*The following items may be used as a guide to search for information in this eBook.


ABC of Relativity, The (Russell)

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Agassiz, Louis

Agassiz’s theory

Ager, Derek V.

Aharanov, Yakir

AIDS; HIV virus

albedo (reflectiveness)


All Species Foundation

Alpha Centauri


Alvarez, Walter and Luis

America (New World): Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska; asteroid craters; Buffon’s assertion of inferiority of; dinosaur bones, tracks, locations; dinosaurs, discovery of; human-caused extinctions; as land of opportunity; Lewis and Clark expedition; mammoth bones in; Sierra Nevada mountains; volcanoes

American Museum of Natural History

American Ornithology (Peale)

amino acids

Anderson, Ray


animal world: categories; unknown or new species. See also extinction of species; life; specific places and species

Annals of the Old Testament (Ussher)

Anning, Mary

Antarctica: collapse of West, ice sheet; crab-eater seals; penguins; planet’s ice, percentage of; Weddel seals


Anthropologist on Mars, An (Sacks)


Antic Hay (Huxley)

Arambourg, Camille


Armageddon (film)

Armstrong, Richard

Asaro, Frank

Ashcroft, Frances

Asimov, Isaac

asteroids; Chicxulub crater; close passes of Earth; cratering rates, Moon; crater research; detection; devastation of impact; discovery of; extinctions and; identifying; iridium; Manson, Iowa. See also meteorite

astronomy: constant; cosmological constant; interpretation in; parsec; red shift. See also Einstein, Albert; Hubble, Erwin; solar system; stars; universe; specific astronomers

Atkins, P. W.

atmosphere; balloon ascents; carbon dioxide in; clouds; convection and; Coriolis effect; Death Zone; early; Earth’s rotation and; Hadley cells; higher elevations, mountaineers, health effects; jet streams; layers, names; limit of human tolerance; oxygen in; ozone in; space ship reentry; Sun, heat from; sunlight and; temperature, upper atmosphere; tropopause; turbulence in; warm air, and moisture; weight of air. See also weather

atom; Avogadro’s Principle; behavior of; bombs and; chemical identity, protons and; durability of; existence of; fission; half-life; image, created by Nagaoka; isotope; matrix mechanics; quantum leap; quantum mechanics; size and weight of; strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force; structure of; thermodynamics and; Uncertainty Principle; wave mechanics

Attenborough, David

Australia: ANU, Canberra, rock dating at; human-caused extinctions; human skeletons, early, found at Mungo; orange roughy, depletion of; sea life, lack of; Shark Bay, stromatolites at

Avery, Oswald

Avogadro, Lorenzo

Avogardro’s Principle


Baade, Walter

Bachman’s warbler

bacteria; adaptive changes; antiquity of; below the Earth’s crust (SLiME); classification; culturing, difficulty of; discovery of; DNA, irradiated; durability; environments, extreme, as hosts to; epidemics; gangrene; harmful or infectious; identification of; in or on human body; mosquitoes and spread of; mutations; nitrogen conversion of; number of types; percentage of life; proliferation of; resistant to antibiotics; survival of, extraordinary


Baldwin, Ralph B.

Ball, Philip

Banks, Sir Joseph

Barton, Otis

Basin and Ridge (McPhee)

Bastin, Edson



bdelloid rotifers

Beagle, voyage of

Becher, Johann

Becker, George

Becquerel, Henri

bed mites

Beebe, Charles William,

Bell, Alexander Graham

Bennett, Victoria

Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology

Bergstralh, Jay

Berners-Lee, Tim

Berzelius, J. J.


Bethe, Hans

Biddle, Wayne

Big Bang

Big Birth

Biology: The Science of Life (Wallace, King, amp; Sanders)

birds. See also extinction of species; specific species

Birds of Arabia (Meinertzhagen)

Black, Davidson

black holes

Blackett, Patrick

Blind Watchmaker, The (Dawkins)

Bodanis, David

Bogdanov, Igor and Grickha

Bohr, Niels

Bolzmann, Ludwig

Bonnichsen, Bill

Bose, S. N.

Bouguer, Pierre

Bowler, Jim

Boyle, Robert

Brace, C. Loring

Brand, Hennig

Brave New World (Huxley)

Briggs, Derek

Britain: geology, popularity of; learned societies; nitrous oxide, popularity of; plant collecting; sea exploration, HMS Challenger; transits of Venus expeditions

Brock, Thomas and Louise

Broom, Robert

Brown, Guy

Brown, Harrison

Brown, Robert

Brownian motion

Brunhes, Bernard

Bryce, David

Buckland, William

Buffon, Comte de (Leclerc)


Cadbury, Deborah




Cannon, Annie Jump


carbon dioxide; Dover, white cliffs, and; inflated levels in atmosphere; marine organisms and

Carolina parakeet

Cassini, Giovanni and Jacques

Caster, K. E.

Cavendish, Henry

Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University

Cavendish, William

cells; ATP; brain; cancer; chromosomes in; communication between; death; discovery of; DNA and replication of; lifespan,; liver; microscopic examination, first; mitochondria; nucleus; number in a human being; protein in; replacement; sponge, rebuilding; structure and activity of; types, variety

Celsius, Anders

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Chadwick, James

Chambers, Robert

Chapman, Clark

Chappe, Jean

Charpentier, Jean de

chemistry; atomic number; atomic weight; Avogadro’s number; conventions and formulas,; Dalton and; elements; organic and inorganic; periodic table; radioactivity, discovery of; societies; symbols and abbreviations


chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Christiansen, Bob

Christy, James

Cod (Kurlansky)

cod fish

Comet (Sagan)

comets: Kuiper belt and; long-period; Shoemaker-Levy 9, and impact on Jupiter; speed of. See also specific comets

Coming of Age in the Milky Way (Ferris)

Compston, Bill

Conard, Henry S.


Conway Morris, Simon

Cook, James

Coon, Carleton

Cope, Edward Drinker

Coriolis effect

cosmic background radiation

Cosmos (Sagan)

Cox, David

Cox, Peter

Crab Nebula

Crampton, Henry Edward

Crick, Francis

Croll, James

Cropper, William H.

Crouch, Henry

Crowther, J. G.

Crucible of Creation, The (Conway Morris)

Crystal Palace, London; Park

Curie, Marie

Curie, Pierre

Cuvier, Georges


Dalton, John

Daly, Reginald

dark energy (vacuum energy, quintessence)

dark matter; DUNNOS; MACHOs; WIMPs

Dart, Raymond

Darwin, Charles

Davies, Paul

Davy, Humphry

Dawkins, Richard

de Duve, Christian

de Vaucouleurs, Gérard

de Vries, Hugo

DeMoivre, Abraham

Denver, Colorado, mystery of

Descartes, René

Descent of Man, The (Darwin)

Diamond, Jared


Dicke, Robert

Dickinson, Matt

dinosaurs: Anchisaurus; appearance of; Archaeopteryx; discovery of; bones, American sites for finding; Crystal Palace Park, London; Diplodocus; extinction; fossils, England; fossils, paucity of record; Hadrosaur; Hylaeosaurus; identification of; iguanodon Megalosaurus; museum fakes; ornithischians and saurischians; Owen coins the word; ranges of, northern; tracks, Massachusetts; tyrannosaurus rex

Diversity of Life, The (Wilson)

Dixon, Jeremiah

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); amount in cells; cells and; chemical components; coding of; cosmic rays, effect of; discovery of; durability; fingerprinting; hox genes and; Human Genome Project; irradiated; life, creation of and; non-coding; replication; RNA and; polymerase chain reaction; proteins, creation of and; reproduction dependent on; SNP (snip); structure and discovery of double helix


Doppler, Johann Christian

Doppler shift

Doss, Paul

Double Helix, The (Watson)

Drake, Frank

Dreams of a Final Theory (Weinberg)

Drury, Stephen

Dubois, Marie Eugene.

Dyson, Freeman


E=mc2 (Bodanis)

Earth: age of; Archaean period; Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska; asteroid craters and impact; atmosphere, creation of; atmosphere and weather; auroras; average species longevity; baked apple theory; birth of; birth of the Moon; conditions for life; cores; cosmic dust, accumulation; crust, early burst theory; Cryogenian age (Snowball Earth); Denver, mystery of; distance from surface to center; earthquakes; extinctions, major and minor; geology of; heat of interior; hydrosphere, see also oceans; ice ages; impact of asteroid or comet; interior of; land bridge theory; life, creation of on; magnetism; magnetism, reversal of; measuring circumference; measuring distance from the Sun; measuring mass or weight; Moon’s distance from, measuring; Moon’s importance; movement of surface,see also plate tectonics; nearest stars; ocean floor; orbit; ozone layer; planets in proximity to; rotation, speed of; shape, controversy over; size; temperature; Van Allen belts; volcanoes

Earth, The (Jeffreys)

earthquakes; commonality of; intraplate quakes; Kobe; Lisbon, Portugal; New Madrid, Missouri; Prince William Sound, Alaska; Richter scale; San Andreas Fault; Tetons; Tokyo; Yellowstone National Park

Earth’s Shifting Crust (Hapgood)


Ebbing, Darrell

ebola virus

Eddington, Sir Arthur

Eight Little Piggies (Gould)

Einstein, Albert; cosmological constant; equation, E = mc2; general theory of relativity; grand unified theory; quantum theory and; special theory of relativity

élan vital

electricity, experiments with



electron; microscope; spin resonance (dating method); thermoluminescence (dating method); Uncertainty Principle

elements: abundance, order of; discovery of; life, necessary for; naming; number of

Elliott, Charles

Ellis, Len

Elwin, Whitwell

encephalitis lethargica

energy: quantum theory and; radioactive decay and mass into energy; special theory of relativity. See also Einstein; Albert; Newton, Isaac


Erwin, Terry

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus)

Eternal Frontier (Flannery)


Evans, Robert

Everest, Mount

evolution. See Darwin, Charles; humans; life

Exclusion Principle

Extinct Humans (Tattersall amp; Schwartz)

extinction of species; asteroid or comet impact (impact theory); average lifespan of a species; causes, hypothetical; cooling of Earth and; Cretaceous; Devonian; dinosaurs; human-caused; ice ages and; minor kill-offs; Ordovician; Permian extinction; plate tectonics and; sea creatures; solar flares theory; survivors; Triassic; volcanic eruptions and


Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel

Fermi, Enrico

Ferris, Timothy

Feynman, Richard

fish, depletion of

Fisher, Osmond


FitzRoy, Robert

Flannery, Tim

fluorescent light

Forbes, Edward

Fornax (constellation)

Fortey, Richard

fossils; Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska; Burgess Shale; Cambrian explosion and; cladistics; conditions that create; evidence for age of the Earth; evolution, lack of evidence for; extinctions, lack of fossil record; gathering, England; Hell Creek, Montana; human, scarcity of; Mantell’s collection; marine; microbes; plate tectonics and; Precambrian (Ediacaran); Smith’s map of British rock strata; trilobites

Fossils and the History of Life (Simpson)

Fowler, W. A.

France: French Royal Academy of Sciences, Peruvian expedition of 1735; Reign of Terror; transits of Venus expeditions


Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, Rosalind

Fraser, John

Frayn, Michael

fungi; molds


galaxies: evolving; Hubble and discovery of; Milky Way; NGC1365; number of; number of stars in; recessional velocity

Gamow, George

Gap in Nature, A (Flannery amp; Schouten)

Gehrels, Tom

Geiger, Hans

Gell-Mann, Murray

Genera of North American Plants (Nuttall)

General Chemistry (Ebbing)

genetics: chromosomes; commonality of human; Darwin and; DNA; genes; hox genes; human genome; Human Genome Project; human proteome; mitochondrial DNA; Mendel, Gregor and; Modern Synthesis; Morgan’s fruit fly experiments; sex drive and replicating. See also DNA; humans

Geological Society (London)

geology; baked apple theory; British popularity of; catastrophism vs. uniformitarianism; convection; dating techniques; drilling through Earth’s crust, attempts; divisions of time in (eras, epochs, periods); Earth’s crust, early burst theory; Earth, interior of; Great Devonian Controversy; fossil evidence; fossils, marine; ice ages; iridium layer; isostasy; kimberlite pipes; KT boundary; Moho discontinuity; Mohole drilling; Neptunists vs. Plutonists; opponents to impact theory; plate tectonics; rocks, oldest; rocks, units of; Smith’s map of British rock strata

giant squid

Gibbs, J. Willard


Glicken, Harry

Godfray, G. H.

Gold, Thomas

Goldilocks effect

Gould, John

Gould, Stephen Jay

gravity; general theory of relativity and; gravitons; measuring the mass of Earth and; Newton and laws of; as weak force

Great Chain of Being

Great Devonian Controversy, The (Rudwick)

Great Spanish Flu epidemic

Greer, Frank

Gregory, J. W.

Gribbin, John and Mary

Groves, Colin

Gutenberg, Beno

Guth, Alan

Guyot, Arnold


Habeler, Peter

Hadley, George

Haeckel, Ernst

Haldane, J. B. S.

Haldane, John Scott

Hale-Bopp comet

Hallam, Arthur

Halley, Edmond

Halley’s comet

Hapgood, Charles

Harding, Rosalind

Harrington, Robert

Harrison, John

Hart, Michael

Haughton, Samuel

Hawaii, extinctions on

Hawking, Stephen

Heisenberg, Werner

Helin, Eleanor


Helmholtz, Hermann von

Herschel, William

Hess, Harry

Hessler, Robert

Higgs, Peter

Hildebrand, Alan


Hipparchus of Nicaea

Historia Generalis Plantarum (Ray)

History and Use of Our Earth’s Chemical Elements, The (Krebs)

Holmes, Arthur

Holmyard, E. J.

Hooke, Robert

Hooker, Joseph

How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts (Conard)

Howard, Luke

Hoyle, Fred

Hubble, Edwin; constrant, Ho; Law; Space Telescope

humans: Australopithecus; bacteria and; bacterial infections; bipedalism; brain development and size; cells, number of; classification of; common ancestry of; conception; Cro-Magnon; dehydration; DNA; early, mitochondrial DNA record; early, various bipedal hominids; elements in the body; evolution; fossil record; genetic code; heart; Homo erectus (Java Man); Homo habilis; Homo sapiens; ice ages and; immune response; individual differences in; life, conditions amenable to; Lucy; mineral requirements; multiregional hypothesis; Neandertal man; Neandertal tools; origin of the species; Peking Man; pressure upon, effects of; salt and; search for early humans; Solo People; speech; tool-making by early man; toxicity of metals; Trinil skullcap; Turkana skeletons; viral infections; water, needed for life; water, percentage of

Humboldt, Alexander von

Hutton, Charles

Hutton, James

Huxley, Aldous

Huxley, T. H.

Hyakutake comet,

Hyde, Jack

hydrogen; atomic number; Avogadro’s number; combustion and; identification of; most abundant element; Rozier’s experiment


ice ages; Agassiz’s theory; Croll’s theory; Earth’s orbit and; human evolution and; landscape and; Little Ice Age; Messinian Salinity Crisis and; Snowball Earth; survival of life and; warming of; Wisconsian ice sheet

Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (Playfair)

Inflationary Universe, The (Gamow)

insects; known species; new discoveries; species, estimated

International Cloud Atlas (Howard)

Isaacs, John

isotope geochemistry

Izett, Glenn


Jardine, Lisa

Jarvik, Erik

Java Man

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffreys, Alec

Jeffreys, Harold

Jenkin, Fleeming

Johanson, Donald

Johnston, David

Joly, John

Joseph, Lawrence

Jupiter: comet Shoemaker-Levy, impact on; distance from Earth


Kaku, Michio

Kelly, Kevin

Kelvin, Lord

Keynes, John Maynard

kimberlite pipes

Kinsey, Alfred C.

Kolbert, Elizabeth

Köppen, Wladimir

Krebs, Robert E., 108

KT boundary; event and extinctions

Kuiper belt

Kuiper, Gerard,

Kunzig, Robert

Kurlansky, Mark


La Condamine, Charles Marie de,

Lalande, Joseph

Large Magellanic Cloud

Lassa fever

Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent

Lavoisier, Madame

Lawrence, Ernest

Le Gentil, Guillaume

lead,; age of Earth and; atmospheric; banning; Clean Air Act of 1970; health hazards; isotope; tetraethyl (TEL, gasoline additive)

Leakey, Louis

Leakey, Mary

Leakey, Meave

Leakey, Richard

Leavitt, Henrietta Swan

Lederman, Leon

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van

Lehmann, Inge

Leibniz, Gottfried von

Lemaitre, Georges

Leonard, F. C.

Levy, David

Lewin, Roger

Lewis, John S.

Lewis, Meriwether

Lewontin, Richard

Libby, Willard


life: amino acids; bacteria (microbes); Big Birth,; Cambrian explosion; categorization of; cell theory; change and mutation; chemicals or heavy elements for; classification of,; conditions necessary for; creation in the laboratory; database of living organisms; deep sea, and requirements for; Darwinism; Dimetrodon; diversity of; DNA; earliest, character of; on Earth; on Earth, date of origination; on Earth, evolution of, from anaerobic to oxygen-loving; emergence from the sea; eukaryotes; evolution of; extraterrestrial; extremophiles; flying creatures; hyperthermophiles; insects; marine organisms and stability of atmosphere and weather; meteorite theory (panspermia); mitochondria, development of; mystery or miracle of; natural impulse to assemble and; oneness of; oxygen levels and size of creatures; oxygenation of the atmosphere and; planets where possible; proteins and; saltationist theory; species, known; species, origination of; species, unknown; stromatolites, living remnants of 3.5 billion year old life; tetrapods; vertebrates; vertebrates, terrestrial; viruses. See also bacteria; extinctions; fossils; humans

Life: An Unauthorized Biography (Fortey)

Life at the Extremes (Ashcroft)

light: Michelson-Morley experiment; quantum theory; special theory of relativity; speed of, constant; symbol for speed of; as wave

Lightman, Alan

Lincoln, Abraham

Linde, Andrei

Linnaeus, Carolus

Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos (Overbye)

Longitude (Sobel)

Lowell, Percival

Lyell, Charles

Lyon, John


Mach, Ernst

MacPhee, Ross

Maddox, Brenda

Maes, Koen

magnetic field, reversal of Earth’s

Malthus, Thomas

mammals; protomammals, therapsids; surviving periods of extinction


Manson, Iowa, impact

Mantell, Gideon Algernon,

Mantell, Walter

Map That Changed the World, The (Winchester)

maps and mapmaking,; contour lines; measuring the length of a degree; meridian, measurements of

Marat, Jean-Paul

Marburg fever

Marcy, Geoffrey

Margulis, Lynn

Mars: conditions on,; lack of liquid core; moons

Marsh, Bryan

Marsh, Othniel Charles

Marshall, Barry

Maskelyne, Nevil

Mason and Dixon line

Mason, George

Mason, John

Mathematical Climatology and the Astronomical Theory of Climactic Changes (Milankovitch)

Matthew, Patrick

Matthews, Drummond

Maxwell, James Clerk

Mayer, August

Mayr, Ernst

McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch

McGuire, Bill

McLaren, Dewey J.

McPhee, John

Medawar, Peter

Meinertzhagen, Richard

Mendel, Gregor

Mendeleyev, Dmitri Ivanovich

Mendes, J. C.


Messinian Salinity Crisis

Meteor (film)

Meteor Crater, Arizona

meteorites; carbonaceous chondrites; Murchison, Australia; panspermia theory; Tagish Lake, Canada. See also asteroids

Michel, Helen

Michell, John

Michelson, Albert

Michelson-Morley experiment


Midgley, Thomas, Jr.

Miescher, Johann Friedrich

Milankovitch, Milutin; cycles

Milky Way

Miller, Stanley

Missing Links (Reader)

Mohorovii´c, Andrija


monitor lizards

Monod, Jacques

Moody, Plinus

Moon (Earth’s): birth of; distance from Earth, measuring; cratering rates; lack of liquid core; stability of Earth and

Morgan, Thomas Hunt

Morley, Edward

Morley, Lawrence

Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland (Smith)


Movius, Hallum

Mullis, Kary B.

Murchison, Roderick

Murray, John

museum, first public

Myers, Norman


Naked Earth: The New Geophysics (Vogel)

Natural History Museum, London

necrotizing fasciitis

Neptune; distance from Earth; moons


neutron; activation analysis

neutron stars

New Horizons spacecraft

Newlands, John

Newton, Isaac; ether and ether drift; gravity and; laws of motion

Ngalli, Jillani

nitrogen: bacteria and; bends and; in human body; intoxication

nitric oxide

nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Nobel Prize: Alvarez, Luis; Bohr, Niels; Chadwick, James; Crick, Watkins, and Wilson; Curie, Marie; delay in receiving; Einstein, Albert.; geologists never win; Hoyle, Fred; Libby, Willard; Medawar, Peter; Morgan, Thomas Hunt; opposition to Avery’s; Pauling, Linus; Rutherford, Ernest; Sulston, John; Urey, Harold

noble gases,

North Star

Norton, Trevor

Norwood, Richard

Note on the Species of Living and Fossil Elephants (Cuvier)

Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)

Nuland, Sherwin B.

numbers, very large

Nuttall, Thomas


oceans: abyssal plain; Alvin, explorations of; amphipods; Antarctic Circumpolar Current; Atlantic; Beebe and Barton, deep dives; bends; blue whale; carbon absorption and; coral reefs; currents; deepest free dive; depletion of fish in; drop of water, time to travel between oceans; exploration and investigation of; floor, exploration of; giant squid; Gulf Stream; guyots; human body and pressure; lack of underwater research; life, at great depths; Mariana Trench; mid-Atlantic rift; mountain range, most extensive on Earth; oceanography, discipline begun; Pacific; percentage of Earth’s water in; phytoplankton; Piccards, deep sea dives; pressure; radioactive waste dumped in; rising of; salinity of; sea level; seafloor spreading; seawater; sediment, where it goes; species of animals in; thermohaline circulation; undiscovered life in; vents, life near; vents, refreshing of seawater and

Oldham, R. D.

Olduvai Gorge (Great Rift Valley), Tanzania

On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances (Gibbs)

On the Origin of Species (Darwin)

Oort cloud

Oort, Jan.

Oppenheimer, Robert

Öpik, Ernst

Organic Remains of a Former World Parkinson)

Orgel, Leslie

Ostro, Steven

Other Side of Everest, The (Dickinson)

Overbye, Dennis

Owen, Richard

oxygen: abundance; atomic weight; atmospheric, creation of; combustion and.; discovery of; identification of; isotope geochemistry and; oxidation; size of creatures and

ozone; CFCs and


paleontology; Age of Dinosaurs; Age of Mammals; Age of Turtles; discovery of dinosaurs; discovery of mammoths; extinction of species; fossils; hunting for bones; iguanodon, discovery of tooth; Megalonyx; opponents to impact theory of extinction; plesiosaurus; pterodactyls; rivalry of Cope and Marsh; rivalry of Owen and Mantell; search for early humans; species, lifespan of. See also fossils; dinosaurs

Paley, William

Parkinson, James

Parkinson’s disease

particle detectors or accelerators; CERN’s; Supercollider

particle physics; discovery of new particles; ekpyrotic process; gravitons; M theory; Standard Model; superstring theory; tachyons. See also neutrino; quarks

Pasteur, Louis

Patterson, Clair

Pauli, Wolfgang

Pauling, Linus

Peale, Charles Willson

Pelizzari, Umberto

Pelletier, P. J.

Penzias, Arno

Perlmutter, Saul

Perutz, Max



physics; divided between laws for subatomic world and universe at large; general theory of relativity; microphysics; matrix mechanics; particle; quantum leap; quantum mechanics; quantum theory; special theory of relativity; wave mechanics. See also Einstein, Albert; light; Newton, Isaac; Planck, Max; specific individuals

Piazzi, Giuseppi

Picard, Jean

Piccard, Auguste and Jacques

Pillmore, C. L.

Planck, Max

Planet X


plants: appearance of land; Banks and the Endeavor voyage; classification; classification disputes; cloud forests; collecting; identifying new; lichens; medicinal properties; mosses; names of; rain forests

plate tectonics; current effects; Denver, mystery; extinction events; fossils and; future outcomes; Holmes, continental drift theory; ice ages,; ocean floor; opponents to theory; Pangaea; seafloor spreading; subduction; Wegener and. See also earthquakes; volcanoes

Playfair, John


Pluto: characteristics; discovery of; distance from Earth; moon discovered; officially ruled a planet; size


Point Counter Point (Huxley)


Pope, Alexander

Popper, Karl

Potting-Shed Papers, The (Elliott)

Priestly, Joseph

Principia (Newton)

Principles of Biology (Spencer)

Principles of Geology, The (Lyell)

Principles of Physical Geology (Holmes)

Prometheans in the Lab (McGrayne)

protein; DNA and creation of; human proteome; types in a cell


Proxima Centauri


quantum leap

quantum mechanics

quantum theory; Exclusion Principle; spin



radio telescopes

radioactivity; dating of Earth’s age and; dump of wastes in the sea; Geiger counter; half-life; hazard of; as health product

radiocarbon dating,; carbon-14

radiometric dating

Raup, David

Ray, John

Reader, John

Realm of the Nebulae, The (Hubble)

Rees, Martin

Reines, Frederick

reptiles; divisions of early; survival during massive extinctions

Richter, Charles

Richter scale

Rickover, Hyman G.

Ridley, Matt

RNA (ribonucleic acid)

Roentgen, Wilhelm

Rothschild, Lionel Walter

Royal Institution (London)

Royal Society (London)

Royal Society of Edinburgh

Rozier, Pilatre de

Rudwick, Martin J. S.

Rumford, Count von (Benjamin Thompson)

Runcorn, S. K.

Ruska, Ernst.

Russell, Bertrand


Rutherford, Ernest


Sacks, Oliver

Sagan, Carl

Sagan, Dorion.

St. Helens, Washington

Sandage, Allan

Sandler, Howard

Sceptical Chymist, The (Boyle)

Scheele, Karl (Carl)

Schimper, Karl

Schouten, Peter

Schrödinger, Erwin

Schultz, Gwen

Schwalbe, Gustav

Schwann, Theodor

Schwartz, Jeffrey

sea cow

Seaman’s Practice, The (Norwood)

Sedgwick, Adam

Seven Daughters of Eve, The (Sykes)


Sheehan, Peter

Shipman, Pat

Shoemaker, Eugene


Siegel, Lee J.


Silurian System, The (Murchison)

Simpson, George Gaylord

Sinking Ark, The (Myers)


Sixth Extinction, The (Leakey amp; Lewis)

Sykes, Bryan

slime molds (myxomycetes)

Slipher, Vesto


Smith, A. J. E.

Smith, Anthony

Smith, Robert B.

Smith, William

Snow, C. P.

Sobel, Dava

Soddy, Frederick

sodium; chloride (salt)

solar system; asteroids; birth of Earth’s moon; birth of the sun and planets; elliptical orbit of the planets; moons in; size of. See also specific objects in; specific planets

Somervell, Howard

space. See universe


Spencer, Herbert

Sprigg, Reginald

Stages of Evolution, The (Brace)

stars: binary; Cepheid variable; distance between, average,; energy production of; galaxies and number of; Milky Way, number in; neutron,; red giants; “standard candles”; stellar classifications; supernovae; visible. See also Sun; specific stars

Stars Beneath the Sea (Norton)

Steller, Georg

Stephen’s Island flightless wren

Strathern, Paul

Strickland, H. E.

Suess, Eduard

Sulston, John

Sun: birth of; Earth’s atmosphere and; solar flares; solitary, uniqueness of

supernovae; CCD search; danger to Earth of; hunting; 1a type; number found; rarity; visible to naked eye

superstring theory

Surowiecki, James

Surviving Galeras (Williams)

sweating sickness

Swift, Jonathan

Systema Naturae (Linnaeus)

Szilard, Leo


Taming the Atom (von Baeyer)

Tasmanian tiger

Tattersall, Ian

taxonomy; animal world, categories; class; classification of bacteria; classification of plants; disagreements, arbitration of,; family; field of; genus; humans, classification of; life; Linnaean system; magnitude of classifying; number of taxonomists; order; phylum; primates, classifying; species; works of

Taylor, Frank Bursley


temperature; Earth’s changes of; Fahrenheit and Celsius

Terrible Lizard (Cadbury)

Theory of the Earth with Proofs and Illustrations, A (Hutton)

thermodynamics; entropy; Gibbs and; laws of; Second Law of

Thomson, J. J.

Thorne, Alan

Thorne, Kip S.

Thorstensen, John

time, general theory of relativity and

Time’s Arrow (Gould)



Titans of the Deep (film)

Tombaugh, Clyde

Trans-Neptunian Objects

Trefil, James



Trinkaus, Erik

Tryon, Edward P.


Tsurutani, Bruce

Turkana, Lake, Kenya



Uncertainty Principle

U.S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona

universe: age of; birth of (Big Bang theory); cosmic background radiation; curvature of space; dark energy (vacuum energy, quintessence); dark matter; edge of; emptiness of; end of; expanding; Goldilocks effect; gravity in; inflation theory; ordered self-assembly in; parsec (vs. light-years); planets in, number of; planets, life-sustaining; theory of many universes; size of; visible

uranium; decay rate into lead


Urey, Harold

Ussher, James


Valéry, Paul


Venus: conditions on; lack of tectonic activity; transits of

Vermeer, Jan

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (Chambers)

Vine, Fred


Vogel, Shawna

volcanoes: Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska, and; Bruneau-Jarbidge, Idaho; climatic consequences,; Deccan Traps; Galeras, Colombia; caldera; hypertrophic pulmonary osteodystrophy; Krakatau, Indonesia; lack of preparedness; predicting; pyroclastic flow; St. Helens, Washington; supervolcanoes, superplumes; Tambora; Unzen, Japan; Vesuvius, Italy; Yellowstone Park

von Baeyer, Hans Christian

Voorhies, Mike

Voyager 1 amp; 2 craft

Vreeland, Russell


Walcott, Charles Doolittle

Walker, Alan

Wallace, Alfred Russel

Walsh, Don

water; chemical formula for; fresh; frozen, qualities of; humans, percentage; lake or ocean, length of time in; molecules; molecules, as rain; oceans, percentage of Earth’s water in; seawater; surface tension; weight of, pressure of,. See also oceans

Watson, James.

Watt, James

weather and climate; cloud types.; evaporation; Holocene period; hurricane; ice ages; lightning; jet streams; meteorology; Milankovitch cycles; oceans and; rain; storm cloud, anvil shape; Tambora eruption, 1816; temperature, measuring; thunderstorms, energy; variables of climate; weight of air in front; wind. See also ice ages

Wegener, Alfred

Weinberg, Samantha

Weinberg, Steven,

Weitz, Charles

whales; ambergris

Whewell, William

White Cliffs of Dover

White, Nathaniel

Whittaker, R. H.

Whittington, Harry

Wickramasinghe, Chandra

Wilberforce, Samuel

Wilford, John

Wilkins, Maurice

Wilkinson Microwave Anistropy Probe

Williams, Stanley

Wilson, Allan

Wilson, Edward O.

Wilson, Robert

Winchester, Simon


Windows into the Earth (Smith amp; Siegel)

Wisdom of Bones, The (Walker)

Wistar, Caspar


Witzke, Brian

Woese, Carl

Woit, Peter

Wonderful Life (Gould)

Wren, Christopher


X-ray crystallography

X rays


Yakima, Washington

Yellowstone Park; earthquakes,; Emerald Pool; geysers; Hebgen Lake quake; hydrothermal explosions; rockfall, Gardiner Canyon

Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory


Zwicky, Fritz
