I wrote this book over the course of a rather challenging year, and I never could have finished it were it not for the cadre of people that kept me going. In no particular order, I offer the hugest of thanks to: Anne Perry, my matchless, one-in-a-million editor; the entire team at Hodder & Stoughton for all their tireless work; everybody at my former day job, for being so supportive of me doing this in the first place; every wonderful stranger who wrote emails or found other ways to buoy me along; all the incredible booksellers and bloggers, who are the main reason anybody is reading any of this at all; my long-suffering friends, with extra loud shout-outs to Greg, Susana, and Zoe; Mom, Dad, and Matt for their love; and Berglaug, the best part of every day.


The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
