Stone was awakened shortly after dawn by Jenna, who was in need. He satisfied her as best he could.

“That was wonderful,” she said, nestling close.

“I do my best,” he replied.

“Your best is just perfect.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

They fell asleep again, until Stone was wakened by his cell phone. “Yes?”

“It’s Felicity.”

“Well, good morning.”

“I understand Mr. Slade took an arrow in the chest,” she said, “so to speak.”

“I’m glad you’ve heard, and I hope the rest of the world has, too. Lance saw it in the New York Post.”

“The perfect spot for it.”

“We’re off for New York tomorrow. Jenna is testifying at a hearing there on Monday morning.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry you’re leaving before I got to know her better,” Felicity said slyly.

“Oh, well.”

“But you’re still there tonight?”

“We are.”

“Perhaps you could ask if she has an interest in seeing me for dinner?”

“I can ask.”

“Call me back.” She hung up.

Jenna stirred beside him. “Have we had breakfast yet?”

“No, I’ll order it up.” He did so.

When she was fully awake, he tried to sound casual. “Do you recall that I mentioned Felicity’s carnal interests?”

“I seem to remember.”

“Does that interest you in any way?”

“Well, it’s a thought. Does this include you, as well?”

“It’s been my experience with threesomes that the women tend to be more interested in each other than in me.”

“Oh, poor baby! I wouldn’t allow that to happen.”

“Tonight is our last one here for a while, and Felicity has hinted that she would like to be asked to dinner, and so forth.”

“Oh, dinner and so forth! Is that how she put it?”

“As I recall, she was a bit more direct than that.”

“She likes me?”

“She does.”

“Actually, I noticed that at our first meeting.”

“Did you? That was very astute.”

“It was hard to miss. She looks at me the way I look at you, at times.”

“What is your wish?”

“Will I like her?”

“That’s entirely up to you.”

“All right, let me put it this way: Do you like her?”

“In bed?”

“That’s what we’re talking about, isn’t it?”

“Yes. She’s very... accommodating.”

“Then invite her,” Jenna said. “I’ll see that you’re not ignored.”

Stone laughed “That’s a kind thought.”

Dinner was over, and the fire was burning low. Dino and Viv excused themselves and went to bed. Felicity moved from her chair to the sofa, next to Jenna. She put a hand on Jenna’s cheek and stroked it, then kissed her lightly, then ran a finger down her cleavage. “Stone,” she said, “I seem to recall that there is a bed in this house.”

“There is indeed. A big one.”

“Then let’s go find it.”

They went upstairs to the master suite, and clothing was made to disappear. They got into bed with Jenna between them, and everyone’s breathing grew faster.

He had to wait for a bit, but Stone, to his delight, was not ignored by either of them.

With everyone gratified, they slept. Then, near dawn, they awakened and started over.

At mid-morning, the G-500 began its takeoff roll, then lifted off. Jenna, at the window, waved. “Goodbye, Windward Hall,” she said.

“Don’t worry,” Stone said, “the two of you will meet again.”

“It can’t be too soon for me,” she said. “By the way, last night was lovely. I felt pampered.”

Stone laughed. “So did I.”

With the time difference, they landed at Teterboro in the early afternoon. Fred was there with the Bentley, while Dino’s official car drove the Bacchettis home.

“Mr. Barrington,” Fred said, when they were clear of the airport, “I thought you’d like to know, the house is well-stocked with security folk.”

“Then Strategic Services is doing its work.”

Fred handed them a two-day-old Post. “I saved this for you.”

They read the newspaper account of Slade’s gaffe. “Very interesting,” Stone said. “Thank you, Fred, I hope to read more like that.”

“We have only to wait,” Jenna said. “Wallace will not disappoint us.”

“Do you think he’ll turn up at the hearing?”

“I shouldn’t think so. What will be said about him will be humiliating. I expect he’ll have someone there, though.”

“He won’t need to,” Stone said. “Lance told me it will be on C-SPAN.”

She smiled. “Oh, good.”
