Chapter 10

Thunder stretched in his nest and blinked sleep from his eyes. It was morning on a new day, but there was no sunlight in sight. Thick gray clouds washed the camp with drizzle. A fat drop of water splashed onto his muzzle. With a shiver, he hopped out.

“You’re awake at last,” Owl Eyes huffed as he landed beside the young tom.

He was sitting on the edge of the clearing, watching Birch and Alder train Thistle and Clover.

“Is it late?” Thunder searched the clouds beyond the treetops for some sign of the sun.

“Clear Sky’s already sent out hunting patrols.” Owl Eyes didn’t pull his gaze from the young cats.

“It’s their second day training.”

Birch and Alder circled the clearing, their paws pattering softly over the muddy earth. Thistle and Clover crouched at the center, their fur plastered against their thin frames as they concentrated on their hunting crouches.

“Keep your tail down!” Alder told Thistle.

“Tuck your hind paws tighter under you,” Birch called to Clover.

Clover frowned. “But that makes it harder to jump.”

“It will feel that way to begin with,” Birch reassured the ginger-and-white kit. “But once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you’ll be able to jump farther. And the farther you can jump, the less stalking you’ll have to do.”

Owl Eyes’s tail flicked irritably behind him. “What’s wrong with stalking?”

Ignoring the gray tom, Clover narrowed her eyes and bunched up her hindquarters. “Is that better?”

“Great!” Birch lifted his tail. “Now jump.”

Clover hurled herself forward. As she pushed off from the ground, her hind paws slithered on the mud, and she fell sprawling onto her belly.

Thistle purred with amusement. “You look like you’re trying to swim!”

Clover whipped around and glared at him. “You try it, mouse-brain!”

Thistle clamped his mouth shut and leaped. He sailed across the clearing and landed neatly, a muzzle-length from Birch. Purring loudly, he looked at the ginger tom. “How was that?”

“You’re going to be a great hunter,” Birch told him proudly.

Clover snorted and dropped onto her belly again, tucking her hind paws tightly beneath her.

Grunting with effort, she leaped. This time, she landed skillfully, controlling her skid as her paws hit the wet earth. She blinked at Alder. “Better?”

“Much!” Alder congratulated the kit.

Owl Eyes sniffed. “I still think you should be teaching them how to stalk, not to jump.”

Alder glanced at the gray tom. “Clear Sky asked us to train them, not you.”

Birch joined his sister. “You’re just in a bad mood because he chose Sparrow Fur for the second hunting patrol.”

Owl Eyes flattened his ears. “I hunt better than she does in the rain,” he muttered. “Sparrow Fur doesn’t like getting her paws wet.” He stalked across the clearing and curled down among the roots of the beech, his pelt spiked from the rain. Miserably, he shoved his nose under his paw and closed his eyes.

I should be out on patrol, Thunder thought, tearing his gaze away to scan the camp. Where was Clear Sky?

He recognized Cloud Spots’s voice beneath the yew.

“Chew these leaves, Milkweed.”

Thunder’s nose twitched at the smell of tansy.

“It’s just a slight sickness in your chest,” Cloud Spots was saying. “The leaves should clear it.

Send Clover for more if you still feel bad later.”

The long-furred black tom came out from beneath the yew and padded to the short, steep bank beyond the oak. Brambles spilled over the muddy overhang beside the hollow where Clear Sky made his nest. They smelled like a pungent meadow. Cloud Spots slid behind them. He’d been collecting herbs for days and stashing them among the prickly stems.

“Thunder!” Clover called to him. “Watch me jump!”

Thunder looked as she crouched and leaped across the clearing.

He’d been pleased that Clear Sky had taken the starving family in—even happier when he’d heard Milkweed pass on Gray Wing’s message. Perhaps Clear Sky and Gray Wing’s relationship was gently mending. But it was strange that Gray Wing had been on the moor. He’d gone to live among the pines with Tall Shadow. What had driven him back to his old home?


He realized Clover was staring at him expectantly. “Very good,” he told her.

Clover purred. “I can jump as far as Thistle now.”

“No you can’t!” Thistle lifted his tail indignantly.

Birch stepped between the kits. “Why don’t we practice stalking, like Owl Eyes suggested?”

Owl Eyes’s ear twitched, but he didn’t lift his muzzle from beneath his paw.

Thunder caught Birch’s eye. “Where’s Clear Sky?” Perhaps it wasn’t too late to persuade his father to let him join a patrol.

Birch glanced at the branch that overhung the clearing. That was where Clear Sky liked to sit and watch over the camp. It was empty. Birch shrugged. “Perhaps he’s gone to make dirt.”

Thunder padded to the bottom of the oak. His father’s scent was still fresh on the bark, which meant he probably hadn’t gotten far. Thunder leaped up the steep bank and padded over the wet grass beyond. “Clear Sky?” he called.

The bracken at the edge of the camp rustled and Clear Sky slid out. “What is it?”

“I’d like to join one of the hunting patrols,” Thunder told him. “Which way did you send them?

I’m sure I can catch up.”

“I want you to stay here.” Clear Sky marched past him and paused at the edge of the slope.

“Someone needs to watch over the kits.”

“They’ve got you, and Birch and Alder,” Thunder argued. “And Owl Eyes.”

Clear Sky turned his head. “If you wanted to be on a hunting patrol, you should have woken earlier.”

Was his father punishing him for sleeping late? “I’m sorry. I’m still used to the light on the moor.

In the forest when it’s cloudy, it’s sometimes hard to tell day from night.”

“No other cat here has that problem.” As Clear Sky jumped into the clearing, Lightning Tail and Leaf pushed their way through the camp entrance. Thick wads of moss dangled from their jaws.

Lightning Tail dropped his soft, green bundle. “There’s enough to line two nests here,” he told


Leaf spat out his moss. “We’ll never get it dry in this weather.”

“Let’s spread it out beside the holly,” Lightning Tail suggested. “The ground catches the sun there.

If the clouds clear, it’ll dry in no time.”

Thunder turned to look pleadingly at Clear Sky. “Lightning Tail and Leaf are here now,” he pressed. “Let me go hunting. Even if I don’t catch up with the patrols, I can hunt on my own. It’s leaf-bare. We need all the prey we can get.”

“I need you to stay. I’m going on border patrol.” Clear Sky met his gaze. “Besides, I don’t want cats hunting alone.”

Thunder blinked. “Why not?”

“All prey should be shared,” Clear Sky told him briskly. “If we hunt together, then we will be less tempted to keep our catch to ourselves.”

Thunder bristled. “You don’t trust us?”

Clear Sky lifted his chin. “Of course I do. But it’s my duty as leader to keep you from temptation.”

Thunder glared at him. Why do I keep forgetting how arrogant he is? He didn’t argue. Instead, he lowered his tail obediently. “If you’re going on patrol, let me come with you. You’ve changed the borders so many times, I’m still having trouble telling the old markers from new. Perhaps you could help me.”

This wasn’t true; he could easily tell the difference between a stale scent and a fresh one, but he was desperate to make up for oversleeping. If he flattered Clear Sky, his father might let him join the patrol.

Clear Sky whisked his tail. “If you haven’t learned that by now, you never will,” he grunted. “I’m patrolling alone. Every cat needs solitude from time to time.” Before Thunder could object, he marched toward the bramble entrance. Thunder watched him go, uneasiness worming beneath his pelt.

Clear Sky had never wanted solitude before. Why now?

As his father pushed his way out of camp, Thunder hurried across the clearing toward Lightning Tail.

“I want you to watch the camp,” he whispered quickly.

Lightning Tail was spreading his strips of moss over the wet earth with a paw. “Why?”

“Clear Sky asked me to do it, but I want to follow him.”

Lightning Tail looked up. “Why? Where’s he going?”

“He says he’s going to patrol the borders,” Thunder breathed. “I wanted to come but he’s ordered me to stay in camp.”

Lightning Tail shrugged. “Perhaps he wants to be alone.”

“That’s what he said,” Thunder conceded. “But I’m following him anyway. What if he runs into a fox or a dog?”

Lightning Tail’s whiskers twitched teasingly. “You’re just being nosy.”

“That’s not true,” Thunder snorted.

Lightning Tail straightened up. “Then I’m coming with you.”

Now who’s being nosy?” Thunder teased.

Leaf looked up from his scraps of moss. “What are you two whispering about?”

“We need you to guard the camp,” Thunder told him. “We’re going out on patrol.”

Leaf shrugged and smoothed a wide piece of moss with his paw. “Okay.”

Thunder hurried toward the bramble wall, Lightning Tail at his heels. He ducked through the entrance tunnel, his mouth open as he tasted for Clear Sky’s scent.

Instinctively, he looked toward the gully his father had led him along on their last patrol together, but Clear Sky’s scent drifted from the other direction. Thunder followed it. Keeping low, he brushed past a clump of bracken and slid beneath a branch.

“He’s heading for the river,” Lightning Tail whispered from behind.

Thunder’s tail twitched. There was a boundary at the river’s edge. Clear Sky didn’t patrol it very often. He believed that the river, which flowed between River Ripple’s marshes and the oak woods, was enough to keep inquisitive rogues and kittypets from crossing into their territory.

Perhaps he was hoping to find some new recruits, just like he’d found Milkweed, Pink Eyes, and Blossom. Was that the purpose of his patrols? As Thunder pushed through a stretch of long grass, he wondered again at the change in his father. The leader who had fought so hard to defend his borders was now happy to open them to any cat.

The thought cheered him, and he leaped the last few clumps of grass and began to follow the forest floor as it sloped upward. He hurried onward watchfully. He didn’t want Clear Sky to see that he’d followed him. Once he’d caught up to his father, he would only make his presence known if there was trouble—an unfriendly rogue or a hungry fox.

“Can you see him?” Lightning Tail fell in beside him as they neared the top of the ridge.

“No, but he can’t be far ahead.” Clear Sky’s scent trail was fresh, his paw prints easy to make out on the damp forest floor. Beyond the crest, flattened grass showed where Clear Sky had bounded down to the river. Thunder scanned the slope, looking for Clear Sky’s pale gray pelt. He could see the river glimmering beyond the trees, but no sign of his father other than the trail of crushed grass. He broke into a run, leaping down the slope, slowing only as he approached the tree line. The river flowed beyond, babbling lazily as it washed the stony bank.

Lightning Tail pulled ahead and peeked out from the trees. “He’s not on the shore,” he hissed over his shoulder.

Thunder pointed his nose downstream. “His scent leads that way, along the river.”

“He must be heading for the flat rocks,” Lightning Tail suggested.

The flat rocks were large boulders that rose above the river farther downstream. The first time Thunder had come to live with his father, they’d sunned themselves there, relishing the warmth of the sun-blanched stone. Now he sniffed the grass, picking up Clear Sky’s scent. “Let’s see,” he told Lightning Tail. “Come on.”

Keeping to the shelter of the trees, he headed for the boulders. The rain had eased, and sun was breaking through the thick, gray clouds. Before long, light glimmered beyond the trees as sunlight flashed on the rain-washed stone.

Thunder stopped and tasted the air. Clear Sky’s scent was stronger here. He peered out from the trees at the wide expanse of stone. A light breeze whispered through the treetops above him, and the river gurgled somewhere far below the edge of the rocky outcrop.

“There he is!” Lightning Tail’s whisper sounded in Thunder’s ear.

Stiffening, he followed his friend’s gaze.

Clear Sky was sitting in the middle of the flat rocks, his ears pricked. He was scanning the forest that crowded the edges of the stone, tail twitching excitedly. Thunder narrowed his eyes. Had Clear Sky spotted prey?

A familiar mew sounded from the trees beyond. “So, you decided to take me up on that hunting lesson?”

Thunder froze as Star Flower stalked from the trees and crossed the stone. She stopped just in front of Clear Sky and raised her bushy tail. The sun’s rays flashed through the clouds and turned her golden pelt to fire.

Lightning Tail stiffened beside Thunder. “What’s she doing here?”

Thunder didn’t answer. Jealousy was scorching through his chest as he watched the she-cat weave around Clear Sky. A low growl rumbled in his throat. No wonder he didn’t want me to patrol with him.

“I’m not here for hunting lessons.” Clear Sky blocked Star Flower’s path.

She stopped, her eyes glittering playfully. “Then why are you here? I invited you to meet me so I could teach you the ways of the forest.”

Clear Sky brushed around Star Flower, his eyes never leaving hers. He stopped close to her muzzle. “You don’t need to teach me anything,” he meowed. “I’ve learned all I need to know. And I’ve learned it the hard way.”

“I told you,” Star Flower purred throatily. “We have more in common than you think.”

Clear Sky half closed his eyes. “Perhaps we do.”

Star Flower let her tail slide beneath Clear Sky’s chin.

Thunder curled his claws deep into the soft earth, imagining its softness flowing beneath his muzzle. She had used the same gesture when talking to him.

He stared at his father, willing Clear Sky to step away from the treacherous she-cat. But Clear Sky stood still while Star Flower padded slowly around him.

“You were going to give me some lessons in leadership,” she murmured.

“Not yet.” Clear Sky’s eyes flashed. “Before you can lead, you must learn how to follow.”

He’s encouraging her! Rage surged beneath Thunder’s pelt. Then fear. He knew better than any cat how Star Flower could turn against those she pretended to care for. She’d once convinced him that she wanted to join his group—that she wanted to be his mate. But she’d only been spying for One

Eye. She’d told him she truly cared for him, but only after One Eye had died.

The anger burned in his belly. Why had she told him that? When she’d reappeared last half-moon, a tiny hope had sparked in his heart that she’d returned to the forest for him.

He watched, his pelt bristling, as Star Flower lay down, her tail swishing over the stone. She looked up at Clear Sky, her radiant green eyes catching the light. “Enjoy the sunshine with me.”

Thunder turned away and marched through the forest, growling under his breath.

Lightning Tail bounded after him. “Thunder!”

“I should have known,” Thunder snarled. “She never felt anything for me.”

Lightning Tail barged across his path. “Wait!”

Thunder glared at him. “Are you going to say that you told me so?”

Hurt sparked in Lightning Tail’s gaze, and Thunder felt instantly guilty. “I’m sorry.” He hung his head.

“I’m just glad you saw this before you did something mouse-brained like telling her you loved her.” Lightning Tail suddenly leaned closer. “You didn’t, did you?”

“No!” Thunder snapped. “I’m not that dumb.”

Lightning Tail glanced back toward the rocks. “It looks like Clear Sky is.”

Thunder’s heart lurched. He’d been so wrapped up in his own feelings, he hadn’t considered his father. “She’s using him!”

“What for?” Lightning Tail’s eyes darkened with worry.

“Because she can,” Thunder growled bitterly. “Because he’s the leader, and becoming his mate would give her power and influence.”

“But he knows she’s treacherous,” Lightning Tail reasoned. “He must realize what she’s doing and why. Perhaps he’s just seeing how far she’s willing to go.”

Thunder nodded slowly. Clear Sky’s main goal had been bringing the cats together, not finding a mate. “Of course. He’s letting Star Flower play her stupid games, making a fool of herself.” He stared blankly at Lightning Tail, his gaze clouding. Was that all it was with me too? A stupid game? Pain seared his heart. He shook out his pelt, fighting grief. “Leave me alone, Lightning Tail. I need to think.”

Lightning Tail stared at him anxiously. “You’re not going back there to confront them?”

“No.” Thunder retuned his friend’s gaze solemnly. “Clear Sky can make his own decisions. I don’t want anything to do with Star Flower.” He saw Lightning Tail’s fur smooth.

“Don’t stay out too long,” the black tom urged.

Thunder dipped his head. “I just need to clear my thoughts.”

He watched Lightning Tail head away until he was no more than a shadow moving through the wilting undergrowth. Making for the river, Thunder broke from the trees and gazed over River Ripple’s marshes. The reeds stirred and bent in the breeze. A gust whipped Thunder’s whiskers against his cheeks. As he glanced downstream to where the boulders rose above the water, a deep ache twisted his heart.

I really thought she had come back for me. But there’s only one cat Star Flower cares about, and that’s Star Flower.
