
At 21.00 Orson got his first encouraging lead. He was at the window overlooking Larrimore’s house and was munching a sandwich when he saw a blue Jaguar pull up outside the Larrimore gates. The light was beginning to fade and wasn’t good enough for him to get a good look at the driver.

For the past two days, he and Fay had kept watch but the operation still had remained negative. Lessing’s other men were now checking the smaller rooming houses in the City. So far they had drawn blank. Holtz had been alerted. In his turn, he had alerted Radnitz.

‘He’s got to be found,’ Radnitz had said. ‘This is your responsibility,’ and knowing he could rely on Holtz to achieve the impossible, he dismissed Elliot from his mind.

Orson, tireless and patient, waited. Now this car had pulled up and he stiffened to attention.

‘Here’s something,’ he said, putting down his sandwich.

Fay joined him at the window and they both examined the car through their field glasses.

‘New York plates,’ Fay said. ‘It can’t be Elliot.’

‘Look who’s here... the girl,’ Orson said. He had spotted Judy running down the drive. ‘Alert Fred!’

While Fay was speaking to Nisson on the transceiver, Orson watched Judy get into the Jaguar. There was a moment’s pause, then the car drove off, heading towards the centre of the City.

Orson was relieved to see Nisson’s Chevy appear and follow the Jaguar.

‘Well, how’s Superman?’ Judy asked as she settled herself beside Vin. ‘What’s the programme for tonight?’

He glanced at her. She was wearing a red mini skirt, a yellow see-through blouse, yellow tights and slippers. He thought she looked pretty good and he said so.

‘Low-Life Club,’ he told her. ‘Let’s turn it on there and then we’ll go back to that beach you took me to last time.’

‘Oh no, we don’t! If you’re thinking of screwing me on sand you have another thing coming. If you plan to get laid, we’ll go to the motel.’

Vin laughed.

‘Okay. What have you been doing with yourself?’

She grimaced.

‘The usual. I’m sick of the way I’m living! Time’s running out. In another two years I’ll be twenty! I’ve got to get some money!’

‘I’m not stopping you. Thought any more about those stamps?’

‘Yes... have you?’

‘Sure. I think we can swing it, but let’s not talk now. Let’s have a drink, eat and then we’ll go to the Blue Heaven and make a night of it.’

After an excellent meal, they danced for an hour or so, then Vin said, ‘Come on... let’s go.’

Nisson followed them without difficulty to the Blue Heaven motel, watched them check in and go to one of the cabins, then he called Orson.

‘They’ve shacked up at the Blue Heaven motel, Harry,’ he reported. ‘Want me to stay with them?’

‘See if you can find out who he is, Fred.’

‘I’ve got that from his licence tag.’ Nisson read off the details he had jotted down which Orson noted.

‘Can you get into the cabin next to theirs? I’d like to hear what they’re talking about.’

‘No can do. The cabins either side are occupied. Besides, from the look of them, there’s not going to be much talking.’

‘Okay. It’s early yet. There’s a chance they won’t spend the whole night there. Stick around until 02.00, then if there’s still no sign of them I’ll send a relief and you can go home.’

‘Go... where?’ Nisson said bitterly. ‘Since when have I a home?’

Orson passed the details he had got on Vin to Lessing who in his turn telexed the F.B.I. Washington for an immediate report back.

Oblivious of this activity, Vin was occupied with Judy. When they had had enough lovemaking, Vin got off the bed, made two stiff whiskies and then returning to the bed he gave his attention to business.

‘With your help, baby,’ he said, I’m sure I can get those stamps, but there are things I must know and you can tell me. You say there’s an electric switch that controls all the drawers and the switch is in a steel box let in the wall of the stamp room and kept locked. Right?’

Judy nodded.

‘I want you to find out the name of the maker of the steel box. Lock makers are so proud of their safes they invariably have their name on the door. Do you think you can do that?’

‘If it’s there I can.’

‘The same applies to the burglar alarm. There’s certain to be a fuse box somewhere in the house. Find out where it is and see if the maker’s name is on the box. You say there’s a close circuit TV covering the stamp room?’

‘Yes. It was installed by Security Guards and the monitor is in their office.’

Vin nodded. ‘I know the system. In a city like this it would be popular. They have a big room where screens are hooked to cameras protecting people’s homes and one guard watches all the screens. It works pretty well.’ He paused to think. ‘How come your old man thought of installing a system like that?’

‘They have one at the City Hall covering the Kennedy memorial. My old man saw it and fell for it.’

‘Why should they have a scanner in the City Hall?’

Judy giggled. ‘A year ago, some joker splashed paint on the statue. The City Hall blew its cool and had one installed. Why should they worry... it’s the taxpayers’ money.’

Vin filed this piece of information away in his mind.

‘Your old man’ keeps the door to the stamp room locked?’

‘You bet.’

‘How about the windows?’

‘When he’s not there, there are steel shutters to every window.’

‘Is the lock on the door something special?’

‘I wouldn’t know.’

‘Okay, baby, that’s something you find out. Do you think you could get hold of the key?’

‘Not a hope.’

Seeing she was getting bored with his questions, Vin began to wonder if she was going to be as helpful as he had hoped.

‘When does he play golf?’

‘Every Tuesday afternoon.’

‘Could you get me into the house when he’s at the club?’

‘Not a hope.’

He resisted an urge to slap her.

‘Why not?’

‘The lousy staff are always fiddling around. Anyway they wouldn’t let you in. I’m not allowed to take my friends home.’

‘Use your head,’ Vin said impatiently. ‘There must be some way you can get me in. How about at night? How do you get in with the alarms set? Don’t tell me your old man sits up for you.’

‘I have my own entrance. The door from my apartment to the house is always locked after ten o’clock.’

Vin got off the bed.

‘I’ll take a shower.’

While standing under the cold water, he turned over in his mind the information Judy had given him. When he returned to the bedroom, he said, ‘Get dressed. We have work to do.’

‘Oh, for God’s sake.’ Judy squirmed down in the bed. ‘I want to sleep. Look at the time!’

Vin was putting on his clothes.

‘Never mind about the time. Get dressed!’

Grumbling, she got out of bed and pulled on her panties.

‘You know something, Superman?’ she said, struggling into her see-through blouse, ‘you’re beginning to bore me.’

‘That’s too bad.’ Vin was now dressed and was writing on a pad he had brought with him. ‘Does a million bucks bore you too?’

He tore the page off the pad and gave it to her.

‘A reminder. I want all this information tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at the house at nine.’

She read what he had written.

‘Okay... I don’t promise anything.’

‘I want this information!’ Vin snapped. ‘You’re in this for a million... so work for it!’

She was startled to see the cold hardness in his eyes.

‘Well, don’t shout at me.’

‘Now I want you to draw a plan of the house.’

Her eyes widened.

‘So you’re really going to try?’

‘That’s it, baby,’ he said staring intently at her. ‘I’m really going to try.’

Soon after 11.00 the following morning, Lessing came briskly into Holtz’s office.

‘I’ve found Elliot,’ he announced as he shut the door.

‘About time.’ Holtz was always grudging with praise. ‘I’ll tell Mr. Radnitz. He may want this direct from you.’

Lessing stiffened. Radnitz scared him.

‘Don’t do that. I...’

But Holtz had already gone out on to the terrace and a moment later he returned and beckoned to Lessing.

Lessing approached Radnitz like a mouse approaching a cat. Radnitz was reading a document and Lessing waited, his sweating hands gripped tightly behind his back.

Abruptly Radnitz put down the document and stared at Lessing, his eyes hooded.

‘Where did you find Elliot?’ he asked.

‘He is staying at the Seagull, Seaview Boulevard, sir: a small, four bedroom bungalow that is rented to people on vacation.’

‘Who owns it?’

‘A Mrs. Miller of Miami.’

‘Did Elliot rent it from her?’

Lessing was thankful he had made thorough inquiries before reporting to Radnitz.

‘No, sir. A man called Joe Luck rents it from her. He has rented it for the season now for the past three years. He is living there with his daughter and a man called Vin Pinna.’

‘Elliot is living with these three?’

‘It would seem so.’ Lessing went on to explain how his men had seen Pinna meet Judy Larrimore, how they had followed them to the Blue Heaven motel and then had followed Pinna to the bungalow. ‘A watch was kept on the bungalow and at 09.00 Elliot came into the back garden which is screened from the road. He was joined by the other three and they had breakfast together.’

‘Who are these three?’

‘We have no information as yet on Luck or his daughter, but Pinna has a record. I have an F.B.I. report on him, sir. He is an expert lock man, has served three years for robbery but is not wanted right now.’

Radnitz nodded.

‘I want a watch kept on Elliot and on these other three. I want a daily report. On no account are they to know they are being watched... understood?’

‘Yes, sir,’ Lessing said, thinking this was easier said than done.

‘I want a watch kept on Claude Kendrick. Elliot may contact him. Keep a watch on Larrimore’s house and also continue to watch his daughter.’

Realizing the profit he was going to make from this operation, Lessing put on his most efficient air.

‘I’ll take care of it, sir.’

Radnitz regarded him. His hooded eyes were like tiny pools of ice.

‘If there is one mistake, Lessing,’ he said, his voice soft, ‘then even I will be sorry for you.’

He picked up the document and again began to study it.

Shaken, Lessing looked hopefully at Holtz who ignored him, then he went quickly from the terrace to where Ko-Yu, giving him a sly little grin, opened the front door.

Fred Nisson and Alec Ross were men of considerable experience in tailing suspects. They worked together: one in front of the suspect and the other behind. They had an efficient set of signals with which they communicated with each other. To look at they were just a couple of middle-aged men on vacation who were wandering around the City, gaping at shop windows, wandering around the stores and being generally harmless.

At 10.30, they saw Joey and Cindy leave the bungalow and drive off in the Jaguar. Both men were startled to see Cindy apparently had become heavily pregnant. Having seen her in the garden an hour ago having breakfast this abrupt transformation foxed them.

‘Think it’s her twin sister?’ Ross asked as he drove after the Jaguar.

‘Can’t be anything else,’ Nisson returned. It looks the same girl, but goddamn it, she can’t be. This one looks as if she’s going to lay an egg any minute.’

Still baffled, they followed the Jaguar into the big parking lot of the Central Self-Service store and both men separated, one going ahead of Joey and Cindy, the other lagging behind.

If it had been anyone else but Joey, Nisson and Ross would have been just two men in a crowd, but Joey had a built in antenna that warned him of danger.

The antenna began to quiver as he walked with Cindy into the store. Immediately he looked to right and left to see if there was a store detective around, but he couldn’t see one.

Cindy was planning to cook a beef stew and she made her way briskly to the meat counter.

A balding man wearing a blue and white shirt and blue slacks moved on ahead of her. Joey eyed his back and his antenna really came alive.

He touched Cindy’s arm. ‘No operation, honey,’ he said softly. ‘I’ve got a feeling...’

During the years of going around with her father, Cindy had come to respect his ‘feelings’. Once she had ignored his warning and they had narrowly escaped disaster. A store detective had been lurking out of sight and it was only because Cindy appeared to be so heavily pregnant that he didn’t take action, but told them to get out fast. So now when her father said ‘No operation,’ she obeyed.

They bought what they wanted and while Cindy joined the queue at the paying station, Joey walked through the barrier and waited for her. While he waited, he looked around. The man in the blue and white shirt had bought a bottle of Coke and was standing immediately behind Cindy. Joey’s antenna fluttered and he looked away.

Together Cindy and he walked back to the Jaguar.

‘I think we’re being tailed,’ Joey said. ‘Take the car. I’ll go over to the kiosk and buy cigarettes. You circle for a few minutes, then pick me up at the kiosk.’

Cindy got into the Jaguar and drove away. Joey wandered slowly across the parking lot, pausing to examine a Capri as if the car interested him. He saw the man in the blue and white shirt driving after Cindy. But his antenna still fluttered and he felt sure there was a second tail watching him. He went over to the kiosk and bought a pack of cigarettes and also the Paradise Herald. He paused to scan the headlines, then glanced around but there were so many people that he was unable to spot the second tailer although he was sure he was there.

He continued to appear to be reading the paper until the Jaguar pulled in to the parking lot. Joey got in and Cindy drove off.

‘Where to, dad?’ she asked.

Joey shifted the driving mirror so he could watch the cars behind. He saw another nondescript looking man wearing a green shirt get in the car beside the man in the blue and white shirt and the car moved after them.

‘We are being tailed,’ Joey said, his voice unsteady. ‘They don’t look like cops, but they could be private eyes. Keep going. We’ll go up into the hills and see if they really mean business.’

‘Why should they be tailing us?’ Cindy asked, her eyes growing round.

‘I don’t know and I don’t like it.’

Once free of the heavy traffic, Cindy put on speed and turning off the highway, she took a side road that led up into the hills. After a minute or so, Joey again checked the driving mirror. There was no sign of the following car.

‘Keep going,’ he said. ‘I think we’ve lost them, but they could be foxing.’

In the following car, Ross cursed softly as he saw the Jaguar turn off the highway.

‘I think they’ve spotted us, Fred,’ he said. If I go up that road after them, they’ll know for sure they are being tailed.’ He pulled into a lay-by. ‘How the hell did they get on to us?’

Nisson, acutely aware of Lessing’s instructions that the suspects were on no account to know they were being tailed, broke out in a gentle sweat.

‘I don’t understand it, but I think you’re right. Let’s get back to the bungalow. From now on, Alec, we’ve got to be a damn sight more careful with these people. Maybe I’d better report to the old man.’

‘And get chewed to hell? We don’t know for sure they did spot us. Let’s wait and see how it works out.’

When Joey was sure they had lost the following car, he told Cindy to take the loop road that would bring them back on to the highway.

‘We’ll go home,’ Joey said. ‘Don will want to know about this.’

When Joey told Elliot he stared in disbelief.

‘Are you sure?’

‘I wouldn’t swear to it, but I think so.’

‘Well, let’s take it they were tailing you,’ Elliot said. ‘They could only be tailing you because they suspect you have been helping yourselves in the various stores. Why else should they tail you? Now listen, from now on, we pay for everything we want... understand? We don’t want you two arrested on a shop lifting charge just when we are starting this operation.’ He turned to Vin who had been listening and frowning. ‘You too, Vin. Keep your eyes skinned just in case these two men are also interested in you. If you think you are being tailed, act normally. Don’t try to lose the tailer. The time to start losing them is when we go for the stamps.’

‘But why should they be tailing us?’ Joey asked. ‘These two weren’t cops. I can smell a cop a mile away.’

‘Could they have been store detectives?’

‘I don’t think so... maybe they could have been, but I reckon I know all the store dicks by sight in this City and don’t tell me store dicks would follow us in a car.’

Elliot shrugged.

‘Anyway, you think you lost them?’

‘No question about that.’

‘Okay, watch it... let’s all watch it. Maybe it was a false alarm.’

That night Vin picked Judy up outside the Larrimore house. Conscious of Elliot’s warning, he checked several times in his driving mirror to make sure he wasn’t being followed.

Nisson, much more careful now, had got a second car. While Ross drove ahead of Vin, Nisson, in the second car, kept in touch with Ross by a transceiver and followed Vin by using the side streets.

As soon as Vin pulled up to let Judy get into the car, Nisson alerted Orson, watching from the empty villa and Orson told him in which direction Vin was driving. In this way Nisson was able to follow Vin without being spotted to the Coq d’Or restaurant.’

Vin was feeling good. As soon as Judy had got into the Jaguar he had asked her if she had the information he wanted and she said she had.

‘Fine baby... I’ll buy you an expensive dinner.’

Judy refused to tell him what she had found out until the dinner was ordered. Then while waiting for the lobster soufflé she handed him the sheet of paper on which he had written the reminders for her and he saw she had scribbled in the answers.

He studied the information and nodded his satisfaction. He now had the name of the firm who had installed the burglar alarms and also the name of the people who had arranged the electric switch controlling the drawers that contained the stamps. He knew both these firms and he knew just how to handle their appliances. This would be easier than he had thought.

‘This is fine, baby,’ he said and called for a bottle of champagne.

Judy regarded him.

‘Does this mean something to you?’

‘Sure... sure.’ He grinned. ‘It means we are that much closer to those stamps and to all that lovely bread.’

‘But how are you going to find the stamps?’

He patted her hand. ‘I’ll find them.’

Later, both feeling relaxed with the good food, Judy said, ‘I feel like being screwed. Let’s go to the Blue Heaven.’

‘Not tonight, baby,’ Vin said. ‘We’re going to your pad.’

She stiffened.

‘That’s something we don’t do!’

‘Come on, baby.’ Vin signalled for the check. ‘We’re in business... remember? I want to take a look at the lock on your door to the house.’

‘You’re crazy! I’m not taking you home!’

He smiled at her. Settling the check with the money Elliot had given him, he got to his feet.

‘Let’s go.’

Nisson on his transceiver alerted Ross that the Jaguar was heading his way. Ross set his car rolling and in a few moments, he saw the Jaguar’s headlights in his driving mirror. He kept going.

Seeing the direction in which Vin was driving, Nisson guessed he was taking Judy home. He told Ross to speed up and get to the house before Vin did.

Vin pulled up outside the Larrimore gates, cut the engine and got out of the car.

‘Come on, baby... let’s go,’ he said.

Judy hesitated, then getting out of the car, she went with him up the drive towards the house.

Through night glasses, Orson watched with interest.

As they neared the house, Vin paused in the shade of a flowering shrub. There were lights showing on the top floor: the second floor was in darkness and a single light showed on the ground floor.

‘What gives?’ he asked. ‘What are those lights?’

‘The staff on the top floor and the stamp room on the ground floor,’ Judy told him.

He had memorized the plan she had drawn of the house, but he wanted to be sure. Pointing to the far wing of the house, he asked, ‘That’s where you are?’


Taking her arm, he walked with her across the lawn, keeping in the shadows until they reached the entrance to her rooms. She unlocked the door and they went in.

‘I want to take a look at that lock.’

She led him through a small sitting room to a lobby.

‘That’s it,’ she said and pointed.

He examined the lock and grinned.

‘Strictly for kids,’ he said. ‘Fine... okay, baby, I’ll get moving. See you tomorrow night, huh?’

‘Well, since you forced your way in... you’d better stay.’

‘No... the Jag out there’s too much of an ad. See you nine o’clock tomorrow night I’ll take you to the Adam and Eve club... okay?’

‘But it’s only eleven o’clock,’ Judy protested. ‘I’ll come with you. Let’s go to the club now.’

‘Sorry, baby... I’ve got business. Tomorrow, we’ll have a ball,’ and he left her.

While Vin and Judy were at the Coq d’Or restaurant, Elliot and Cindy were in the garden of the bungalow and Joey was watching TV.

Elliot had never felt more relaxed. Cindy had seen his stump and had actually cradled it in her hands and she had cried a little. By her attitude and by the way she had insisted on taking the stump in her hands Elliot now no longer felt he was some goddamn crippled freak. He knew as he had watched her he could make love to her and she would have given herself willingly, but he hesitated. He had asked her bluntly if she had ever made love and Cindy, blushing, had admitted she hadn’t.

Now, seated side by side, looking at the yellow moon, Elliot took her hand.

‘You mean a lot to me, Cindy,’ he said. ‘I believe I’m half in love with you and I get the idea it’s the same with you, but it won’t work. I’m not for you. There’s something fatal about me. I’ve never brought anyone any happiness least of all myself. I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to get hurt.’

‘I won’t get hurt. I love you and that’s that,’ Cindy said, not looking at him. ‘I’ve loved you from the moment I met you.’

He shook his head despondently.

‘I’ve got no future to share with you. You know something? You’re dead without money.’ He let go of her hand. ‘That may seem a crazy thing to say, but it’s true. I don’t mean that you or Joey are dead without money... but I am. I’ve always thought this way. Life means nothing to me without the things, the power, the service that money can buy. That’s the way I’m made. If it wasn’t for you and all the process servers after me I couldn’t have stayed in this mean little house for ten minutes. But just having you around and the thought that with luck I’ll pick up a lump of money has made it possible. When I get that money I’m going to have a final splash and it’s going to be one hell of a splash.’

‘But with a hundred thousand dollars,’ Cindy said quietly, ‘you can live well for a long time, Don. With me to help out, you could live...’

He laughed. ‘We’re on the wrong wave length, Cindy. I don’t want to live a long time... I’m tired of living... like ol’ man River.’ He made an impatient movement. ‘I’m talking too much. I just want you to know that after this job we’re going to say goodbye. I want you to put me right out of your mind as I intend to put you out of my mind... that way no one gets hurt.’

He broke off abruptly as Vin and Joey came out of the bungalow and moved towards them.

Vin dropped into a nearby chair while Joey sat on the grass.

‘My part of the operation is fixed,’ Vin said. ‘I’ve got all the info I need from the chick to get at the stamps except in which drawer they’re kept. No trouble at all. The alarms can be fixed. There’s just one problem but this can also be fixed. This is where Joey pulls his weight.’

Cindy heard Vin’s voice, but she didn’t hear what he was saying. Her mind was far away, thinking of what Elliot had just said to her. She felt a pang of misery. There had been something in his quiet voice that warned her he had meant what he said. How could she ever put him out of her mind?

But if Cindy wasn’t listening, Elliot was.

‘What’s the problem?’

‘There’s a TV scanner in the stamp room,’ Vin said. ‘Judy has shown me on her plan where it is. It revolves in a semicircle, sweeping the room, but by keeping on my hands and knees I can keep out of its range. But the snag is I have to get into the room by the door. Even if I crawl in, the guard watching the monitor would see the door open even if he didn’t see me. It’ll take me around three seconds to open the door, get into the room and then close the door. In those three seconds I could be spotted. Now the system works like this. All Security Guard scanners are hooked to monitors in their headquarters: there are around forty monitors to a room and a guard sits watching them. If he sees something on one of the monitors he doesn’t like he presses a button on the monitor that alerts a patrol car that goes at once to investigate.’

‘Never mind the system,’ Joey said uneasily. ‘Where do I come in on this?’

‘You cause a diversion.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘You know the Kennedy memorial at the City Hall?’

Joey blinked.

‘Yes... what’s that to do with this?’

‘Once a practical joker splashed paint on it and since then it has been protected by a Security Guard scanner. The City Hall is pretty touchy about the memorial... it cost them a lot of dough. Now your job is to look as if you’re going to damage the statue... you don’t of course, but you look as if you might be going to do something. When the guard spots you on the monitor, he isn’t going to be looking at Larrimore’s monitor. If we time it to a split second, I can get the door open, get in, shut the door, get the stamps and get out again while the guard is watching you, trying to make up his mind whether to alert the patrol car or not.’ Vin looked at Elliot. ‘What do you think?’

‘It’s a good idea, but it’s certainly got to be timed right.’

‘What happens to me if the cops pick me up?’ Joey asked uneasily.

‘Nothing,’ Elliot said gently. ‘You don’t have to worry about that. The way I see it: you’re on vacation. You are a Kennedy fan and you’ve got a little drunk. You want to pay a tribute to him. You have a bottle of Scotch with you. What nicer thought than to leave the bottle at the foot of the statue? Maybe the cops will treat you a little rough, but they’ll let you go once they see you’re harmless. Yes... it’s a great idea... it’ll work.’

Vin sat back, grinning. ‘You see? I’ve buttoned my end up, now it’s up to you and Cindy to button your end up. Get me the number of the drawer and I’ll get the stamps.’

‘There’s one of your buttons left undone,’ Elliot said quietly. ‘Has Judy told you the name of the buyer?’

Vin’s smug smile slipped.

‘Not yet. When I get the stamps, she’ll tell me.’

‘Can you trust her?’

Vin stiffened. ‘What does that mean?’

‘You said she wanted a thousand dollars. She could give you any name, couldn’t she?’

‘You take me for a dope? She has agreed in return for a grand to give me the letter this guy wrote to her old man offering to buy the stamps,’ Vin said hotly. ‘That covers us, doesn’t it?’

‘Suppose this buyer has changed his mind by now?’

‘To hell with that for an idea! But suppose he has changed his mind, then we sell the stamps to Kendrick. Okay, we don’t make so much, but we make something.’

Elliot nodded.

The following morning, a letter addressed to Cindy was in the mailbox. Joey found it and brought it to the breakfast table. All four stared at the neat writing on the envelope.

‘This is it,’ Elliot said. ‘Go ahead, Cindy... open it.’

Cindy shook her head. ‘You open it, Don.’

Elliot slit open the envelope, extracted a sheet of notepaper and read the few lines. His eyes lit up with excitement.

‘It’s worked! Larrimore will see you tomorrow morning at eleven!’ He tossed the letter on the table.

When they had all read it, Vin said, ‘Okay, now it’s up to you, baby. For Pete’s sake, don’t louse it up!’

‘She won’t.’ Elliot smiled at Cindy. ‘You’ve got to dress the part. Buy yourself a simple cotton dress; make yourself look as young as you can... fix your hair. You’re just a small time kid left something by her grandfather and you’re hoping it’s worth a fortune.’

Tense, her eyes wide, Cindy nodded.

Elliot regarded her.

‘It doesn’t scare you?’

‘No, but if he hasn’t the book on him...’

‘He lives with it,’ Vin broke in. ‘Judy swears he’s never without it.’

‘All right, then I can get it, but I may not have a chance to look at it. He may not leave me long enough for me to find the entry... that really worries me.’

‘Yes.’ Elliot nodded. ‘That’s the gamble. Let’s see if we can shorten the odds.’ He thought for a moment. ‘Suppose I telephone him while you are with him? When he answers the phone you can check the book. How’s that?’

‘But suppose I haven’t been able to get the book before you phone? You won’t know when I’ve got it.’

‘That’s right.’ Elliot reached for a cigarette while he considered this, then he snapped his fingers. ‘A walkie-talkie! Joey get one: small and powerful. Cindy has one in her bag. I’ll be waiting here with the other.’ He looked at Cindy. ‘All you have to do when you’ve got the book is to open your bag and say into it “Okay.” I’ll then call Larrimore.’

‘That’s fixed it,’ Vin said, getting to his feet. ‘Come on, Joey, I’ll drive you down town.’

When they had gone, Elliot said, ‘If you get the drawer number, Cindy, don’t tell Vin. If we tell him, we’ll have no hold on him. He could sneak out of here, get the stamps, do a deal with Larrimore’s daughter and leave us high and dry.’

‘But he must be told if he is to get the stamps.’

‘I’m going with him,’ Elliot said. ‘It’s the only way. When we get into the stamp room, I’ll take the stamps and I’ll do the selling. Do you know where he keeps his gun?’

Cindy’s eyes popped wide open.


‘Must be in his room.’ Elliot got up and went into Vin’s small bedroom. He found the gun after a search and he unloaded it. A further search produced a box of cartridges. ‘I’ll dump these,’ he said to Cindy who was standing in the doorway, watching him. ‘Something tells me Vin would use the gun if he was under pressure.’

‘Don... I wish you wouldn’t go with him. Suppose something goes wrong? Suppose you got caught?’

‘There’s no other way.’ Elliot grinned. ‘Know something? This is the first real fun I’ve ever had in my life.’

The following morning as the hands of the clock on the over-mantel moved to 11.00, the three men sat around the table in the living room of the bungalow. The telephone was in front of Elliot and the walkie-talkie, switched on, by the telephone.

Early in the morning, Cindy had walked to Larrimore’s house and had tested the two-way radio which worked well. She had timed the walk and found it took her seventeen minutes from the bungalow without hurrying. Satisfied with the test, she returned to the bungalow.

Orson who was catching the early morning stint picked up Cindy’s voice and Elliot’s answering voice on his transceiver. As Cindy had only said ‘Okay’ and Elliot had only replied ‘Hear you,’ then had switched off, Orson was puzzled.

‘They’re cooking up something,’ he said to Fay who was heating coffee. ‘I’d better alert the old man.’

‘At this time, he should love that,’ Fay said.

But Orson went to the telephone that Lessing had had laid on and called Lessing at his home. He explained what he had seen and heard.

‘Looks like they’re going to make a try tonight,’ Lessing said. ‘They wouldn’t start anything until Larrimore has gone to bed. He goes late. I’ll get the boys down there around 22.00. If they do start something, we’ll catch them as they come out.’

Now, it was approaching D-hour. Joey was pale and sweating. Vin, uneasy, couldn’t keep his eyes off the clock. Elliot seemed completely relaxed.

As the hands of the clock moved to eleven, he said, ‘She’s arrived.’

‘Suppose the punk won’t see her?’ Vin said. That would really sink us.’

‘I know Larrimore. He’ll see her. I told her not to part with the stamp album to a servant.’ Elliot looked at Joey. ‘What’s worrying you? You haven’t lost confidence in her, have you?’

Joey shook his head. ‘She’ll get the book if it’s on him, but it’s finding the drawer number...’ He mopped his sweating face. ‘Suppose he spots her? What would he do?’

‘He’d kick her out,’ Elliot said. ‘He wouldn’t send for the police if that’s what’s worrying you. That I’m sure of.’

That was all that was worrying Joey. The thought of his beloved Cindy being taken away by a cop made him feel ill, but Elliot’s reassuring voice helped him a lot.

The minutes crept by.

At 11.15, Vin muttered an expletive.

‘She isn’t going to get it! Now what the hell are we going to do?’

‘Shut up!’ Elliot snapped. He also found himself growing tense. ‘You don’t expect her to get it the moment she meets him, do you?’

Vin growled and lit another cigarette.

At 11.40, even Elliot was beginning to sweat. Joey was in such a state, he had to hold his handkerchief to his face while Vin was now pacing up and down the small room.

Suddenly he stopped pacing. His eyes vicious with rage, he exclaimed, ‘She’s loused it up! I never did think she would do it! She hadn’t the guts to go through with it!’

‘Shut your big mouth,’ Elliot snapped, ‘or do you want me to shut it for you?’

Vin glared at him.

‘You and who else... tin foot?’

As Elliot made to stand up, Joey put a restraining hand on his arm.

‘Don... please... this isn’t the time...’

Then clearly and distinctly, Cindy’s voice, coming from the receiver set, said, ‘Okay.’

The three men stared at each other, not quite sure if they had heard aright.

‘Did you hear that?’ Elliot demanded.

‘It was Cindy,’ Joey said.

‘Yeah.’ Vin came to the table. ‘She’s done it!’

With a slightly unsteady hand, Elliot picked up the telephone receiver and dialled Larrimore’s number. There was a delay, then a man’s voice said, ‘Mr. Larrimore’s residence.’

‘This is Don Elliot calling Mr. Larrimore.’

‘Mr. Larrimore is engaged at the moment, sir. Shall I ask him to call you back?’

‘I want to speak to him right away. Tell him I’d be obliged if he would come to the phone.’

There was more delay, then Larrimore came on the line. Elliot recognized his voice as he said, ‘Is that you, Elliot?’

‘Hello there. I’m sorry to interrupt something. Your man said you were tied up.’

‘Yes... I am rather occupied. How are you, Elliot? I haven’t seen or heard from you for months.’

At least, Elliot thought, Larrimore sounded cordial.

‘I’ve been recouping. You heard about the accident?’

‘Of course. I’m very sorry.’

‘One of those things, but I’ve now got on top of my tin foot. How about a game on Tuesday? I’ve shortened my swing and reduced my pivot and I’m playing better than ever. You might try that, Larrimore. A short swing gives you much more control.’

‘That’s an idea. Yes, let’s have a game. I’m so glad you are playing again. My congratulations. Then Tuesday at three o’clock?’

‘That’s a date.’ Elliot chitchatted about the stock market prices, determined to give Cindy all the time she needed, then finally, he hung up. He drew in a deep breath. ‘She must have got the number by now.’

It wasn’t until 12.45 that the three waiting men saw Cindy come up the garden path and they jumped to their feet and rushed to her, Elliot slightly in the lead.

She looked pale and he could see she was a little shaky, but she smiled at him as he asked, ‘Did you get it?’


‘Come on in... let’s hear about it,’ Elliot said, putting his arm around her. ‘Well done! I was sure you would succeed!’

‘What’s the drawer number?’ Vin demanded, crowding up behind them as they entered the sitting room.

‘She’s not telling you that, Vin,’ Elliot said and he pushed Cindy gently away from him so he faced Vin.

Joey, standing in the doorway, stared first at Cindy and then at Elliot, his eyes growing round.

‘Who says?’ Vin snarled. ‘I’ve as much right to know as you have! Get out of my way! I’ll talk to her!’

‘Relax,’ Elliot said. ‘When you give me the name of the buyer, I’ll give you the number of the drawer. Do you think we three are dopes? None of us trust you, Vin. Your double cross isn’t going to jell.’

Vin’s eyes narrowed.

‘Double cross? What the hell do you mean?’

‘Don’t let’s waste time. Get the name of the buyer. I’ll give you a thousand dollars for Judy. Get the name tonight then you and I will go to Larrimore’s house and get the stamps, but I’m going to deal with the buyer.’

For a long moment, Vin stood staring at Elliot. This was so unexpected, his brain couldn’t cope with it. Controlling his fury, and realizing he would have to give himself time to think, he shrugged.

‘Okay, okay, no one’s asking you to trust me. I’ll get the buyer’s name, but you don’t come with me, buster. This is a job for experts and I don’t work with amateurs.’

‘Get the name,’ Elliot said quietly, ‘then we’ll talk about the rest of it.’

Vin looked at Cindy.

‘Are you going to tell me the number, baby?’

Cindy shook her head.

Vin grinned evilly at her.

‘Sure? You’d better be sure. You could be sorry later.’

She stared at him unflinchingly.

‘I’m sure.’


He turned and walked out of the bungalow and down to his car.

‘We’d better tell him,’ Joey said fearfully. ‘He could do something to Cindy.’

‘We don’t have to tell him,’ Cindy said and opened her bag. ‘I’ve got the stamps.’
