St Leonard’s Day, Sunday, 6 November 1373
Magda, Michaelo and Ravenser sat by Thoresby’s great bed. The archbishop had been dozing for a while when, suddenly, he opened his eyes and requested a little wine to wet his mouth. Ravenser did the honour, gently lifting his uncle’s head and holding the cup to his lips.
When Thoresby lay back against the cushions, he reached for Magda’s hand.
‘Have you thought of what I might leave to you, my friend?’
‘The memory of thy friendship will be most precious to Magda,’ she said. But, seeing his gathering frown, she added, ‘Sir Richard suggested an ass and cart from thy stables, and Magda agreed that she and Alisoun might make good use of that.’
Thoresby nodded and, turning his gaze on Ravenser, said, ‘See that it is done.’ He looked on all three of them with a trembling smile. ‘God go with you, my dear friends.’ And after a last shuddering breath, he was still.
Magda gently closed his papery eyelids. ‘May thou rest in peace, Old Crow. May thy god embrace thee.’
Ravenser rose and kissed his uncle’s forehead.
Brother Michaelo’s long withheld sobs, though muffled, broke the gentle peace of the room.