Chapter 17 Iteration Kickoff
Agile testers play an essential role during iteration planning, helping to plan testing and development tasks. As the iteration gets under way, testers actively collaborate with customers and developers, writing the high-level tests that help guide development, eliciting and illustrating examples, making sure stories are testable. Let’s take a closer look at the agile tester’s activities at the beginning of each iteration.
Iteration Planning
Most teams kick off their new iteration with a planning session. This might be preceded by a retrospective, or “lessons learned” session, to look back to see what worked well and what didn’t in the previous iteration. Although the retrospective’s action items or “start, stop, continue” suggestions will affect the iteration that’s about to start, we’ll talk about the retrospective as an end-of-iteration activity in Chapter 19, “Wrap Up the Iteration.”
While planning the work for the iteration, the development team discusses one story at a time, writing and estimating all of the tasks needed to implement that story. If you’ve done some work ahead of time to prepare for the iteration, this planning session will likely go fairly quickly.
Teams new to agile development often need a lot of time for their iteration planning sessions. Iteration planning often took a whole day when Lisa’s team first started out. Now they are done in two or three hours, which includes time for the retrospective. Lisa’s team uses a projector to display user acceptance test cases and conditions of satisfaction from their wiki so that everyone on the team can see them. They also project their online story board tool, where they write the task cards. Another traditional component of their planning meetings is a plate of treats that they take turns providing. Figure 17-1 shows an iteration planning meeting in progress.
Figure 17-1 Iteration planning meeting. Used with permission of Mike Thomas. Copyright 2008.
Learning the Details
Ideally, the product owner and/or other customer team members participate in the iteration planning, answering questions and providing examples describing requirements of each story. If nobody from the business side can attend, team members who work closely with the customers, such as analysts and testers, can serve as proxies. They explain details and make decisions on behalf of the customers, or take note of questions to get answered quickly. If your team went over stories with the customers in advance of the iteration, you may think you don’t need them on hand during the iteration planning session. However, we suggest that they be available just in case you do have extra questions.
As we’ve emphasized throughout the book, use examples to help the team understand each story, and turn these examples into tests that drive coding. Address stories in priority order. If you haven’t previously gone over stories with the customers, the product owner or other person representing the customer team first reads each story to be planned. They explain the purpose of the story, the value it will deliver, and give examples of how it will be used. This might involve passing around examples or writing on a whiteboard. UI and report stories may already have wire frames or mock-ups that the team can study.
A practice that helps some teams is to write user acceptance tests for each story together, during the iteration planning. Along with the product owner and possibly other stakeholders, they write high-level tests that, when passing, will show that the story is done. This could also be done shortly in advance of iteration planning as part of the iteration “prep work.”
Stories should be sized so they’ll take no more than a few days to complete. When we get small stories to test on a regular basis, we do not have them all finished at once and stacked up at the end of the iteration waiting to be tested. If a story has made it past release planning and pre-iteration discussions and is still too large, this is the final chance to break it up into smaller pieces. Even a small story can be complex. The team may go through an exercise to identify the thin slices or critical path through the functionality. Use examples to guide you, and find the most basic user scenarios.
Agile testers, along with other team members, are alert to “scope creep.” Don’t be afraid to raise a red flag when a story seems to be growing in all directions. Lisa’s team makes a conscious effort to point out “bling,” or “nice to have” components, which aren’t central to the story’s functionality. Those can be put off until last, or postponed, in case the story takes longer than planned to finish.
Considering All Viewpoints
As a tester, you’ll try to put each story into the context of the larger system and assess the potential of unanticipated impacts on other areas. As you did in the release planning meeting, put yourself in the different mind-sets of user, business stakeholder, programmer, technical writer, and everyone involved in creating and using the functionality. Now you’re working at a detailed level.
In the release planning chapter, we used this example story:
As a customer, I want to know how much my order will cost to ship based on the shipping speed I choose, so I can change if I want to.
We decided to take a “thin slice” and change this story to assume there is only one shipping speed. The other shipping speeds will be later stories. For this story, we need to calculate shipping cost based on item weight and destination, and we decided to use BigExpressShipping’s API for the calculation. Our story is now as shown in Figure 17-2.
Figure 17-2 Story shipping speed for 5-day delivery
The team starts discussing the story.
Tester: “Does this story apply for all items available on the site? Are any items too heavy or otherwise disqualified for 5-day delivery?
Product Owner: “5-day ground is available for all our items. It’s the overnight and 2-day that are restricted to less than 25 lbs.”
Tester: “What’s the goal here, from the business perspective? Making it easy to figure the cost to speed up the checkout? Are you hoping to encourage them to check the other shipping methods—are those more profitable?”
Product Owner: “Ease of use is our main goal, we want the checkout process to be quick, and we want the user to easily determine the total cost of the order so they won’t be afraid to complete the purchase.”
Programmer: “We could have the 5-day shipping cost display as a default as soon as the user enters the shipping address. When we do the stories for the other shipping options, we can put buttons to pop up those costs quickly.”
Product Owner: “That’s what we want, get the costs up front. We’re going to market our site as the most customer friendly.”
Tester: “Is there any way the user can screw up? What will they do on this page?”
Product Owner: “When we add the other shipping options, they can opt to change their shipping option. But for now, it’s really straightforward. We already have validation to make sure their postal code matches the city they enter for the shipping address.”
Tester: “What if they realize they messed up their shipping address? Maybe they accidentally gave the billing address. How can they get back to change the shipping address?”
Programmer: “We’ll put buttons to edit billing and shipping addresses, so it will be very easy for the user to correct errors. We’ll show both addresses on this page where the shipping cost displays. We can extend this later when we add the multiple shipping addresses option.”
Tester: “That would make the UI easy to use. I know when I shop online, it bugs me to not be able to see the shipping cost until the order confirmation. If the shipping is ridiculously expensive and I don’t want to continue, I’ve already wasted time. We want to make sure users can’t get stuck in the checkout process, get frustrated, and just give up. So, the next page they’ll see is the order confirmation page. Is there any chance the shipping cost could be different when the user gets to that page?”
Programmer: “No, the API that gives us the estimated cost should always match the actual cost, as long as the same items are still in the shopping cart.”
Product Owner: “If they change quantities or delete any items, we need to make sure the shipping cost is immediately changed to reflect that.”
As you can see by the conversation, a lot of clarification came to light. Everyone on the team now has a common understanding of the story. It’s important to talk about all aspects of the story. Writing user acceptance tests as a group is a good way to make sure the development team understands the customer requirements. Let’s continue monitoring this conversation.
Tester: “Let’s just write up some quick tests to make sure we get it right.”
Customer: “OK, how’s this example?
I can select two items with a 5-day shipping option and see my costs immediately.
Tester: “Great start, but we won’t know where to ship it to at that point. How about a more generic test like:
Verify the 5-day shipping cost displays as the default as soon as the user enters a shipping address.
Customer: “That works for me.”
Considering All of the Facets
Paul Rogers recounts a situation during an iteration planning meeting, where a performance issue came up for a story that appeared to be straightforward and quick.
During our iteration meeting, one of the stories we were discussing was for adding some new images to part of a web application. This discussion ensued.
Product Owner: “I’d like to also get in the story for additional images.”
Developer 1: “OK, who has ideas on how long it will take?”
Developer 2: “It’s fairly quick, maybe half a day.”
Developer 3: “But what about the database changes?”
Developer 2: “I included those in the estimate.”
Developer 1: “OK, let’s go with half a day.”
Me: “Hang on. We looked at some performance issues last iteration. If we add all those images, we will be taking a performance hit.
Developer 1: “OK, we should think about that some more. Maybe there are other ways of implementing it.
Developer 2: “Why don’t we do a quick spike, add the mock images, and run another performance test?”
It was really good that this discussion before even starting on a story gave us some ideas of what problems we may encounter.
Anyone who’s uncertain about either the impact of a story on the rest of the system or the difficulty of developing the functionality can, and should, raise an issue during iteration planning. It’s better to address uncertainty early on and then do more research or a spike to get more information.
Asking questions based on different viewpoints will help to clarify the story and allow the team to do a better job.
Writing Task Cards
When your team has a good understanding of a story, you can start writing and estimating task cards. Because agile development drives coding with tests, we write both testing and development task cards at the same time.
If you have done any pre-planning, you may have some task cards already written out. If not, write them during the iteration planning meeting. It doesn’t matter who writes the task cards, but everyone on the team should review them and get a chance to give their input. We recognize that tasks may be added as we begin coding, but recognizing most of the tasks and estimating them during the meeting gives the team a good sense of what is involved.
Lisa’s Story
When our team is ready to start writing task cards, programmers usually come up with the coding task cards. The testers write testing task cards at the same time.
I usually start with a card to write high-level test cases. I ask the programmers whether the story can be tested behind the GUI, and write testing task cards accordingly. This usually means a test card to “Write FitNesse test cases” and a developer task card to “Write FitNesse fixture,” unless the fixtures already exist. Sometimes all of the behind-GUI tests can be covered more easily in unit tests, so it is always good to ask whether this is the case.
We put anything the team needs to remember during the iteration on a task card. “Show UI to Anne” or “Send test files to Joe” go up on the story board along with all of the other tasks.
I estimate the testing task cards as I go, and ask the team for feedback on the cards and the estimates. Sometimes we divide into groups, and each group takes some stories and writes task cards for them. We always review all cards together, along with the estimated time. If development time is relatively low compared to testing time, or vice versa, that provokes a discussion. We reach a consensus as to whether we think all aspects of the story have been covered with task cards. If there are still some unknowns, we simply postpone writing the task cards until we have the information.
The testing and development cards all go on the story board in the “to do” column. Anyone on the team can sign up for any card. Some testing task cards move to the “work in progress” or “done” column before coding cards start to move, so that programmers have some tests to guide their coding. As coding task cards are moved to the “done” column, the cards for testing the “done” functionality are moved into “work in progress.”
Janet uses an approach similar to this, but the programmer’s coding card stays in the “To Test” column until the testing task has been completed. Both cards move at the same time to the “Done” column.
Three test cards for Story PA-5 (Figure 17-2), displaying the shipping cost for 5-day delivery based on weight and destination, that Lisa’s team might write are:
Write FitNesse tests for calculating 5-day ship cost based on weight and destination.
Write WebTest tests for displaying the 5-day ship cost.
Manually test displaying the 5-day delivery ship cost.
Some teams prefer to write testing tasks directly on the development task cards. It’s a simple solution, because the task is obviously not “done” until the testing is finished. You’re trying to avoid a “mini-waterfall” approach where testing is done last, and the programmer feels she is done because she “sent the story to QA.” See what approach works best for your team.
If the story heavily involves outside parties or shared resources, write task cards to make sure those tasks aren’t forgotten, and make the estimates generous enough to allow for dependencies and events beyond the team’s control. Our hypothetical team working on the shipping cost story has to work with the shipper’s cost calculation API.
Tester: “Does anyone know who we work with at BigExpressShipping to get specs on their API? What do we pass to them, just the weight and postal code? Do we already have access for testing this?”
Scrum Master: “Joe at BigExpressShipping is our contact, and he’s already sent this document specifying input and output format. They still need to authorize access from our test system, but that should be done in a couple of days.”
Tester: “Oh good, we need that information to write test cases. We’ll write a test card just to verify that we can access their API and get a shipping cost back. But how do we know the cost is really correct?”
Scrum Master: “Joe has provided us with some test cases for weight and postal code and expected cost, so we can send those inputs and check for the correct output. We also have this spreadsheet showing rates for some different postal codes.”
Tester: “We should allow lots of time for just making sure we’re accessing their API correctly. I’m going to put a high estimate on this card to verify using the API for testing. Maybe the developer card for the interface to the API should have a pretty conservative estimate, too.”
When writing programmer task cards, make sure that coding task estimates include time for writing unit tests and for all necessary testing by programmers. A card for “end-to-end” testing helps make sure that programmers working on different, independent tasks verify that all of the pieces work together. Testers should help make sure all necessary cards are written and that they have reasonable estimates. You don’t want second-guess estimates, but if the testing estimates are twice as high as the coding estimates, it might be worth talking about.
Some teams keep testing tasks to a day’s work or less and don’t bother to write estimated hours on the card. If a task card is still around after a day’s work, the team talks about why that happened and writes new cards to go forward. This might cut down on overhead and record-keeping, but if you are entering tasks into your electronic system, it may not. Do what makes sense for your team.
Estimating time for bug fixing is always tricky as well. If existing defects are pulled in as stories, it is pretty simple. But what about the bugs that are found as part of the iteration?
Janet’s Story
With new agile teams, I found that they always seem to end up with time spent on bugs that wasn’t allotted as part of their estimates for the stories. Over time, programmers learn how much time they typically spend fixing bugs from a story, and can just add half a day or a couple hours to their tasks for that purpose. Retesting bug fixes adds time to tester’s estimates as well.
Until the team members get a handle on this, it may be appropriate to track the time spent on fixing and testing bugs separately. My current team adds a story in XPlanner with tasks for fixing and testing those bugs that didn’t get caught immediately. We are tracking the time so we can better estimate down the road.
However your team chooses to estimate time spent for fixing defects during the iteration, whether it is included in the story estimate or tracked separately, make sure it is done consistently.
Another item to consider when estimating testing tasks is test data. The beginning of an iteration is almost too late to think about the data you need to test with. As we mentioned in Chapter 15, “Tester Activities in Release or Theme Planning,” think about test data during release planning, and ask the customers to help identify and obtain it. Certainly think about it as you prep for the next iteration. When the iteration starts, whatever test data is missing must be created or obtained, so don’t forget to allow for this in estimates.
Lisa’s Story
We worked on a theme related to quarterly account statements for participants in retirement plans. We were modifying a monthly job that takes a “snapshot” of each participant’s account on the specified date. The snapshot relies on a huge amount of data in the production database, including thousands of daily transactions. We planned ahead.
For the first iteration, we did a few stories in the theme knowing we could only test a few cases using some individual retirement plans for which we had data in the test database. We also knew we needed a larger-scale test, with all of the retirement plans in the database and at least an entire month’s worth of data. We wrote a task card to copy enough production data to produce one monthly “snapshot” and made sure the data was scrubbed to protect privacy.
Then we planned the full-blown test in the next iteration. This data enabled the testers to find problems that were undetectable earlier when only partial data was available. It was a nice balance of “just enough” data to do most of the coding and the full amount available in time to verify the complete functionality. Because the team planned ahead, the bugs were fixed in time for the critical release.
Deciding on Workload
We, as the technical team, control our own workload. As we write tasks for each story and post them on our (real or virtual) story board, we add up the estimated hours or visually check the number of cards. How much work can we take on? In XP, we can’t exceed the number of story points we completed in the last iteration. In Scrum, we commit to a set of stories based on the actual time we think we need to complete them.
Lisa’s current team has several years of experience in their agile process and finds they sometimes waste time writing task cards for stories they may not have time to do during the iteration. They start with enough stories to keep everyone busy. As people start to free up, they pull in more stories and plan the related tasks. They might have some stories ready “on deck” to bring in as soon as they finish the initial ones. This sounds easy, but it is difficult to do until you’ve learned enough to be more confident about story sizes and team velocity, and know what your team can and cannot do in a given amount of time and in specific circumstances.
Your job as tester is to make sure enough time is allocated to testing, and to remind the team that testing and quality are the responsibility of the whole team. When the team decides how many stories they can deliver in the iteration, the question isn’t “How much coding can we finish?” but “How much coding and testing can we complete?” There will be times when a story is easy to code but the testing will be very time consuming. As a tester, it is important that you only accept as many stories into the iteration as can be tested.
If you have to commit, commit conservatively. It’s always better to bring in another story than to have to drop one. If you have high-risk stories that are hard to estimate, or some tasks are unknown or need more research, write task cards for an extra story or two and have them ready on the sidelines to bring in mid-iteration.
As a team, we’re always going to do our best. We need to remember that no story is done until it’s tested, so plan accordingly.
Testable Stories
When you are looking at stories, and the programmers start to think about implementation, always think how you can test them. An example goes a long way toward “testing the testability.” What impact will it have on my testing? Part III, “The Agile Testing Quadrants,” gives a lot of examples of how to design the application to enable effective testing. This is your last opportunity to think about testability of a story before coding begins.
Janet’s Story
One team I worked with told me about issues they had in the previous release. The team was rewriting the first step of a multistep process. What they didn’t anticipate was that when the development on the new step started, the rest of the process broke. No testing could be done on any other changes in that iteration until the whole first step was finished.
Testability had not been considered when planning the story. In the next release, when they decided to rewrite the second step, they learned from their previous mistake. The programmers created an extra button on the page that allowed the testers to either call the new page (in flux) or the old page to allow them test other stories.
Remember to ask, “How can we test this?” if it is not obvious to you.
During iteration planning, think about what kind of variations you will need to test. That may drive other questions.
Janet’s Story
During one iteration planning meeting that I was in, the programmers started talking about implementation and drawing pictures on the whiteboard to show what they were thinking.
I thought about it for a bit and asked the question, “Can it be done more simply? The permutations and combinations for testing your proposed implementation will make testing horrendous.”
The programmers thought about it for a couple of minutes and suggested an alternative that not only met the customer’s needs, but was simpler and easier to test. It was a win-win combination for everyone.
When testability is an issue, make it the team’s problem to solve. Teams that start their planning by writing test task cards probably have an advantage here, because as they think about their testing tasks, they’ll ask how the story can be tested. Can any functionality be tested behind the GUI? Is it possible to do the business-facing tests at the unit level? Every agile team should be thinking test-first. As your team writes developer task cards for a story, think about how to test the story and how to automate testing for it. If the programmers aren’t yet in the habit of coding TDD or automating unit tests, try writing a “XUnit” task card for each story. Write programming task cards for any test automation fixtures that will be needed. Think about application changes that could help with testing, such as runtime properties and APIs.
Lisa’s Story
The application that I work on has many time- and date-dependent activities. The programmers added a runtime server property to the web application to set the server date. I can specify a date and time override, and when the server starts up, it behaves accordingly. This allows kicking off monthly or quarterly processes with a simple override. This property has helped in testing a wide variety of stories.
Markus Gärtner [2008] told us his team has a similar property, a “DATE_OFFSET” counted in “days to advance.” However, this was only used by the Java components of the application where the business logic lives. The back-end systems in C and C++ don’t use the date offset, which caused a problem.
If you have similar issues because other teams are developing parts of the system, write a task card to discuss the problem with the other team and come up with a coordinated solution. If working with the other team isn’t an option, budget time to brainstorm another solution. At the very least, be mindful of the limitations, and adjust testing estimates accordingly and manage the associated risk.
Lisa’s Story
We started a project to replace our company’s interactive voice response (IVR) system, which allows retirement plan participants to obtain account information and manage accounts by phone. We contracted with another company to write the system in Java, with the intention that our team would maintain it after a certain time period.
We spent some time brainstorming what testing would be needed and how to do it. Presumably, the contractor would test things like the text-to-speech functionality, but we had to supply stored procedures to retrieve appropriate data from the database.
Our first step was to negotiate with the contractor to deliver small chunks of features on an iteration basis, so they could be tested as the project progressed and the work would be spread out evenly over the life of the contract. We decided to test the stored procedures using FitNesse fixtures, and explored the options. We settled on PL/SQL to access the stored procedures. A programmer was tasked with getting up to speed on PL/SQL to tackle the test automation.
The team aimed for a step-by-step approach. By allocating plenty of time for tasks at the start, we allowed for the steep learning curves involved.
Interestingly, the contractor delivered an initial build for the first iteration but was not able to deliver the increments of code for the next few iterations. We ended up canceling the contract and postponing the project until we could find a better solution. By forcing the contractor to work in increments, we discovered right away that it couldn’t deliver. What if we had let them take six months to write the whole application? It probably wouldn’t have ended well. We put what we learned to good use in researching a better approach.
When you’re embarking on something new to the team, such as a new templating framework or reporting library, remember to include it as a risk in your test plan. Hopefully, your team considered the testability before choosing a new framework or tool, and selected one that enhanced your ability to test. Be generous with your testing task estimates with everything new, including new domains, because there are lots of unknowns. Sometimes new domain knowledge or new technology means a steep learning curve.
Collaborate with Customers
Working closely with customers, or customer proxies such as functional analysts, is one of our most important activities as agile testers. As you kick off the iteration, your customer collaboration will also kick into high gear. This is the time to do all those good activities described in Chapter 8, “Business-Facing Tests that Support the Team.” Ask the customers for examples, ask open-ended questions about each story’s functionality and behavior, have discussions around the whiteboard, and then turn those examples into tests to drive coding.
Even if your product owner and/or other customers explained the stories before and during iteration planning, it’s sometimes helpful to go over them briefly one more time as the iteration starts. Not everyone may have heard it before, and the customer may have more information.
Lisa’s Story
We start writing high-level acceptance tests the first day of the iteration. Because we go over all stories with the product owner the day before the iteration and write user acceptance tests as a team for the more complex stories, we have a pretty good idea of what’s needed. However, the act of writing more test cases often brings up new questions. We go over the high-level tests and any questions we have with the product owner, who has also been thinking more about the stories.
One example of this was a story that involved a file of monetary distributions to plan participants who withdraw money from their retirement accounts. This file is sent to a partner who uses the information to cut checks to the participant. The amounts in some of the records were not reconciling correctly in the partner’s system, and the partner asked for a new column with an amount to allow them to do a reconciliation.
After the iteration planning meeting, our product owner became concerned that the new column wasn’t the right solution and brought up his misgivings in the story review meeting. He and a tester studied the problem further and found that instead of adding a new amount, a calculation needed to be changed. This was actually a bigger story, but it addressed a core issue with the distributions. The team discussed the larger story and wrote new task cards. It was worth taking a little time to discuss the story further, because the initial understanding turned out to be wrong.
Good communication usually takes work. If you’re not taking enough opportunities to ask questions and review test cases, go ahead and schedule regular meetings to do so. If there’s not much to discuss, the meetings will go quickly. Time in a meeting for an insightful discussion can save coding and testing time later, because you’re more certain of the requirements.
High-Level Tests and Examples
We want “big picture” tests to help the programmers get started in the right direction on a story. As usual, we recommend starting with examples and turning them into tests. You’ll have to experiment to see how much detail is appropriate at the acceptance test level before coding starts. Lisa’s team has found that high-level tests drawn from examples are what they need to kick off a story.
High-level tests should convey the main purpose behind the story. They may include examples of both desired and undesired behavior. For our earlier Story PA-5 (Figure 17-2) that asks to show the shipping cost for 5-day delivery based on the order’s weight and destination, our high-level tests might include:
Verify that the 5-day shipping cost displays as the default as soon as the user enters a shipping address.
Verify that the estimated shipping cost matches the shipping cost on the final invoice.
Verify that the user can click a button to change the shipping address, and when this is done, the updated shipping cost displays.
Verify that if the user deletes items from the cart or adds items to the cart, the updated shipping option is displayed.
Don’t confine yourself to words on a wiki page when you write high-level tests. For example, a test matrix such as the one shown in Figure 15-7 might work better. Some people express tests graphically, using workflow drawings and pictures. Brian Marick [2007] has a technique to draw graphical tests that can be turned into Ruby test scripts. Model-driven development provides another way to express high-level scope for a story. Use cases are another possible avenue for expressing desired behavior at the “big picture” level.
See the bibliography for links to more information on graphical tests and model-driven development.
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
The saying “A picture says a thousand words” can also be applied to test cases and test validations.
Paul Rogers [2008] has been experimenting with some cool ideas around this and explains his team’s approach to its problem in the following sidebar. Figure 17-3 shows the UI model he describes.
The application I work on is very graphical in its nature. It allows a user to modify a web page by adding “photo enhancements” such as glasses, hats, or speech bubbles to images, or by highlighting the text in the web page with a highlighter pen effect.
There is a complex set of business rules as to what additions can be applied to images, how and where they are affixed, and how they can be rotated. To explain the tests for these rules, it was much simpler to draw a sketch of a typical web page with the different types of additions and add small notes to each picture.
Text highlighting also posed many challenges. Most problematic were the areas where text highlighting covered only part of an HTML tag. To describe what should be expected in many different situations, we created different web pages and printed them out.
Using real pen highlighters, we highlighted the areas we expected to show as highlighted after starting and ending in certain areas. This way, we had an easy-to-read regression test.
Figure 17-3 Sample of UI modeling technique
Low-tech tools can take the mystery out of complex application design. Find ways to express business rules as simply as possible, and share those with the entire team.
Mock-ups can convey requirements for a UI or report quickly and clearly. If an existing report needs modifying, take a screenshot of the report and use highlighters, pen, pencil, or whatever tools are handy. If you want to capture it electronically, try the Windows Paint program or other graphical tool to draw the changes and post it on the wiki page that describes the report’s requirements.
See the sample mock-up of UI changes in Chapter 16, “Hit the Ground Running.”
Distributed teams need high-level tests available electronically, while co-located teams might work well from drawings on a whiteboard, or even from having the customer sit with them and tell them the requirements as they code.
See Chapter 9, “Toolkit for Business-Facing Tests that Support the Team,” for some ideas on tools to gather and communicate requirements.
What’s important as you begin the iteration is that you quickly learn the basic requirements for each story and express them in context in a way that works for the whole team. Most agile teams we’ve talked to say their biggest problem is to understand each story well enough to deliver exactly what the customer wanted. They might produce code that’s technically bug-free but doesn’t quite match the customer’s desired functionality. Or they may end up doing a lot of rework on one story during the iteration as the customer clarifies requirements, and run out of time to complete another story as a result.
Put time and effort into experimenting with different ways to capture and express the high-level tests in a way that fits your domain and environment. Janet likes to say that a requirement is a combination of the story + conversation + a user scenario or supporting picture if needed + a coaching test or example.
See Chapter 8, “Business-Facing Tests that Support the Team,” for more about what makes up a requirement.
Reviewing with Customers
Earlier in this chapter we talked about the importance of constant customer collaboration. Reviewing high-level tests with customers is a good opportunity for enforced collaboration and enhanced communication, especially for a new agile team. After your team is in the habit of continually talking about stories, requirements, and test cases, you might not need to sit down and go over every test case.
If your team is contracting to develop software, requirements and test cases might be formal deliverables that you have to present. Even if they aren’t, it’s a good idea to provide the test cases in a format that the customers can easily read on their own and understand.
Reviewing with Programmers
You can have all of the diagrams and wiki pages in the world, but if nobody looks at them, they won’t help. Direct communication is always best. Sit down with the programmers and go over the high-level tests and requirements. Go over whiteboard diagrams or paper prototypes together. Figure 17-4 shows a tester and a programmer discussing a diagram of thin slices or threads through a user workflow. If you’re working with a team member in another location, find a way to schedule a phone conversation. If team members have trouble understanding the high-level tests and requirements, you’ll know to try a different approach next time.
Figure 17-4 A whiteboard discussion. Used with permission of Mike Thomas. Copyright 2008.
Programmers with good domain knowledge may understand a story right away and be able to start coding even before high-level tests are written. Even so, it’s always a good idea to review the stories from the customer and tester perspective with the programmers. Their understanding of the story might be different than yours, and it’s important to look at mismatches. Remember the “Power of Three” rule and grab a customer if there are two opinions you can’t reconcile. The test cases also help put the story in context with the rest of the application. Programmers can use the tests to help them to code the story correctly. This is the main reason you want to get this done as close to the start of the iteration as you can—before programmers start to code.
Chapter 2, “Ten Principles for Agile Testers,” introduces the “Power of Three” rule.
Don’t forget to ask the programmers what they think you might have missed. What are the high-risk areas of the code? Where do they think the testing should be focused? Getting more technical perspective will help with designing detailed test cases. If you’ve created a test matrix, you may want to review the impacted areas again as well.
One beneficial side effect of reviewing the tests with the programmers is the cross-learning that happens. You as a tester are exposed to what they are thinking, and they learn some techniques for testing that they would not have otherwise encountered. As programmers, they may get a better understanding of what high-level tests they hadn’t considered.
Test Cases as Documentation
High-level test cases, along with the executable tests you’ll write during the iteration, will form the core of your application’s documentation. Requirements will change during and after this iteration, so make sure your executable test cases are easy to maintain. People unfamiliar with agile development often have the misconception that there’s no documentation. In fact, agile projects produce usable documentation that contains executable tests and thus is always up to date.
The great advantage of having executable tests as part of your requirements document is that it’s hard to argue with their results.
Lisa’s Story
Frequently, product owners, plan administrators, or business development managers will come and ask me a question such as, “What’s the system supposed to do if someone submits a loan payment for zero dollars?” or “Why didn’t everyone in this plan get a 3% nonelective contribution?”
Showing them a FitNesse test that replicates the scenario is much more powerful than just showing them narrative requirements. Maybe the system wasn’t designed the way it should have been, but the test illustrates how it actually works, because we can clearly see the results of the inputs and operations. This has saved a lot of arguments on the level of “I thought it worked this way.”
If they decide the functionality, as implemented, is incorrect, we can change the expected outputs of the test and write a story to implement code to make the test pass again with the new expectations. You can’t do that with a requirements document.
Organizing the test cases and tests isn’t always straightforward. Many teams document tests and requirements on a wiki. The downside to a wiki’s flexibility is that you can end up with a jumble of hierarchies. You might have trouble finding the particular requirement or example you need.
Lisa’s team periodically revisits its wiki documentation and FitNesse tests, and refactors the way they’re organized. If you’re having trouble organizing your requirements and test cases, budget some time to research new tools that might help. Hiring a skilled technical writer is a good way to get your valuable test cases and examples into a usable repository of easy-to-find information.
Chapter 14, “An Agile Test Automation Strategy,” has more on test management.
The iteration planning session sets the tone for the whole iteration. In this chapter, we looked at what agile testers do to help kick off the iteration to a good start.
During iteration planning, testers help the team learn about the stories by asking questions and considering all viewpoints.
Task cards need to be written along with development task cards and estimated realistically.
Another way of tackling testing tasks is to write them directly on the developer task cards.
Teams should commit to the work for which they can complete all of the testing tasks, because no story is done until it’s fully tested.
The start of an iteration is the last chance to ensure that the stories are testable and that adequate test data is provided.
Testers collaborate with customers to explore stories in detail and write high-level test cases to let programmers kick off coding.
Testers review high-level tests and requirements with programmers to make sure they are communicating well.
Tests form the core of the application’s documentation.