easy to note the moment Venus g is exceeded 1.0 g feels like a pull from below an entanglement with Earth rising up toward you even though you know you are descending
summer is drunken conifer grove hot in the sun new-mown hay marsh at low tide lilacs peaches barnyards
wheeled car humming down a road windows open 32 kilometers an hour plowed earth behind box hedges wind from the southwest gaudeo I rejoice a human driving don’t talk too much
carrying capacity K is equal to births minus deaths over a density-dependent impact on the growth rate added to a density-dependent impact on the death rate the unused portion of the carrying capacity if there is one will be green the overshoot portion of the carrying capacity will be black as in buildings excrement stay outdoors they have overshot
the cycloid temperament an undertow of sadness a febrile temperament be aware the human beside you is not to be comprehended
six different kinds of bird in sight at once a seated hummingbird, watching the scene, grooming itself a red-headed finch summer on earth blue sky filled with high white clouds moving east fast the hummingbird zips ahead and lands looks around beak like a needle crows and seagulls wheel competing mafias the speed of hummingbird wings muscles doing that evolution of one kind of success Canada geese the creak of their feathers as they beat their wings hummingbird song is creaky in a different way chivvying not a song a squirrel chitters much the same blue-backed hummingbird hovering there in the trees the underside of a flicker is salmon-colored
New Jersey North America August 23 2312 on the hunt on the run human now driving over hills around a marsh hills covered by low buildings moldering under knots of alder twenty kilometers an hour faces everywhere 383 people in view number shifting up and down by fifty or so as the car rolls slowly by streets of tarred gravel black
a robin with a yellow beak and raw-sienna chest black tail feathers and head white eye ring black eye neat drinking the water from a sundial gaudeo
past a garden corn pumpkins sunflowers and mullein with similar yellow flowers differently clustered I’m mulling it over
What’s that?
Nothing sorry
Oh no problem. This is nice eh?
yellow flowers against dusty green in a disk filled by a spiraling pattern woven together or a tall khaki cone with crossing spirals of yellow sensory perceptions are already abstractions humans see what they expect to see they leap before they have time to look
true cognition is to solve a problem under novel conditions that humans can do this is a set of novel conditions ever since you left the building ever since you started thinking remember me there will be helpers you are defective catch and release
their brain is always making up a story to explain what is going on thus they miss things anomalies get left out but is that true? don’t they see that yellow? don’t they see the two kinds of spiral?
unlimited resources do not occur in nature competition is when both species have a net negative effect on each other mutualism is when they both have a net positive effect on each other predation or parasitism is when one gets a positive effect the other a negative effect but it isn’t always so simple intraguild predation is when two species predate each other at different moments of growth
the dark bulk of an apartment tenement shebeen the sunset sky behind and over it Magritte Maxfield Parrish get out of the car be alert make a joke don’t make eye contact
these helpers too must have plans could be using you for or against someone else this is the likeliest explanation what then how turn the tables parry riposte catch and release
Would you like to play chess? one of them says at a door
Sure, come on in guns pointed at them pointed at you