
Halloween had rolled around and as Jenna decorated the outside of the house, she hummed to herself while listening to her men argue over how to carve the pumpkin.

The past year had been both a delight and a revelation. The townsfolk, after getting over their shock at the brothers’ return, hadn’t batted an eye at their living arrangement. Mark confided in her that they weren’t the only special folk in town. Weird happenings and family situations were par for the course.

Her worries over sharing herself with two men seemed laughable now. The brothers never got jealous where she was concerned. Whether they made love to her as a pair or apart, their primary concern was always her pleasure. Not that she let them suffer. She gave as good as she got and then some. It was quite satisfying to see her two alpha males sprawled in sated bliss, their taste in her mouth.

As for Clarissa, no one ever asked what happened to her. A few months after she disappeared, her shop reopened with a new witch manning the counter. A plump cutie with whom Jenna had become great friends. So close, in fact, that Jenna was now looking for the right kind of man-or two-to set her friend up with so she could find the same bliss Jenna enjoyed.

A joy that was about to expand.

Jenna set up the surprise she’d planned since she’d found out, pulling out the special Halloween figures she’d purchased for this moment.

Big hands curved around her body and drew her into a solid body. Derrick nibbled her earlobe. “Whatcha doing, babe?”

“Setting up the family.”

She placed the two large black wolves on the wide railing. Smack dab between them, she put a smaller russet colored one, then on either side of that one, cubs.

“Which family, sweetheart?” asked Mark as he dropped a kiss on her nape.

“Well, let’s see, those two big ones are you and Derrick, of course. The small one is how I’d want to look if I was a wolf. And the two little ones…” Jenna smiled and placed her hands over her tummy.

Mark’s eyes bulged and Derrick went still behind her.

“Are you… Are you saying you’re pregnant?” Derrick whispered, his fingers digging into the flesh at her waist.

Jenna rolled her eyes. “Duh. Do I need to draw you both a picture?”

Then they ruined the moment.

Derrick turned her around carefully, like a fragile piece of glass. “Did you know you were pregnant when you climbed that ladder yesterday?”

Not to be outdone, Mark chastised her too. “And painting? What about the fumes?”

Jenna rolled her eyes at their overprotective attitude even as she basked in their attention. Damn, do I love them. Funny how what started out as a ghostly ménage turned into love, not once, but twice over. And I wouldn’t give it up for anything, she thought with a smile as they sandwiched her between their big bodies and kissed her breathless.
