Chapter Sixteen

The next day, Arim grimaced as he waited in Shathra for Lexa to appear. No doubt about it, the Storm Lords were in trouble. Never before had evil come so close to destroying what they’d built, not in a thousand years. He paced between the cold, stone walls bathed in Shadow. When he’d previously met here with Ethim, he’d been lucky the place had been deserted. But now a few Shadren and Others—creatures neither Dark nor Light but belonging to a different spectrum altogether—clung to the periphery of the small dimensional safe house.

Where is Lexa? That he had to stoop to calling on a Dark Lord for help grated, but with all he had to worry about at home, he needed the insight into ‘Sin Garu that only Lexa could give him, if she would.

A sudden shimmering in the surrounding energy made him tense, and he watched as ice blue eyes suddenly materialised, followed a split second later by the rest of Lexa’s alluring presence. He waved a hand and muttered a protective spell, keeping them both from the sight and hearing of those around them.

“I take it things have progressed from bad to worse if you’re calling me this soon.” She waited calmly, her hands on her hips, while he fought to hold onto his patience.

The woman riled him by simply breathing, and he’d long given up trying to understand how she broke through his control. As he counted to ten, he gathered his thoughts and outlined his problems.

“Cadmus is captured, Ravyn near death, and Ellie set to take the fall for the whole of it.”

Lexa said nothing, but her expression hardened. Good. Arim knew Lexa cared for Ellie in some way. But as a pawn or something more, he hadn’t the time to discern. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

He told her and weighed her reactions.

“Damn. This isn’t good.”

“So this wasn’t a part of your plan to weaken the Light Bringers?”

She frowned. “Sorry to break it to you, but you’re not the centre of my universe. I was busy dealing with other matters needing my attention. I had no idea ‘Sin Garu could enter Tanselm without you knowing it.”

“I had no idea either.” He sighed. “‘Sin Garu plans to kill Cadmus.”

“Obviously. The question is, why involve Ellie in the mess?”

“I don’t know. To further stir trouble? For spite? Whatever the reason, we can only assume Cadmus’ vision is unfolding before us.”

She nodded, her brows drawn in the familiar manner that signaled deep introspection. She chewed her lip, and Arim fought the bewildering urge to smooth the pink flesh with his thumb. Remember, she slaughtered three people she’d counted on as family. The Light only knows what she’s done in the years since.

Arim waited impatiently for her to say something.

“In Cadmus’ vision, we were all atop one of the walls in the northern kingdom, correct?”

He nodded. “You had me in restraints when your brother arrived with Cadmus half-dead and surrounded by those hybrid abominations he’s created. But that’s absurd. There’s no way I’ll fall prey to you, Dark Mistress.” He couldn’t keep the sneer from his tone.

She scowled. “‘Sin Garu has Cadmus, that we know. But it seems he’s after more than just ridding himself of the Storm Lords. If that were all he really wanted, he’d have killed Cadmus already.”

She said the words coolly, as if his nephew’s death were as inconsequential as the cold stone underfoot. Anger surged, and he fought to keep it down.

“Relax, Arim, I’m only stating a fact. I know how ‘Sin Garu’s mind works,” she said bitterly, making him wonder just what had come between the two. “He never does anything without a reason. I assume taking Cadmus is a strike at you, personally. He never much cared for you.”

“Something he and you have in common.”

She clenched her jaw, showing him a bit of humanity in her temper. “Yes, and the more you talk, the more I’m reminded why I so disliked you in the first place.” She drew a deep breath before continuing. “From what I can gather, ‘Sin Garu has been assuming many likenesses. In Foreia, he assumed my form and seduced a loyal Sarqua into his keeping. That Sarqua, I believe, may be in the kingdom as we speak.”

His stared at her through narrowed eyes. “How long have you known about this?”

She paused. The white of her skin had never looked so pale, or so smooth. “I managed to warn Ellie. From what you described of Ellie’s and Ravyn’s attacks, I’d say ‘Sin Garu struck again. The timing of the Netharat advance and the attack on the queen is too coincidental.”

“I agree.”

Her brows flew up. “A first for you, eh? Agreeing with what’s right, even though it comes out of the mouth of a Darkling?”

“You’re no Darkling, Blue,” he murmured, studying the shadow of her long, black hair. “You’re the mother of all things Dark.”

“Thank you.” She smiled through her teeth, and he felt a measure of relief to see them white but blunt, a steady contrast to ‘Sin Garu’s monstrous canines. “Now as I see it, ‘Sin Garu won’t be happy until he has you in his sights and control, unable to do more than watch your world come crumbling down around you.”

Her eyes glowed, and he fought to ask the question that burned. Did she wish for his demise as well? How much could he trust her against a fellow Dark Lord—her brother, in fact?

“I think the best course of action is to throw a possession spell.”

“And leave my body virtually naked to attack? Forget it.” Arim waited to see what she’d say next. A possession spell? As if he’d let himself become that vulnerable in front of not one, but two Dark Lords. No way in hell.

“It has to happen that way, Arim. You heard Cadmus’ vision. Now it makes sense to see your eyes looking out through Ellie’s.”

“Try another one, Lexa. Why not simply convince your brother that we’ve changed our minds and want to hand over Tanselm all wrapped in a bow? Because that will happen before I trust you again.”

“You stupid, stupid man.” She paced, surprising him with her aggravation. As she mumbled under her breath, she seemed to come to some conclusion. “Take my hand.”

“What?” Touch a woman that could kill with a thought? Willingly take the hand of his enemy?

“Just do it,” she snarled. “I’ll show you I speak the truth. Use forschwa.”

The forscwha spell would render all her safeguards void, giving him access to any and all portions of her mind he wished. For her to even offer such a thing was unthinkable. A definite willingness to play nice. Unless it was all a bluff.

“Fine. Stick out your hand.”

When she did, he muttered the incantation and raised his own shields, still not trusting the lying little witch. But when he clasped her much smaller hand in his, he saw she spoke the truth. From Lexa’s perspective, the only way to achieve victory over ‘Sin Garu, and the only way for Cadmus to come out of the situation alive, would be to follow Cadmus’ vision to the letter.

Bemused at what that might mean, Arim didn’t end the spell when he should have. Another scene, one he hadn’t consciously asked to see, suddenly flared at the edge of Lexa’s mind.

Lexa returned happily from the Great Hall, eager to share her newest spell with her mother and father. Except Muri and Esel lay bloodied and beaten, lingering between this world and the Next. Poor little Sercha lay dead, mauled as if by an animal. Fighting the energy of death with all her might, Lexa called on her Dark powers and tried in vain to save her family. Fury, misery and fear made her crazed when she failed, and she tore what remained in the house to shreds, her Darkness blowing through the Light she’d found with her foster family.

Arim was the first to find her hours later. Covered in their blood, she reeked of Darkness, of death and its negativity.

Arim saw only the Dark aura and the guilt on her face. The horror and grief he’d expected to see had been replaced by rage and menace, as well an itch to cause harm in kind. And he saw that the accusation in his eyes had shattered her heart into pieces.

He withdrew from her mind and ended the spell, prodding her in her weakened state to forget all that he’d seen. Not able to deal with their past now, he promised himself to revisit it in their future—one he swore he’d make sure they had an opportunity to explore, if for no other reason than to finally put the past to rest.

When she roused from her spelled stupor, he became all business. He agreed to the possession spell, having concluded the same from Cadmus’ vision. The only problem with such a spell was that it could be extremely dangerous for the host.

“Ellie assumes the role of host?” He rubbed his chin in thought and blinked in surprise to see Lexa fixated on him so intently. “What?”

She flushed and glanced at her nails. “Nothing. Just wondering how you intend to convince Ellie this is necessary. To date, you’ve treated her like an outcast simply because she’s part Djinn and houses Darkness within her. Do you realise what you’ll be asking her to do? I doubt she’ll be able to withstand so much Light within her for more than a few minutes at most. The pain will be excruciating, especially if you have to work magic through her body.”

“I know.” He also knew how opposed Cadmus would be to the idea. But the plan was solid and could work. With Arim appearing weak and in the grip of Lexa’s control, ‘Sin Garu would be unprepared for the power of Ellie’s attack.

Lexa considered him with an odd look. “You do understand you’re going to have to put your body in my hands. And if you should die while you’re in possession…”

“I’ll never be able to return to it, trapped in the host’s body. I know. I just hope Ellie loves my nephew as much as you keep insisting she does.” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, aware he’d come to a crossroads of sorts. For the first time in over three hundred years, he would have to trust Lexa Van Nostren with his life, and that of Tanselm’s.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, trying to see her with the Light within him. Unfortunately, she remained a vague shadow, too far beyond the Light to reach with his power. Mysterious, powerful and sexy as ever. Even after all these years, she affected him like no other. Despite the situation, he could feel himself reacting to her nearness. His magic surged at thoughts of crossing energy with her.

She eyed him warily but kept her ground. “How do you want to play this?”

“Meet me at MornMountain in an hour. Take care not to alert anyone else to your coming.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s obvious. Anything else?”

“Don’t make me regret trusting you, Lexa.”

Her eyes froze over, and he could feel the cold snapping at him as she stepped into his personal space, her face a breath from his. “Don’t make me regret helping you, you sorry bastard. If anything happens to Jonas or Ellie, I’ll personally feed you your balls for breakfast.”

Her cold leeched into him and numbed his nose and cheeks. Arim couldn’t help but grin. “Such drama, Lexa. I see Jonas has been rubbing off on you.”

She scowled and vanished, a whisper of Dark that carried the bright blue of her eyes away in a blink.

Arim released the protective spell around him and took a moment to regroup. He always felt so damned unsteady around that small woman. Knowing he had better things to do than worry about that particular Dark Lord, he teleported back to his sister in Tanselm. Yet before he broke the plane of time and reached his sister, he hovered between phasing and stared in dread at the warriors and sorcerers guarding his sister.

To a man, every warrior on guard stood frozen while Lexa knelt over Ravyn’s still body. His readied to attack when he recognised the healing chants pouring from her mouth. Shocked, he could only watch Lexa kiss his sister on the mouth, blowing the healing power of Dark into Queen Ravyn’s soul.

Colour leeched away some of the white keeping his sister so still, a definite improvement in her condition. Lexa wavered as she stood. Shaking off her weakness, she cautiously glanced around her and vanished. The guards awakened as if nothing had happened, and Arim finished teleporting into the room. He checked on Ravyn and saw that her injury had begun to heal, though it remained a battle to bring her all the way back to good health.

Why had Lexa done something so foolish as to expend energy she would need to combat her brother? And why heal Ravyn, Tanselm’s queen and the mother to the remaining Storm Lords… Unless Lexa’s promise to help the Storm Lords was genuine. The images of the past he’d seen in her mind stirred, and he forced them back. He couldn’t afford to think about that, not now. He’d simply chalk up his confusion to the reality of Lexa, a Dark Lord with too many issues to count. He shook his head and teleported to the northern territory. He had little time to make Ellie understand what they needed to do. He could only hope her love for Cadmus would sustain them.

“No. No way in hell. She won’t do it.” Jonas stood rooted to the floor, protectively hovering over Ellie as she fought the cobwebs of sleep from her brain.

“Get out of the way, Djinn.” Arim brushed him aside like a bothersome insect and touched her head, clearing the pain and weariness she’d been trying to sleep away. “Ellie, we don’t have much time. Cadmus’ vision is coming to pass.”

She stared up at him wide-eyed. “What do you mean coming to pass?”

“‘Sin Garu has Cadmus.”

Fear grew like a knot in her belly. The evil man who’d attacked Queen Ravyn, who was responsible for so much blood and death, had Cadmus in his grip. She wanted to crawl back under the covers and pretend this had never happened. Then she remembered why she felt so tired, so dejected. All the tears and anguish Cadmus had put her through, and she might not get a chance to talk to him again? To tell him what an idiot he was to throw away something as special as her love?

No way would she let some Dark Lord deal with Cadmus until she’d had her say. Talk about trust. Ha. To Arim, she said, “Explain to me again what it is you want me to do? What has my cousin’s panties in a bunch?”

Jonas huffed in disgust. “Laugh it up, Ellie. But what he’s asking you to do might as well be a death sentence.”

“Not necessarily.” Lexa appeared out of nowhere, startling Ellie and making Jonas jump. He barely reined in the power he’d been about to unleash at the woman.

“Didn’t I tell you to meet me at MornMountain in an hour?” Arim glared at her.

Lexa walked to Ellie’s side, her nose in the air. “I have a problem taking orders, especially if they’re yours.” She turned to Ellie. “How do you feel?” Touching her friend’s head, Lexa frowned. “Arim, you missed a few spots.” “Healing never was his strong suit.” Lexa’s thought caused Ellie to sputter on laughter. But she feared if she started, she might never stop.

A buzz started in her head, then Ellie blinked, staring at the world around her now so vibrant with colour. She felt like a new woman, and the knowing look on Lexa’s face told her it was nothing less than magic.

“So,” Lexa drawled. “Now that you feel like a million bucks, what do you think about Arim’s proposal?”

“What proposal? I don’t understand what he’s trying to tell me.” Ellie glared at Arim, who glared right back.

“I’m trying to explain—”

“—the dangers of possession,” Lexa interrupted. “In order to get a leg up on ‘Sin Garu, we’re going to let him think Arim is helpless and in my power. You know, I’m not averse to making that a reality.”

Arim frowned at the wicked grin she shot him.

Lexa continue, “The Dark Lord will be so heady in his power that he’ll underestimate you, Ellie. Once he does that, Arim can strike at him through you while I grab Cadmus.”

“And what will I be doing during this time?” Jonas asked in a gruff voice.

“You’ll be distracting the wraintu, the wraiths housing Nocumats inside their decaying bodies.”

“Wonderful. Sorry I asked.” Jonas fell back on Ellie’s bed and covered his face with his hands. “Lexa, can I borrow a few spells to aid me in the coming battle?”

“Of course, fair one.” Lexa’s grin was infectious, because Jonas lit up like a Christmas tree wreathed in smiles.

Ellie had the worried notion her friends looked forward to the fight. At least Arim didn’t seem as happy.

“You must understand,” Arim said, ignoring Lexa and Jonas, “when I take command of your body, my essence leaves my body and joins yours. That which makes you who you are will be thrust aside. You’ll still be in your body, so to speak, but you’ll be a virtual prisoner. My Light is very strong, and my presence within you will be painful.” He paused. “I could unwillingly kill you.”

She wondered what Cadmus, that great jackass who had not only rejected her once, but twice now, would want her to do. Recalling the many instances of his protection, she made up her mind. If he could protect her, then she could protect him. And damn it, she’d force the man to trust her.

As her anger grew, she realised she’d begun to burn in truth and calmed herself. She had to remain in control. She had no intention of dying to prove her loyalty. She’d make Cadmus eat his distrust, bite by bite—and Arim too—until they begged for her forgiveness. The fantasy had such a pleasant taste that she was smiling as she phased back into her normal self.

Arim stared at her with interest. “Try not to do that while you’re under my possession. I have no idea what that state might do to us, and we’ll need every bit of strength we possess to save Cadmus and Tanselm.” He glared at Lexa. “No more healing spells, Nurse Feel-Good.”

“I’ll show you ‘feel-good’,” Lexa muttered, rising from the bed. Jonas caught her arm and whispered something in her ear. She paused, and instead of confronting Arim, she turned to Ellie. “Let’s get you ready to rescue your Storm Lord. Arim, make sure the others know not to interfere. Especially Aerolus. Lately, he’s a little too pushy for my tastes.”

Arim narrowed his gaze and nodded. “A little too big for his britches, I know. Don’t worry. I have a feeling my nephews and their affai will be too busy trying to save their territories from the Netharat to aid us. Let’s prepare. I don’t think we have much time.”

“We don’t. I hear his taunts in my mind.” Lexa glared at no one in particular. “They’re crude but to the point. Jonas, take Ellie here.” She must have sent him a mental map, because he nodded and grabbed Ellie’s arm. Just as they shimmered away, Ellie heard Lexa say, “Arim, how do you feel about Dark-hide rope?”

Hidden in the dark corner at the far end of the rampart and under Lexa’s protective spell, Ellie watched, fascinated, at the heated interplay between her friend and Arim. They had been sparring for over twenty minutes now, and the raging wind and cracks of thunder continued to swell.

“You’re such a weakling,” Lexa taunted, blasting Arim with another shot of blue flame.

Ellie flinched, recalling the blue remnant of flame that had caused Ravyn’s wound. Arim waved aside Lexa’s attack and struck at her with a wave of pure Light.

Bastard’s cheating,” Lexa gasped and rubbed her midsection. She glared at her opponent. Looking through the Dark energy within her, Ellie expected what she saw. Like before, both Arim and Lexa seemed to lean towards, rather than away from, each other. And for all that they were fighting, their energy clearly wanted to clash, to intertwine and touch.

“Look, Guardian of Storm, we all have our parts to play in the Universe, so stick to yours and succumb to the Dark.” Lexa’s emphasis on ‘parts’ had Arim’s eyes narrowing, but he apparently caught her gist for he fell to Lexa’s next attack, a blast through the shoulder. She quickly bound him with Dark-hide ropes that appeared with the snap of her finger. The magic ropes would suck at his energy, steadily depleting his strength.

Nervous, Ellie aimed a thought at Lexa with an urgency the woman had to feel. “Hurry up, before he becomes too weak to do the possession spell.”

“ Relax. I know what I’m doing. He’s already on his way to you, which you can see if you look with your Djinn senses.”

Ellie gaped at the rainbow of colour heading towards her at breakneck speed. Before she could utter a gasp, invasive pressure pushed through her body. Tears prickled her eyes and fell down her cheeks, mingling with the blood from her nose. She wiped her face clean and thought again how much Cadmus owed her for this. She wanted to rub away the tension gathered in her chest, but her limbs refused to obey her commands. Even her breathing slowed, the sorcerer within her stretching as he felt his way around her body.

“Just keep me in one piece,” she mentally shouted, not expecting to be heard.

“Easy, Ellie. Try to focus on yourself and relax. This will all be over soon. Just breathe and focus on your love for Cadmus.”

“Easy for you to say.” But she did as he suggested, and to her surprise, the pain within her faded, replaced by a floating sensation as she watched the world through her own eyes that were no longer hers. It was like watching a puppet perform. Her hand wiped another trickle of blood from her nose, and she stared at the vibrant red, taken with its richness.

A loud slap startled her.

In the moonlight, Lexa brutally struck Arim across the face. He showed no response. The Dark-hide rope bound him tightly, and he looked like he suffered on the brink of death. I sure hope she’s playacting. Ellie couldn’t help feeling a twinge of doubt as she watched satisfaction bloom on her friend’s face. Lexa obviously had issues to clear with Arim. Ellie only hoped she could be patient and deal with them later.

As if the director of this little scene had yelled ‘cue the villain’, ‘Sin Garu suddenly appeared, wreathed in blackness and wearing a toothy grin.

“Sister mine, perhaps I was wrong about you.”

Lexa’s bright face turned as unreadable the clouds marring the moon’s illumination. “You’re late.”

“Ah, but I brought along some entertainment.” ‘Sin Garu snapped and three wraintu appeared with a large sack between them. Ghastly creatures, they looked like something out of a horror movie. Large heads with bat-like ears, huge black eyes, no nose and sharp, spiky teeth looked over Arim’s body with clear hunger.

Ellie cringed, knowing what to expect, but still not prepared for it.

‘Sin Garu smiled. “Arim, wake up. I’d like you to watch as the Dark swallows what you prize most dear.” He gave the wraintu a small nod, and they opened the sack to yank out Cadmus, who lay bloodied and unconscious. They took him in their skeletal arms. Their claws held him steady, piercing his flesh, and Ellie screamed inside as Arim watched with her in silence.

“I said wake,” ‘Sin Garu commanded, his voice deeper as he floated towards Arim.

Ellie’s lips muttered in a whispery voice, and Arim’s head snapped up and his eyes opened.

“Much better. Now, sister mine, why don’t you get down on your knees and beg for my forgiveness while I mull on the gift you’ve left me, hmm?” ‘Sin Garu scratched a claw-like fingernail across Arim’s cheek, and Ellie felt Arim command his body to react. His head pulled back, affecting a weak flinch, but ‘Sin Garu was too impressed with himself to notice the unnaturally jerky motion of Arim’s body.

“I won’t beg, not for you or for anyone. Not ever again,” Lexa said in a low voice, her eyes narrowed as they rested on her brother. “I think you owe me thanks. I took care of B’alen for you.” She stared at ‘Sin Garu and suddenly smiled. “He took to my compulsion to consume blood, and it vanquished him far better than you did. But then, you know of what I speak, don’t you?” She stepped closer to him, then glanced at Cadmus. “Been ingesting a little too much Storm Lord blood, brother dear? You look a bit peaked.”

He struck her so hard and fast it looked a blur to Ellie’s eyes. She could feel her body tense and wondered when Arim thought to interfere. But he waited, not playing his part. Damn it! By now he ought to have made his move, the way she had in Cadmus’ vision.

‘Sin Garu spat at his sister, “Because of your interference, I nearly lost my life in that last battle. Surprised, Lexa? Don’t be. I carried it off well enough, didn’t I? You never suspected I had just beaten B’alen by the skin of my teeth.” He smiled, revealing a lethal mouth. “If only you’d pursued me, we might have ended this so much sooner.”

He leant down and grabbed her by the shoulder, digging into her bone and flesh until blood poured from the punctures.

Help her. Arim, move!” Yet Ellie’s body remained still. “Shit. Where the hell is Jonas?”

Like an answer to her silent prayers, Jonas appeared in the air next to the wraintu and ripped the head off of one of the Netharat. He disappeared when as the Nocumat inside the wraintu consumed the body and vanished. Like watching The Blob but in a much more condensed, ugly version, Ellie thought, wishing she didn’t have to see this. But she couldn’t stop herself from watching.

The remaining two wraintu screeched. ‘Sin Garu shot blue flame from his fingertips, an impressive arch of lightning that covered the sky.

Nothing happened to Lexa or Cadmus. ‘Sin Garu leant towards his sister. “So you thought to use your puppet Djinn to distract me? What do you take me for?” With a twist of his free hand, he clenched his will around Cadmus, squeezing blood from the many bite marks on her Earth Lord’s body.

Ellie took a step in Cadmus’ direction and wanted to sob with thanks. But the more she watched her lover writhe in pain, the angrier she grew.

Ellie, keep calm, Arim warned.

She couldn’t help it. Before she knew it, she could see black flame surrounding her arm bathed in light. And then Arim finally took charge.
