22. Lovecraft Remembered, p. 34.

23. Lovecraft Remembered, p. 71.

24. See the photograph published with Kenneth W. Faig, Jr, ‘The Early Years’: 11.

25. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 4 December 1918 (SL I.78).

26. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 23 July 1936 (SL V.282).

27. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 8 February 1922 (AHT).

28. Scott, p. 13.

29. SL I.41 (note 2).

30. SL II.110 (note 3).

31. SL I.41 (note 2).

32. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 31 March 1932 (ms., JHL).

33. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 14 April 1932 (ms., JHL).

34. HPL to James F. Morton, 23 February 1936 (SL V.227). 35. All letters by and about HPL in the Argosy and All-Story are now collected in H. P. Lovecraft in the Argosy (West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press, 1994).

36. SL I.42 (note 2). Chapter Six

1. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 27 October 1932 (SL IV.97).

2. L. Sprague de Camp, ‘Young Man Lovecraft’ (1975), in The Necronomicon, ed. George Hay (London: Corgi, 1980), pp. 143–44.

3. Science versus Charlatanry: Essays on Astrology (Madison, WI: Strange Co., 1979), p. xiv. See this edition, passim, for all articles in the Lovecraft– Hartmann controversy.

4. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 8 December 1914 (SL I.3–4).

5. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, 8 March 1929 (SL II.314–15).

6. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 5 April 1931 (SL III.369–70).

7. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 13 May 1921 (SL I.132).

8. Steven J. Mariconda, ‘On Lovecraft’s “Amissa Minerva” ’, Etchings and Odysseys No. 9 [1986]: 97–103.

9. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 23 August 1916 (SL I.24).

10. Thomas Henry Huxley, Man’s Place in Nature (1894), p. 233.

11. De Camp, Lovecraft, pp. 95–99.

12. Thomas F. Gossett, Race: The History of an Idea in America (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1963), p. 348.

13. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 13 June 1936 (SL V.266).

14. HPL to the Gallomo, 30 September 1919 (SL I.89).

15. James F. Morton, ‘“Conservatism” Gone Mad’, In a Minor Key No. 2 [1915]: [15–16].

16. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 23 May 1917 (SL I.45–46).

17. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 27 August 1917 (SL I.49).

18. See note 16.

19. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 22 June 1917 (SL I.48).

20. HPL to John T. Dunn, 6 July 1917 (ms., JHL).

21. Samuel Eliot Morison et al., The Growth of the American Republic, 7th ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980), 2:285.

22. HPL to Zealia Bishop, 13 February 1928 (SL II.229).

23. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 10 November 1931 (SL III.434).

24. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 15 May 1918 (SL I.64).

25. SL III.370 (note 6).

26. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 4 February 1934 (SL IV.355). 27. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 6 December 1915 (SL I.18). 28. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 30 September 1915 (SL I.14). 29. ‘Extracts from the Letters to G. W. Macauley’ (1938), Lovecraft Studies 1, No. 3 (fall 1980): 14. Chapter Seven

1. HPL to Richard Ely Morse, 30 August [1932] (ms., JHL).

2. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, 8 March 1929 (SL II.315).

3. HPL to the Gallomo, [January 1920] (AHT).

4. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 15 May 1918 (SL I.62).

5. See note 3.

6. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 8 November 1917 (SL I.51).

7. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 23 December 1917 (SL I.52).

8. Samuel Eliot Morison et al., The Growth of the American Republic, 2:112.

9. Cook, In Memoriam, in Lovecraft Remembered, pp. 110–11.

10. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 24 September 1917 (SL I.49).

11. Rheinhart Kleiner, ‘A Memoir of Lovecraft’ (1949), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 195.

12. HPL to Winifred Virginia Jackson, 7 June 1921 (SL I.138).

13. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 21 September 1921 (SL I.152–33).

14. Samuel Loveman, ‘Howard Phillips Lovecraft’ (1949), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 204.

15. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 23 April 1921 (SL I.128).

16. L. Sprague de Camp, ‘Young Man Lovecraft’, p. 144.

17. HPL to Alfred Galpin, 27 May 1918 (ms., JHL).

18. HPL to John T. Dunn, 14 October 1916 (ms., JHL).

19. Clara Hess in August Derleth, ‘Lovecraft’s Sensitivity’, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 35.

20. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 23 May 1917 (SL I.46).

21. Faig, Parents, p. 29.

22. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 18 January 1919 (SL I.78).

23. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 19 March 1919 (SL I.80).

24. See note 19.

25. HPL to Arthur Harris, 23 August 1915 (ms., JHL).

26. George Julian Houtain, ‘Lovecraft’ (1921), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 87.

27. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 26 January 1921 (SL I.122). Chapter Eight

1. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 19 March 1919 (SL I.81).

2. Scott, p. 16.

3. Epgephi, Sept. 1920, pp. 6, 21.

4. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 10 September 1920; ‘By Post from Providence’, Californian 5, No. 1 (Summer 1937): 20.

5. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 27 September 1919 (SL I.88). 6. See George T. Wetzel and R. Alain Everts, Winifred Virginia Jackson— Lovecraft’s Lost Romance ([Madison, WI: Strange Co.,] 1976).

7. Ibid.

8. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 14 September 1919 (SL I.87). 9. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 7 March 1920 (SL I.112).

10. Ibid. (SL I.111–12).

11. Oscar Wilde, ‘Preface’ to The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891). 12. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 14 April 1929 (SL II.328). 13. HPL to Richard Ely Morse, 28 July 1932 (ms.).

14. See note 12.

15. Tryout 5, No. 12 (December 1919): 12.

16. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 3 June 1923 (SL I.234). 17. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 19 November 1920 (AHT). 18. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 7 March 1920 (SL I.110).

19. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 3 December 1919 (SL I.93). 20. Lord Dunsany, Letter to August Derleth (28 March 1952), quoted in Lovecraft Studies No. 14 (spring 1987): 38.

21. HPL to Edwin Baird, [c. October 1923]; Weird Tales, March 1924. 22. Will Murray, ‘Behind the Mask of Nyarlathotep’, Lovecraft Studies No. 25 (fall 1991): 25–29.

23. Donald R. Burleson, ‘On Lovecraft’s Themes: Touching the Glass’, in An Epicure in the Terrible: A Centennial Anthology of Essays in Honor of H. P. Lovecraft, ed. David E. Schultz and S. T. Joshi (Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1991), p.135.

24. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 19 June 1931 (SL III.379). Chapter Nine

1. Scott, ‘His Own Most Fantastic Creation’, p. 17.

2. HPL to Anne Tillery Renshaw, 1 June 1921 (SL I.133).

3. Faig, Parents, p. 40.

4. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 5 April 1931 (SL III.370).

5. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 15 June 1925 (ms., JHL).

6. Rheinhart Kleiner, ‘A Memoir of Lovecraft’, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 197.

7. Alfred Galpin, ‘Memories of a Friendship’ (1959), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 170.

8. Davis, Private Life, p. 15.

9. HPL to the Gallomo, 21 August 1921 (AHT).

10. Davis, Private Life, p. 24.

11. HPL to Anne Tillery Renshaw, 14 June 1922 (SL I.185–86).

12. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 29 September 1922 (SL I.199). 13. HPL to Anne Tillery Renshaw, 3 October 1921 (SL I.154). 14. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 8 October 1921 (SL I.158). 15. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 17 June 1922 (SL I.188).

16. HPL to Samuel Loveman, 17 November [1922]; Letters to Samuel Loveman and Vincent Starrett, pp. 9–10.

17. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 18 May 1922 (SL I.176).

18. Davis, Private Life, p. 16.

19. SL I.180 (note 17).

20. Davis, Private Life, p. 17.

21. Sonia H. Davis to Winfield Townley Scott, 11 December 1948 (ms., JHL).

22. Davis, Private Life, p. 19.

23. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 9 August 1922 (ms., JHL).

24. Ibid.

25. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 29 September 1922 (SL I.198). 26. HPL to Robert E. Howard, 25–29 March 1933 (SL IV.170). 27. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 11 January 1923 (SL I.204). 28. HPL to James F. Morton, 12 March 1930 (SL III.126–27). 29. HPL to James F. Morton, 19 October 1929 (SL III.31). Chapter Ten

1. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 27 July 1925 (ms., JHL).

2. HPL to Rheinhart Kleiner, 29 April 192[3] (SL I.131). The letter is misdated to 1921 in SL.

3. Davis, Private Life, p. 18.

4. Cole, ‘Ave atque Vale!’ (1940), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 101.

5. See Robert E. Weinberg, The Weird Tales Story (West Linn, OR: FAX Collector’s Editions, 1977), p. 3.

6. HPL to the Gallomo, [January] 1920 (AHT).

7. HPL to Bernard Austin Dwyer, [1932] (SL IV.4).

8. Steven J. Mariconda, ‘Curious Myths of the Middle Ages and “The Rats in the Walls”’, On the Emergence of ‘Cthulhu’ and Other Observations (West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press, 1995), pp. 53–56.

9. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 8–22 November 1933 (ms., JHL).

10. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 8 November 1923 (SL I.259).

11. HPL to Robert E. Howard, 2–5 November 1933 (SL IV.297).

12. Muriel E. Eddy, The Gentleman from Angell Street ([Providence: Privately printed,] 1961), p. 2.

13. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 7 October 1923 (SL I.254).

14. HPL to James F. Morton, 28 October 1923 (SL I.257).

15. HPL to August Derleth, [1929] (ms., SHSW).

16. ‘In the Editor’s Study’, Conservative, July 1923.

17. T. S. Eliot, ‘The Metaphysical Poets’ (1921), Selected Essays (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950), p. 248.

18. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 13 May 1923 (SL I.229). 19. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 20 February 1924 (SL I.315). 20. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 24 March 1933 (SL IV.159).

21. Barton L. St Armand and John H. Stanley, ‘H. P. Lovecraft’s Waste Paper: A Facsimile and Transcript of the Original Draft’, Books at Brown 26 (1978): 40.

22. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 17 October 1930 (SL III.195). 23. HPL to Myrta Alice Little, 17 May 1921; Lovecraft Studies No. 26 (Spring 1992): 28.

24. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 16 November 1926 (SL II.90). 25. HPL to James F. Morton, 26 May 1923 (SL I.231).

26. HPL to James F. Morton, 10 February 1923 (SL I.207). 27. Twilight of the Idols [1888], in Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ, tr. R. J. Hollingdale (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968), p.93. 28. SL I.208 (note 26).

29. HPL to Samuel Loveman, [5 January 1924] (SL I.277). Chapter Eleven

1. Kleiner, ‘A Memoir of Lovecraft’, in Lovecraft Remembered, pp. 197–98.

2. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 9 March 1924 (SL I.319–22).

3. Davis, Private Life, p. 18.

4. Ibid.

5. Sonia H. Greene to Lillian D. Clark, 9 February 1924 (AHT).

6. HPL to James F. Morton, 12 March 1924 (SL I.325).

7. Note to Sonia H. Davis, ‘The Psychic Phenominon of Love’ (ms., JHL).

8. ‘Lovecraft on Love’, Arkham Collector No. 8 (Winter 1971): 244.

9. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 22–23 December 1924 (ms., JHL).

10. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 21 March 1924 (SL I.332).

11. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 7 February 1924 (SL I.304).

12. Weinberg, The Weird Tales Story, p. 4.

13. Sonia H. Davis, [‘Autobiography’] (ms., JHL).

14. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, [10 March 1924] (postcard) (ms., JHL).

15. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 1 August 1924 (SL I.337).

16. Ibid.

17. SL I.338 (note 15).

18. Letter of application, 1924 (SL I.xxvii–xxviii).

19. Kleiner, ‘A Memoir of Lovecraft’, pp. 201–02.

20. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 29–30 September 1924 (ms., JHL).

21. Frank Belknap Long, Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Nightside (Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1975), pp. 80–82.

22. See note 20.

23. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 4–6 November 1924 (ms., JHL).

24. R. Alain Everts, ‘Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Sex; or, The Sex Life of a Gentleman’, Nyctalops 2, No. 2 (July 1974): 19.

25. Sonia H. Davis, ‘Memories of Lovecraft: I’, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 275.

26. Ibid., pp. 275–76.

27. See note 24.

28. Davis, Private Life, p. 13.

29. See note 25.

30. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 15 June 1925 (SL II.19).

31. Davis, Private Life, p. 12.

32. HPL to August Derleth, 16 January 1931 (SL III.262). 33. HPL to James F. Morton, 6 May 1924 (SL I.337).

34. Mara Kirk Hart, ‘Walkers in the City: George Willard Kirk and Howard Phillips Lovecraft in New York City, 1924–1926’ (1993), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 224.

35. Long, Dreamer on the Nightside, pp. 157–58.

36. Davis, Private Life, pp. 18–19.

37. Wilfred B. Talman, ‘The Normal Lovecraft’ (1973), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 220.

38. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 1 August 1924 (AHT).

39. See note 20.

40. Hart Crane, Letter to Grace Hart Crane and Elizabeth Belden Hart (14 September 1924), Letters of Hart Crane and His Family, ed. Thomas S. W. Lewis (New York: Columbia University Press, 1974), pp. 342–43. 41. Kleiner, ‘A Memoir of Lovecraft’, p. 200.

42. See note 23. Chapter Twelve

1. Sonia H. Davis, Letter to Samuel Loveman (1 January 1948), quoted in Gerry de la Ree, ‘When Sonia Sizzled’, in Wilfred B. Talman et al., The Normal Lovecraft (Saddle River, NJ: Gerry de la Ree, 1973), p. 29.

2. Hart, ‘Walkers in the City’, p. 233.

3. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 15 June 1925 (SL II.18–19).

4. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 2 April 1925 (ms., JHL).

5. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 11 April 1925 (ms., JHL).

6. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 24–27 October 1925 (ms., JHL).

7. See note 5.

8. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 28 May 1925 (SL II.11–12).

9. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 14–15 October 1925 (ms., JHL).

10. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 24–27 October 1925 (ms., JHL).

11. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 21 April 1925 (ms., JHL).

12. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 2 August 1925 (SL II.20).

13. Davis, Private Life, p. 12.

14. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 27 July 1925 (ms., JHL).

15. HPL to August Derleth, 26 November 1926 (ms., SHSW).

16. Davis, Private Life, p. 11.

17. Ibid., p. 20.

18. Ibid., pp. 26–27.

19. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 11 January 1926 (ms., JHL). 20. See Elaine Schechter, Perry Street—Then and Now (New York: Privately printed, 1972).

21. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 13 August 1925 (ms., JHL).

22. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 8 August 1925 (ms., JHL).

23. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 2 December 1925 (ms., JHL). 24. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 28–30 September 1925 (ms., JHL). 25. Ibid.

26. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 14–19 November 1925 (ms., JHL). 27. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 12–13 April 1926 (ms., JHL). 28. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 29–30 September 1924 (ms., JHL). 29. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 5 February 1932 (SL IV.15).

30. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 6 January 1926 (postcard) (ms., JHL). 31. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 11 January 1926 (ms., JHL). 32. HPL to Henry Kuttner, 29 July 1936; Letters to Henry Kuttner (West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press, 1990), p. 21.

33. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 6 March 1926 (ms., JHL).

34. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 27 March 1926 (ms., JHL). Chapter Thirteen

1. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 2 April 1925 (ms., JHL).

2. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 14–19 November 1925 (ms., JHL).

3. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 8 August 1925 (ms., JHL).

4. Scott, p. 18. The essay first appeared in Marginalia (1944). In his copy of the book (now owned by Kenneth W. Faig, Jr), Benjamin Crocker Clough, a reviewer for the Providence Journal, has written: ‘So he [Loveman] told me, and I told WTS. “Phial” I’m not sure of.’

5. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 22–23 December 1925 (ms., JHL).

6. Scott, ‘His Own Most Fantastic Creation’, p. 18.

7. Long, Dreamer on the Nightside, p. 167.

8. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 29 March 1926 (ms., JHL).

9. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 1 April 1926 (ms., JHL).

10. Davis, Private Life, pp. 14, 20.

11. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, [2 July] 1929 (SL III.5, 8).

12. Davis, Private Life, p. 11.

13. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 1 May 1926 (SL II.46–47).

14. Cook, In Memoriam, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 116.

15. Cook, In Memoriam, pp. 116–17.

16. HPL to James F. Morton, 16 May 1926 (SL II.50).

17. Steven J. Mariconda, ‘On the Emergence of “Cthulhu”’, in On the Emergence of ‘Cthulhu’, p. 59 (citing the New York Times, 1 March 1925).

18. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 14–19 November 1925 (ms., JHL). 19. HPL to August Derleth, 16 May 1931 (ms., SHSW).

20. HPL to Farnsworth Wright, 5 July 1927 (SL II.150).

21. See David E. Schultz, ‘The Origin of Lovecraft’s “Black Magic” Quote’, Crypt of Cthulhu No. 48 (St John’s Eve 1987): 9–13. 22. See David E. Schultz, ‘From Microcosm to Macrocosm: The Growth of Lovecraft’s Cosmic Vision’, in Schultz and Joshi, An Epicure in the Terrible.

23. John Milton, Paradise Lost, 1.26.

24. Kenneth W. Faig, Jr, ‘“The Silver Key” and Lovecraft’s Childhood’, Crypt of Cthulhu No. 81 (St John’s Eve 1992): 11–47.

25. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 6 September 1927 (SL II.164). 26. HPL to August Derleth, [early December 1926] (SL II.94). Chapter Fourteen

1. HPL to Wilfred B. Talman, 19 December 1926 (SL II.95).

2. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 7 November 1930 (SL III.212).

3. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, [February 1927] (SL II.100).

4. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 24 August 1925 (ms., JHL).

5. See M. Eileen McNamara and S. T. Joshi, ‘Who Was the Real Charles Dexter Ward?’, Lovecraft Studies No 19/20 (fall 1989): 40–41, 48. Most of the information in this article is derived from discussions with Mauran’s widow, Grace Mauran.

6. HPL to R. H. Barlow, [19 March 1934] (ms., JHL).

7. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 24 March 1927 (SL II.114).

8. HPL to Richard Ely Morse, 13 October 1935 (ms., JHL).

9. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, [30 October 1931] (SL III.429).

10. HPL to Farnsworth Wright, 5 July 1927 (SL II.151).

11. M. R. James, ‘An M. R. James Letter’ [to Nicholas Llewelyn Davies, 12 January 1928], Ghosts & Scholars 8 (1986): 28–33. I am grateful to Hubert Van Calenbergh for bringing this item to my attention.

12. Donald Wandrei to HPL, 27 September 1928 (ms., JHL).

13. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, [17 July 1927] (ms., JHL).

14. HPL to Maurice W. Moe, 30 July 1927 (SL II.157).

15. Ibid.

16. HPL to Farnsworth Wright, 22 December 1927 (AHT).

17. HPL to Donald Wandrei, [20 January 1928] (ms., JHL).

18. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, [December 1927] (SL II.207).

19. Ibid.

20. Zealia Bishop, ‘H. P. Lovecraft: A Pupil’s View’ (1953), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 267.

21. HPL to August Derleth, 6 October [1929] (ms., SHSW).

22. HPL to Zealia Bishop, 1 May 1928 (SL II.238). Chapter Fifteen

1. Davis, Private Life, p. 21.

2. HPL to James F. Morton, 10 May 1928 (SL II.239).

3. Davis, Private Life, p. 21.

4. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, [12 June 1928] (postcard) (ms., JHL).

5. ‘Literary Persons Meet in Guilford’, Brattleboro Daily Reformer (18 June 1928): 1.

6. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 24 June 1924 (postcard) (ms., JHL).

7. HPL to August Derleth, [1928] (ms., SHSW).

8. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, 1 July [1929] (ms., JHL).

9. HPL to Donald Wandrei, 12 September 1929 (ms., JHL).

10. Davis, Private Life, p. 21.

11. Arthur S. Koki, ‘H. P. Lovecraft: An Introduction to His Life and Writings’ (M.A. thesis: Columbia University, 1962), pp. 209–10.

12. See Nelson Manfred Blake, The Road to Reno: A History of Divorce in the United States (New York: Macmillan, 1962), pp. 189–202.

13. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, [17 August 1929] (postcard) (ms., JHL).

14. Winfield Townley Scott, ‘A Parenthesis on Lovecraft as Poet’ (1945), in H. P. Lovecraft: Four Decades of Criticism, ed. S. T. Joshi (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1980), p. 213.

15. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 13 June 1936 (ms., JHL).

16. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, [January 1930] (SL III.116).

17. R. H. Barlow, ms. note on the T.Ms. of ‘The Mound’ (JHL).

18. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, 20 December 1929 (SL III.97).

19. Zealia Bishop, ‘H. P. Lovecraft: A Pupil’s View’, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 271.

20. Long, Dreamer on the Nightside, pp. xiii–xiv.

21. HPL to August Derleth, [29 April 1930] (postcard) (ms., JHL).

22. Wandrei, ‘Lovecraft in Providence’ (1959), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 309.

23. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 13–14 May 1930 (ms., JHL).

24. Cited in HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 24–26 May 1930 (ms., JHL).

25. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 20–21 May 1930 (ms., JHL).

26. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, [c. 3 September 1930] (SLIII. 164).

27. Steven J. Mariconda, ‘Tightening the Coil: The Revision of “The Whisperer in Darkness”’, Lovecraft Studies No. 32 (spring 1995): 12–17. Chapter Sixteen

1. Quoted in Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957), p. 104.

2. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 20 February 1929 (SL II.265).

3. SL II.261 (note 2).

4. SL II.266–67 (note 2).

5. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 22 November 1930 (SL III.228). 6. Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1948), p. 23.

7. HPL to James F. Morton, 30 October 1929 (SL III.53). 8. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, [April 1928] (SL II.234). 9. HPL to James F. Morton, 6 November 1930 (SL III.208). 10. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 22 February 1931 (SL III.293–96). 11. ‘Behind the Mountains of Madness: Lovecraft and the Antarctic in 1930’, Lovecraft Studies No. 14 (Spring 1987): 31–38.

12. Robert M. Price, ‘Demythologizing Cthulhu’, in H. P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos (Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, 1990). 13. Jules Zanger, ‘Poe’s Endless Voyage: The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym’, Papers on Language and Literature 22 (Summer 1986): 282. 14. HPL to August Derleth, 24 March [1931] (ms., SHSW). 15. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 7 August 1931 (SL III.395).

16. SL III.395–96 (note 15).

17. HPL to August Derleth, [1929] (ms., SHSW).

18. HPL to August Derleth, 4 March 1932 (ms., SHSW). 19. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, [20 November 1931] (SL III. 435). 20. HPL to August Derleth, 10 December 1931 (ms., SHSW). 21. HPL to Farnsworth Wright, 18 February 1932 (SL IV.17). 22. Farnsworth Wright to August Derleth, 17 January 1933 (ms., SHSW).

23. Clark Ashton Smith to August Derleth, 24 December 1932 (ms., SHSW).

24. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 28 August 1931 (AHT).

25. HPL to Frank Belknap Long, 3 November 1930 (SL III.205–6). Chapter Seventeen

1. HPL to August Derleth, 23 December 1931 (ms., SHSW).

2. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 25 February 1932 (ms., JHL).

3. HPL to Lillian D. Clark, 8–10 July 1931 (ms., JHL).

4. HPL to August Derleth, 16 January 1931 (ms., SHSW).

5. HPL to Robert E. Howard, 7 November 1932 (SL IV.104).

6. HPL to August Derleth, 9 October 1931 (ms., SHSW).

7. ‘Lovecraft’s Cosmic Imagery’, in Schultz and Joshi, An Epicure in the Terrible, p. 192.

8. See Fritz Leiber, ‘Through Hyperspace with Brown Jenkin: Lovecraft’s Contribution to Speculative Fiction’, in Lovecraft’s The Dark Brotherhood and Other Pieces (Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1966), pp. 171–73.

9. ‘An Interview with Harry K. Brobst’, Lovecraft Studies Nos 22/23 (fall 1990): 24–26.

10. HPL to August Derleth, 6 June 1932 (ms., SHSW).

11. E. Hoffmann Price, ‘The Man Who Was Lovecraft’ (1949), in Lovecraft Remembered, pp. 288–90.

12. HPL to James F. Morton, 5 July 1932 (SL IV.47).

13. Cook, In Memoriam, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 131.

14. Hazel Heald to August Derleth, 30 September 1944; quoted in a footnote in The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions (1970 ed.), p. 27. 15. HPL to E. Hoffmann Price, 20 October 1932 (ms., JHL). 16. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 26 March 1935 (SL V.130). 17. Price, ‘The Man Who Was Lovecraft’, p. 291.

18. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 24 March 1933 (SL IV.158).

19. ‘The Man Who Was Lovecraft’, p. 291.

20. HPL to E. Hoffmann Price, 7 December 1932 (SL IV.116–17). 21. HPL to Duane W. Rimel, 12 September 1934 (SL V..33). 22. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 4 April 1932 (SL IV.37). 23. Davis, Private Life, p. 17.

24. HPL to Donald Wandrei, 21 February 1933 (ms., JHL). Chapter Eighteen

1. HPL to Carl F. Strauch, 31 May 1933 (ms., JHL).

2. HPL to Carl F. Strauch, 18 March 1933 (ms., JHL).

3. Davis, Private Life, pp. 22–23.

4. HPL to Alfred Galpin, 24 June 1933 (SL IV.215).

5. Price, ‘The Man Who Was Lovecraft’, p. 293.

6. HPL to Allen G. Ullman, 16 August 1933 (ms., JHL).

7. See my essay, ‘Autobiography in Lovecraft’, Lovecraft Studies No. 1 (fall 1979): 7–19.

8. Helen V. Sully, ‘Memories of Lovecraft: II’ (1969), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 278.

9. Samuel Loveman, ‘Lovecraft as a Conversationalist’ (1958), in Lovecraft Remembered, pp. 210–11.

10. For a comprehensive discussion of Lovecraft’s three trips to Florida (1931, 1934, and 1935), see Stephen J. Jordan, ‘H. P. Lovecraft in Florida’, Lovecraft Studies Nos 42/43 (forthcoming).

11. Barlow, ‘The Wind that Is in the Grass’, in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 358.

12. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 29 June 1934 (ms., JHL).

13. HPL to E. Hoffmann Price, 31 August 1934 (SL V.24–25).

14. HPL to Duane W. Rimel, 13 May 1934 (ms., JHL).

15 HPL to R. H. Barlow, 25 September 1934 (ms., JHL).

16. HPL to Kenneth Sterling, 14 December 1935; cited in Sterling’s ‘Caverns Measureless to Man’ (1975), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 376.

17. HPL to August Derleth, 30 December 1934 (ms., SHSW).

18. HPL to August Derleth, [February 1928] (ms., SHSW).

19. HPL to August Derleth, 7 August 1935 (ms., SHSW). 20. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, [11 November 1930] (SL III.217); HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, [2 March 1932] (SL IV.25–26).

21. HPL to E. Hoffmann Price, 18 November 1934 (SL V.71). Chapter Nineteen

1. HPL to Jennie K. Plaisier, 8 July 1936 (SL V.279).

2. HPL to Woodburn Harris, 25 February–1 March 1929 (SL II.


3. HPL to C. L. Moore, [c. mid-October 1936] (SL V.321). 4. HPL to Robert E. Howard, 25 July 1932 (SL IV.51).

5. HPL to R. H. Barlow, [17 December 1933] (ms., JHL). 6. HPL to Robert E. Howard, 7 November 1932 (SL IV.106–07). 7. HPL to James F. Morton, [3 February 1932] (SL IV.13). 8. HPL to Henry George Weiss, 3 February 1937 (SL V.392). 9. HPL to C. L. Moore, [7 February 1937] (SL V.402).

10. HPL to Elizabeth Toldridge, 22 December 1932 (SL IV.124). 11. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 13 March 1935 (SL V.122).

12. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 10 February 1935 (ms., JHL). 13. HPL to C. L. Moore, [August 1936] (SL V.297).

14. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 27 December 1936 (ms., JHL).

15. SL V.293–94 (note 13).

16. SL V.397–98 (note 9).

17. SL V.329 (note 3).

18. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 25 September 1933 (SL IV.253). 19. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 25 September 1933 (SL IV.257). 20. ‘An Interview with Harry Brobst’, p. 29.

21. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 30 July 1933 (SL IV.230–31). 22. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 8–11 November 1933 (SL IV.307). 23. HPL to Clark Ashton Smith, 15 October 1927 (SL II.176). 24. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 8–11 November 1933 (ms.).

25. HPL to Helen V. Sully, 28 October 1934 (SL V.50). Chapter Twenty

1. HPL to R. H. Barlow, [24–29 May 1935] (ms., JHL).

2. HPL to Donald and Howard Wandrei, [July 1935] (postcard) (ms., JHL).

3. HPL to August Derleth, 19 August 1935 (ms., SHSW).

4. See Will Murray’s interview, ‘Julius Schwartz on Lovecraft’, Crypt of Cthulhu No. 76 (Hallowmass 1990): 14–18.

5. HPL to J. Vernon Shea, 5 December 1935 (SL V.210).

6. Weird Tales 36, No. 5 (November 1935): 652.

7. Sterling, ‘Caverns Measureless to Man’, pp. 375–76.

8. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 11 March 1936 (ms., JHL).

9. The untitled diary is in JHL.

10. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 4 June 1936 (ms., JHL).

11. Ibid.

12. Robert E. Howard, Selected Letters 1931–1936 (West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press, 1991), p. 79.

13. HPL to E. Hoffmann Price, 20 June 1936 (SL V.272–73). 14. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 23 July 1936 (ms., JHL).

15. HPL to Anne Tillery Renshaw, 24 February 1936 (ms., JHL). 16. HPL to R. H. Barlow, 11 December 1936 (ms., JHL).

17. Fritz Leiber, ‘Through Hyperspace with Brown Jenkin’, p.170. 18. Fritz Leiber, ‘My Correspondence with Lovecraft’ (1958), in Lovecraft Remembered, p. 301.

19. HPL to Donald Wandrei, 8 November 1936 (ms., JHL). 20. HPL to Farnsworth Wright, 1 July 1936 (SL V.274).

21. HPL to E. Hoffmann Price, [12 February 1936] (SL V.223–24). 22. HPL to August Derleth, 17 February 1937 (SL V.412). 23. HPL to Wilfred B. Talman, 28 February 1937 (SL V.419). 24. ‘The Last Days of H. P. Lovecraft: Four Documents’, Lovecraft Studies No. 28 (spring 1993): 36.

25. Willis Conover, Lovecraft at Last (Arlington, VA: Carrollton-Clark, 1975), p. 245.

26. HPL to Duane W. Rimel, 8 October 1934 (ms., JHL).

27. Thomas J. Slaga, ‘Food Additives and Contaminants as Modifying Factors in Cancer Induction’, in Nutrition and Cancer: Etiology and Treatment, ed. Guy R. Newell and Neil M. Ellison (New York: Raven Press, 1981), pp. 279–80.

28. Stewart Cameron, Kidney Disease: The Facts, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), ch. 8.

29. See John Bligh, Temperature Regulation in Mammals and Other Vertebrates (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1973). 30. See, in general, R. Alain Everts, The Death of a Gentleman: The Last Days of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (Madison, WI: Strange Co., 1987). The ‘death diary’ is transcribed on pp. 25–28.

31. ‘The Last Days of H. P. Lovecraft’, p. 36.

32. ‘An Interview with Harry K. Brobst’, p. 32.

33. ‘The Last Days of H. P. Lovecraft’, p. 36.

34. Ibid. Epilogue

1. Smith, Selected Poems (Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1971), pp. 287– 88.



Account in Verse …, An, see ‘H. Lovecraft’s Attempted Journey …’

‘Account of Charleston, An’ 285, 289, 370

Acids 29

Ackerman, Forrest J 333, 370

‘Ad Criticos’ 75, 99

Addison, Joseph 108

‘Adept’s Gambit’ (Leiber) 381

Adventure 205

Aeneid (Virgil) 22

Age of Fable, The (Bulfinch) 20, 22, 23

Aiken, Conrad 178–9

Akley, Bert G. 271, 290

‘Alchemist, The’ 56–7, 58, 70, 106

Alden, Abner 22

Alfredo: A Tragedy 118–19, 322

Alhazred, Abdul 17–18, 140

‘Alienation’ 282

Allgood, Helen 1

Allgood, Sarah 1

All-Story Cavalier 73–4

All-Story Weekly 72–3

Alouette, L’ 150, 265

Amateur Correspondent 381

‘Amateur Criticism’ 83

amateur journalism 76, 77–87, 112–14, 119, 126–8, 145–6, 163–4, 204

‘Amateur Journalism: Its Possible Needs and Betterment’ 113, 127

Amazing Stories 256–7, 381

‘Ambrose Bierce as He Really Was’ (de Castro) 265

American Book-Prices Current 157

American Mercury 226

American Parade 265

‘American to Mother England, An’ 95

‘American to the British Flag, An’ 95

‘Americanism’ 111

‘Amissa Minerva’ 92

‘Ancient Sorceries’ (Blackwood) 306

‘Ancient Track, The’ 280

Anderson, Sherwood 139, 362

Antarctic Atlas 38, 39

Anthology of Magazine Verse (Braithwaite) 129

Appleton, John Howard 28

Arabian Nights 17–18, 24, 25, 28, 144 Argonauts, The 87

Argosy 73–6, 257

Argosy All-Story Weekly 171

Arkham House 338, 390–1, 392

‘Ashes’ (Lovecraft-Eddy) 173

Asheville Gazette-News 88–9, 384

Astounding Stories 338, 367–8, 372–4, 381, 383

‘Astronomical Observations …’ 65

Astronomy 41

At the Mountains of Madness 300–3, 307, 313, 316, 332, 344, 357–8, 367, 372–4, 381, 382, 383

Athol Transcript 107

Birth of a Nation, The (film) 97–8

Bishop, Zealia Brown Reed 267–8, 270, 283–4, 286–7, 292, 316, 323, 325

Black, Hugo 350

Black Beetles in Amber (Bierce) 265

Black Cat 73, 167

Black Mask 167

Blackstone Military Band 45, 52

Blackwood, Algernon 136, 169, 228–9, 230, 257, 274, 306, 377

Blake, Mrs 49

Blake, William 177

Blish, James 380

Bloch, Robert 336, 341, 368, 379

Blue Pencil Club 204, 208, 213

Boaz, Franz 359

‘Boiling Point, The’ 333

Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount 160

‘Bolshevism’ 111

Book of Wonder, The (Dunsany) 137

Borchgrevink, Carsten Egeberg 38

Boston Transcript 129

‘Bothon’ (Whitehead) 326

Bradofsky, Hyman 342, 374–5

Brady, Old King 27

‘Brain in the Jar, The’ (Searight) 336

Braithwaite, William Stanley 129

Brandt, C. A. 257

Brattleboro Reformer 271

‘Bride of the Sea, The’ 84

Bridge, The (Crane) 287–8

Brief Course in Astronomy, A 59

Brief Course in Inorganic Chemistry, A 65

‘Britannia Victura’ 95

Brobst, Harry K. 62–3, 317, 318–19, 331, 361, 385, 388, 389

Brontë, Emily 226

Brooklynite 208

Brown, A. H. 181

Brown, Howard 372

Brown University 10, 42, 48, 62, 226, 236, 317, 327, 330, 390

‘Bruise, The’ (Whitehead). see ‘Bothon’

Bulfinch, Thomas 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 87

Bureau of Critics 342

Burns, Mrs 215, 217

Burroughs, Edgar Rice 74

Bush, David Van 148–50, 155, 196, 202, 316

Butler, Samuel 130

Butler Hospital 10, 13, 24, 121, 125, 318

Byrd, Richard E. 300

Babbit, Mrs C. H. 209

Bacon, Victor E. 146

Baird, Edwin 166, 167–8, 193, 221, 261 Baker, Albert A. 18

Baring-Gould, S. 170

Barlow, E. D. 310

Barlow, R. H. 34, 212, 282, 283, 310–11,

333, 336, 338–40, 341, 343, 354, 364–5,

369, 374, 375, 376–7, 385, 388, 390 Barrie, J. M. 135

Basinet, Victor L. 84

Bates, Harry 303–4

‘Battle that Ended the Century, The’ (Lovecraft-Barlow) 340

‘Beast in the Cave, The’ 56, 57, 58, 107 Beckford, William 251

Beebe, Evanore 272

Béraud, Henri 344

Bergier, Jacques 389

Berkeley Square (film) 344, 345

Best Psychic Stories (French) 170

Best Short Stories (O’Brien) 263

Beware After Dark! (Harré) 280

‘Beyond the Wall of Sleep’ 109, 138, 153 Beyond the Wall of Sleep 253

‘Bickerstaffe, Isaac, Jun.’ 88

Bierce, Ambrose 116, 157, 168, 230, 265–7 Birkhead, Edith 229

Californian 342, 374, 377

‘Call of Cthulhu, The’ 224–5, 242–3, 244,

247, 260, 274, 280, 300, 316, 324 Conover, Willis, Jr 379–80, 381, 384, 385 Conservative, The 85–6, 94, 95, 96, 103, 107,

Call of Cthulhu (role-playing game) 391 Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, The 391 Campbell, Paul J. 145

Campbell, Ramsey 392

‘Can the Moon Be Reached by Man?’ 49 Cancer of Superstition, The (Lovecraft-Eddy)


Cannon, Peter 391

Carranza, Venustiano 265

‘Case for Classicism, The’ 82–3

Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The 170, 253–5,

264, 287, 300, 316

‘Cassius’ (Whitehead) 326

‘Cats, The’ 281

‘Cats of Ulthar, The’ 137, 167

Cats of Ulthar, The 369

Cavalier 306

Cave, Hugh B. 304, 369

‘Celephaïs’ 137, 138, 334

Centaur, The (Blackwood) 228

‘Challenge from Beyond, The’ 366 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart 97 Chambers, Robert W. 257, 306

Chaplin, Charlie 105

Charleston 369–70

Chemistry 29

Chemistry III 29

Chemistry IV 29

Chemistry, Magic, & Electricity 29

Chicago Herald and Examiner 194

Church, Mrs Winslow 29

Cicero 35

Clansman, The (Dixon) 98

Clark, Dr Franklin Chase 42, 51, 54, 56,

104, 120, 121

Clark, Lillian Delora 2, 4, 22, 54, 104, 109,

114, 115, 116, 120, 121, 159, 187–9,

194, 199, 201, 203, 209, 213, 225, 231,

233–6, 237, 238, 254, 321

Coates, Walter J. 261, 271, 282

Cobb, Irvin S. 170–1, 306

Cole, Edward H. 77, 84, 102, 103, 163,

165, 364, 389

Cole, Ira A. 103

Coleman, Stuart 43, 46

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 18, 22, 24 College Humor 166, 199

Color Line, The (Smith) 54–5

‘Colossus’ (Wandrei) 259

‘Colour out of Space, The’ 255–7, 264,

274, 283, 381

‘Commercial Blurbs’ 212

Commonplace Book 57

‘Confession of Unfaith, A’ 21, 23, 39, 40,

59, 60, 130, 132

Connery, William 350

113, 163, 360

‘“Conservatism” Gone Mad’ (Morton) 98–9 ‘Consolidation’s Autopsy’ 80

Cook, W. Paul 29, 106, 107, 114–15, 117,

120, 130, 139, 225, 227, 228, 230, 241,

257–8, 261, 262–3, 278, 279, 302, 322,

331, 339

‘Cool Air’ 230–1

Cornelius, B. 193

‘Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap, The’ (Dunsany) 137

Cosmopolitan 170–1

Coughlin, Charles E. 353–4, 355

Cox, George Benson 189

Crafton Service Bureau 150, 265

Craig, Mrs R. A. 201

Crane, Charles 271

Crane, Hart 116, 157, 201, 207–8, 287–8,


Crawford, F. Marion 257

Crawford, William L. 334, 342, 382–3 ‘Crawling Chaos, The’ (Lovecraft-Jackson)


Creeps by Night (Hammett) 316, 369 Crime of Crimes, The 87, 94–5

‘Crime of the Century, The’ 95–6

Criterion 178

Cthulhu Mythos 243–6, 263–5, 274, 301,

309, 392

Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (BaringGould) 170

‘Curse of Yig, The’ (Lovecraft-Bishop) 268,


Cymbeline (Shakespeare) 24

Daas, Edward F. 76, 80, 126

‘Dagon’ 107, 109, 138, 167, 168

Daly, Carroll John 167

‘Damon—a Monody’ 118

‘Damon and Delia, a Pastoral’ 118

Dante Alighieri 18

Danziger, Gustav Adolphe. see de Castro,


Darwin, Charles 131

Davis, Edgar J. 146, 164

Davis, Nathaniel 277

Davis, Robert H. 171

Davis, Sonia H. 6, 30, 33, 130, 144, 146–8,

153–4, 155–6, 159, 164–5, 168, 185, 187–

91, 193–7, 200–4, 206, 207, 209, 210,

211–12, 214, 219, 220, 221–2, 234–5,

237–40, 269, 270, 276–7, 330, 336 de Camp, L. Sprague 27–8, 84, 97, 222,

251, 391

de Castro, Adolphe 265–7, 316, 377 de la Mare, Walter 254, 257

‘De Triumpho Naturae’ 54–6

‘Dead Bookworm, The’ 91

‘Deaf, Dumb, and Blind’ (Lovecraft-Eddy) 173

Decline of the West, The (Spengler) 297 ‘Defence Reopens!, The’ 175

Department of Public Criticism 82–4, 87, 106, 113, 125, 128–9, 145, 342

Derleth, August 225, 244–6, 250, 258–9, 268, 273, 278–9, 285, 304, 306, 307, 316, 318, 333, 338, 339, 364, 365, 390– 1, 392

Description of the Town of Quebeck, A 272–3, 289

Detective Tales 193, 221

Dewey, John 354

Dial 178

‘Diary of Alonzo Typer, The’ (LovecraftLumley) 366–7

dime novels 26–7, 105

‘Dim-Remembered Story, A’ (Barlow) 377 ‘Disinterment, The’ (Lovecraft-Rimel) 366 Dixon, Thomas, Jr 98

‘Doom that Came to Sarnath, The’ 334 Doorways to Poetry (Moe) 275, 281

Doré, Gustave 18, 19

Dowdell, William J. 163

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 44

Drake, H. B. 335, 344

Dreamer’s Tales, A (Dunsany) 135, 137 Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, The 250–3, 254, 255, 282, 300, 316

‘Dreams in the Witch House, The’ 317–18, 327, 335

Dreiser, Theodore 226

Dreiseriana (Orton) 226

Driftwind 261, 282

Dryden, John 31

Dunciad, The (Pope) 75, 83, 94

Dunn, John T. 84–5, 119, 122

Dunsany, Lord 108, 109, 126, 134–9, 168, 228, 229, 230, 251–3, 257, 299, 311 ‘Dunwich Horror, The’ 273–4, 283, 291, 292, 316

Durr, Mary Faye 136

Dustin, Cecil Calvert 387

Dvorak, Lucile 205

Dwyer, Bernard Austin 259, 264, 271, 277–8, 291, 340

Eddy, C. M., Jr 172–3, 184, 192, 225, 247– 8, 276, 389

Eddy, Grace 172–3

Eddy, Muriel 172–3, 389

‘Editorial’ (Conservative) 86

‘Editorial’ (United Amateur) 113, 114 Edkins, Ernest A. 77

Einstein, Albert 182–3, 210, 293, 295 ‘Elder Pharos, The’ 282, 321

‘Elegy on Franklin Chase Clark, M.D.’ 104 ‘Elegy on Phillips Gamwell, Esq.’ 104 Eliot, T. S. 176, 177, 178–80

Elliot, Hugh 131, 139, 182, 293–5

Empty House and Other Stories, The

(Blackwood) 228

‘End of the Jackson War, The’ 76

Epgephi 126

Epicurus 132

Episodes Before Thirty (Blackwood) 228 ‘European Glimpses’ 326–7

Evening in Spring (Derleth) 259

Everts, R. Alain 128, 129, 130, 202 Ewers, Hanns Heinz 369

Exchange of Souls, An (Pain) 335

Explosives 29

‘Eye Above the Mantel, The’ (Long) 127–8

‘East India Brick Row, The’ 279, 280 East Side Historical Club 53, 70 Ebony and Crystal (Smith) 158 Eckhardt, Jason C. 300

‘Facts concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family’ 139, 167, 196, 305

‘Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar’ (Poe) 231

Fadiman, Clifton P. 287

Faig, Kenneth W., Jr 3, 11, 16–17, 66, 121, 144, 249

Fairbanks, Henry G. 11

Fairy Tales (Grimm) 17, 24

‘Falco Ossifracus’ (Miniter) 127, 263

‘Falsity of Astrology, The’ 88

Fantasy Fan, The 332–4, 380

Fantasy Magazine 366, 376, 380

Farnell, F. J. 14

Farnese, Harold S. 246, 321–2

Faulkner, William 362

‘Festival’ 281

‘Festival, The’ 162, 169, 171–2, 213, 249

Finlay, Virgil 380–1

First Baptist Church (Providence, R.I.) 53, 184

‘Fishhead’ (Cobb) 306

Fiske, John 132, 210

Five Plays (Dunsany) 135

‘For What Does the United Stand?’ 81

Fossil, The 77

Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (Chamberlain) 97

‘Four O’Clock’ (Greene) 155

Frankenstein (Shelley) 141, 152

Fredlund, Arthur 60–1, 64, 84 French, Joseph Lewis 170 Freud, Sigmund 175, 176 Fritter, Leo 113–14, 145 ‘From Beyond’ 139–40

Frozen Pirate, The (Russell) 38 Fungi from Yuggoth 280–2, 321

Galpin, Alfred 84, 116, 117–19, 122, 127,

145, 147, 153, 156, 157, 159, 207, 311,


Gamwell, Annie E. P. 2, 4, 34, 51, 54, 104,

120, 121, 159, 194, 204, 213, 232, 235,

237, 238, 242, 248, 276, 278, 327–8, 330,

343, 361, 371, 384, 385, 387, 388, 389 Gamwell, Edward Francis 52, 54, 104, 120,


Gamwell, Phillips 54, 69, 104, 120

Garland, Hamlin 166

Garth, Samuel 20, 21, 31

Gautier, Théophile 192

Gernsback, Hugo 257

Ghost 279

‘Ghost-Eater, The’ (Lovecraft-Eddy) 173 Gibbon, Edward 108

Goblin Tower, The (Long) 365

Gods of Pegana, The (Dunsany) 134, 135, 299 ‘Gone—But Whither?’ 57

Good Anaesthetic, A 29

Goodenough, Arthur 261, 271, 290 Gordon, Stuart 391

Gorham & Co., Silversmiths 5–6

Gough, John B. 101

‘Graveyard Rats, The’ (Kuttner) 379 ‘Great God Pan, The’ (Machen) 169, 274 Great Meadow Country Clubhouse 52–3 ‘Green Meadow, The’ (Lovecraft-Jackson)


Greene, Nathanael 2

Greene, Florence 147, 154, 194–5

Greene, Samuel 147

Greene, Sonia H. see Davis, Sonia H. Greenfield, William H. 77

Greenlaw, Ralph M. 276

‘Grewsome Tales.’ see ‘Herbert West— Reanimator’

Griffith, D. W. 97–8

Guiney, Louise Imogen 11, 12, 34

‘Harbor-Master, The’ (Chambers) 306 Harré, T. Everett 280

Harris, Arthur 95, 122

Hart, Bertrand K. 279–80

Hartmann, J. F. 87–8, 98

Hathaway, Abbie 44, 49

Haughton, Ida C. 145

Haunted Castle, The (Railo) 229

‘Haunter of the Dark, The’ 368–9, 383 Hawthorne, Nathaniel 20, 21, 24, 230, 236 ‘He’ 223–4, 225

Heald, Hazel 322–5

Hearn, Lafcadio 192

Hecht, Ben 166

hectograph 41

Henneberger, J. C. 166, 191, 192, 193, 199 Hepner, Dora M. 82

‘Herbert West—Reanimator’ 151–2, 160 ‘Heritage or Modernism’ 363

Hermaphrodite, The (Loveman) 117, 262 Herschel, Sir William 44

Hervey, James 109

Hess, Clara 5, 46, 67, 68, 104, 120, 121–2 History of Dartmouth College (Richardson) 316–17

‘History of the Necronomicon’ 264–5 Hitler, Adolf 327, 360–1

Hoag, Jonathan E. 163–4

Hodgson, William Hope 338

Hoffman, Helene E. 79–80, 103

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 12, 54

Home Brew 151, 160, 166

Homer 21–2

‘Homes and Shrines of Poe’ 342

Hoover, Herbert 347, 353

Hope Street High School 40, 48–51, 55, 61, 62, 63

‘Horla, The’ (Maupassant) 243

Hornig, Charles D. 333, 364, 380

‘Horror at Martin’s Beach, The’ (LovecraftGreene) 155, 168

‘Horror at Red Hook, The’ 219–21, 223, 225, 231, 263, 360

Horror from the Hills, The (Long) 264 ‘Horror in the Burying-Ground, The’ (Lovecraft-Heald) 324

‘Horror in the Museum, The’ (LovecraftHeald) 324

Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions, The 155

Houdini, Harry 185, 191–2, 199–200 ‘Hound, The’ 159–60, 167, 196

House on the Borderland, The (Hodgson) 338 Houtain, George Julian 123–4, 130, 146, 151–2, 160, 187, 247–8

Howard, I. M. 307, 375–6

Howard, Robert E. 307–9, 319, 333, 339, 340, 352, 359, 366, 375–6

‘Howard P. Lovecraft’s Fiction’ (Cook) 107 Huxley, Thomas Henry 96, 131

Hylan, John F. 186

‘Hylas and Myrrha: A Tale’ 91, 118 ‘Hypnos’ 152–3

‘H. Lovecraft’s Attempted Journey …’ 44–5, 89

Haeckel, Ernst 131, 132

Hall, Desmond 338

Hamilton, Edmond 302, 370

Hamlet, Alice M. 126, 135, 136, 145

Hammett, Dashiell 167, 316, 369

‘Idealism and Materialism—A Reflection’ 131

‘Idle Days on the Yann’ (Dunsany) 137

Iliad (Homer) 22

Imagism 92–3

‘Imparcial, El’ 80

‘Imprisoned with the Pharaohs.’ see ‘Under the Pyramids’

‘In a Major Key’ 92, 97–8

In a Minor Key 92, 97–8, 127

In Defence of Dagon 180–2, 304

‘In Memoriam: Henry St. Clair Whitehead’ 326

‘In Memoriam: Robert Ervin Howard’ 376

In Search of the Unknown (Chambers) 306

In Texas with Davy Crockett (McNeil) 205

In the Confessional and the Following (de Castro) 265–6

‘In the Editor’s Study’ 86, 176

‘In the Vault’ 225, 231, 316, 383

‘In the Walls of Eryx’ (Lovecraft-Sterling) 370

Incantations (Smith) 365

Incredible Adventures (Blackwood) 228

Industrial Workers of the World 347

‘Inspiration’ 91

‘Instructions in Case of Decease’ 390

Interesting Items 95

‘Invisible Monster, The.’ see ‘Horror at Martin’s Beach, The’

Iron Working 29

Isaacson, Charles D. 92, 97–8, 127

‘Isaacsonio-Mortoniad, The’ 99

Kalem Club 204–7, 213–14, 224, 226 Kappa Alpha Tau 330, 341

Kay, James 53

Keats, John 177

Keffer, Willametta 129

Keller, David H. 65

Kenny, Robert 317

Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn 253–4

King in Yellow, The (Chambers) 257 King John (Shakespeare) 24

Kirk, George 157, 159, 205, 207, 208, 213, 216, 219, 230–1, 248

Kleicomolo 103

Kleiner, Rheinhart 77, 84, 91–2, 102, 103, 105, 113, 115–16, 118, 121, 122, 126, 128, 146, 147, 151, 153, 159–60, 177–8, 187, 198, 204, 205, 207, 208, 220, 270

Kline, Otis Adelbert 166, 302

Knopf, Alfred A. 210, 331–2

Koenig, Herman C. 338, 369–70

Koki, Arthur S. 276

Krutch, Joseph Wood 297–8

Ku Klux Klan 98

Kuttner, Henry 379

Jackson, Fred 74–6

Jackson, Winifred Virginia 112, 126, 128–

30, 135, 155

James, Henry 25

James, M. R. 136, 229, 230, 257–8 John Silence—Physician Extraordinary

(Blackwood) 228, 306

Johnson, Hugh Samuel 350

Johnson, Samuel 56, 70, 83, 108

Jones, Henry Arthur 24

Jordan, Horace 128, 129

Joyce, James 177, 178

Jumbee and Other Uncanny Tales (Whitehead) 310

Ladd Observatory 42, 69

Landon, Alf 355

Lansinger, J. M. 166, 193

Last and First Men (Stapledon) 345 ‘Last Test, The’ (Lovecraft-de Castro) 266,


Lazare, Edward 157

Lazarus (Béraud) 344

‘League, The’ 110

Lee, Charley 271

Leeds, Arthur 204–5, 207, 316

Leet, William 387–8

Leiber, Fritz, Jr 308, 318, 381–2, 391 Leiber, Fritz, Sr 24, 381

Lemke, William 355

Lescaze, William 157

Lewis, Edna 389

Listener and Other Stories, The (Blackwood)


Little, Myrta Alice 130, 145, 154

‘Little Glass Bottle, The’ 26

‘Little Sam Perkins’ 341

‘Littlewit, Humphry’ 94

Lockhart, Andrew Francis 101

London (Johnson) 83

London, Jack 308

Long, Frank Belknap 123, 127–8, 145,

146, 154, 159, 169, 177, 190, 199, 204,

205, 209, 214, 219, 234, 241, 248, 257,

260, 262, 263–4, 265, 267, 268, 270,

278, 279, 284, 291, 295, 298, 311, 312, 153–5, 156, 159–60, 207–8, 218, 219, 224, 248, 269–70, 277, 287–8, 315, 319, 327, 338, 343, 369; Newburyport, MA 164, 305; Newport, RI 156;

Philadelphia, PA 201, 272; Portland, ME 261–2; Quebec 288–9, 322, 331; Richmond, VA 277, 286, 366; St Augustine, FL 313–14, 340; Salem, MA 161, 164; Vermont 261, 271;

Washington, DC 219, 277; Wilbraham, MA 272

WORK: aesthetics of 81–4, 89, 92–4, 138, 174–82, 275, 297–300; astronomy columns 49, 58–9, 87–9, 384; book publications of 262–3, 302–3, 316, 331–2, 364, 382–3; juvenile nonfiction 28–9, 38–9, 41–2, 51–2, 53, 56, 59, 64– 5; juvenile stories 25–8, 42–3, 56–8; juvenile verse 21–2, 31–2, 39, 45, 54–5; poetry 70–2, 75, 89–92, 94–5, 99, 109– 10, 118–19, 179–80, 279–82;

pseudonyms 94; travel writings 272–3, 289, 326–7, 369–70 see also individual stories, essays, poems

Lovecraft, John 1

Lovecaft, John Full 1, 5

Lovecraft, Joseph S. 1

Lovecraft, Sarah Susan Phillips 1, 2, 4–5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20, 32, 33–5, 41, 46–7, 52, 60, 66–8, 100, 104, 114, 115, 116, 120–2, 125–6, 130, 142, 143–5, 172–3, 190

Lovecraft, Thomas 1

Lovecraft, Winfield Scott 1, 5–6, 10, 12–17, 33, 55, 100–1

Lovecraft: A Biography (de Camp) 391 ‘Lovecraft—an Appreciation’

(Goodenough) 261

Lovecraft at Last (Conover) 380

‘Lovecraft on Love’ 190–1

Lovecraft Remembered (Cannon) 391 Lovecraft Studies 391

‘Loved Dead, The’ (Lovecraft-Eddy) 173, 192, 225, 231

Loveman, Samuel 77, 116–17, 146, 152, 153–4, 156–7, 159, 164, 200, 205, 207– 8, 210, 213, 216, 220, 221, 231, 234, 257, 262, 265–6, 267, 270, 287, 321, 327, 331, 338

Lowell, Amy 93

‘Lucubrations Lovecraftian’ 83

Lucretius 31

Lumley, William 318, 366–7, 370

‘Lurking Fear, The’ 152, 160, 169, 360 Lusitania 94–5

315, 327, 336, 337, 340, 354, 359, 365,

366, 369, 389

Long, Huey P. 353, 354

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 262 ‘Lord Dunsany and His Work’ 175, 252–3,


Loring & Mussey 364

Loucks, Donovan K. 172

Lovecraft, Frederick A. 5

Lovecraft, George 1

Lovecraft, H. P.

LIFE AND THOUGHT: ancestry 1–2; and Antarctica 38–9, 300; attempted enlistment 99–101, 120–1; and

astronomy 40–2, 46, 60, 63–4, 65, 69; childhood friends 43–6, 52–3, 69–70; childhood games 36–7; childhood readings 17–19, 20–2, 24, 25–7, 38; and classical antiquity 20–3, 31–2, 39; and clothing 216–18; diet of 214–16, 371–

2; dreams 19–20; employment of 66,

119–20, 148–50, 191–3, 195–200, 212–

3, 231, 247–8, 265–8, 316–17, 378–79; health of 20, 32–3, 62–3, 67, 100–1,

122–4, 384–8; as letter-writer 103–4,

311–12; marriage of 185, 187–91, 194–

5, 200–3, 211–12, 234–40, 276–7; and movies 97–8, 105, 344–5; and music

35–6, 45, 52; philosophy of 130–3,

182–3, 244–5, 293–7; political views

86, 94–5, 110–12, 183–4, 346–58; and racism 54–5, 71–2, 86, 95–8, 220–4,

286, 305–6, 358–63; and railroads 55–

6; relations with father 14–16; relations with mother 17, 33–4, 47, 66–8, 115–

16, 120–2, 125–6, 143–5, 190; religious views 23, 59–60, 131–2; schooling of

37, 40, 43–4, 48–51, 63–4, 66; and sex

29–30, 129, 190–1, 201–2; and suicide

47–8, 233–4; and temperance 101–2,

351; voice of 206–7

TRAVELS: Baltimore, MD 272; Boston, MA 126–7, 130, 135, 146, 161, 288,

322, 364; Cape Cod, MA 278;

Charleston, SC 285–6, 313, 366; Cleveland, OH 156–7; De Land, FL

338–9, 364–5; Dunedin, FL 314; Elizabeth, NJ 208–9, 223; Endless Caverns, VA 272; Foster, RI 248–9,

278; Hartford, CT 330; Key West, FL

314; Kingston, NY 277–8; Long Island, NY 226–7; Magnolia, MA 155;

Marblehead, MA 161–2, 164;

Nantucket, MA 340–1; Natchez, MS

319; New Hampshire 145, 154–5; New Orleans, LA 319–21; New York, NY

Macauley, G. W. 105–6

MacDonald, George 251

McDonald, Philip B. 83

McGeoch, Verna 112

McGrath, Patrick 338

Machen, Arthur 136, 168–9, 172, 192, 228, 229, 230, 231, 243, 256, 257–8, 274

Macleod, Fiona 170

MacNamara, M. Eileen 13, 14

McNeil, Everett 165–6, 205

Magazine of Fun 199

Magician among the Spirits, A (Houdini) 248 Magistris, Mariano de 126, 260–1

Man from Genoa, The (Long) 262, 365 ‘Man of Stone, The’ (Lovecraft-Heald) 323 Mantell, Robert 24, 381

Man’s Place in Nature and Other

Anthropological Essays (Huxley) 96 Manual of Roman Antiquities, A 56

Mariconda, Steven J. 92, 170, 243, 290, 317

Marvel Tales 334, 382

‘Matter of Uniteds, A’ 79

Matthews, Martha Helen 4

Maupassant, Guy de 108, 243

Mauran, William Lippitt 255

Maxfield, Julia A. 261

Meditations and Contemplations (Hervey) 109 ‘Medusa: A Portrait’ 145

‘Medusa’s Coil’ (Lovecraft-Bishop) 286–7, 292

Mellon, Andrew 353

‘Members of the Men’s Club …, The’ 70 Mencken, H. L. 130

Merritt, A. 366

‘Messenger, The’ 280

Metamorphoses (Ovid) 20–21, 31–2, 90, 91, 178

‘Metaphysical Poets, The’ (Eliot) 176 ‘Metrical Regularity’ 93

Miller, William, Jr 380

Milton, John 18

Mind Power Plus 149

Miniter, Edith 77, 126–7, 146, 161, 263, 272, 274

‘Mirage’ 321

Modern Science and Materialism (Elliot) 131, 139, 182

Modern Temper, The (Krutch) 297

Moe, Donald 165

Moe, Maurice W. 89, 102–3, 117, 118–19, 165, 171, 214, 273, 275, 281, 376 Moe, Robert 165, 376

Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter, The (Bierce-de Castro) 265

‘Monster-God of Mamurth, The’

(Hamilton) 370

Monthly Almanack, The 41

‘Moon-Bog, The’ 130, 140

Moon Terror, The (Birch et al.) 262

Moore, C. L. 38, 365, 366, 375, 379

‘More Chain Lightning’ 101

Morrish, Ethel Phillips 36, 389

Morrow, William (publisher) 384

Morton, James F. 77, 98–9, 127, 146, 149– 50, 151, 153, 164, 166, 177, 184, 189, 202, 204, 205, 212, 220, 228, 235, 242, 260–1, 270, 296, 327

Moskowitz, Sam 256

‘Mound, The’ (Lovecraft-Bishop) 283–5, 292, 309, 357–8

‘Mrs. Miniter—Estimates and Recollections’ 272

Muffin Man, The 127

Munn, H. Warner 257, 261, 274

Munro, Harold W. 63, 67, 68

Munroe, Addison P. 69–70

Munroe, Chester 43, 52, 53, 70, 89

Munroe, Harold 43, 53, 70, 145

Munsey, Frank A. 72

‘Murders in the Rue Morgue, The’ (Poe) 26

Murray, Margaret A. 172

Murray, Will 140

‘Music of Erich Zann, The’ 152, 213, 316, 368

Mussolini, Benito 184, 352

‘Myrrha and Strephon’ 91, 118

‘Mysteries of the Heavens …’ 88–9

‘Mysterious Ship, The’ 26, 27–8, 56

‘Mystery of the Grave-yard; or, A Dead Man’s Revenge, The’ 26–7

‘Mythology for the Young’ 22

Myths and Myth-Makers (Fiske) 132, 210 ‘Nameless City, The’ 140

Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (Poe)

38, 301

National Amateur 78, 131, 152, 342 National Amateur Press Association 77, 78,

79, 80, 98, 103, 107, 146, 163–4, 204,

288, 342, 370, 374–5

National Enquirer 110

National Magazine 91, 119

Nauck, Mrs Wilhelm 35

Necronomicon (Alhazred) 264, 273, 301,

309, 338

‘Nemesis’ 110

‘New-England Fallen’ 71, 138

‘News Notes’ 113

New York Evening Post 224

New York Times 183, 197, 198, 209, 212,

226, 233, 291, 389

New York Tribune 109

New Yorker 391

Nietzsche, Friedrich 97, 130, 175, 176,


‘Nietzscheism and Realism’ 148, 183 Nigger-Man (cat) 47

‘night-gaunts’ 19–20, 25

Night Land, The (Hodgson) 338

‘Night Ocean, The’ (Lovecraft-Barlow) 377 Night-Thoughts (Young) 109

Night’s Black Agents (Leiber) 381

‘1914’ 95

‘Noble Eavesdropper, The’ 25

‘Note on Howard P. Lovecraft’s Verse, A’

(Kleiner) 91–2

‘Notes on Writing Weird Fiction’ 335, 342 ‘Novel of the Black Seal’ (Machen) 243 ‘Novel of the White Powder’ (Machen)


Nurse, Rebekah 164

‘Nyarlathotep’ (prose-poem) 140

‘Nyarlathotep’ (sonnet) 282 O’Brien, Edward J. 263, 287

‘Observations on Several Parts of America’


‘Ode to Selene or Diana’ 39

Odes and Sonnets (Smith) 157

Odyssey (Homer) 21–2

‘Old Christmas’ 91

‘Old Egyptian Myth …, An’ 22

Olympian 103

‘On a New-England Village Seen by

Moonlight’ 138

‘On Reading Lord Dunsany’s Book of

Wonder’ 136

‘On the Creation of Niggers’ 71–2

‘On the Death of a Rhyming Critic’ 91 Onderdonk, Matthew H. 391

‘One of Cleopatra’s Nights’ (Gautier) 192 ‘Ooze’ (Rud) 166, 274

Orton, Vrest 226, 248, 271, 277, 290 ‘Other Gods, The’ 153, 252

Our Natupski Neighbors (Miniter) 126 ‘Out of the Æons’ (Lovecraft-Heald) 324 ‘Outpost, The’ 279

‘Outsider, The’ 108, 140–2, 225, 332, 366 Outsider and Other Stories, The 262

Outsider and Others, The 334

Ovid 20, 21, 31–2, 90, 91, 92, 178

‘Ovid’s Metamorphoses’ 31–2

Owyhee Land and Irrigation Company 3–4,


‘Paget-Lowe, Henry’ 94

Pain, Barry 335

Palgrave, Sir Francis 96

Paradise Lost (Milton) 19

Parker, Charles A. A. 150

‘Pastorale’ (Crane) 157

Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner 49, 58–9

‘Peace Advocate, The’ 95

Phillips, Annie Emeline. see Gamwell,

Annie E. P.

Phillips, Asaph 2, 278

Phillips, Edwin E. 2, 3, 4, 66–7, 104–5,

120, 121

Phillips, George 1–2, 5

Phillips, James Wheaton 2, 36

Phillips, Jeremiah 2

Phillips, Jeremiah W. 3, 36

Phillips, Lillian Delora. see Clark, Lillian Delora Phillips, Michael 2

Phillips, Robie 2, 19, 40, 278

Phillips, Sarah Susan. see Lovecraft, Sarah

Susan Phillips

‘Phillips, Ward’ 94

Phillips, Whipple Van Buren 2–4, 6, 7, 17,

21, 25, 32, 34, 46–7, 54, 58, 66, 101,

104, 119, 121, 122, 126, 278

Pickford, Mary 105

‘Pickman’s Model’ 247, 248, 260, 316, 324 ‘Picture, The’ 57

‘Picture in the House, The’ 140, 162, 171,


Pinero, Arthur Wing 24

Piper 103

Place, Robie Alzada. see Phillips, Robie Place of Hawks (Derleth) 259

Plainsman 103

‘Plaster-All’ 157

Poe, Edgar Allan 24, 25–6, 38, 56–7, 108,

141, 167, 192, 228, 231, 272, 277, 280,

301, 377

‘Poe-et’s Nightmare, The’ 110

‘Poem of Ulysses, The’ 21–2, 32

Poemata Minora, Volume II 39, 54

Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag, The 163–4 ‘Polaris’ 109, 138

Polaris 341

Pope, Alexander 22, 75, 83, 94

Popular Magazine 73

Portrait of Ambrose Bierce (de Castro) 267 Pound, Ezra 158

Practical Psychology and Sex Life (Bush) 202 ‘President’s Message’ (Greene) 204 Price, E. Hoffmann 319–21, 325, 331, 343,


Price, Robert M. 301

‘Primavera’ 281 ‘Pacifist War Song—1917’ 95 Page, Brett 199–200

Primitive Culture (Tylor) 131

Providence, R.I. 2–3, 6, 8–10, 148, 208, 233–4, 236–8, 241–2, 253–5, 369

‘Providence’ 208

Providence Amateur 84

Providence Amateur Press Club 84–5, 103,


Providence Astronomical Society 53 Providence Detective Agency 44, 52, 53 Providence Evening Bulletin 71, 208, 213,

233, 389

Providence Evening News 70, 87–8, 104 Providence in Colonial Times (Kimball) 253–4 ‘Providence in 2000 A.D.’ 71

Providence Journal 9, 58, 71, 191, 233, 279,

280, 282

Providence Tribune 58, 59

‘Pseudo-United, The’ 79

Psychiatric Dictionary (Hinsie-Campbell) 13 ‘Psychic Phenominon of Love, The’ (Davis)


‘Psychopompos’ 110

Putnam’s Sons, G. P. 302–3, 304, 332

‘Quest of Iranon, The’ 137, 138 Quinn, Seabury 315, 321, 369 ‘Quinsnicket Park’ 72

‘Rose of England, The’ 95 Ross, James Clark 38

Rud, Anthony M. 166, 274 ‘Rudis Indigestaque Moles’ 178 Russell, Bertrand 183, 293 Russell, John 74–6

Russell, Robert Leonard 389 Russell, W. Frank 38

Railo, Eino 229

Railroad Review, The 44

Rainbow, The 148

Rape of the Lock, The (Pope) 119

‘Rats in the Walls, The’ 169–71, 196, 316 Reader, The (Alden) 22

‘Reading Lamp, The’ 191, 195–6

‘Recapture’ 282

Recluse, The 225, 227, 257–8, 262, 333, 380 ‘Red Brain, The’ (Wandrei) 259, 260 ‘Renaissance of Manhood, The’ 95 Renshaw, Anne Tillery 93, 119, 219, 378–9 Return, The (de la Mare) 254

Reynolds, B. M. 368

Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy, The 41–2,

51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 64, 85

Rhode Island National Guard 99–101, 120–

1, 122

Richardson, Leon Burr 316–17

Riddle of the Universe, The (Haeckel) 131 Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (Coleridge)

18–19, 22, 24

Rimel, Duane W. 341, 366

Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth (Palgrave) 96

Robinson, Edwin Arlington 281

Roerich, Nicholas 287, 300

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 346–51, 354–5

‘Sacrifice to Science’ (de Castro). see ‘Last Test, The’

St Armand, Barton L. 180

‘Salem Horror, The’ (Kuttner) 379

Sandusky, Albert A. 165

Sanger, Alma B. 146

Santayana, George 183, 293

Saturday Review of Literature 226

Saturnian, The 117

Sawyer, Laurie A. 126

Scarborough, Dorothy 230

Schopenhauer, Arthur 132, 133, 183

Schorer, Mark 258

Schultz, David E. 246

Schwartz, Julius 366, 367, 380, 383

Science-Fantasy Correspondent 377, 379–80, 381

‘Science Library, The’ 41

‘Science versus Charlatanry’ 88

Scientific American 58

Scientific Gazette, The 28, 42, 51, 61, 64

Scott, Howard 348

Scott, Robert 38

Scott, Sir Walter 110

Scott, Winfield Townley 16, 33, 66, 69, 125, 143, 155, 234, 235, 280, 281

Scribner, Charles 77

‘Sealed Casket, The’ (Searight) 337

Searight, Richard F. 336–7, 338

Sechrist, Edward Lloyd 219, 277, 279

Seckendorff, Samuel. see Greene, Samuel

‘Secret Cave; or, John Lees Adventure, The’ 26

Selected Letters 376, 390–1

‘Shadow out of Time, The’ 300, 343–5, 357–8, 364, 365, 366, 367–8, 374, 381

‘Shadow over Innsmouth, The’ 305–7, 332, 360, 382

Shadow over Innsmouth, The 382–3

Shadowy Thing, The (Drake) 335, 344

Shakespeare, William 24, 69

‘Shambleau’ (Moore) 365

‘Shambler from the Stars, The’ (Bloch) 368

Shaw, Joseph T. 167

Shea, J. Vernon 32, 310, 359

Shelley, Mary 141

Shepherd, Alice 361

Shepherd, Harry 79–80

Sully, Helen 337

Sully, Genevieve K. 337

Sunlight and Shadow (Gough) 101

Sunshine of Paradise Alley, The (Thompson) 24

‘Supernatural Horror in Literature’ 136, 227–30, 243, 247, 254, 257–8, 333–4, 377, 380

Supernatural in Modern English Fiction, The (Scarborough) 230

Sweeney, Ella 16, 33

Swift, Jonathan 83, 88, 108

Switch On the Light (Thomson) 316

Symphony, The 119

Symphony Literary Service 119–20

Shepley, George L. 184

‘Shining Pyramid, The’ (Machen) 169 Shiras, Winfield 302

‘Shunned House, The’ 209–10, 221, 224,

253, 262, 300

Shunned House, The 262–3, 339

‘Sideshow, The’ (Hart) 279

Silver Clarion, The 128

‘Silver Key, The’ 248–9, 250, 260, 325 Simmons, William J. 98

Simon & Schuster 287, 303

‘Simple Spelling Mania, The’ 82

‘Sin-Eater, The’ (Macleod) 170

Slater Avenue School 31, 37, 40, 43–4, 49,


Smith, C. W. 94, 145, 225

Smith, Clark Ashton 117, 146, 157–9, 160,

166, 177–8, 257, 259, 281–2, 303, 309,

311, 333, 337, 345, 365, 390

Smith, Mrs J. G. 119

Smith, William Benjamin 54–5

Smith, William H. 348

‘Softly, Edward’ 94

Some Imagist Poets 93

‘Some Current Motives and Practices’ 375 ‘Some Notes on a Nonentity’ 244, 334, 342 ‘Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction’ 342 ‘Some Repetitions on the Times’ 349, 351–2,


Sommer, William 157

Sonnets of the Midnight Hours (Wandrei) 281 Soper, Cleveland C., Jr 374

‘Space-Eaters, The’ (Long) 263–4, 265 Spengler, Oswald 297

‘Spider, The’ (Ewers) 369

Sprenger, William 193

Squire, J. C. 178

Squires, Richard D. 5

Stanley, John H. 180

Stapledon, Olaf 345

Star Atlas (Upton) 42

Star-Treader and Other Poems, The (Smith) 157 ‘Statement of Randolph Carter, The’ 139,

167, 213

Static Electricity 29

Stephen Daye Press 226, 316

Sterling, George 117, 158

Sterling, Kenneth 354, 370–1

Stoker, Bram 230

‘Strange High House in the Mist, The’ 249–

50, 260, 282, 316

Strange Tales 303–4, 314, 323

‘Stranger from Kurdistan, The’ (Price) 320 ‘Street, The’ 137–8

Street & Smith 26, 73

‘Suggestions for a Reading Guide’ 378–9

‘Tale of Satampra Zeiros, The’ (Smith) 309 Tale of Terror, The (Birkhead) 229

Tales of Magic and Mystery 231

Tales of Terror 57

‘Tales of the Marvellous and the Ridiculous’

(Wilson) 391

Tales of War (Dunsany) 137

Talman, Wilfred Blanch 206, 226, 247,

270, 315, 384

Tanner, Kenneth 43

‘Temple, The’ 139, 213, 332

‘Terrible Old Man, The’ 137, 171

Tesla, Nikola 140

Testimony of the Suns, The (Sterling) 158 Texaco Star 226

‘Theobald, Lewis, Jr’ 84, 94

‘Thing on the Doorstep, The’ 144–5, 335–6,

344, 383

Thomas, Norman 347, 354

Thompson, Denman 24

Thompson, Robert 373

Thomson, Christine Campbell 263, 316 Three Impostors, The (Machen) 169, 231 ‘Through the Gates of the Silver Key’

(Lovecraft-Price) 325, 327, 368 ‘“Till A’ the Seas’” (Lovecraft-Barlow) 343 Time and the Gods (Dunsany) 138

Time Machine, The (Wells) 344–5

‘To Arthur Goodenough, Esq.’ 261 ‘To Charlie of the Comics’ 84, 105

‘To Delia, Avoiding Damon’ 118

‘To Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett,

18th Baron Dunsany’ 136

‘To Howard Phillips Lovecraft’ (Smith) 390 ‘To Mary of the Movies’ (Kleiner) 105 Toldridge, Elizabeth 274–5, 277, 279 ‘Tomb, The’ 108, 109, 167, 332

Townsend, Francis E. 355

Transatlantic Circulator 180–2

‘Trap, The’ (Lovecraft-Whitehead) 314, 325 ‘Travels in the Provinces of America’ 272, 278 ‘Tree on the Hill, The’ (Lovecraft-Rimel)


Tremaine, F. Orlin 367–8

Tryout 94, 136, 145, 225

Tucker, Gertrude E. 195–6

Twenty-one Letters of Ambrose Bierce 157, 205 ‘Two Black Bottles’ (Lovecraft-Talman) 247 Tylor, Edward Burnett 131

Ullman, Allen G. 331–2

Ulysses (Joyce) 178

‘Unbroken Chain, The’ (Cobb) 170–1 ‘Under the Pyramids’ (Lovecraft-Houdini)

191–2, 196, 199, 208

United Amateur 78, 82, 106, 112, 113, 114,

129, 145, 146, 204, 219

United Amateur Press Association 76–81,

87, 103, 107, 112–14, 127, 136, 145–6,

148, 163, 204, 213, 258

United Amateur Press Association: Exponent of Amateur Journalism 87

United Co-operative, The 112, 128

‘Unnamable, The’ 169, 171, 213, 248 Unusual Stories 334, 382

Upham, Ronald 43

Upton, Winslow 42

Utpatel, Frank 382

Vagrant 107, 139

Vanguard (publisher) 316, 332

Vathek (Beckford) 251

‘Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, The’ (Smith) 311 ‘Vermont—A First Impression’ 261, 290 Verne, Jules 42

‘Vers Libre Epidemic, The’ 93

Villa, Pancho 265

Voss, Richard 265

Voyages of Capt, Ross, R.N. 38

Walker, James J. 186

Wandering Ghosts (Crawford) 257

Wandrei, Donald 257, 258, 259, 260–1,

264, 281, 286, 327, 337, 338, 339, 364,

367–8, 374, 390–1

Wandrei, Howard 338, 364

Waste Land, The (Eliot) 178–80

‘Waste Paper’ 179–80

‘Weird Writer Is in Our Midst, A’ (Orton)


‘Weird Tale in English Since 1890, The’ (Derleth) 278–9

Weird Tales 12, 149, 155, 165–8, 171, 173,

185, 191–4, 196, 199, 205, 212–13, 221,

224, 225, 227, 244, 247, 249, 256–7,

258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 268,

274, 280, 282, 284–5, 287, 292, 302,

303, 307, 308, 309, 310, 315, 316, 318,

320–1, 323, 324, 325, 332, 336, 365,

366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 376, 377, 379,

380, 383, 389, 390

Weld, John 195

Well Bred Speech (Lovecraft-Renshaw) 378–9 Wells, H. G. 344–5

‘Wendigo, The’ (Blackwood) 274

‘Werewolf of Ponkert, The’ (Munn) 261 West India Lights (Whitehead) 310, 326 Wetzel, George T. 128, 129, 391

‘What Amateurdom and I Have Done for Each Other’ 79, 130

Whipple, Esther 2

‘Whisperer in Darkness, The’ 283, 289–92,

309, 315, 316

White, Matthew, Jr 74

White, Michael Oscar 126

White Buildings (Crane) 157

‘White People, The’ (Machen) 169, 228,


‘White Ship, The’ 137, 138

Whitehead, Henry S. 303–4, 310, 314,


Whitman, Sarah Helen 377

Whitman, Walt 92, 97

Whittier, John Greenleaf 164

Who’s Who in America 205

Wilde, Oscar 134, 176

Wilkes, Charles 38

Wilkes’s Explorations 38

Williams, Roger 8, 9

Williams, William Carlos 158

‘Willows, The’ (Blackwood) 169, 228 Wilson, Colin 392

Wilson, Edmund 281, 391

Wilson, Woodrow 95, 99, 110, 121, 183 ‘Wind that Is in the Grass, The’ (Barlow)


Wine of Wizardry, A (Sterling) 158

Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson) 139

‘Winged Death’ (Lovecraft-Heald) 323 ‘Winifred Virginia Jackson: A “Different”

Poetess’ 129

Witch-Cult in Western Europe, The (Murray)


‘Within the Gates’ 146

Wonder Stories 323, 337

‘Wood, The’ 279

Woodbee 113, 145

Writer’s Digest 205

Wright, Farnsworth 166, 192–4, 224, 225,

231, 244, 257, 262, 291, 302, 304, 306–7,

316, 318, 324, 325, 326, 332, 377, 383 Wuthering Heights (Brontë) 226

You’ll Need a Night Light (Thomson) 263 Young, Edward 109

Young Chemist, The (Appleton) 28 ‘Yule Horror’ see ‘Festival’ Zanger, Jules 301
