
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Aachen 105

Abu Ghraib prison 244

Abyssinia 49–50

acetycholine 54

aconitine 61

Adie, Captain 17–18

Afghanistan 43–44, 237–239

aflatoxin 242

Agee, Philip 218

Agent Orange 194–196, 199

Agricultural and Water Research Centre, Baghdad 242

Agricultural Research Council 86

Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of 86

Akashat factory 240

Al Fallujah factory 240

al-Hakam factory 242

Al-Qaeda organisation 251

al-Taji chemical complex 242

Alaska 185

Alexander, General 123

Alibek, Ken 245, 247, 249

Alibekov, Kanatjan 245

Ambros, Otto 54–56, 62, 64

American Chemical Society 45

Anderson, Jack 222

Anderson, Sir Austin 40

Anderson, Sir John 99

animal experiments 39–40, 60, 77, 171, 179, 242, 245

Anorgana 55


Allied contingency plan for use of 105

attacks by contaminated letters 251

beer from same equipment 241

Biological Weapons Convention 175

Britain orders bombs 102

Camp Detrick 98

cattle cakes 87–88

code-named N 101

crudeness as a weapon 106

destruction of stocks 221

Dugway Proving Ground 174

effects of 70, 89

first suggested as BW agent 70

German cities 129, 134–136

Guinard tests 70–74

Lord Cherwell reports to Churchill on 101–103

mentioned 144, 156, 158, 170, 173

preparation of spores 70–71

prepared by the Japanese 76–79, 143

suitable as weapon 164

Sverdlovsk 223–225, 246

US attacks 2001: xi

US begins manufacturing bombs 101–104

anti-crop warfare 98–100, 163, 193–195

anti-personnel mines 104

Apen, von 144–145

Arbusov, Alexander 141

Archangel 43

Armentieres 31

“Armour for the Inner Man” 192

Army Medical Research Institute 225

Arras, Battle of 22–23

arsenic 89

Asian ’flu 171

Aspergillus fumigatus 159–160

Atelier de Pyrotechnie du Bouchet 43

Atlee, Clement 114

atomic bomb 65, 97, 100, 115, 125

atropine 57

Aultbea 68, 72

Aum Shinrikiyo cult 250–251

Australia 47, 178, 180, 230

Avonmouth mustard gas factory 28

Bacillus globigii 159

Bacon, Geoffrey 172

Bacteriological Warfare Committee 72, 84–85, 102

Bagwhan Shree Rajneesh 250

Bahamas 158, 161

Baker, James 242–243

Baldwin, Stanley 50

Balkans 133

Bandera, Stefan 202

Barcroft’s dog 38

Barcroft, Joseph 5, 37–38

Bari Harbour disaster 120–124

Barley, Colonel n 6–117

“Beam” operations 29–30

Beaverbrook, Lord 114

Beckstrom, Howard D 120–122

Ben Lomond 160–161

Berlin 105, 106, 126

Bertram, Captain 3

Bild Zeitung 224

binary weapons 234–235, 239

Biological Weapons Convention 1972: xiii, 174, 175, 220–226, 231, 245, 252

Biopreparat 245

Bistera 122

“Black Book” 65

Black Death 246, 252

“Black Magic” 197

Blauer, Harold 191–192

Blome, Professor 85

Boeki Kyusuibu 78

Bomber Command 112–113, 132

Bormann, Martin 63

botulinus toxin (BTX) 84, 88–89, 93, 94, 158, 217, 242

botulism 76

Boulogne 4–5

Bourget 52

Boycott, Professor A E 41

Bradley, General Omar 64

Brandt, Karl 63

Brandyuzhsky gas factory 50

Brave New World 68

Brezhnev, Leonid 231

British Broadcasting Corporation 108, 200

British Expeditionary Force 109

British Medical Journal 171

Brown, Ernest 102. 104

Brown, Sir William 114

brucellosis 76, 98, 106, 158, 164, 166, 175

BTX see botulinus toxin

Buchenwald 85

Bulgaria 200–201

Bush, President George W xi

Butler, Richard 241, 244

BZ 192–193

Callaghan, James 238

Cambodia see Kampuchea

Cambrai salient 31

Camp Detrick 89, 97–98, 154–155, 157, 163, 165, 166, see also Fort Detrick

Camp Sibert 120


BTX antidote 85

BW Convention 174, 221

Geneva Protocol 45

LSD 190

mentioned 61, 164, 167, 216, 230

Tripartite Agreement 177–178, 180, 186–187

troops suffer early gas attack 3–4

wartime co-operation with Britain 94–95

cancer 35–36, 171

cannabis 211

Castro, Fidel 217

casualties 1980s xi, 241

Iran-Iraq War xi, 241

World War 1: 32

cat bombs 206

cattle cakes (anthrax impregnated) 87–88

Cayley, Fred 36

Celibes 78

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 149, 204, 205, 207–218, 227

Chad 250

Chamberlain, Neville 83, 89, 108

Changteh 80

Chemical Corps, US

disposal of toxic waste 220

expansion urged in Kennedy era 172

increase in strength in 1970s 231

intelligence estimates unreliable 148

Korean War BW 165–166

mosquitoes for BW 168–171

plans for BW 164–165, 167–169

public relations campaign 188–189

sarin production 185

Soviet strength estimate 232–233

tests germs on US public 157–158, 160–162

Tripartite Agreement 177

VX production 187–188

‘war without death’ 189–192

see also Chemical Warfare Service

Chemical Warfare Convention 1997: xiii, 249–250

Chemical Warfare Service, US

Bari 120–121

expanded 34

Geneva Protocol opposition 46

mentioned 28, 96, 124

presses for increased wartime spending on CW 117–118

recruitment campaign 1920 34

for post-WW2 activities see Chemical Corps

Cherwell, Lord 101–103, 125–126

Chiefs of Staff, British 81, 83, 88, 102, 114–116, 125–130, 135, 140, 152, 154, 204

Chiefs of Staff, Combined 123–124

China 48–49, 79–81, 118–119, 142.–143, 155, 165–166, 168, 191

Chisholm, General Brock 84

chloracne 196

chloramine 246

chlorine 1–3, 6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 118

chlorine triflouride 58, 59

cholera 75–78, 80, 144, 156, 158, 170

cholinesterase 54

Cholmondely Castle 90

Chuhsien 80

Church, Frank 214

Churchill, Winston S

anthrax programme information 101–103

anticrop warfare 99

authorises purchase of 500,000 bombs 102

Bari disaster 123

Bari disaster report 132, 135

cattle cakes manufacture 87–88

CBW developments predicted 70

CW demonstration in WW1 21

CW inititiation ‘cold blooded calculation’ requested 127–128

CW stocks inadequacy 113–115

gas production wound up 136

German invasion and use of gas 112

mentioned 81, 97

phosgene and US supplies 116–117

radioactive gas threat 125–126

Stalin offered CW supplies 137

V-weapon attacks 126–127

Clamency phosgene factory 50

Clarendon Laboratory 115

cloud chamber project 98

Club MAD 250

CN riot gas 197

cobra venom 214

Cockayne, William 179–180

Colby, William 214–215

Collinge, Lieutenant 26

Colorado Beetle 87, 98, 100

Creasy, William M 167

CS riot gas 197–198

Cuba 223

cyanide 214

cyanogen chloride 59

Cyprus 145, 197

Czech Republic 251

Czechoslovakia 89–94, 201, 226

D-Day 64, 124–126, 137

DA 33, 42

Dachau 85

Daily Mail 6

Daily Telegraph 223

Dalby, Captain 69

Danzig, Hitler’s speech at 54–55, 83, 84

Daschle, Tom 251

DDT 65, 67

Defence Standards Laboratories, Australia 217

Defence, Ministry of 86, 160, 185–186, 225

Defense Science Board 188–189

Defense, Department of 167, 174, 195

defoliation 99

dengue 170

DF 235

dichlor 185

dichlorethyl sulphide 28

Dick, Professor 92–93

Dill, Sir John 110–112, 113

dioxin 195–196

dirty weapons xi

disarmament enforcement 254

DM 42, 51

Donovan, William 204–205

Dugway Proving Ground 118, 173–174, 185, 193, 219

Duisberg, Carl 9–10, 11, 32

Dulles, Allen 209

Dunkirk 110, 138

Dyhernfurth nerve gas factory 55–58, 140

dysentery 75, 77–80, 144, 158, 170

East Germany 226–227

Ebola fever 222, 247, 248

Edgewood Arsenal 33, 50, 64, 95, 97, 176, 177, 185, 187, 191–192, 234–235

Egypt 229

Eisenhower, Dwight D 123–125, 135

Elberfeld 54

encephalitis 98, 171

encephalomyelitis 164

entomological warfare 98

Erickson, John 228–229

ethnic weapon 173, 253

Evans, Dr Martin 217

Exeter University 201

Fafek, Rela 91

Falkenhagen sarin factory 58, 140

Falkenhayn, General Erich von 2–3

feather bombs 163, 165

Federal Bureau of Investigation 222–223

Ferry, General 4

fertility blocks 248

Fildes, Dr Paul 69, 72–73, 82–84, 86, 88–91, 105–106, 152

fleas 78, 98, 144–145, 165, 170

‘Flying Cow’ 115

‘Flying Lavatory’ 115

Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation 188

foot and mouth disease 82, 84

Ford, Gerald 167

Formosa 47

Fort Detrick 166, 167, 169–171, 173–174, 194, 209–210, 215–217 see also Camp Detrick

Foulkes, General C H 7–8, 11, 12, 15, 19, 21, 22, 30, 33–34, 39–40, 43–44, 74, 238

fowl pest 98

France 1–3, 4, 23, 28, 32, 38, 43–46, 50–52, 109–110, 138, 140, 165, 200–201, 221

Frankfurt 105

“Frankfurter” 115

Freedom of Information Act 80, 214

French, Sir John 5, 15

Fries, General 28

Fritzsche, Hans 86

Frucht, Adolf-Henning 226–228

fungu toxin 78

G agents 176–177 and see nerve gases

Gabcik, Josef 91, 94

Gas ! 34

gas gangrene 76, 79, 143

Gaswerfer 1918 33

Gelan 65

genetic code 252

Geneva Disarmament Committee 174

Geneva Disarmament Conference 81

Geneva Protocol

belligerents agree to abide by 108

British distrust of German commitment 83, 87, 108

British Porton research continues ‘under the rose’ 47

British willingness to break 116, 131, 136

BW included 75

Italy ignores 49–50

ratification 45–46

signing 45

text 45

US able to use CW by not having ratified 196–197

US change policy regarding 166–167

US not bound by in WW2 117

US ratifies 231

white phosphorus 124–125

George V, King 38


Allied fears of 109

anticrop warfare by Allies suspected 100

Arras, Battle of 22–23

Bari attack 121

‘beam’ attacks, reaction to 29–30

Blitzkreig 109–100

British and French fear of 51

British consider using CBW against 127–136

British fears of Germany’s BW 83–85, 87, 102

BW in WW1 74

BW programme extent 85

chemical industry strength 8–9

chemicals, dependence on 31

code names for gases 24

CW stocks captured 139–140, 176–179

CW weapons in WW2 57–60

CW WW1, reasons for introduction 8–10

CW WW2, tempted to use no, 138

first British gas attack effects 14–15

first British phosgene attack effects 19–20

first gas attack launched 1–8

Geneva Protocol 45, 46, 108

Heydrich’s death, reaction 94

human experimentation 60–62

main CW installations 58, 62

mustard gas introduced 24–26

nerve gas developed 53–37

nerve gas secrets kept 65–67

offensive launched 1918: 31

phosgene use 17–19

Polish BW evidence 89

post-WW1 work 43

Roosevelt’s warning to 119

Soviet Union collaboration 47

Soviet Union, fear of 141–142, 143–145

V-weapons 126–127

WW1 casualties 32

see also East Germany and West Germany

Gestapo 62, 89

Gestewitz, Hans Rudolf 227

Ghosh, Dr Ranajit 187

glanders 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 98

glycolates 213

Goebbels, Josef 63

Goring, Hermann 100

Gottlieb, Sid 210, 212, 218

Graves, Robert 12

Great Britain

anthrax bombs ordered 102

anti-crop warfare 98–100

anti-crop warfare in Malaya 194

anti-gas schools 15–16

beam operations 29–30

BW attacks, vulnerability to 171–172

BW convention proposed 221

BW project started 81–83

BW trials post-war 158, 160

BW wartime collaboration with US 96–97

CBW use contemplated in WW2 127–136

chemical industry weakness 8–9, 10

chemical troops raised 11–12

civil defence against gas 50, 108–109

CW stocks disposal post WW2 139–140

CW wartime collaboration with US 116

defensive expertise 230

defensive preparations against BW attack 82, 84–85

first gas attack launched 12–15

first gas attacks reaction 4–7

first mass-produced BW weapon 87–88

French CW experts liaison 51–52

Gas Adviser appointed 7–8

gas attack plans 30

gas casualties in WW1 16, 27, 31, 32, 34

gas production increased 114–115

gas used in Afghanistan 43–44

gas used in Russian civil war 43

gas weapons developed 22–23

Geneva Protocol 45, 46

Geneva Protocol pledge WW2 108

German cities, attack plans 105

German invasion gassing planned 110–113

German nerve gas discovered 140–141

LSD 190–191

mustard gas production 28–29

nerve gas ignorance 65–67

nerve gas manufacture 182–183

phosgene introduced 19–20

Porton Down founded 21, 37–38

post WW1 attitude to gas 33–34, 41–42

post WW2 military planning 152

public hostility to gas 20–21

Russian CW, fears of 141–142

Tripartite Agreement 176–179, 186–187

V-weapon attacks 126–127

white phosphorus 124–125

Green Cross 24

Green Monkey disease see Marburg fever

Greenland 185

grenades oeuf 52

Griffiths, Tom 183–184

Grindley, Sergeant 3

Gruinard Island 68–74, 81, 95, 97, 101, 161

Guest, Sapper 25

Gulf War 242–244

H, HS, HT see mustard gas

Ha bomb 77

Haber, Clara 10–11

Haber, Fritz 10–11, 15, 32, 254

Hague Declaration 1899: 5, 9, 44

Haig, Alexander 234, 236

Haig, Sir Douglas 12, 14, 31

Haiti 169

Halabja 241

Haldane, J B S 33, 35, 40

Hamburg 105

Hankey, Lord 69, 81–84, 87–88

Harbin 78

Harbin Military Hospital 75, 76

Harrison, Colonel 39

Hartley, Sir Harold 25

Harwell 161

Haselkorn, Avigdor 243, 250

Hawking, Professor Stephen 253

Helfaut, Special Brigade HQ 21

Helminthosoporium oryzae van Brede de Haan 100

Helms, Richard 208, 212, 218

Henderson, Dr David 69–71, 106

Henderson, Major-General in Hersh, Seymour 148

Heydrich, Reinhard 89–94

Highland Light Infantry 20

Hill, Dr Edwin V 156

Himmler, Heinrich 89

Hiroshima 142, 152

Hitler, Adolf

abortive assassination plot 206–207

conference on CW 64

Danzig boast of ‘secret weapons’ 54–55, 83, 84

gassed in WW1 32

mentioned 52, 57, 59, 89, 138

reaction to Heydrich’s death 94

urged to use CW 63

Hmong tribesmen 236

Hochwerk 55

Hodgkin, Captain A E 29–30, 31

Hoffman, Dr Albert 190

Hokkaido 78

Holland Committee 33–34, 41–42

Hollbaum, Professor 92

Holmes, Walter 49–50

Hoover, J Edgar 223

Hormats, Saul 239

Horn Island Testing station 97

Horner, General Charles 244

HS 28

HT 52

Human experiments 39–40, 42–43, 60–62, 79–80, 142–145, 156–157, 170–171, 180–181

human genome mapping 253

Hungary 201, 207–208

Huxley, Aldous 68, 70

hydrogen cyanide (HCN) 38, 48, 59, 115, 142

Hype helmets 17

Ichang 119

Idmiston 37

Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) 11, 51, 99, 187

India 47, 249

Indonesia 251

Inspector of Chemical Warfare 112

Institute of Animal Physiology 216–217

Interessen Gemeinschaft (I G Farben) 8–10, 31, 54, 55, 56, 62

International Scientific Commission 165


CBW availability xi

Chemical Weapons Convention signed but ignored 250

gas used against Iraq 250

smallpox 249

Iran-Iraq War casualties xi


CBW availability xi

CBW in recent years 240–244

Chemical Weapons Convention not signed 250

defensive use of CW 241

experiments on prisoners 244

nerve gas used on battlefield 241

smallpox 249

State Enterprise for the Production of Pesticides (SEPP) 240

Isbell, Dr Harris 209

Ishii, General Shiro 75–76, 78–79, 81, 155–156

Ismay, General Hastings 102

Israel 229, 243, 249


Bari disaster 120–124

British Intelligence reports on 50, 51

CW used in Abyssinia 49–50

establishes chemical corps 43

mentioned 109, 110

regarded as ‘certain’ to use CW in WW2 51

signs and ratifies Geneva Protocol 45, 46

Jäger, August 4


Aum Shinrikiyo cult 250–251

BW used in China 80–81

BW weapons developed 77

BW work begun 75–76

CW used in China 48, 118–119

CW weapons range 47–48

CW work begun 43, 47

CW WW2 extent 119–120

experiments on POWs 79–80, 143, 156

Geneva Protocol not ratified 46

Geneva Protocol signed 45

Khabarovsk war crimes trial 79, 142–143

mentioned 87, 118, 133

OSS clandestine attacks on during WW2 206

Pingfan Institute founded 76–78

Roosevelt warns 119, 124

terrorists xi, 250–251

US fears of 118–119

US plans attack on rice crop of 100

US plans to use CW against 137

US shields BW criminals 79, 142–143, 156

John Harvey 120–121

Joint Chiefs of Staff, US 163, 172, 182

Joint Planning Staff 127–128, 131–135

Joint Technical Warfare Committee 98–99, 145, 152

Jones, Professor R V 84

K G B 201–202, 215, 223

Kaffa 74

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute 10, 11, 43

Kampuchea (Cambodia) 168, 195, 236, 237

Karaganda poison gas factory 50

Kargin, Professor Colonel 141

Kelly, Dr John 49–50

Kempai 75

Kennedy, John F 172

Kennes, General 63

Khabarovsk war crimes trial 79, 142–143

Khokhlov, Nicholai 201–202

Khruschev, Nikita 149

King’s Liverpool Regiment 26

Kinghwa 80

Kitchener, Lord 5

Kleinhans, Dr Wilhem 56–57, 140

Knowles, Captain Elvin 120–122

Korean War 165–166, 197, 208

Kostov, Vladimir 200–201

Krappitz nerve gas arsenal 56, 62

Kraz, Dr 55

Kroesen, Frederick 230–231

Kubis, Jan 91, 94

Kuhn, Dr Richard 141

Kuibyshev gas factory 50

Kwangtung 75

Kyasanar Forest Disease 171

L pills 214

lachrymators 59

Lance missile 235

Lane, W R 69

Langat virus 171

Langemarck 1

Laos 195, 236, 237

Lashbrok, Robert 210

Lassa fever 222

Le 100: 65

League of Nations 44, 49

Leahy, Admiral Timothy 118

Leeds 72

Lefebure, Victor 33–34

Leningrad Institute of Ultra-Pure Biopreparations 245, 246

leprosy 144

Lethbridge Report 137

Lewisite 33, 47, 51, 118, 151

Ley, Robert 63


BW programme 249

CBW availability xi

Chemical Weapons Convention not signed 250

CW used against Chad 250

mentioned 203

smallpox 249

lice 90

Lidice 90, 94

Lin Piao, General 165

Linde, van der 54

List 51

Lister Institute 69, 74, 86

Livens Projector 22–23, 42, 47, 113

Livens, Captain F H 22–23

Lloyd George, David 38

LN agents 99

Loos, Battle of 11–15

Lost 28

Lovell, Stanley P 204–207

LSD 190–191, 209–213

Luftwaffe 59

Lumumba, Patrice 217–218

Luranil 55

M device 33, 43

Maddison, Ronald 181

Maher Abdul Rashid, Major General 241

malaria 170

Malaya 101, 194, 195

Manhattan Project 101

Marburg fever 222, 248

Markov, Georgi 200–201

Marshal, George C 125

Martin, Trevor 184

Masuda, Colonel Tomosada 76–78

Masuka Dan 48

Matsumoto 251

McDonald, Larry 230–231

Medical Research Council 81, 82, 86

Mekong delta 194

Melchamie 240–241

meliodosis 98

Mellanby, Edward 82

Memphis 169

Merck, George W 96, 154

Mexico 216

MI 3: 50

MI 6: 94, 149, 227

MI 19: 66, 67

Microbiological Warfare Committee 82

Middlesex Hospital, London 69

Middlesex, 1st Regiment 14–15

Mindszenty, Cardinal Josef 207–208

Minneapolis 160

Mitkiewicz, Colonel 89



MKULTRA 209–213

Mongolia 144–145

Montana 55

Montgomery, General B L 64

Monturon 55

Moravec, General Frantisek 90, 94

Morocco 44, 205

Morrison, Herbert 126

mosquitoes 97, 165, 168–169

Moss, Robert 223

Mrugowsky, Oberführer 61

Munich crisis 50, 108

Munster 51, 58

Mussolini, Benito 62

mustard gas

Abyssinia, use in 49

Afghanistan, use in 43–44

Bari disaster 120–124

British civil defence precautions against 108–109

British use of 32

British WW2 production 114–115

casualty producing power of 26–27

clandestine operations 204

disposal of stocks after WW2 139, 186

effects of 25–26, 35–36

first use of 24–26

German cities, use against 127–130

German invasion, use against 112

German WW2 weapons 58, 59

high altitude spraying of 52

human experimentation using 39, 42–43

likely effects if used against cities 132–133

mentioned 24, 47, 52, 58, 80, 106, 118

production difficulties 28–29

Saddam Hussein 240

Soviet arsenal 142, 150–151, 233

US stockpile of 199

mycotoxins 237

N-Stoff 58

Nancekuke 182–184, 187

Narshino gas warfare school 48, 119

National Academy of Science 97

National Cancer Institute 225

NATO 148, 222, 228–229, 231, 233–234

Natzweiler concentration camp 60, 85

Needham, Dr Joseph 165, 166

nerve gases

battlefield use 241

binary weapons 234–235

Britain, US and Canada work on 176–178, 179–184

characteristics 54

dangers involved in manufacture 56–57

German arsenal 62

German attempts to destroy factory 140

German manufacture 55–56

Hitler considers using 62–64

insecticides for people xii

invention 53–54

kept secret from the Allies 65–67

Russia begins manufacture of 150

Soviet agents 228–229, 232–233

stocks fall into Allied hands 140–141

V-weapons 59–60

see also sarin, soman, tabun, VX

New York 159, 162

New York State Psychiatric Institute 192

New York Times 32, 198, 222–223

New Zealand 178

Newall, Sir Cyril 83

Newport VX factory 188

Nimitz, Admiral Chester 137

Ningpo 80

nitric acid 59

Nixon, Richard M 174–176, 214, 218, 219, 222–223, 231, 232, 234, 239


noddy suit 230–231

Norooz, Sourab 240

North Korea

CBW availability xi

Chemical Weapons Convention not signed 250

smallpox 249

Northern Ireland 197

Novosibirsk 223

Now! 223

Nuremberg war crimes trial 86, 100

Obanakoro, Nigeria 180

Ochsner, General Hermann 59

Ohio State University 166

Okinawa 199. 220

Okolovich, Sergeivich 201–202

Olsen, Frank 210–211

Operation Anthropoid 90–94

Operation Cauldron 161

Operation Harness 158

Operation Hesperus 161

Operation Negation 158

Operation Overlord see D-Day Operation Ozone 158

Operation Pandora 158

Operation Ranch Hand 193–196

organo-phosphorus compounds 53

Osama bin Laden 251

OSS 204–207

Owen, Wilfred 20–21

P helmets 17

Pacific War Council 81

Pakistan 249

Panama Canal Zone 185

Pappenheimer, Professor Alvin 95

Pasechnik, Vladimir 245, 246

Pearl Harbor 87

Peck, Air Vice-Marshal 86

Penclawdd, Gower 74

Penkovsky, Oleg 148–150

Pennsylvania University 198–199

Peshawar 44, 145

PF-3: 67

Phnom Penh 168

phosgene (CG) 11, 17–20, 23, 28–29, 33, 36, 50–52, 59, 115, 116, 132–133, 142, 186, 199

Phytophtera infestans (Mort) de Bary 100

Picker, Professor 61

pigeon bombs 163

Pikalov, V K 228

Pine Bluff Arsenal 117–118, 163, 166, 175, 193, 221

Pingfan Institute 76–79

Piricularia oryzae 100

plague 74, 76–80, 82, 86, 98, 144, 145, 156, 164, 170

pneumonic plague 172

Poland 44–45, 89

Portal, Sir Charles 129

Porton 37

Porton Down, CW and BW establishment

accidents, death of Ronald Maddison 181

accidents, gassing of Williamn Cockayne 179–180

anthrax-filled cattle cakes 87–88

biological warfare department 83

BW work post-war 155, 160–161, 167, 171, 225

clandestine weapons supplied to SOE 204

CS developed 197

CW weapons in WW2 115

CW work post-war 180

defence expertise 230

founded 1916: 21, 37

gas casualties WW1 35–36

German CW investigated after WW2 57–61

Gruinard continuing contamination 73–74

Gruinard tests 69–72, 97

Heydrich asssasination 88–90, 94

Markov case 201

mentioned 64, 176

Microbiological Research Establishment founded 154

Nancekuke out station 182–184

nerve gas development failure 66–67

offensive work continued despite Geneva Protocol 47

opens new ‘Battle Run’ 231

peacetime basis 41–42

present-day size 37

service volunteers in experiments 177

Suffield testing range 94–95

suicide of Director 181

VX developed 187–188

work between the wars 42–43, 52

work in WW1 37–41

Posen Military Medical Academy 85

Possev 223

Post Box V–8724

facility 245

Powers, Gary 214–215

Pravda 142

Project Bluebird 208

Project Coast 248–249

Project Often 213

Project Tomka 47

prussic acid 202

psittacosis 98, 164, 205

Public Health Laboratory 82, 84

Pym, Francis 238

Q Fever 164, 173, 175, 221

radioactive gas 125–126

Ramsay, Captain 25, 27

Randle poison gas factory 115

Raubkammer training area 58–60, 62

Reagan, Ronald 234, 236, 238, 239

Red Cross 49

Reutershan, Paul 196

Rhydymwyn gas factory 115

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 137

ricin 201, 242

ricketts 98

Rift Valley Fever 164, 248

rinderpest 96, 98

Robertson, General 7

Rocksavage poison gas factory 115

Rocky Mountain Arsenal 118, 185, 199, 220

Rocky Mountain spotted fever 164

rogue states 252

Roosevelt, Franklin D 96, 118, 119, 137, 166

Roskill, Stephen 82

Rothschild, General J H 168, 173

Royal Air Force 44, 88, 90, 112–113, 161

Royal Army Medical Corps 17, 25, 41

Royal Engineers 7, 25 see also Special Brigade

Royal Navy 158, 160

Russian casualties in WW1 10–11, 32

Ruwet, Colonel Vincent 210

Rüdriger, Colonel 54

Saddam Hussein

mustard gas 240

nerve gas used on battlefield 241

Sahara 52

Saigon Children’s Hospital 196

Salisbury 160

Salisbury Plain 21, 37, 41

Salman Pak factory 240, 242

salmonella 76, 80, 250

Salt, Major 44

Samarra factory 240

San Francisco 159, 212

San Francisco Herald Examiner 146, 211

Sandoz Drug Company 190

sarin (GB) 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 140, 179–185, 241, 251

Savannah, Georgia 169

Schnitzler, Baron Georg von 62

Schrader, Dr Gerhard 53–54, 56, 57, 65, 100

Schwirkmann, Horst 202–203

sclerotium rolfsii 100

Scotland Yard 200, 201

SD 90

Selassie, Emperor Haile 49

Sergeant missile 169, 174

serratia marcescens 159

Servizio Chemico Mililtare 43

Seventh Day Adventists 170

Seveso 196

sex hormones 207

Shaw, George Bernard 21

shellfish toxin 214–217

Siberian Regiment 11

Singapore 120

SK 9

smallpox 76, 79, 156, 247, 249

Snajdr, Vladimir 92–93

soman (GD) 140–141, 150, 179

Somer-Lost 58

Somme, Battle of 19–20

South Africa 248–249

Southampton 160

Soviet Union

arsenal extent 150–151

British fears of 51, 84, 138

BW allegedly used against Japan 75

BW Convention 221–222, 231

BW development alleged 21–225

BW use by NKVD 89

BW work 143–146

CBW position stated 146–147

CBW programme and arsenal xi, 248

claims not to possess biological weapons 221–222

clandestine use of CBW agents 201–202, 208

CW allegedly supplied to Egypt 229

CW allegedly supplied to Vietnam 236

CW allegedly used in Afghanistan 237

CW convention proposed 231–232

CW stocks post-war 232–233

CW work,post WW1 43, 50

Geneva Protocol 45, 46

German attack feared 137, 147

German nerve gas agents captured 140

Germany, collaboration with 47

Japanese BW experts sought for interrogation 155–156

Khabarovsk war crimes trial 142–143

mentioned 49, 59, 109

missile technology and CBW 248

NATO presumes will use CW 233–234

Penkovsky allegations 148–150

post-war Allied fears of 141–142, 146–147, 153, 228–229, 232

Red Army training 147

smallpox supplies for rogue countries 249

Sverdlovsk 223–225, 246

T2: 237

Spain 44

Spandau CW laboratories 54, 58, 66

Special Air Service 217

Special Brigade 11–13, 19, 20, 29

Special Commission on Disarmament (UNSCOM) 241

Special Operations Executive (SOE) 89, 90, 204–205

Speer, Albert 63, 64

Squirt, The 115

SS 58, 60, 62

St Thomas’s Hospital, London 171

Stalin, Joseph 64

Stamp, Lord 84, 97, 205

Stashinstky, Bodgan 202

State Department 237–238

State Enterprise for the Production of Pesticides (SEPP) 240

stealth viruses 253

Stepnogorsk factory 245

Stimson, Henry L 95–96

Stoff 146: 65

Stokes mortar 22, 23

Stony Mountain, Manitoba 160

Strasburg University 60–61

Stuttgart 105

Substance 83: 65

Suffield testing range 94–95, 176, 177

Supply, Ministry of 114, 115

Sutton, Graham 69, 70

Sverdlovsk 223–225, 246

synthetic dye industry xii


CBW availability xi

Chemical Weapons Convention not signed 250

cyanide used against rebels 250

smallpox 249

T-Stoff 9

T2: 237

tabun (GA) 53–54, 56, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 140, 150, 179, 241

Tandanoumi Arsenal 47

Tanganyika 216

Taranto 122

Tariq Aziz 242–243

Tass 224

Tay Minh Hospital 196

tear gas 44, 197–198

Tempsford aerodrome 90

terrorist attacks, ease of 251

tetanus 76, 79, 80, 144

Thailand 168, 236

ticks 170, 171

Times, The 6, 49, 83

Tizard Report 139, 152

Tizard, Sir Henry 152

Tokyo 251

Tomio, Major Karasaw 143

Tooele Arsenal 199

toxins, paralysing 253

trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (245T) 194

trilon 65, 66

Tripartite Agreement 177–178, 186–187, 190, 197

Truman, President Harry S 118

Tube Alloy 65, 125

tuberculosis 35, 76, 80, 156, 218

tularemia 76, 98, 144, 158, 164, 166, 170, 173, 175, 205, 221

Tutu, Archbishop Desmond 248

typhoid 76, 78, 80, 144, 156, 158

typhus 76, 80, 89, 98

typhus-infected lice 90

Uji bomb 77

United Nations Special Commission on Disarmament (UNSCOM) 241

United States of America

anthrax attacks 2001: xi

anthrax attacks by contaminated letters 251

anthrax bomb manufactured 77, 81, 85–86, 101, 104, 135

anti-crop warfare 98–100

Bagwhan Shree Rajneesh 250

Bari disaster 120–124

binary weapons developed 234–235

Britain supplied with phosgene 116

brucellosis developed 106

BW convention 174–175, 220–222, 225–226, 231

BW in Korean War 165–166

BW installations 97

BW investment 96–97

BW post-war production 163, 166, 169, 172–173, 175

BW post-war research 154–155, 163, 164, 167–169

BW post-war tests 157–162, 169, 170, 173–174

BW WW2 research 95–96

CBW policy changed 150–151, 166–167

chemical disarmament 219–220, 231–232

chemical rearmament 1986: 235

clandestine use of CBW 204–218

CW attitude during WW2 117, 119

CW production in WW2 117–118, 120

CW used in Vietnam 193–198

DDT material censored 65

Geneva Protocol not ratified 46

Geneva Protocol ratified 231

Geneva Protocol signed 45

humane gas weapon search 189–194

Iraq CW underestimated 242

Japanese BW investigated 75, 76, 78–80

Japanese, fears of prove exaggerated 119–120

Japanese, gas attacks considered 137

Japanese, rice crops attacks planned 100

nerve gas arsenal 184–185, 198–199

nerve gas rumours believed 66

Nixon’s ban on growth of CBW 174–176, 219, 220

obstruction to disarmament inspections 254

radioactive gas development 125–126

rearming begun 50

September 11, 2001 attacks xi

Soviet CW, fears of 138, 222–225

Soviet CW, recent allegations 236–239

Tripartite Agreement 177, 186–187

vulnerability to BW attack, vulnerability to 95–97, 153, 162–163

white phosphorus 124–125

WW1 casualties 32

US Navy 235

USAAF 163, 164, 193, 195

V-weapons 59–60, 62, 64, 84, 126–127

Valentine’s Day Declaration 214

Valley arsenal 115

vectors 166, 168

Venezuelan equine

encephalomyelitis 173, 175, 221, 247

Versailles 44

Victor anti-invasion exercise 116

Victor, Dr Jospeh 156

Vietnam 99, 168, 170, 173, 193–198, 219, 236

Vigo germ warfare factory 77, 97, 104

Virgin Islands 163

Vozrozhdeniya Island 144

Vozrozhdeniye testing site 245

VR 55: 228

VX 187–188, 199, 219, 220, 228, 235, 241, 251

Wansbrough-Jones, Brigadier Owen 106–107, 152–153

War Cabinet 83, 88, no, 112–114, 116, 123

War Research Service 96

Warsaw Pact 226–228

Wasco 250

Washington Treaty 1922: 44, 46

Watson, Colonel 39

Watson, Dr Rex 73

Wehrmacht no

Werwick 32

West Germany 199

Westminster, Duke of 21

Westmoreland, General 197

Weteye bomb 185

White Cross 24 and see tear gas

white phosphorus 124–125

White, George 211–213

Who? Me? bomb 206

Wilhelmshafen 105

Wilson, General 6–7

Wimmer, Professor 60

Winnipeg 160

Winter-Lost 58

Wintex 233

Woods, Donald 69

World Health Organisation 36, 89, 247

World War One

Arras, Battle of 22–23

chemicals total tonnage used 32

first British gas attacks 11–15

first gas attacks 1–4

first phosgene attack 17–19

gas casualties totals 32

germ warfare allegations 74

German offensive 1918: 31–32

growing importance of gas 21–22, 32–33

modern weapons 20–21

mustard gas introduction 24–28

Porton Down 37–41

railway trains used in gas attacks 29–30

Somme, Battle of the 19–20

World War Two

Allies consider anti-crop warfare 98–100

Britain plans to initiate CW to repel German invasion 110–113, 116

British consider initiating CBW in response to V-weapon attacks 126–136

British contingency plan to use Anthrax 105

CBW clandestine use of 89–94, 204–208, 211

CW expected to be used 51, 108–109

CW stock movements 109, 120

CW stock totals 58, 109, 120

CW very nearly used in 107, 137–139

Geneva Protocol, belligerents pledge to abide by 108

Hitler considers using CW 57, 59–60, 62–64

likely effect of CBW on course of 131–136

Normandy landings 125–126

records mostly still closed 86

Wunsdorf 51

Wynne, Greville 149

Yamazaki, Major-General 48

Yekaterinburg 246

Yellow Cross 24 and see mustard gas

yellow fever 169–170, 175

yellow rain 236

Yemen 236

Yom Kippur War 229

Younger, General Allan 70–73, 84

Yperite 28 and see mustard gas

Ypres 19, 24, 29

Ypres, 2nd Battle of 1–4, 6, 10

Zhukov, Marshal 147

zinc cadmium sulphide 161
