It’s difficult to pare down my gratitude list. It has been my good fortune to find the community of scholars studying late medieval history and culture welcoming and generous with information, support, and enthusiasm. Thank you, thank you.
Regarding A Murdered Peace, special thanks …
To Louise Hampson, my go-to guide for York history. Thank you for reading the manuscript and making suggestions, for answering my emails despite an insane schedule juggling a doctoral thesis and a more-than-full-time career in the Center for Christianity and Culture, and for organizing our event at the York Festival of Ideas in June as well as taking me around the city to show me what’s been learned about medieval York since my last visit. You’re the best!
To Ian Downes, Senior Heritage Officer, thank you for spending a very soggy Saturday morning taking me around Pontefract Castle and sharing the latest theories about Richard II’s last days in the castle. And for ongoing help at a distance.
Lille and Ghent wish to thank Molly Gibb, a remarkable canine advocate, for her advice on all things canine in the books. The hounds love you! Any mistakes that have slipped in are all my fault (or my cat’s).
To my dear friend Laura Hodges, thank you for your careful edit, as well as advice and suggestions regarding clothing, jewelry, and more. Your books on Chaucer’s symbolic use of clothing are my bibles.
To Joyce Gibb, thank you for being my early warning system when I’m veering off the clear path of the story.
To Mary Morse, thank you for a clearheaded edit despite being busy with your own research sabbatical in Paris.
To Jennifer Weltz, thank you for being my literary agent, a fierce advocate for my characters, a reader with a gift for calling out missed opportunities in a story, and the one who has been an enthusiastic supporter of Kate from the moment she strode into my life.
I count myself most fortunate in my partner, Charlie Robb, who supports my work in countless ways. I thank you particularly for creating the beautiful maps for my books. You are a wonder, my love.