The fighting had spread to cover almost a square mile, and it took several minutes of bellowing to halt the battle. Gradually, uncertainly, and in all cases with their eyes fixed cautiously on their enemies, men pulled apart, fingering weapons newly notched or snapped. They backed together, forming small sullen circles, gasping for breath, here three miners, there four Beauscyr men. Several peasants stood and tried to calm a youth who sobbed and clutched his smashed wrist. All were taut, expecting a sudden renewal of the fight; all were scared of being surprised, and no one trusted their opponents.
Baldwin saw this, and took Thomas by the arm, pulling him to where Sir William and Simon stood. “Thomas, you must order your men to pull back a little. Sir William, you too. Your men must stand back and leave you two here, so they can all see that there is no deception. Tell them to form a ring around us.”
With a slow shuffling the two companies separated when the leaders gave the order. One scuffle broke out when a man saw a friend lying dead, but his companions pulled him away. Simon could not even see what side he was on. There was a slowly increasing space as the two sides paced backward, all scowling at their enemies. Now and again they stumbled over a body. Fortunately, few had died. Those who were hurt were collected and taken away to have their wounds seen to, and soon there were clumps of men ferrying those who could not walk over to the bank of the stream where they had their limbs washed and bound. Fires were lighted to heat the irons that would cauterize the worst of the injuries.
Simon forced himself to look away, ignoring the angry mutters that came from all sides, and faced Beauscyr and the miner. John was there as well, standing beside his father and peering round with haughty amusement. Edgar and Hugh were with Baldwin, and although Hugh had blood spattered on his tunic, he seemed well enough.
“Right, Sir William, and Thomas. This nonsense has to stop,” Simon said as he marched toward them, then stood with his hands in his belt. “First, Thomas, I want you to order that Robert Beauscyr is released. There is no profit in keeping him here.”
“Why should I? I think this miserable cur killed Peter, and I want to keep his brother until I see what will happen to him.”
Simon spoke loudly, so that all could hear. “John Beauscyr has told me what he was doing on the night that your son was killed, and I am content for now with his word. He was not the man who murdered your son.”
As his words sank in there was a complete silence. The old knight was the first to speak, his voice low and shocked. “Your son?”
“Peter Bruther was my son. I knew his mother before I married, and it was for my wife’s sake that I never admitted to him, but he knew he was my flesh and blood. That was why he came to the moors. I told him to, so that he could learn the ways of farming tin and make himself wealthy. It was why I made sure he always had a guard to protect him from you and your men.”
John, too, was gaping. “Peter was your son?” he said, shaking his head from side to side in disbelief. “But none of us knew that!”
“Is that why you killed him? Because you thought he was unprotected?” roared the miner, taking a quick step toward him. Baldwin moved to stand between them.
“Wait, Thomas.” The deep brown of his eyes held and quieted the glinting black flint of the miner’s.
“Look around you! There has been enough harm done already. Let us listen for a time and talk before you decide to cause more deaths.”
“I didn’t cause the deaths here, it was the Beauscyrs who attacked the camp.” But his voice was toneless, and he looked away. After a moment, he nodded.
Simon addressed the old knight. “Sir William, I want to prevent further bloodshed. I am sure that you and your men don’t want any more killing either. We are not a court here, we have no coroner to conduct an enquiry or clerk to record it, but we can investigate here and now, while there are all these men to witness it. I can report later to the chief warden at Lydford. Will you be content to continue?”
The old man nodded, still staring at the miner, and Simon felt that he was wondering how he would feel if he had been Thomas Smyth, if he had lost his son, a young man he could not recognize publicly, and whom he had tried to help by bringing him out from villeinage to a new life where he could be protected, only to find that he had been murdered. Sir William’s face dis played his horror and compassion. The sight gave Simon some relief. The knight would be compliant.
“Thomas?” the bailiff prompted, glancing at the miner. Thomas Smyth nodded slowly. “Good. In that case, we should have chairs brought. There’s no need for us to stand when we can sit.”
The bailiff sat in the middle, flanked by Baldwin and Hugh. Edgar stood nearby, while Sir William and his son sat to Simon’s left, Thomas to his right. The miners and the Manor’s men crouched or sat all around, reminding Simon of the stannary courts he had attended. It was strange to be in control of a meeting like this; usually it would be the chief warden or a judge who would sit at the throne to listen to evidence in an inquest or court session, but the bailiff had no time to feel anxious about his lack of experience. This matter was too serious to be left alone, as the battle had shown. He was determined to resolve the argument between the miners and the Beauscyrs.
“All of us are here to try to find out what really happened on the day that Peter Bruther died,” he began.
“You all know me. I am the bailiff of Lydford, and my duty is to find the murderer. I call on all here to witness the words of the men who come before us today. You must listen and see that we are fair to all.” He glanced round. “First, I want to see the three men who were sent to Henry Smalhobbe and beat him.”
It took a little time for the three to be fetched. Harold Magge stood resolutely defiant, the others looked cowed and nervous before all the men. Simon saw that their bruises had reduced, and nodded to himself while Thomas instructed them to tell the truth. Then he stirred. “You went to Henry Smalhobbe and attacked him on the day that Bruther died, didn’t you?”
Magge nodded. Quickly Simon took him through the evidence he had given before, how he had sat in wait for Smalhobbe, how the man had nearly taken him by surprise but had been bested, and how they had returned to the miners’ camp. Simon glanced at Thomas as he asked, “Who beat you afterward? Who caused your bruises?”
“Thomas Smyth did it. He thought we must have killed Bruther, and he had told us not to attack him. When news arrived about Bruther being found at Wistman’s Wood, he came straight to the camp and ordered us to be brought to him. He had us beaten to get us to admit to killing Bruther.”
“Had you killed Bruther?”
“Had you seen Bruther that night?”
“Who did you see that night?”
Magge hesitated, glancing at Thomas, and Baldwin saw the old tinner give a small nod. “George Harang and Thomas. We saw them riding back from the direction of Bruther’s place, after we had left Smalhobbe. They were heading southward to the road.”
“Yes, it’s true.” He looked up bleakly. “We went to see him but he wasn’t there. I waited some time, but when it began to grow dark it seemed better to get home again, to meet Sir William. There was no sign of Peter.”
“I see. Now, Harold Magge. Where did Henry Smalhobbe come from when you ambushed him?”
“From the south.”
“Could he have come from Wistman’s Wood?”
“Smalhobbe?” There was a sneer to his voice. “He’s only a smallholder. He’d hardly kill another miner.”
“He was nearly able to surprise you, wasn’t he? If his wife had not called out, you yourself told me that he might have overcome you, and if he had, he might have beaten off the others, mightn’t he? Now, please answer the question: could he have come from Wistman’s Wood?”
“He was coming from the south. Wistman’s is south and west from there, but he might have walked keeping to the lowlands rather than over the hills. And he was late that night, later than he usually was. I suppose he could have been to Wistman’s Wood.”
“You never told me this before,” said Thomas Smyth. His voice was tired, his visage pale, and he was staring at his man with a kind of hopeless sadness.
“You didn’t ask us about where Smalhobbe had been, sir,” Magge said shortly. “You asked us what we’d been doing – not about him. I didn’t know Bruther was your son. I just thought we’d done something to displease you…” He trailed off as the bailiff held up a hand.
“Harold, would you say it was possible?” He instinctively trusted this man’s opinion. Somehow the miner gave off an aura of wholesome stolidity, and Simon recalled how the first time he had seen Magge he had thought instantly of a farmer from the moors. Now, like a farmer, Magge paused and considered the question for some time in silence.
“I reckon it’d be possible but I don’t think it was him. Smalhobbe’s not a killer, no matter what others say.”
“In that case, I’d like to speak to Robert Beauscyr next,” said Simon. The young knight was soon standing before them. He did not appear to have been mistreated, which was a relief. Baldwin had wondered what might happen if he had turned up wounded. The Beauscyr men could easily be tempted to hurl themselves into a fresh attack if the boy had been harmed. After all, he was the reason why they had been commanded to fight.
Simon asked him to tell everyone what he had done on the night of the murder. Nervously, Robert told of his flight from the hall and how he had ridden to Chagford, where he had met Alicia, and of his subsequent agreement to meet her. This brought a wry smile to Thomas’ face. He had not realized how involved his daughter was with the boy. Looking at him now, he wondered about Robert Beauscyr as a son-in-law. To his faint surprise he found the idea less distasteful than he expected.
“But you saw two men on the road, didn’t you? Over toward Wistman’s Wood,” Simon prompted.
“And nobody else?”
“No, bailiff.”
Simon glanced at the miner. “The two riders were men-at-arms from the Manor. It was they who found Bruther’s body shortly after.”
“Are they here?” Thomas asked, surveying the men ranged opposite.
“They are dead,” said Baldwin shortly, and a dangerous new wave of tension gripped the watching men.
“How? How did they die?”
It was Sir William who answered, sounding as tired as the miner. “They appear to have got into a fight over a game of dice. Both were stabbed.”
“When was this?” the miner demanded.
Simon told him. “Early this morning. When we found them, their bodies were still warm.”
Thomas Smyth turned to peer at John. “It was you, wasn’t it?” His voice shook with emotion. “The men could identify you somehow, and you killed them to conceal your guilt.”
“Be silent, Thomas!” Simon said, but John had gone white with fury.
Leaping out of his chair, he faced the miner, grabbing his sword’s hilt. But before he could draw it, Edgar slapped his hand away. There was an angry rumble from the Beauscyr men, met by a sudden movement from the miners at the other end of the space where the tinners sat and listened. Simon quickly stood, hands held high. “Be still!” he bellowed, and then looked from Thomas to Sir William. Both also stood, slowly and unwillingly, and calmed their men. Meanwhile, John stood glowering furiously at Edgar, who smiled back calmly, his eyes never moving from the boy.
Simon glared at the youngest Beauscyr. “Keep your hand from your sword, squire. I’ll have no more blood on the moors today.”
“You expect me, me, the son of an honorable knight to accept being accused of common murder? By a miner? By God, you have no right to…”
“Silence! I have every right, and every duty, to investigate a murder. Stand before us, and keep your hand from your sword. Do I have to remind you that this is a lawful investigation into murder? If you don’t obey I’ll have you arrested and kept at Lydford prison.”
For a moment, Baldwin thought John was going to argue. He glared fiercely at the bailiff, while he considered his position. Simon was red-faced with fury, his anger simmering, ready to boil up and scald the lad. At last, giving a scornful shrug, the boy strode off to stand beside his brother.
“John Beauscyr, you were out on the moors that day. Did you see anyone else? Someone who could have been involved in the murder of Peter Bruther?” His rage ebbing, Simon realized he must leave out the boy’s admission of robbery. In the present climate it would be too much to expect the miners to control their ire if they were to discover that John had been involved, on his own admission, in banditry. John spoke shortly about that evening, about the ride to Thomas Smyth’s house and the subsequent journey to the inn. When he talked of the meeting with Bruther on the road, a hush fell, and everyone seemed to be listening intently.
Baldwin thought he made a good witness, strong, upright, and speaking with a controlled certainty. His very stance implied conviction, his legs a short distance apart, his arms crossed over his chest. He was the image of all knightly virtues.
Simon carefully took him through the meeting with Bruther, how he and his men had left the young Beauscyr and his knight, jeering at them as they rode on to the inn. “And you saw no one else on the road after you left Bruther?”
“No, nobody.” Again his flat statement carried no room for any doubt.
“So, then, it comes to this,” said Simon, speaking loudly now for the benefit of the miners and Beauscyr men ranged all round. “Bruther went home from the inn. At his father’s house his men left him and he carried on alone over the moors. Some time later, Adam Coyt came along the road on his way home, and he heard a rider to the north of him on the moors. He didn’t look to see who it was.” There was a slight lightening of tension in the crowds, even a nervous ripple of laughter as he added dryly, “He thought it might be the Devil or Crockern at that time of night. Now, listen to me, all of you!” He stood and surveyed the watching crowd. “It’s certain that Thomas didn’t order his own son to be murdered. John Beauscyr was with his friend at the inn. His brother was with Alicia Smyth. None of these caused the killing. I don’t yet know who was responsible for Peter Bruther’s killing. But I will find out, and when I do, the man will be arrested and held for trial.”
There was a shout from the crowd behind him, a voice sneering, “You’re playing at this. Why should you care about a miner? You don’t care about Bruther. All you want is to help your friends the Beauscyrs.”
“Do you think I’m paid by the Beauscyrs?” Simon roared, his face flushing a dark red. “Do you think I’m held by Sir William’s purse? You might just as well suggest I’m paid by the miners. It was me stopped Sir William from riding out to bring Bruther back, it was me told his sons to leave the miners in peace, it was me who tried to stop this madness. I’ll not have it said I’m a hireling who’ll dishonor my position for bribes.” His furious gaze swept round the men in the crowd, and Baldwin saw with a small grin, quickly covered, that those who caught his eye immediately looked away. No one was keen to risk the bailiff’s wrath.
Simon calmed himself with an obvious effort. “This affair is sad and unpleasant, but fighting between the miners and the Beauscyr men must stop. There is no point in further loss of life. I don’t want to hear of any more killings. I’ll find the killer of Bruther, just as I’ll find the murderer of Samuel Hankyn and Ronald Taverner. Three men have died, and God only knows how many have been killed – and how many more will die – because of the fight here today. It must stop.” He looked at Sir William and Smyth. “Both of you must settle your differences. I can’t stop you trying to kill each other if that’s what you’re determined to do, but, by God, if I hear that there’s another battle here I’ll get the King to send troops and impose his peace on the moors! Now I’m going, and Sir William, I want you to take your men back to the Manor. I’ll see you there later. Thomas, I expect you to release Sir Robert immediately.”
Baldwin watched, still seated, as the miner and landlord agreed, and their men began to gather up their weapons. Gradually, the Beauscyr men set off away from the meeting place and up the hill, some collecting horses from those holding them, and mounting. The miners were sullen, staring and muttering among themselves as their enemies slowly departed, a few tending to the wounds of bleeding friends.
He sighed. There were so many murders nowadays that all too often the killer would escape. A merchant could be stabbed on the roads and the local people might never have seen his attacker, or even if they had, they might not know his name. Sometimes if a man was known and he was caught red-handed, he could avoid justice by running away. After all, if he was never captured he could not be made to pay. It would be down to the local people to pay taxes to the Crown for the breaking of the King’s peace.
The area was clearing quickly now, men on all sides gathering into small clumps and moving apart, the tinners starting to walk to their huts, the soldiers riding or slouching off. Baldwin watched Simon talking to Robert. The young man was pale and drawn, but Baldwin put that down to fear of his potential father-in-law. That he did not seem to have suffered at the hands of the miners was a relief.
John mounted his horse, snapped his reins and cantered away, and Baldwin’s eyes followed him until he was a small figure on the horizon. The boy was irritating, certainly, but that did not mean he was a murderer. Even so, he had been out that night, and though there was a witness of sorts in the person of the robbed man toward Chagford, it was possible that John could have killed Bruther earlier, then hurried east to create an alibi. Baldwin did not share Simon’s conviction of John’s innocence.
That brought Baldwin to thinking about the other men who had been abroad on the moors when Bruther was so brutally murdered. Adam Coyt, for instance. He could have invented the story about a man riding past near the road as night fell. The knight was inclined to believe him, but only from a liking for his type: strong and individualistic, working in a harsh environment to scrape some sort of a living. There was no other reason why he should trust his word.
Of the Beauscyrs, Sir William had been at the miner’s hall and Robert with Alicia Smyth on the afternoon Bruther died – but there was a period, though Simon had not mentioned it to the crowd, when, according to Alicia, she was away from Robert, between the time she returned home to meeting him again on the road again, later. What was he doing during those lost hours? And then Baldwin’s mind came back to John: always there was John… malevolently spreading rumors and lies for his own amusement, trying to undermine his brother from jealousy over the inheritance.
Deep in thought, Baldwin strolled back toward the main camp, where his horse was tethered. There were the others, too: Samuel Hankyn and Ronald Taverner. Their deaths were a mystery. The two appeared harmless enough, especially poor young Ronald. It was ridiculous to suggest that they could have been involved in some kind of fatal brawl over a game of dice. The way that Samuel had tried to look after his friend showed how nonsensical that idea was. If there had been a fight there must have been another man there, someone who murdered Samuel first presumably, since he was fit and healthy, and then stabbed poor Ronald while he lay on his bed.
He glanced at Simon. The bailiff was talking to Hugh now, giving instructions in a clipped monotone which showed how his anger was still bubbling. Hugh knew it too, from the way that he hung his head and listened, not daring to interrupt or argue. It was so unlike his usual truculent manner that Baldwin could not help a quick grin as he turned away.
So who could have been with the two men in the room, he wondered. Perhaps he could get an answer by questioning the guards, those who were out in the early morning, but somehow he doubted it. Something was wrong. There was something he had missed.
Looking out at the departing force, he saw where the small squares of turf had been trampled; their danger was visible to all now. It was a simple enough trick, he knew, to make horse warfare difficult. Yes, the miner was capable of defending his land. He had displayed the tactical skills of a warrior, and Baldwin recalled Sir William’s words that Thomas Smyth had been a soldier long ago in Wales. Surprise had been essential to Sir William’s success in not losing more of his men. All he had needed to do was divert attention from the miners’ front, making them fearful of heavily mounted troops with lances and spears behind, to allow the knight to charge safely. It was the same as the fire which had diverted attention from the two dead men.
Suddenly Baldwin’s frown intensified. So that was why the murders had not been heard, he realized – because of the sudden alarm about the fire. The tolling of the fire-bell had drowned all other noises.
Simon finished giving instructions to Hugh and looked round the camp. The miners were returning to their work and the Beauscyr men had almost disappeared over the brow of the hill, transporting their dead and wounded with them. Nearby was a small pile of bodies, five tinners who had died, and Simon eyed them sourly. For a bailiff to fail in preventing a single murder was bad enough, he knew… but a full-scale battle in the King’s forest was a major event. He would be called to account for this! Sighing, he suddenly felt exhausted. The events of the morning had taken their toll, from fighting the fire to stopping a battle, and all he wanted now was a chance to sit meditatively and drink a long refreshing draft of ale. Seeing Baldwin, he stretched, and grimaced as a bone clicked. Then he strolled over to him.
“So, Baldwin. At least that’s over for now,” he murmured, and Baldwin’s head snapped round. “Baldwin? What is it?”
The knight explained about his new insight about the two dead men and the attention-distracting fire. Simon listened, but could not help glancing at the small and pathetic bundles of the dead. “I know,” said Baldwin, following his gaze, “but that’s the way of warfare. I feel the fate of Samuel and Ronald is worse, somehow. Their deaths were premeditated, and they were killed before they could defend themselves – just like Peter Bruther. He was grabbed from behind and garotted, while Samuel was stabbed in the back and Ronald was slaughtered while he lay helpless in his bed.”
“If what you say is right,” Simon mused, “the killer must have begun the fire, then slipped into the room to murder Hankyn and Taverner.”
“Yes, but I still cannot understand why he should have enticed Samuel into the storeroom. At that time of day, surely he would have found both asleep – in which case, all he needed to do was stab Samuel first where he lay.”
“Oh, that’s easy. Whoever this killer was, I think he started the fire, then entered the storeroom from the courtyard itself. He waited there until the alarm was raised, and when it was, he kicked over the barrels to make a noise. It woke the good Samuel, who walked in to see what the row was, and he was grabbed round the mouth to stop him screaming as he was stabbed. After that, all the murderer needed to do was walk back into the room beyond and finish off poor Ronald where he lay.”
“Yes, but why, Simon? That’s what I don’t understand. Why kill them?”
“That’s something we can only find out by asking the killer, but I expect whoever did it thought the two men had seen him on the moors when Bruther died. It would explain the matter rather well, wouldn’t it? He thought they had seen him, so he made sure they could not tell anyone.”
“If that is correct,” Baldwin said, his voice low, “then it must have been somebody in the fort. The fire began before the gates were opened. Adam Coyt, Thomas Smyth and his men… everyone who was outside the fort must be innocent. Whoever killed Bruther and then the other two must have been inside last night.”
“Oh yes, Baldwin. I’ve got no doubt about that,” said Simon grimly, and he led the way to where Hugh and Edgar held their horses.
Quickly swinging himself up, the bailiff glanced round the camp. Almost all the signs of the fighting were gone now. The bodies, the evidence of the battle, had been covered and would soon, no doubt, be taken to the little church at Widecombe. Two men were shovelling earth into the traps and stamping on top to level the ground, while others were walking over the terrain collecting arrows. These would be put back in the armory in case of another attack. Apart from that, the camp had regained a little of its calm atmosphere, slumbering in the warm summer sunlight.
Kicking his horse up the slope, Simon said, “It’s as if nothing has happened here, it’s so quiet.”
The knight nodded in agreement. “Indeed. You could hardly imagine what carnage was here only a few hours ago. The grass is flatter, but that is all. The moors seem good at hiding their secrets.”
“Yes. Whether it’s a single man like Bruther, or a group like the ones here, all soon disappear.”
They were at the farthest fringe of buildings now, and Hugh looked back pensively. “I wonder where Bruther did die.”
“What do you mean?” asked Baldwin, staring at Simon’s servant.
“Well, we don’t know where he died, do we? He might’ve been killed where he was found, only it seems a bit odd for him to be up at Wistman’s Wood, so far out of his way. All we know is, he died somewhere between Thomas Smyth’s hall and his own place.”
“Well done, Hugh. So all we have to do is hunt over all the moors between those two places and we’ll find where he was killed. That should be easy enough.” Simon’s tone was witheringly sarcastic.
But Baldwin was thoughtful as he stared at the servant. “It shouldn’t be too hard, really. After all, we know that Bruther was careful and wary. If he was walking over the moors and heard someone behind him, he’d turn to see who it was. And if somebody was lying in wait, Bruther must surely spot him. These moors are so flat, even a beetle is visible a mile away.”
They were almost at the top of the hill above the plain now, and Baldwin turned to survey the landscape. “If a man was going to ambush someone, he would want to do it far out in the moors, surely? Even if he had men with him, he would prefer a quiet place with no chance of a witness overhearing, wouldn’t he? Now where could a man do that on the moors?”
“At a tor, I suppose. Or a group of other rocks.”
“That is right! There are rocks behind which a man could hide, but would John have been able to get to them to ambush Bruther, unseen by his victim?”
Simon considered a moment. “It would depend on which route he took from the tinner’s house. The killer must have been in place when Bruther passed, then gone on to Wistman’s Wood with the body, had time to hang it, and then escaped. I wonder how long that would have taken him?”
“A good while,” Baldwin judged. “And that is what I do not understand. Everyone seems to be able to explain where they were, apart from Sir Robert and his brother. Of course, John might not have had time if he rode immediately to Chagford to rob this farmer.”
“Which means it was Sir Robert.”
“Yes.” But Baldwin’s expression was doubtful.
Simon sighed. “We still don’t know where or exactly when Bruther was killed. It must have been some time before dark.” He stopped. When he spoke again he was deep in thought. “I never thought of that before. He was dead some time before the two Beauscyr men passed by, so he would surely have been killed in daylight.”
“Let us assume he was killed in daylight, then,” Baldwin said. “His body must have been carried over to the woods, because if he was going straight home, his route went nowhere near Wistman’s Wood. The wood is over a mile distant from any point on the path, so he must have been taken there on horseback. He would have been too bulky to carry.”
“Yes,” Simon nodded, thinking hard.
“If John had too little time, could it have been his brother?” Baldwin mused.
“Didn’t Alicia say she met Sir Robert when it was getting dark? He would have had time to kill Bruther between leaving Alicia and seeing her again later.”
“True, but I find it hard to believe it was him.”
Hearing this, Edgar whirled in his saddle to stare at his master. “Could it not have been Adam Coyt, then? He had a packhorse there.”
For once Baldwin was sharp with his servant. “Don’t be ridiculous! Coyt admitted being there, otherwise we would not have known. Why should he confess to being there if he was the killer and had no need to admit to being even remotely close? And another thing: Coyt dislikes miners generally, it is true, but he had no real dislike of Bruther except insofar as Bruther damaged the moors, to his mind, and for that he expected… um… Crockern to protect the land. Anyway, Coyt was not in the Manor last night. He could not have killed the other two.”
Simon shrugged. “The murders could be unrelated. It’s not something we should ignore, anyway.”
“It is too unlikely, Simon. Think about it: a man is killed; two men find the body and may have seen something; shortly afterward, these two are also murdered. It would be too much of a coincidence for them to have died for different reasons. No, they must have been linked in some way.”
“So you think it was definitely one of the Beauscyrs, then?”
Hugh screwed up his face and glanced at Simon.
“What about Sir Ralph? We don’t know when Bruther was killed, like you say, so Sir Ralph could have done it.”
“No, Hugh. He was with Sir William and John on the way to the tinner’s house. They all said they were together then, and I believe them.”
“Then it must have been the other one,” announced Hugh. “I never trusted that Sir Robert. He always looked too arrogant.”
“Robert? I suppose it’s possible,” said Simon, with a faint smile at his servant’s relish. “I feel he’s not a killer, though. I’d have thought his brother was more likely.”
“John could have hared after the man who had insulted him,” Baldwin agreed. “It’s quite possible that he could have overtaken Bruther, waited for him to pass, then jumped out and strangled him.”
“If it was John,” Simon said, “I still wonder if he had enough time to murder and hang Bruther?”
“He had as long as it took to get over to the road to Chagford,” said Baldwin shortly. “Anyway, what were you telling Hugh to do before we left? You were speaking to him for some time.”
Simon gave a short laugh. “Telling him to find out whether there were many robberies here that didn’t go reported. That attack on Wat Meavy interests me. I wanted to see if Coyt was telling the truth, and that there were more than I realized.”
“You tell him, Hugh.”
“They said that there hadn’t been many until a few weeks ago. Since then they’ve been getting worse.”
Baldwin shot the bailiff a quick look. “You think John has been robbing since he came home?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time a squire turned to pillage. He’s been trained in it up north, I’d guess, and he’s carrying on as he always has.” The knight shrugged. “Possibly, but I do not quite see how that can help us.”
“Look at it this way: how long would it have taken John to get to Chagford to attack Meavy?” Simon asked. “When was this Wat Meavy attacked? Did he see who attacked him? Was it really John who did it? We don’t know yet, do we? Fine, so we think that John could have been involved in a series of raids, stealing from the people here – but that doesn’t make him a murderer, though if he was found guilty of it, he would still be punished for breaking the King’s peace. No, but he might have had time to leave the inn, go and kill Bruther, hang the body, and then ride east until he came upon someone to rob. By chance he meets Wat Meavy and robs him – it could have been anyone, so long as whoever he found was scared of the name of Beauscyr and would not accuse him of theft. All he wanted, if I’m right, was to have someone he could call upon to say he was not anywhere near Bruther in case somebody at the inn told us he was not there all night. That was why I also asked Hugh to find out where this Wat Meavy lived. And he did.”
“Is it far?”
Simon gazed to the north and east, then shrugged and smiled.
Sighing, Baldwin stretched, then nodded. “Ah, I see. Well, then. Let us go there now and find out what did happen.”