Authors don’t sit around waiting for their muse to show up and inspire them. We write. Even when our brains are completely blank (which happens a lot more than we let on), we sit down and force words through the keyboard. I know authors who wrote through family deaths, divorce, and illness. To get through the tough times, we surround ourselves with other writers who understand how isolated our chosen profession can be. We encourage each other during the dry spells, celebrate the amazing times, and joke our way through the numerous mundane and tedious days. This book was written during a dark time for me, and I wouldn’t have succeeded without my tribe. Melinda, Toni, Amy, Selena, and Leanne always step up when I need a push. The amazing people at Montlake—Anh, Colleen, Jessica, Galen, and Gabby—go out of their way to support my work. My agent, Meg Ruley, is my enthusiastic head cheerleader and creates amazing opportunities for me. Of course, Charlotte Herscher is the person I rely on to kindly tell me when changes need to be made in my books. I can never see the forest for all the fat trees in my way.
To my readers, thank you for enjoying my Mercy books and returning for more. Your kind letters and messages make my day.