Chapter 23

Chief Inspector Chen had a terrible hangover on Sunday morning, thanks to the karaoke party the night before.

Vaguely he remembered one scene in his quick-fading dream. He had been traveling in an express train, going somewhere, though his destination did not appear on his punched ticket. It was a long, boring trip. There was hardly anything to do but stare at the unchanging aisle where changing feet were passing- in straw sandals, shining boots, leather loafers, fashionable mules… Then turning toward his own reflection in the window, he noticed a fly circling around a spot near the frame. The moment he raised his hand in annoyance, it buzzed away. But immediately it returned, buzzing, to the same old place. He did not see anything there to attract it. The train was still moving yet not moving…

And he wondered as the light streamed through the blinds: Is it Chief Inspector Chen that dreams of being a fly, or is it the fly that dreams of being a cop?

Some details of the party the previous night came back to him. How was he different from those depraved officials in Baoshen’s case? Of course he had visited the club for his work, he rationalized.

He had sworn that he would do everything in his power to deliver a crushing blow to the gangsters, yet he had not supposed then that he, too, would have had to descend to such deviousness, toasting to friendship with an honorary Blue.

And there was Li’s connection. Li might not have told him everything about the investigation. In fact, Minister Huang’s recommendation of him for the job and call to him at his home was suggestive. Chief Inspector Chen might well need to have a card to play against the powerful Party Secretary.

It was then, at eight thirty, that Party Secretary Li’s phone call came, which did not provide much hope of relief for his headache.

“It’s Sunday, Chief Inspector Chen. Entertain Inspector Rohn the best you can, so she won’t make troublesome demands.”

Chen shook his head. There was no arguing with Li, especially when Internal Security lurked in the background. People’s grumbled about the possibility of his succeeding Party Secretary Li, but he wondered now whether it was such a desirable position.

Inspector Rohn did not sound too disappointed at his proposal for the day. Perhaps she also realized that further interviews in Shanghai were futile. He suggested that they meet for lunch at Moscow Suburb.

“A Russian restaurant?”

“I want to show you the rapid changes taking place in Shanghai,” he said. He also wanted to bring his friend Lu some business.

He had planned to have a meeting with Old Hunter before lunch, but he did not make it. As he put down the phone, he received an express delivery. Detective Yu’s cassette tape bore a label that read: Interview with Manager Pan. Listening to it took priority. After applying a wet towel to his forehead, he sat on the sofa and played the tape. At the end, he rewound it to replay the part where Manager Pan told of learning about Feng’s deal in the United States. As he listened one more time, he made a quick, note, wondering whether Yu had noticed the point.

Glancing at his watch, he realized he had no time to ask Yu this question. He had to hurry.


Restaurant owner Lu, expansive in the three-piece charcoal gray suit, wearing a scarlet tie fixed with a diamond pin, was waiting for them outside Moscow Suburb.

“Buddy, you’ve not been here for ages. What good wind’s brought you today?”

“Meet Catherine Rohn, my American friend. Catherine, this is Overseas Chinese Lu.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Lu,” she said in Chinese.

“Welcome. Chief Inspector Chen’s friend is my friend,” Lu declared. “A private room is reserved for you.”

They needed the special treatment. The dining hall was packed. A number of foreigners who spoke English were dining there. A Russian hostess led them into an exquisitely decorated room, her slender waist swaying like the poplar tree in a breeze. The tablecloth gleamed snow white, glasses shone under highly polished chandeliers, and the exquisite silverware could have come from the Winter Palace. The waitress planted herself behind their table, motionless.

Lu waved her away. “Come back later, Anna. I haven’t talked to my buddy for a long time.”

“How is business?” Chen asked.

“Not bad at all,” Lu beamed. “We’ve got a reputation for genuine Russian cuisine, and genuine Russian girls.”

“Well known for both!”

“Exactly. That’s why people come pouring in.”

“So you’re really a successful Overseas Chinese now,” Chen said. “I appreciate what you have done for my mother.”

“Come on. She is like my mother, too. She’s a bit lonely by herself, you know.”

“Yes, I want her to move in with me, but she says she’s used to that old attic.”

“She wants you to have the One-bedroom apartment for yourself.”

Chen knew what Lu was driving at. There was no point in bringing it up in the presence of Inspector Rohn. So he said, “I consider myself lucky to have a one-bedroom apartment just for myself.”

“You know what Ruru says? ‘Chief Inspector Chen belongs to an endangered species.’ Why? A shining key to a three-bedroom apartment would have been long since delivered by one of those upstarts to someone in your position,” Lu said with a low chuckle. “No offense, buddy. She cooks a good soup but does not understand how upright a cop you are. Oh, Gu Haiguang, of the Dynasty Club, came here yesterday, and he mentioned you.”

“Really! Do you think he dropped in by chance?”

“I don’t know. He has been here before, but yesterday he asked questions about you. I told him you helped me get started. It was like sending a poor friend charcoal in the depth of the winter.”

“You don’t have to tell people that, Lu.”

“Why not? Ruru and I are proud to have a friend like you. Come here every week. Let Little Zhou drive you. It’s only fifteen minutes. Your bureau canteen is an insult. Are you on an expense account today?”

“No, I’m not on bureau business today. Catherine is a friend of mine. So I want her to have dinner at the best Russian restaurant in Shanghai.”

“Thank you,” Lu said. “It’s a pity Ruru’s not here, or she would entertain you like at home. It is our treat today.”

“No, I have to pay. You don’t want me to lose face in front of my American friend, do you?”

“Don’t worry, buddy. You’ll have your face. And our best food.”

Anna brought them a bilingual menu. Chen ordered a broiled veal chop. Catherine chose smoked trout with borscht. Standing between them, Lu kept suggesting the house specials like someone in a TV commercial.

When they were finally left alone, Catherine asked Chen, “Is he an overseas Chinese?”

“No, it’s his nickname.”

“Does an overseas Chinese talk like he does?”

“I don’t know. In some of our movies, overseas Chinese are shown as very excited to be coming back home, exaggerating a lot. Lu talks like that on the topic of food, but he got his nickname in a different way. During the Cultural Revolution, “Overseas Chinese” was a negative term, used to depict people as politically unreliable in connection with the Western world, or in association with an extravagant bourgeois life style. In high school, Lu took obstinate pride in cultivating his “decadent” tastes-brewing coffee, baking apple pie, tossing fruit salad, and of course, wearing a Western-style suit to dinner. So he got the nickname.”

“Have you acquired all your epicurean knowledge from him?” she asked.

“You could say that. Nowadays, ‘Overseas Chinese’ is a positive term, carrying the connotation of someone rich, successful in business, connected with the Western world. Lu has turned into a successful entrepreneur with his own restaurant. So now the name fits the reality.”

She took a small sip of water, the ice cubes clinking pleasantly in the glass. “He asked you who was going to pay. Why?”

“If I’m here on bureau business, on an expense account, he will charge me two or three times more. A common practice. Not just for our bureau, but for all state-run companies. The ‘socialist expense.’ “

“But how come-I mean two or three times more?”

“In China, most people work for state-run companies. The system calls for a sort of averaging. Theoretically, a general manager and a janitor should earn about the same salary. So the former uses company money for his own benefit-for dining and entertaining: ‘socialist expense,’ even if they are treating their families or friends.”

The waitress brought in a bottle of wine in a basket and two small dishes of caviar on a silver tray. “Compliments of the house.”

They watched the waitress go through the ceremony of uncorking the bottle, pouring a bit into Chen’s glass, and waiting expectantly. He handed it over to Catherine.

She sampled it. “Good.”

As the waitress withdrew, they raised their glasses in a toast.

“I’m glad you told him that I’m your friend,” she said. “But let’s split the check.”

“No. It’s on the bureau. I told him I was paying because I did not want to incur too much expense. It would be a serious matter of loss of face for a Chinese not to pay in the company of his girlfriend-let alone a beautiful American girlfriend.”

“A beautiful American girlfriend!”

“No, I did not tell him that, but that’s probably what he imagines.”

“Life here is so complicated-’socialist expense’ and ‘face loss.’ “ She raised her cup again. “Do you think Gu came here on purpose?”

“Gu did not mention his visit to me last night, but I think you are right.”

“Oh, did you see him again last night?”

“Yes, for a karaoke party. I took Meiling, the secretary of the Traffic Control Office.”

“So you took another girl there!” She feigned shock.

“To show how serious I am about the parking lot, Inspector Rohn.”

“In exchange for information, I understand. Did you get anything new, Chief Inspector Chen?”

“Not about Wen, but he promised he would try.” He drained his wine, remembering the Mao Tai mixed with the snake blood, choosing not to talk about the karaoke party in detail. “The party did not finish until two, with all the exotic foods you can imagine, plus two bottles of Mao Tai, and a splitting headache for me this morning.”

“Oh, poor Comrade Chief Inspector Chen.”

Their main course arrived. The food was excellent, the wine mellow, and his companion charming, Chen’s hangover almost vanished. The afternoon sunlight streamed through the window. A Russian folk song entitled “The Red Berry Blossom” played in the background.

For a moment, he reflected that his assignment for the day was not that bad. He took another sip. Fragments of lines came to his mind.

The sunlight burning gold,

We cannot collect the day

From the ancient garden

Into an album of old,

Let’s pick our play.

Or time will not pardon-

He was momentarily confused. These were not exactly his lines. Was he still drunk? Li Bai claimed that he wrote best when intoxicated. Chen had never experienced this.

“What are you thinking about?” she said, carving into her fish.

“Some lines. Not mine. Not all of them.”

“Come on, you’re a well-known poet. The librarian in the Shanghai Library knows about you. How about reciting one of your poems?”

“Well-” He felt tempted. Party Secretary Li had told him to keep her entertained. “Last year, I wrote a poem about Daifu, a modern Chinese poet. Remember the two lines on my folding fan?”

“About whipping the horse and the beauty alike, right?” she said with a smile.

“In the early forties, Daifu was caught in a tabloid typhoon over his divorce. He left for a Philippine island, where he started a new life, living anonymously. Like someone in your witness protection program. He changed his name, grew a big beard, opened a rice shop, and bought an ‘untouched’ native girl, about thirty years younger, who did not speak a single word of Chinese.”

“Gauguin did something like that,” she said. “Sorry, please continue.”

“It was during the war against Japan. The poet was involved in resistance activities. Allegedly he was killed by the Japanese. A myth has since evolved. Critics claim that he did everything- the girl, the rice shop, and his beard-as a cover for his anti-Japanese activities. My poem was a reaction to those claims. The first stanza is about the background. I’m skipping it. The second and third stanzas are about the poet’s life as a rice merchant in the company of the native girl.

“A gigantic ledger opened him / in the morning, figures / moved him up and down / along a mahogany abacus / all day, until the curfew / closed him in her bare arms, / in a peaceful sack of darkness: / time was a handful of rice streaming out / through his fingers. A chewed betel nut / stuck on the counter. He quit / holding himself like a balloon / forsaken against a horizon blazing / with cigarette butts.

“One midnight he awoke with the leaves / shivering, inexplicably, at the window. / She grasped at the mosquito net / in her sleep. A gold fish jumped out, / dancing furiously on the ground. / Wordless, a young woman’s capacity / for feeling jealousy and / the incorrigibly plural correspondence / of the world illuminated him. / It must have been another man, dead / long before, who had said: / ”The limits of his poetry / are the limits of his possibility.”

“Is that all?” She gazed at him over the rim of her glass.

“No, there’s one more stanza, but I cannot remember all the lines. It tells that years later, critics came like pilgrims to that native woman who, in her sixties, could bring nothing back, except the memory of Daifu making love to her.”

“It’s so sad,” she said, twisting in her slender fingers the stem of the glass. “And so unfair to her.”

“Unfair to feminist critics?”

“No, not just that. It’s way too cynical. Not that I do not like your poem, I do.” She continued after taking another small sip. “Let me ask you a different question. When you wrote the poem, what kind of a mood were you in?”

“I cannot remember. It was such a long time ago.”

“A lousy mood, I bet. Things were going wrong. Messages did not get through. Disillusionment hit home. And you became cynical-” She added, “Sorry if I’m intruding.”

“No, it’s okay,” he said, taken aback. “You’re right in a general sense. According to our Tang dynasty poet Du Fu, people do not write well when they are happy. If you are content with life, you simply want to enjoy it.”

“Antiromantic cynicism can be a disguise for the poet’s personal disappointment. The poem reveals another side of you.”

“Well-” He was at a loss. “You’re entitled to your reading. Inspector Rohn. In deconstruction, every reading can be a misreading.”

Their talk was interrupted by a phone call from his deputy, Qian.

“Where are you, Chief Inspector Chen?”

“Moscow Suburb,” Chen said. “Party Secretary Li wants me to entertain our American guest. What do you have to report?”

“Nothing particular. I’m in the bureau today. Detective Yu may call in at any time, and I’m still making phone calls to hotels. If anything comes up, you can reach me here.”

“So you’re working on Sunday, too. Good for you, Qian. Goodbye.”

Chen felt slightly disturbed, however. It was possible that Qian had intended to show how hard working he was, especially after the Qingpu incident. But why did he want to know where Chen was? Perhaps he should not have disclosed his whereabouts.

Anna came to offer desserts from a cart.

“Thank you.” Chen said. “Leave it here. We’ll choose for ourselves.”

“Another linguistic question,” Catherine said, selecting chocolate mousse.


“Lu calls Anna and other waitresses his little sisters. Why?”

“They’re younger, but there is another reason. We used to call Russians our ‘elder brothers,’ believing they were more advanced and we were only in the early stage of Communism. Now Russia is viewed as poorer than China. Young Russian girls come here, seeking jobs in our restaurants and nightclubs, just as Chinese go to the United States. Lu is so proud of this.”

She dug her spoon into her mousse. “I need to ask you a favor-as your American girlfriend-as your buddy imagines.”

“Whatever I can do, Inspector Rohn.” He was conscious of a subtle change in her. Her tone lacked the edge of the previous day.

“I have heard of a ‘knockoff’ street in Shanghai. I would like to ask you to accompany me there.”

“A knockoff street?”

“Huating Road, that’s the name of it. People sell all kinds of fake brands there. Like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, or Rolex.”

“Huating Road-I have never been there myself.”

“I can go myself, with a Shanghai map in hand. Only the peddlers will charge me a much higher price. I don’t think my Chinese is good enough for bargaining.”

“Your Chinese is more than adequate.” Chen put down his wineglass. This was not an activity the authorities would recommend. Such a street market reflected no credit on China. If she chose to tell someone, it could be an embarrassment to the city government. But she would be able to do so even if he did not go with her. “Is it a good idea to go there, Inspector Rohn?” he said.

“Why do you ask?”

“You can buy such things at home. Why spend your time looking for fakes here?”

“You know how much a Gucci shoulder bag costs?” She put hers on the table. “Mine is an off brand. Don’t think all Americans are millionaires.”

“No, I don’t,” Chen said.

“One of Wen’s classmates, Bai-I think that’s his name- sells fake stuff. No one knows where he is. So we can ask about him. These knockoff peddlers must have a network.”

“We don’t have to go there to find him.” He did not think interviewing one more classmate of Wen’s could make much difference. “We deserve a break today.”

“There’s also a possibility that we will spot an imitation Valentino. The victim in the park wore that brand of pajama, didn’t he?”

“Yes,” he said, admitting to himself that she had a tenacious memory for detail. He had mentioned the pajama brand to her only once in passing. “As a chief inspector, I should not go there, but you are my responsibility. Party Secretary Li repeated this to me this morning. So, I’m your tour guide.”

When they were ready to leave, Overseas Chinese Lu made another red-faced effort to decline Chen’s payment.

“Tell you what,” Chen said, “next time I’ll come in alone, order the most expensive dish in the house, and let you be the host. Okay?”

“Sure. Don’t let me wait too long.” Lu accompanied them to the door, holding a camera.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Lu,” she said.

“Call me Overseas Chinese Lu,” he said to Catherine, bending to kiss her hand courteously, in a gesture appropriate to an overseas Chinese in the movies. “We’re privileged to have a beautiful American guest like you. Come again. Next time, Ruru and I will prepare something special for you.”

Several customers leaving the restaurant looked at them curiously. Lu stopped a young man with a crew cut and a light green cell phone in his hand.

“Please take a picture of the three of us. I’ll frame it. The most distinguished guests of Moscow Suburb.”
