To the many friends and family who have helped me to write this book, I would like to express my sincerest thanks.
This book has been a labor of love for so many. Please forgive me if I forget someone. Thanks to my beta readers: Kristy, Kelli, Sarah, Lindsay, Molly, and Sandra. To my editing team: Caroline and Amy, and to the authors and friends that read and gave generous feedback. Thank you all so much.
To all my readers online, who offered so much encouragement and enthusiasm. Thank you for the gift of your time and attention.
To my family, for their encouragement and faith. To my husband and son, in particular, thank you for enduring all the long nights and sleepy mornings. Thanks for the hugs and encouragement when I needed it most.
Any success I have is the result of God’s gracious gifts to me, including the gifts of your love and support.
Thank you all most sincerely.