Once again, we have more people to thank than space to thank them in. This book and this series wouldn’t exist without the hard work of our agent Danny Baror and the support and dedication of Tom Bouman, Susan Barnes, Ellen Wright, Tim Holman, Alex Lencicki, and the whole crew at Orbit. Thanks to the amazing Daniel Dociu for giving us the art that people can’t help but pick up off the shelf, and to Kirk Benshoff for creating that wonderful design that ties the whole series together. We’ll never be able to adequately express our gratitude to Carrie, Kat, and Jayné for feedback and support, and to Scarlet for allowing us to distract her with Mythbusters while we work. Thanks to the Mythbusters crew for being so entertaining to scientifically curious six-year-olds. Thanks again to the whole Sake River gang. Much of the cool in the book belongs to them. As always, the errors and infelicities and egregious fudging was all us.