This book would not have been possible without the massive assistance I’ve received from a great many people across this wonderful nation of ours. All the good things about it came out of close collaboration with these fine folks and groups. Any bit of awful science, military strategy, or prose that remains is entirely my fault. Special thanks to:

The United States Navy and all my shipmates from USS STETHEM (DDG 63), USS LASSEN (DDG 82), USS BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD 6), COMDESRON 26, Naval Postgraduate School, Surface Warfare Officers’ School, Pacific Missile Range Facility, and US Fleet Forces Command

Jeff Edwards (who goes above and beyond the call)

Winchell Chung and his amazing site, Atomic Rockets

Mark and Melissa Ellis, and the whole Newport Roundtable

Baen’s Bar and the Barflies, especially Edith Maor, Sam Hidaka,

Gray Rinehart, and Gary Cuba

Nathaniel Torson

Charles Lakey

Chris Ross Leong

Maria Edwards

The Kevins (Henson, Csubak, and Allison)

Joe, Iris, and Daniel Peace

All of those who followed me over from

the entire First Readers Group (you know who you are!)

and lastly, but most importantly, my family: Mom, Dad, the Brothers, Jen, Isabel, Gabrielle, Dylan, and Kona. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am and I wouldn’t write how I write. Love y’all.
