 232–235; Japanese Legislation in the Meiji Era, cc. 725–733; Beckmann, The Making of the Meiji Constitution, cc. 151–156.


Ito, Commentaries on the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, cc. 64–65.


Roger F. Hackett, The Meiji Leaders and Modernization: The Case of Yamagata Aritomo, в кн.: Janes, ed., Changing Japanese Attitudes toward Modernization, c. 244.


Ito, Commentaries on the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, c. 131.


Thomas С. Smith, Political Change and Industrial Development in Japan: Government Enterprise, 1868–1880 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1955), c. 26.


Masakazu Iwata, Okubo Toshimichi: The Bismark of Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964), c. 236.


Shibusawa Keizo, comp, and ed., Japanese Society in the Meiji Era, tr. And adapt. Aora H. Culberston and Kimura Michiko (Tokyo: Obunsha, 1958), c. 379.


Steven W. McCallion, Trial and Error: The Model Filature at Tomioka, в кн.: William D. Wray, Managing Industrial Enterprise: Cases from Japan's Prewar Experience (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1989), c. 90.


Smith, Political Change and Industrial Development in Japan, c. 42.


Matsukata Masayoshi, Report on the Adoption of the Gold Standard in Japan (Tokyo: Japanese Government Press, 1899), c. 54.


Kyugoro Obata, An Interpretation of the Life of Viscount Shibusawa (Tokyo: Tokyo Printing Company, 1937), cc. 136–139.


Johannes Hirschmeier, The Origins of Entrepreneurship in Meiji Japan (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1964), c. 232.


Nimura Kazuo, The Ashio Riot of 1907: A Social History of Mining in Japan, ed. Andrew Gordon, tr. Terry Boardman and Gordon (Durham: Duke University Press, 1997), c. 38.


F. G. Noteheifer, Japan's First Pollution Incident, Journal of Japanese Studies 1:2 (Spring 1975), c. 364.


Kenneth Strong, Tanaka Shozo: Meiji Hero and Pioneer against Pollution, Japan Society Bulletin (London) 67 (июнь 1972), c. 10.


Kenneth Strong, Ox against the Storm: A Biography of Tanaka Shozo — Japan's Conservationist Pioneer (Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent: Japan Library, 1995), c. 74.


Е. Patricia Tsurumi, Factory Girls: Women in the Thread Mills of Meiji Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990), c. 54.


Kazuo Okochi, Labor in Modem Japan (Tokyo: Science Council of Japan, 1958), c. 7.


Tsurumi, Factory Girls, cc. 194–195.


Mikiso Hane, Peasants, Rebels, and Outcastes: The Underside of Modern Japan (New York: Pantheon Books, 1982), cc. 190–191.


Тексты песен приводятся по изданию: Tsurumi, Factory Girls, cc. 91, 84, 97 и 197.


Ibid., с. 501.


Sumiya Mikio, The Development of Japanese Labour-Relations, Developing Economies 4:4 (декабрь 1966), c. 506.


Ibid., c. 501.


Carol Gluck, Japan's Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985), c. 111.


Hozumi Nobushige, The New Japanese Civil Code, as Material for the Study of Comparative Jurisprudence: A Paper Read at the International Congress of Arts and Science, at the Universal Exposition, Saint Louis 1904 (Tokyo: Tokyo Printing Company, 1904), c. 4.


Ueno Chizuko, Genesis of the Urban Housewife, Japan Quarterly 34:2 (апрель — июнь 1987), с. 136.


Motoyama Yukihiko, The Political Background of Early Meiji Educational Policy: The Central Government, tr. Richard Rubinger, in Motoyama, Proliferating Talent: Essays on Politics, Thought, and Education in the Meiji Era, ed. J. S. Elisonas and Rubinger (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1997), cc. 116–117.


Byron K. Marshall, Learning to be Modem: Japanese Political Discourse on Education (Boulder Wfestview Press, 1994), c. 53.


Gluck, Japan's Modem Myths, cc. 118–119.


Ian Reader, with Esben Andreasen and Finn Stefansson, Japanese Religions: Past and Present (Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent: Japan Library, 1993), c. 71.


Horio Teruhisa, Educational Thought and Ideology in Modem Japan, tr. And ed. Steven Platzer (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1988), c. 69.


Ivan Parker Hall, Mori Arinori (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973), cc. 411–412.


Donald Roden, Schooldays in Imperial Japan: A Study in the Culture of a Student Elite (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980), c. 40.


Horio, Educational Thought and Ideology in modem Japan, cc. 35 и 37.


Motoyama Yukihiko, Thought and Education in the Late Meiji era, tr. J. Dusenbury, in Motoyama, Proliferating Talent, c. 358.


Notto R. Thelle, Buddhism and Christianity in Japan: From Conflict to Dialogue, 1854–1899 (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987), c. 99.


Цитаты из Оно га цуми приводятся по изданию: Kathryn Ragsdale, Marriage, the Newspaper Business, and the Nation-State: Ideology in the Late Meiji Serialized Katei Shosetsu, Journal of Japanese Studies 24:2 (лето 1998), cc. 249, 250, 250–251 и 252.


New York Times, Сентябрь 8, 1905, с. 8, и Сентябрь 10, 1905, с. 6.


Shumpei Okamoto, The Japanese Oligarchy and the Russo-Japanese War (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970), c. 208.


Эта и следующая цитата взята из книги: Richard Siddle, Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan (London: Routledge, 1996), cc. 61 и 56.


Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies, come, and publ., Meiji Japan through Contemporary Sources, t. 2 (Tokyo: 1970), cc. 122–126.


Эта и следующая цитаты из Ямагата приводятся по изданию: Roger Е Hackett, Yamagata Aritomo in the Rise of Modem Japan, 1838–1922 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), c. 138.


Цитаты из Фукудзава (некоторые из них изменены) взяты из книги: Carmen Blacker, The Japanese Enlightenment: A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964), cc. 124–136.


Эта и последующие цитаты из Токутоми приводятся по изданию: John D. Pierson, Tokutomi Soho, 1863–1957: A Journalist for Modem Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980), cc. 229–237.


Peter Duus, Economic Dimensions of Meiji Imperialism: The Case of Korea, 1895–1910, in Ramon H. Myers and Mark R. Peattie, eds., The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895–1945 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), c. 138.


William G. Beasely, Japanese Imperialism 1894–1945 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), c. 48.


Hilary Conroy, The Japanese Seizure of Korea: 1868–1910: A Study of Realism and Idealism in International Relations (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1960), c. 255.


Donald Keene, The Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895 and Japanese Culture, in Keene, Landscapes and Portraits (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1971), cc. 269–270.


Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modem History (New York: W. W. Norton, 1997), c. 135.


Beasley, Japanese Imperialism 1894–1945, c. 89.


Marlene Mayo, Attitudes toward Asia and the Beginnings of Japanese Empire, in Grant К Goodman, comp., Imperial Japan: A Reassessment (New York: Occasional Papers of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University, 1967), c. 18.


Natsume Soseki, Кокого, tr. Edwin McClellan (Chicago: Gateway Editions, 1957), c. 246.


Robert Jay Lifton, Shuichi Kato, and Michael R. Reich, Six Lives, Six Deaths: Portraits from Modern Japan (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979), c. 31.


Carol Gluck, Japan's Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985), c. 217.


Junji Banno, The Establishment of the Japanese Constitutional System, tr. J. A. A. Stockwin (London: Routledge. 1992), c. 217.


George Akita, Foundations of Constitutional Government in Modern Japan 1868–1900 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967), c. 84.


Цитаты, относящиеся к волнениям 1918 г., приводятся по изданию: Michael Lewis, Rioters and Citizens: Mass Protest in Imperial Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), cc. 111 и 133.


Thorstein Veblen, Essays in Our Changing Order, ed. Leon Ardzrooni (New York: Viking Press, 1943), c. 257.


Джон Дьюи высказал свои наблюдения относительно Японии в двух эссе — «Либерализм в Японии» и «По обе стороны Восточного моря», которые затем были опубликованы в издании: John Dewey, Characters and Events: Popular Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, t. 1, ed. Joseph Ratner (New York: Henry Holt, 1929), cc. 149–171.


Ryusaki Tsunoda, Wm. Theodore de Bary, and Donald Keene, comp., Sources of Japanese Tradition (New York: Columbia University Press, 1958), c. 744.


Mitani Taichiro, The Establishment of Party Cabinets, 1898–1932, tr. Peter Duus, in John W. Hall et al., gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 6: Duus, ed., The Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), cc. 87 и 56.


Morinosuke Kajima, The Diplomacy of Japan, 1894–1922, t. 3 (Tokyo: Kajima Institute of International Peace, 1980), c. 528.


Mark R. Peattie, The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895–1945, in The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 6, c. 239.


Mark R. Peattie, Japanese Attitudes toward Colonialism, 1895–1945, in Ramon H. Myers and Peattie, eds., The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895–1945, (Princeton University Press, 1984), c. 106.


Ibid., c. 107.


Nitobe Inazo, Japanese Colonization in Asiatic Review 16:45 (Январь 1920), cc. 113–121.


Junius B. Wood, Japan's Mandate in the Pacific, Asia: The American Magazine on the Orient 21:7 (July 1921), c. 751, and George Trumbull Ladd, The Annexation of Korea: an Essay in «Benevolent Assimilation», Yale Review, new series 1:4 (Июль 1912), c. 644.


Bruce Cumings, Korea's Place in the Sun: A modern History (New York: W. W Norton, 1997), c. 157.


Margit Nagy, Middle-Class Working Women during the Interwar Years, in Gail Lee Bernstein, ed., Recreating Japanese Women, 1600–1945 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), c. 207.


Эта и другие цитаты из Хани приводятся по изданию: Hani Motoko, Stories of My Life, tr. Chiko Irie Mulhern, in Mulhern, ed., Heroic with Grace: Legendary Women of Japan (Armonk, N.Y: M. E. Sharpe, 1991), cc. 236–264.


Christine R. Yano, Defining the Modern Nation in Japanese Popular Song, 1914–1932, in Sharon A. Minichiello, ed., Japan’s Competing Modernities: Issues in Culture and Democracy, 1900–1930 (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1998), c. 254.


Harris I. Martin, Popular Music and Social Change in Prewar Japan, Japan Interpreter: A Journal of Social and Political Ideas 7:3–4 (Лето-осень 1974), c. 342.


Miriam Silverberg, The Modem Girl as Militant, in Bernstein, ed., Recreating Japanese Women, 1600–1945, c. 241.


Thomas С. Smith, Native Sources of Japanese Industrialization, 1750–1920 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), c. 242, n. 15.


Koji Taira, «Economic Development, Labor Markets, and Industrial Relations in Japan, 1905–1955», in John W. Hall et al., gen. eds., The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 6: Peter Duus, ed., The Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988). cc. 631–632.


Andrew Gordon, Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), c. 81, n. 3.


Bryon K. Marshall, Capitalism and Nationalism in Prewar Japan: The Ideology of the Business Elite (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967), c. 72.


George Elison, Kotoku Shusui: The Change in Thought, in Monumenta Nipponica 32:3–4 (1967), c. 445.


Высказывания Канно приводятся по изданию: Mikiso Наnе, ed. And tr., Reflections on the Way to the Gallows: Rebel Women in Prewar Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press and Pantheon Books, 1988), cc. 55–56 и 61.


Germaine A. Hoston, The State, Identity, and the National Question in China and Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), c. 148.


George Oakley Totten, HI, The Social Democratic Movement in Prewar Japan (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966), cc. 207–208.


Robert A. Scalapino, The Early Japanese Labor Movement: Labor and Politics in a Developing Society (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 1983), c. 243, n. 34.


Sharon L. Sievers, Flouwers in Salt: The Beginnings of Feminist Consciousness in Modem Japan (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983), c. 163.


Laurel Rasplica Rodd, Yosano Akiko and the Taisho Debate over the «New Woman», in Gail Lee Bernstein, ed., Recreating Japanese Women, 1600–1945 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), c. 180.


Vera Mackie, Creating Socialist Women in Japan: Gender, Labor and Activism, 1900–1937 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), c. 96.


Vera Mackie, Writing and the Making of Socialist Women in Japan, in Elise K. Tipton, ed., Society and the State in Interwar Japan (London: Routledge, 1997), cc. 134–135.


Henry D. Smith II, Japan's First Student Radicals (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972), c. 56.


Nitobe Inazo, The Japanese Nation: Its Land, Its People, Its Life, with Special Consideration to Its Relations with the United States (New York: G. C. Putnam’s Sons, 1912), cc. 86–87.


Richard Siddle, Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan (London: Routledge, 1996), c. 127.


Shigeki Ninomiya, An Inquiry Concerning the Origin, Development, and Present Situation of the Eta in Relation to the History of the Social Classes in Japan», in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 2d series, t. 10 (Декабрь 1933), c. 109.


Ian Neary, Political Protest and Social Control in Pre-War Japan: The Origins of Buraku Liberation (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press International, 1989), c. 68.


Michael Wriner, The Origins of the Korean Community in Japan, 1910–1923 (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press International, 1989), c. 85.


Ibid., c. 107.


Emily Groszos Ooms, Women and Millenarian Protest in Meiji Japan: Deguchi Nao and Omotokyo (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993), c. 109.


Mark J. McNeal, S.J., The Destruction of Tokyo: Impressions of an Eyewitness, Catholic World 118 (Декабрь 1923), cc. 308 и 311.


Kim San and Nym Wales, Song of Ariran: The Life Story of a Korean Rebel (New York: John Day, 1941), c. 37.


David J. Lu, ed., Japan: A Documentary History (Armonk, N.Y: M. E. Sharpe, 1997), c. 397.


Sheldon Garon, Molding Japanese Minds: The State in Everyday Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997), c. 16.


Thomas R. H. Havens, Farm and Nation in Modern Japan: Agrarian Nationalism, 1870–1940 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974), c. 106.


Mariko Asano Tamanoi, The City and the Countryside: Competing Taiso «Modernities» on Gender, in Sharon A. Minichiello, ed., Japan's Competing Modernities: Issues in Culture and Democracy, 1900–1930 (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1998), c. 93.


Stephen Vlastos, Agrarianism without Tradition: The Radical Critique of Prewar Japanese Modernity, in Vlastos, ed., Miror of Modernity: Invented Traditions of Modern Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), c. 83.


Mark R. Peattie, Japanese Attitudes toward Colonialism, 1895–1945, in Ramon H. Myers and Peattie, eds., The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895–1945 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), c. 117.


Okakura Kakuzo, The Ideals of the East, with Special Reference to the Art of Japan (Rutland, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1970), c. 1.


Oka Yoshitake, Konoe Fumimaro: A Political Biography, tr. Shumpei Okamoto and Patricia Murray (Lanham, Md.: Madison Books, 1992), c. 12.


Ikuhiko Hata, Continental Expansion, 1905–1941, in The Cambridge History of Japan, t. 6, c. 290.


Akira Iriye, After Imperialism: The Search for a New Order in the Far East, 1921–1931 (New York: Atheneum, 1969), c. 146.


Seki Hirohary, The Manchurian Incident, 1931, tr. With an Introduction by Marius B. Jansen, in James W. Morley, ed., Japan's Road to the Pacific War, т. 1: Japan Erupts: The London Naval Conference and the Manchurian Incident, 1928–1932 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1984), c. 228.


Kerry Smith, A Time of Crisis: Japan, the Great Depression, and Rural Revitalization (Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2001), c. 72.


Mark R. Peattie, Ishiwara Kanji and Japan's Confrontation with West (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975), c. 118.


Эта фраза, а также следующая, принадлежащая премьер-министру, цитируются по книге: Takehiko Yoshihashi, Conspiracy at Mukden: The Rise of the Japanese Military (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963), cc. 9 и 7.


Kakegawa Tomiko, The Press and Public Opinion in Japan, 1931–1941, in Dorothy Borg and Shumpei Okamoto, with the assistance of Dale K. A. Finlayson, eds., Pearlhardor as History: Japanese-American Relations 1931–1941 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1973), c. 537.


John N. Penlington, The Mukden Mandate: Acts and Aims in Manchuria (Tokyo: Maruzen, 1932), cc. 23–25.


Sadako N. Ogata, Defiance in Manchuria: The Making of Japanese Foreign Policy, 1931–1932 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964), cc. 30–31.


Mainichi Daily News, Fifty Years of Light and Dark: The Hirohito Era (Tokyo: Mainichi Newspaper, 1975), c. 56.


Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Showa: An Inside History of Hirohito's Japan (New York: Schocken Books, 1985), c. 20.


Address Delivered by Yosuke Matsuoka, Chief Japanese Delegate, at the Seventeenth Plenary Meeting of the Special Assembly of the League of Nations, in Matsuoka, Japan's Case in the Sino-Japanese Dispute (Geneva: Japanese Delegation to the League of Nations, 1933), cc. 49–61.


Shimada Toshihiko, Designs on North China, 1933–1937, tr. with an Introduction by James B. Crowley, in Morley, ed., Japan's Road to the Pacific War, t. 2: The China Quagmire: Japan's Expansion on the Asian Continent, 1933–1941 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1983), c. 58.


Herbert C. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan (New York: Harper-Collins, 2000), cc. 253–254.


Sandra Wilson, Angry Young Men and the Japanese State, in Elise K. Tipton, ed., Society and the State in Interwar Japan (London: Routledge, 1997), c. 109.


Yoshino Sakuzo, Fascism in Japan, in Contemporary Japan, 1:2 (Сентябрь 1932), c. 185.


Vera Mackie, Creating Socialist Women in Japan: Gender, Labour and Activism, 1900–1937 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), c. 60.


Louise Young, Japan's Total Empire: Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), c. 84.


Ian Reader, with Esben Andreasen and Finn Stefansson, Japanese Religions: Past and Present (Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent: Japan Library, 1993), c. 71.


Ogata Sadako, The Role of Liberal Nongovernmental Organizations in Japan, in Borg and Okamoto, eds., Pearl Harbor as History, c. 472.


Richard J. Smethurst, The Military Reserve Association and the Minobe Crisis of 1935, in George M. Wilson, ed., Crisis Politics in Prewar Japan: Institutional and Ideological Problems of the 1930s (Tokyo: Sophia University, 1970), c. 8.


Frank O. Miller, Minobe Tatsukichi: Interpreter of Constitutionalism in Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965), c. 227.


Patricia G. Steinhoff, Tenko: Ideology and Societal Integration in Prewar Japan (New York: Garland, 1991), c. 55.


George M. Beckmann, The Radical Left and the Failure of Communism, in James W. Morley, ed., Dilemmas of Growth in Prewar Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971), cc. 165–169.


John R. Stewart, Manchuria since 1931 (New York: Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1936), c. 37.


Ben-Ami Shillony, Revolt in Japan: The Young Officers and the February 26, 1936 Incident (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973), c. 122.


George M. Wilson, Radical Nationalist in Japan: Kita Ikki 1883–1937 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969), c. 69.


James B. Crowley, Japan's Quest for Autonomy: National Security and Foreign Policy, 1930–1938 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966), cc. 270–271.


Цитируется no: Bix, Hirohoto and the Making of Modern Japan, c. 723, n. 56, и Shillony, Revolt in Japan, c. 173.


The Diary of a Japanese Innkeeper's Daughter, tr. Miwa Kai, ed. and annot. Robert J. Smith and Kazuko Smith (Ithaca: East Asia Programm, Cornell University, 1984, 2d print.), c. 164.


Цитаты из текста закона и последующей директивы Министерства внутренних дел приводятся по изданию: Gregory J. Kasza, The State and the Mass Media in Japan, 1918–1945 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), cc. 235 и 237.


Mark R. Peattie, Ishiwara Kanji and Japan's Confrontation with the West (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975), c. 301.


James B. Crowley, Japan's Quest for Autonomy: National Security and Foreign Policy 1930–1938 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966), c. 335.


James B. Crowley, «А Reconsideration of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident», Journal of Asian Studies 22:3 (May 1963), c. 289.


Haruko Taya Cook and Theodore E Cook, Japan at War: An Oral History (New York: New Press, 1992), cc. 164–165.


Robert J. C. Butow, Tojo and the Coming of the War (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961), c. 111.


Gordon M. Berger, Three-Dimensional Empire: Japanese Attitudes and the New Order in Asia, 1937–1945, Japan Interpreter 12:3–4 (1979), c. 368.


William Miles Fletcher III, The Search for a New Order: Intellectuals and Fascism in Prewar Japan (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982), c. 137.


Yoshino Sakuzo, «Fascism in Japan», Contemporary Japan: A Review of Far Eastern Affairs 1:2 (1932), с. 185.


Цитаты из работ Арисава приводятся по изданию: Bai Gao, Economic Ideology and Japanese Industrial Policy: Developmentism from 1931 to 1965 (London: Cambridge University Press, 1997), cc. 24 и 75.


«On the National Mobilization Law», Tokyo Gazette (May 1938), c. 2.


Nakamura Takafusa, Economic Growth in Prewar Japan, tr. Robert A. Feldman (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983), c. 298.


Эта и следующая фразы, содержащие критику плана, приводятся по изданию: Fletcher, The Search fora New Order, c. 152.


Shiota Shobei, A ‘Ravaged' People: The Koreans in World War II, tr. John H. Boyle, Japan Interpreter 7А (Зима 1971), c. 43.


Haris I. Martin, Popular Music and Social Change in Prewar Japan, in Japan Interpreter: A Journal of Social and Political Ideas 7:3–4 (Лето-осень 1974), c. 348.


Japanese Ministry of Education, Kokutai no hongi: Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan, tr. John O. Gauntlett and ed. Robert K. Hall (Cambridge: Harvad University Press, 1937), c. 183.


Andrew Gordon, Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), c. 259.


Dorothy Robins-Mowry, The Hidden Sun: Women of Modem Japan (Boulder: Wfestview Press, 1983), c. 81.


Ian Neary, Tenko of an Organization: The Suiheisha in the Late 1930's, in Proceedings of the British Association for Japanese Studies 2:2 (1977), cc. 64–76.


Слова Халла и генерального консула приводятся по изданию: Jonathan Marshall, То Have and Have Not: Southeast Asian Raw Materials and the Origins of the Pacific War (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), cc. 65–66 и 62.


Hata Ikuhiko, The Army's Move into Northern Indochina, tr. Robert A. Scalapino, in James W. Morley, ed., Japan's Road to the Pacific War, t. 4: The Fateful Choice: Japan's Advance into Southeast Asia, 1939–1941 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1980), c. 172.


Akira Iriye, The Origins of the Second World War Ilin Asia and the Pacific (London: Longman, 1987), c. 153.


За исключением отмеченных случаев, цитаты из выступлений участников согласительных и императорских встреч приводятся по изданию: Nobutaka Ike, tr. and ed., Japan's Decision for War: Records of the 1941 Policy Conferences (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967), cc. 135–136, 180, 186 и 281–282.


Цитируется no: Herbert C. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modem Japan (New York: HarperCollins, 2000), c. 414.


Tsunoda Jun, «The Decision for War», tr. David A. Titus, in Morley, ed., Japan's Road to the Pacific War, t. 5: The Final Confrontation: Japan's Negotiations with the United States, 1941 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994), cc. 264–265.


Ibid., c. 321.


Akira Iriye, Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War: A Brief History with Documents and Essays (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999), c. 94.


Herbert С. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modem Japan (Totyo: HarperCollins, 2000), c. 437.


Dan Kurzman, Kishi and Japan: The Search for the Sun (New York: Ivan Obolensky, 1960), c. 185.


Regine Mathias, Women and the War Economy in Japan, in Erich Pauer, ed., Japan's War Economy (London: Routledge, 1999), c. 68.


Gregory J. Kasza, The Conscription Society: Administered Mass Organizations (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995), c. 19.


Mariko Asano Tamanoi, Knowledge, Power, and Radical Classifications: The «Japanese» in «Manchuria», in Journal of Asian Studies 59:2 (Май 2000), c. 260.


Ienaga Saburo, The Pacific War, 1931–1945, tr. Frank Baldwin (New York: Pantheon, 1978), c. 155.


Ba Maw, Breakthrough in Burma: Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939–1946 (New Heaven: Yale University Press, 1968), c. 185.


Цитаты из писем пилотов-камикадзе приводятся по изданию: Ivan Morris, The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan (New York: New American Library, 1975), cc. 309 и 313.


General Curtis E. LeMay, with MacKinlay Kantor, Mission with LeMay: My Story (Garden City, N. Y: Doubleday, 1965), c. 387.


John W. Dower, Japan in War and Peace: Selected Essays (New York: New Press, 1993), cc. 124–126, 130 и 133.


John W. Dower, Empure and Aftermath: Yoshida Shigeru and the Japanese Experience, 1878–1954 (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1988, 2d print.), cc. 260–264.


Harry S. Truman, Memoirs, т. 1: Year of Decision (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955), c. 419.


Harry L. Stimson, «The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb», Harper's Magazine 194:1161 (Февраль 1947), c. 102.


Morris, The Nobility of Failure, c. 332.


Robert Jay Litton, Shuichi Kato, and Michael R. Reich, Six Lives Six Deaths: Portraits from Modem Japan (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979), c. 155.


Все цитаты, касающиеся американских оккупационных сил, если не указано иного, взяты из серии статей, опубликованных в газете Асахи синбун и переведенных на английский под названием: The Pacific Rivals: A Japanese View of Japanese — American Relations (New York: Vfeatherhill and Asahi Simbun-sha, 1972), esc. cc. 117–128 и 161–164.


Russell Brines, MacArthur's Japan (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1948), c. 40.


Все цитаты в этом абзаце, если не указано иного, приводятся по изданию: John W. Dower, Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000, paperback ed.), cc. 64, 60 и 117.


Mainichi Daily News, Fifty Years of Light and Dark: The Hirohito Era (Tokyo: Mainichi Newspaper, 1975), c. 211.


Richard H. Minear, Victors' Justice: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971), cc. 100–101.


Theodore McNelly, The Japanese Constitution: Child of the Cold War, in Political Science Quarterly 74 (1979), cc. 179–180.


Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Government Section, Political Reorientation of Japan: September 1945 to September 1948 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949), c. 105.


Макартуровский проект содержится в издании: Sato Tatsuo, The Origin and Development of the Draft Constitution of Japan, in Contemporary Japan 24:4–6 (1956), cc. 188–199; с текстом новой конституции, принятой 3 ноября 1946 года, можно познакомиться в издании: Japan: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, т. 1 (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1993), cc. 229–232.


Mark R. Mullins, Shimazono Susumu, and Paul L. Swanson, eds., Religion and Society in Modem Japan: Selected Readings (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1993), c. 173.


Dower, Embracing Defeat, c. 314.


Richard B. Finn, Winners in Peace: MacArthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), c. 97.


Marlene J. Mayo, American Wartime Planning for Occupied Japan: The Role of Experts, in Robert Wolfe, ed., Americans as Proconsuls (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984), c. 36.


Howard B. Schonberger, Zaibatsu Dissolution and the American Restoration of Japan, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 5:2 (Сентябрь 1973), cc. 16–31.


Mikiso Hane, Peasants, Rebels, and Outcasts: The Underside of Modem Japan (New York: Pantheon Books, 1982), c. 250.


Ronald C. Dore, Shinohata: A Portrait of a Japanese Village (New York: Pantheon Books, 1978), c. 65.


Report of the [First] U. S. Education Mission: Digest, in Edward R. Beauchamp and James M. Virdaman, Jr., eds., Japanese Education since 1945: A Documentary Study (Armonk, N.Y: M. E. Sharpe, 1994), c. 87.


Fundamental Law of Education, 1947, in Herbert Passim, ed., Society and Education in Japan (Teachers Colledge and East Asian Institute, Columbia University, 1965), cc. 302 и 301.


Alfred C. Oppier, Legal Reform in Occupied Japan: A Participant Looks Back (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976), c. 117.


Vidya Prakash Dutt, ed., East Asia: China, Korea, Japan, 1947–1950 (London: Oxford University Press, 1958), c. 31.


Japan: Confidentially, Some Confidential Shades of FEC-230, in Newsweek (Декабрь 29, 1947), c. 31.


Schonberger, «Dzaibatsu Dissolution and the American Restoration of Japan», cc. 22–26.


Tessa Morris-Suzuki, Showa: An Inside History of Hirohito's Japan (New York: Schocken Books, 1985), cc. 247–248.


Sheldon Garon, The State and Labor in Modem Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), c. 239.


John W. Dower, Empire and Aftermath: Yoshida Shigeru and the Japanese Experience, 1878–1954 (Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1988), c. 371.


The Pacific Rivals, c. 107.


Douglas MacArthur, Reminiscences (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964), cc. 281–282.


Слова Ясукава приводятся по изданию: Yasukawa Daigoro, Message from Tokyo Olympic Committee, in Contemporary Japan (Октябрь 1963), cc. 638–641.


Цитаты, приведенные в этом абзаце, взяты из: Mainichi Daily News, Fifty Years of Light and Dark: The Hirohito Era (Tokyo: Mainichi Newspaper, 1975), cc. 341–342.


James L. McClain, «Cultural Chauvinism and the Olympiads of East Asia», International Journal of the History Sport 7:3 (Декабрь 1990), c. 395.


Edwin O. Reischauer, The United States and Japan (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957, rev. ed.), c. 51.


Nick Lyons, The Sony Vision (New York: Crown, 1976), c. 41; Hanada Hideji, If Morita Akio Had Become Japan's «Business Premier», in Japan Echo 27:1 (Февраль 2000), Интернет-издание, без указания страниц (переведено с издания «Zaikai sori shunin mokuzen ni taoreta Soni Morita Akio no munen, in Ekonomisuto, Октябрь 26, 1999, cc. 68–70).


Dennis B. Smith, Japan since 1945: The Rise of an Economic Superpower (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995), c. 109.


Ezra E Vogel, Japan's New Middle Class (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963, 2d ed.), c. 268.


Anne Е. Imamura, Urban Japanese Housewives: At Home and in the Community (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987), c. 67.


Merry White, The Virtue of Japanese Mothers: Cultural Definitions of Women's Lives, in Daedalus 116:3 (Лето 1987), c. 153.


Gail Lee Bernstein, Women in Rural Japan, in Joyce Lebra, Joy Paulson, and Elizabeth Powers, eds., Women in Changing Japan (Boulder: Westview Press, 1976), c. 44 и c. 46.


William W Kelley, Finding a Place in Metropolitan Japan: Ideologies, Institutions, and Everyday Life, in Andrew Gordon, ed., Postwar Japan as History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), c. 215.


Myrakami Yasusuke, The Age of New Middle Mass Politics: The Case of Japan, Journal of Japanese Studies 8:1 (Зима 1982), c. 36.


Kudota Akira, The Political Influence of the Japanese Higher Civil Service, in Japan Quarterly 28:1 (Январь — март 1981), с. 45.


Ezra E. Vogel, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979), c. viii.


Слова Эдвина Райсхауэра приводятся по тексту на последней странице обложки нью-йоркского издания книги Фогеля Japan as Number One (New York: Harper Colophon, 1980).


Koji Taira, Dialectics of Economic Growth, National Power, and Distributive Struggles, in Gordon, ed., Postwar Japan as History, c. 171.


Norma Field, Somehow: The Postmodern as Atmosphere, in Masao Miyoshi and H. D. Harootunian, eds., Postmodernism and Japan (Durham: Duke University Press, 1989), cc. 172–179.


Margaret Lock, Restorinng Order to the House of Japan, in Wilson Quarterly 14:4 (Осень 1990), cc. 46–47.


Theodore C. Bestor, Tokyo Mom-and-Pop, in Wilson Quarterly 14:4 (Осень 1990), cc. 46–47.


Marilyn Ivy, Tradition and Difference in the Japanese Mass Media, in Public Culture 1:1 (Осень 1988), c. 21.


Jennifer Robertson, Native and Newcomer: Making and Remaking a Japanese City (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), c. 23.


Fujiwara Sakuya, Japan's Financial Woes and the Hopes for Big Bang, in Japan Echo 25:1 (February 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


Obuchi Keizo, From Foreign Minister to Ptime Minister, in Japan Echo 25:5 (Октябрь 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


Prime Minister Mori: A Full Life of Encounters with Remarkable People, news release from the Consulate General of Japan, Boston, июль 24, 2000.


Tоkuyama Jiro, The Leaderless State, in Japan Echo 18:4 (Зима 1991), cc. 35–41 (tr. and abr. from Rida naki kuni wa horobu, Chuo Koron [Октябрь 1991], cc. 124–140).


Masuzoe Yoichi, The LDP's Electoral Setback, in Japan Echo 25:5 (Октябрь 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


Masamura Kimihiro et al., The LDP in Crisis, Japan Echo 16:3 (Осень 1989), c. 17 (tr. and abr. from Jiminto itto shihai wa qwari ka, in Economisuto [Июль 3, 1989], cc. 12–21).


Noguchi Yukio, The Persistence of the 1940 Slump, in Japan Echo 24: Special Issue (1997), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц (перевод 1940 taisei, saraba senji keizai [Tokyo: Toyo Keizai, 1995], cc. 133–150 и 177–199).


Iwami Takao, Japanese Politics in an Age of Realignment, in Japan Echo 21:1 (Весна 1994), c. 9 (tr. and abr. from Jiminto wa ikinokoreru ka, in Bungei Shunju [Январь 1994], cc. 104–110).


Noda Nobuo, The Built-in Defects of Japanese Government, in Japan Echo 18:4 (Зима 1991), cc. 44–45 (tr. and abr. from Sabakareru «han'ei kyodotai», in Shokun [Октябрь 1991], cc. 26–38).


Sassa Atsuyuki, Fault Lines in Our Emergency Management System, in Japan Echo 22:2 (Лето 1995), c. 23 (tr. and abr. from «Gominkan» ga inakkatta sori kantei, in Chuo Koron [Апрель 1995], cc. 62–73).


Kishi Nobuhito, Is MOF to Blame for Japan's «Second Defeat?», in Japan Echo 25:5 (Октябрь 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


Sakaiya Taichi, The Myth of the Competent Bureaucrat, in Japan Echo 25:1 (Февраль 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц (tr. and abr. from Gendai kanryo «cho» munoron, Bungei Shinju [Октябрь 1997], cc. 94—103).


Yoshida Katsuji, The Administrative Reform Debacle-Hashimoto's Nemesis, in Japan Quarterly 45:1 (Январь-март 1998), c. 30.


Obuchi, From Foreign Minister to Prime Minister.


Fujiwara, Japan's Financial Foes and the Hope for Big Bang, and Takeuchi Yasuo, Revitalizing Japanese Manufacturing, in Japan Echo 23:4 (Зима 1996), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


Sato Seizaburo, Time for Review of Japan's Security Policy, in Japan Echo 17:4 (Зима 1990), c. 23.


Japan's Role in the International Community: Draft Report, in Japan Echo 19:2 (Лето 1992), c. 52.


Ikeda Tadashi, Toward an Open-Ended Asia Policy, in Japan Echo 22:1 (Весна 1995), c. 21 (tr. from «Ajiashugi» de nai Ajia gaiko o, in Gaiko Forum [Февраль 1994], cc. 52–60).


David A. Titus, Accessing the World: Palace and Foreign Policy in Post Occupation Japan, in Gerald L. Curtis, ed., Japan's Foreign Policy after the Cold War: Coping with Change (Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1993), c. 67.


Chinese President Slaps Japan over Apology for WWII Actions, in Providence Sunday Journal, Ноябрь 29, 1998, с. A6.


Kathleen S. Uno, The Death of «Good Wife, Wise Mother», in Andrew Gordon, ed., Postwar Japan as History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), c. 314.


Suzuki Kazue, Equal Job Opportunity for Whom? in Japan Quarterly 43:3 (Июль-сентябрь 1996), c. 54.


Jean R. Rensaw, Kimono in the Boardroom (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), c. 132.


Merry White, Home Truths: Women and Social Change in Japan, in Daedalus 121:4 (Осень 1992), c. 70.


Ogawa Naohiro, When the Baby Boomers Grow Old, in Japan Echo 23: Special Issue (1996), c. 19 (tr. and abr. from «Dankai koreika» no kyofu, in Sansara [Октябрь 1995], cc. 160–167).


Nicholas D. Kristof, Who Needs Love? In Japan, Many Couples Don't, in New York Times, Февраль 11, 1996, Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


White, Ноте Truths, с. 70.


Chikushi Tetsuya, Young People as a New Human Race, in Japan Quarterly 33:3 (Июль-сентябрь 1986), c. 291.


Sugahara Mariko, Five Fatal Symptoms of the Japanese Disease, in Japan Echo 21:2 (Лето 1994), c. 69 (tr. from «Nihon byo» itsutsu no shojo, in Chuo Koron [Апрель 1994], cc. 108–116).


Ijiri Kazuo, The Breakdown of the Japanese Work Ethic, in Japan Echo 17:4 (Зима 1990), cc. 38–40 (tr. and abr. from Rikuruto no mo hitotsu no hanzai, in Shokun [Октябрь 1990], cc. 174–184).


Nishiyama Akira, Among Friends: The Seductive Power of Bullying, in Japan Quarterly 43:4 (Октябрь — декабрь 1996), cc. 51–57.


Mark Schreiber, Juvenile Crime in the 1990s, in Japan Quarterly 44:2 (Апрель-июнь 1997), cc. 84–85.


Merry White, The Virtue of Japanese Mothers: Cultural Definitions of Women's Lives, in Daedalus 116:3 (Лето 1987), c. 154.


Kawakami Ryoichi, A Teacher's Diary, in Japan Echo (Февраль 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц (tr. and abr. from «Okosamakyo» ga koko made gakko о dame ni shita, in Bungei Shunju [Jmz,hm 1997], cc. 300–316).


Crisis in the Schools, in Japan Echo 25:3 (Июнь 1998), Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.




Richard Siddle, Race, Resistance and the Ainu of Japan (London: Routledge, 1996), c. 179.


Richard Siddle, Ainu: Japan's Indigenous People, in Michael Weiner, ed., Japan's Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity (London: Routledge, 1997), c. 32.


Chikako Kashiwazaki, The Politics of Legal Status: The Equation of Nationality with Ethnonational Identity, in Sonia Ryang, ed., Koreans in Japan: Critical Voices from the Margins (London: Routledge, 2000), c. 29.


Let's Make a New Start, in Japan Times, 1 января 2000, Интернет-издание, без нумерации страниц.


Dorinne Kondo, The Aesthetics and Politics of Japanese Identity in the Fashion Industry, in Joseph J. Tobin, ed., Re-Made in Japan: Everyday Life and Consumer Taste in Changing Society (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992), cc. 179 и 194.


Kato Shuichi, Oe Kenzaburo and the Nobel Prize, in Japan Echo 22:1 (Весна 1995), cc. 78–79 (tr. from Kawabata Yasunarikara Oe Kenzaburo e, in Asahi shinbun, evening edition, Октябрь 20, 1994, c. 15).


Iwao Sumiko, Popular Culture Goes Regional, in Japan Echo 21:4 (Pbvf 1994), c. 74.


Translated by A. L. Sadler in The Ten Foot Square Hut and Tales of the Heike (Rutledge, Vt.: Charles E. Tuttle, 1972), c. 1.
