Thank you:
Nicolas, my husband, for his patience and his help.
Louis and Charlotte, our children, for being the great people they have blossomed into.
Laure, Catherine, and Julia, my first readers.
Abha, for her feedback and advice.
Sarah, for her beady eye.
Erika and Catherine, for helping me imagine Angèle.
Lauren and Jan, for their help on the U.S. edition.
Chantal, for giving me that space on the rue Froidevaux.
Guillemette and Olivier, for introducing me to Noirmoutier.
Mélanie and Antoine Rey, for letting me borrow their names.
Héloïse and Gilles, for trusting me again.
Last but certainly not least, to the fabulous St. Martin ’s team and, in particular, Sally, George, Matthew, Jennifer, Lisa, Anne, Sarah, and Mike.