
Myriad thanks to...

Jennifer Civiletto and Anne Hawkins, my two favorite people in the world of publishing: editor and agent extraordinaire.

Danielle Bartlett and Tom Robinson, tireless publicists who work miracles.

Laura Klynstra, for the stunning cover design. Nobody does it better.

Kristy Kiernan and Elizabeth Letts, who read, edit, neurote, comfort, celebrate, and still manage to write their own books. What's wrong with talking on the phone three times a day?

Marcus Sakey, who not only found a title for this book (a seemingly impossible task) but also led me to the wonderful poem by W. H. Auden that so perfectly frames the story.

Jon Clinch, Rachel Cole, Zarina Docken, Melanie Lynne Hauser, Renee Rosen, and Sachin Waikar, for keeping writing from becoming an isolating endeavor.

Bente Gallagher, for reading an early version of this manuscript in record time and providing almost instantaneous feedback.

Shiloh D'Orazio and the crew at the Five Points Starbucks, for keeping me well supplied with chai and letting me sit for hours on end. Jon Allen, we all miss you!

Christina Chen, Tammy Humphries, Carrie Medders, and Missy Rightley, for being the most steadfast friends a person could have.

B.S.R.: Yes, I could have finished the book without your mountain retreat, but the experience wouldn't have been nearly so idyllic.

Gary and Stacie Gutting, who consistently go above and beyond the call of parental duty, even volunteering to read for me in the middle of the night.

Anastasia Sertl, for constant inspiration.

Matt and Xander, who are forced to tolerate substandard meals and a house full of dust buffaloes, not bunnies, while I'm writing. You deserve far more than thanks.
