Beach, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1959.
Blanchot, Maurice. Faux pas. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1943. (English-language edition: Faux Pas, tr. Charlotte Mandell. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001.)
Canell, Skip. Pessimism. New York: Indolence Editions, 1958.
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. La vrai nom du complot portatif (The True Name of the Portable Conspiracy), c. 1924. Manuscript disappeared in Prague.
Cendrars, Blaise. L’Anthologie nègre. Paris: Correa, 1947. (English-language edition: The African Saga, tr. Margery Williams Bianco. New York: Payson & Clarke, 1927.)
Cendrars, Miriam. Inédits secrets (Unpublished Secrets). Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1969.
Crowley, Aleister. Os Bucharestis (The Bucharesters). Oporto: Porto Editorial, 1948. Original presumed lost.
Huidobro, Vicente. El sabotaje de lo instituido (Sabotaging the Establishment). Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1962.
Klee, Paul. Tagebücher (diaries). Cologne: Verlag M. DuMont, 1957.
Kromberg, Hermann. Tagebücher, ed. Aleister Crowley. Vienna: Keuschnig, 1929.
Littbarski, Werner and Valery Larbaud. Die Shüsse eines Junggesellen. Vienna: Keuschnig, 1930. (English-language edition: A Bachelor Opens Fire. Glasgow: Surrealist Armouries Press, 1960.)
Malú, Rita. Cartas desde Mogadishu (Letters from Mogadishu). Havana: Editorial Espuela de la Plata, 1969.
Man Ray. Travels with Rita Malú. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1947.
de la Mare, Walter. Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Shandies. Middlesex: Penguin, 1951.
O’Keeffe, Georgia. Pictures (memoir). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951.
Picabia, Francis. Veuves et militaires (Widows and Soldiers). Forthcoming from Corti Bookshop Press (11 rue de Medicis, Paris).
Rigaut, Jacques. Agence générale du suicide (General Suicide Agency). Paris: Le Terrain Vague, 1974. (Included in Four Dada Suicides, tr. Terry Hale, Iain White, et al. London: Atlas Press, 1995.)
Sterne, Laurence. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. New York: Modern Library Classics, 2004.
Typ(h)on, Ant(h)ony. In Praise of Discomposure. (With prologue by Jorge Luis Borges and Maria Kodama and epilogue by Virginia Klimt.) New Orleans: Klimt Editions, 1983.
Tzara, Tristan. “Histoire portative de la littérature abregé” (“A Portable History of Brief Literature”), in Sept manifestes Dadá. L’espion des realistes et une histoire inédite. Paris: J. J. Pauvert, 1963. (English-language edition: Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries, tr. Barbara Wright. London: John Calder, 1977.)