
S. M. Ulam, 1938. Pencil sketch by Zygmund Menkès

Stefan Banach, Poland, ca 1945

Polish mathematics students convention, Lwów, 1930

Designated by numbers: (1) Leon Chwistek, (2) Stefan Banach, (3) Stanislaw Loria, (4) Kazimir Kuratowski, (5) Stefan Kaczmarz, (6) Juliusz Schauder, (7) Marceli Stark, (8) Karol Borsuk, (9) Edward Marczewski, (10) S. M. Ulam, (11) A. Zawadzki, (12) Edward Otto, (13) W. Zonn, (14) M. Puchalik, (15) K. Szpunar

On the dock at Gdynia before Stan and his younger brother, Adam, embarked for America in 1939. The four Ulams are (left to right) Jozef (father), Adam, Szymon (uncle), and Stan.

John von Neumann, Princeton, 1932

The Harvard Society of Fellows, Cambridge, 1938

Left to right, seated: George Homans, Jim Fisk, Paul Samuelson, John Snyder, James Miller, Ivan Getting, Willard Quine, Robert Woodward, George Hass

Standing, first row: James Baker, Kenneth Murdock, Paul Ward, George Haskins, L. J. Henderson, John Ferry, George Hanfmann, Charles Curtiss, Alfred North Whitehead, John Livingston Lowes, Talbot Waterman, Tom Chambers, Samuel Eliot Morison, John Miller, Conrad Arensberg, David Griggs, William Whyte

Back row: F. Edward Cranz, Reed Rollins, Harry Levin, Frederick Watkins, John Oxtoby, E. Bright Wilson, Richard Howard, Albert Lord, Garrett Birkhoff, Craig LaDrière, Stan Ulam, Orville Bailey (Harvard University)

Ulam and C. J. Everett in front of North Hall at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1941

Enrico Fermi in the 1940s (Harold Agnew)

Nobel prizewinners Ernest O. Lawrence, Fermi, and I. I. Rabi, during a meeting at the Lodge, Los Alamos, in the late 1940s

Lunch at the Lodge; (clockwise from right) Richard Feynman, Carson Mark, Jack Clark, Fermi

Von Neumann, Feynman, and Ulam on the porch of Bandelier Lodge in Frijoles Canyon, New Mexico, during a picnic, ca 1949 (Nicholas Metropolis)

Tennis at Los Alamos, 1958; (left to right) James Tuck, Ulam, Conrad Longmire, Donald Dodder (Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory)

Claire Ulam, aged one, with her father, 1945

Ulam standing on the piece of land in Santa Fe that he bought for $150 in 1947

The von Neumanns starting the descent into the Grand Canyon on an excursion in the late 1940s: Klari, with visor, is fourth from front; Johnny, bareheaded and in city suit, is last, on the only mule facing the wrong way

On the Plaza in Santa Fe, ca 1949, von Neumann and his eleven-year-old daughter, Marina

Johnny, Claire, and Stan in the Ulam yard at Los Alamos, ca 1954

George Gamow’s representation of the ’’super” directing committee; (bottom; left to right): Ulam, Edward Teller, Gamow; Joseph Stalin and J. Robert Oppenheimer observe proceedings from above (The Viking Press)

“Demonstrating” the MANIAC to Claire at a laboratory open house, 1955 (Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory)

Ulam foiled by the technological problem of fitting Theodore von Kárman with the neck cord of a microphone (Max Spring, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory)

An informal moment during a presidential visit, Los Alamos, 1962; (left to right) Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, President John F. Kennedy, Senator Clinton P. Anderson, mathematician Ulam, Congressman Joseph M. Montoya, science advisor Jerry Wiesner (Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory)

Ulam and Life Magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt near the Los Alamos laboratory, 1962 (William H. Regan, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory)

Stan and Françoise Ulam at home in Los Alamos, 1964 (Lloyd Shearer)
