Chapter 5

I shouldn’t have slept on it: I should have called him there and then. But I didn’t. Instead, I spent a good part of the night tossing and turning and wondering what the hell I had done to rattle the big man’s enormous cage. Hard as I tried, I couldn’t come up with any answers.

The last time I’d seen him had been in London during the studio work on the third Skinner movie. He’d called to say that his wrestling circus was in town, and he, Liam Matthews, Jerry ‘The Behemoth’ Gradi and I all had dinner in Passione, a seriously good restaurant off Euston Road. He’d been in good form that night: his business was booming and his stock-market listing was making him (and me too) even richer by the day. I hadn’t heard from him since.

I couldn’t call him next morning either. As Susie had said, all he’d told her was that he was in the States, without naming one of the fifty. That meant a time difference of between five and nine hours. . more if he happened to be in Hawaii. . and I didn’t fancy making him even grumpier by waking him in the middle of the night.

So instead, after my morning work-out, swim and breakfast, and after I’d spent some time playing with Janet in her tree-house for gardens without trees, I sat down behind my desk and called Primavera’s mobile number. It took her a while to answer; when she did, she sounded as if she’d just woken up.

‘Yes,’ she grumbled.

‘Where the hell are you?’ I asked her.

‘Oz? Is that you?’

‘No, this is an Internet service which wakes people using the voices of famous movie stars. Your meter is running, and you have three minutes and seventeen seconds left.’

‘You’re crazy. What do you want?’

‘Why did you go to see my old man?’

‘I was in Anstruther. I decided that I couldn’t possibly leave without calling in on him, so I did.’

‘Are the Enster fish suppers really so good that you drove all the way from Perthshire for one?’

‘Don’t be daft.’

‘Are you having problems with your teeth?’


‘What other reason did you have to be in my home town, other than to call in on my father?’

‘I told him. I was bored, so I got into Dad’s car and went for a run.’

‘Shite. When you get bored you go out and pick up a guy. I’ll credit you with not trying to pull him, so what was it about?’

She sighed. ‘Okay, I admit it. I wanted to get in touch with you, or rather, I wanted you to get in touch with me. But you knew that all along, didn’t you?’

‘Of course I did, but you can thank Susie for my taking the bait.’ I glanced at my wife across the huge desk.


‘She insisted that I call you, otherwise, girlie, you’d still be sound asleep. Look, why the charade? Why didn’t you just ring me?’

‘I don’t have your number any more.’

‘You’ve got my mobile number. I never changed it.’

‘I thought you’d have been bound to by now. But even if I’d known that, I wouldn’t have done it. I’d have expected you to hang up on me.’

‘Do you think I hate you? Last time we saw each other, going on for four years ago, did we or did we not part as friends?’

‘I suppose we did, although you thumping my boyfriend wasn’t very friendly.’

‘I didn’t thump him!’ I protested. ‘Miles did.’

‘He beat you to the punch, that was all. He didn’t want you breaking your hand on poor Nicky’s head and ruining his precious filming schedule.’

‘Poor Nicky, is it? He’s not still around, is he?’

‘No, not since just after Miles thumped him.’

‘So who is?’

‘Nobody at the moment.’ Her voice seemed to change as she said it.

‘But there was?’


‘Did you get hurt again?’

‘Worse than that: oh, my dear Oz, much worse than just plain hurt.’

I had known Primavera happy, sad, angry, triumphant, hurt, indignant, sober and on occasion drunk. We had shared some very traumatic times, and a few pretty decent moments too. But in the seven or eight years since we had first met, I had never heard such desolation in her voice.

‘When did all this happen?’

‘It’s a long story.’

‘Prim, why the hell didn’t you just call me and tell me you were in trouble?’

‘Because it’s got nothing to do with you! And because I feel so stupid and betrayed, and damned ashamed.’

‘So you staged that charade with my dad to smoke me out?’

‘Yes, I suppose, although I wasn’t thinking very clearly at the time. Not that I am now.’

‘Where are you?’ I asked her.

‘At home.’

‘Auchterarder? Are you still at your parents’ place?’

‘No, my home. I have a riverside flat in London.’

‘Are you alone?’

‘Am I ever.’

I looked at Susie. I raised my eyebrows, that was all, but she understood, and she nodded.

‘I’ll book you a flight to Glasgow, this afternoon. Pack some kit, and I’ll call you back and give you the time.’

‘I can’t.’ She sighed.

‘Why not?’

‘What would Susie say?’

‘Susie’s here and she says it’s okay.’

‘I’m hung over, Oz.’

‘Take a couple of paracetamol tablets and drink plenty of orange juice: that always used to work for you. Go on, get your arse out of bed and get ready. What name are you using these days?’

‘It still says Mrs Blackstone on my passport: I got a new one as soon as we got married, remember.’

‘Sure. You were an optimist back then.’

She hadn’t actually answered my question, but I let that pass. I hung up on her, then looked at Susie. ‘Are you all right with that?’ I asked her. She and Prim have a back story as well.

‘If you think it’s necessary.’

‘I do. I’ve never heard her like that before. She’s been hurt in some way and she can’t handle it, hence the gauche cry for help.’

‘But why cry to you? What about her sister and brother-in-law, Dawn and Miles?’

‘Dunno.’ I told Audrey, who was sitting at her desk, near ours, to book Prim’s flight. Then I glanced at my watch; it was just short of ten. I knew that the Graysons were in Sydney. I did a quick calculation and worked out that it would be evening there. I retrieved Miles’s mobile number from my computer and called it.

‘Hiya, sport,’ he boomed, as he picked up; I could hear party sounds in the background. He always slips into Aussie mode when he’s home, whereas in California he can sound as American as the next guy. ‘How did you know I was going to call you? I’ve had a couple of television stations asking me if I can get you out here. Any chance?’

‘Nary a one, mate. I’m anchored to home for a while.’

‘What’s up, then?’

‘Do you know what Prim’s been up to lately?’

‘Not a clue, mate. I haven’t spoken to her since she did her thing with Nicky Johnson. You’d better talk to Dawn. Hold on, she’s here.’

I waited for a few seconds, then heard my former sister-in-law’s soft Perthshire tones. ‘Oz. Good to hear from you. How are Susie and the kids?’

‘Fine. How about yours?’

‘Couldn’t be better. What’s this about my sister?’

‘I’ve just been speaking to her. I get the impression that all’s not well. Anything you can tell me?’

‘Just that, and no more. She vanished off the radar for over three years, do you know that? She said that she was going back to nursing, to find herself again. . our Prim can be even more dramatic than me. . and she just disappeared. She didn’t tell any of us where she was going. We couldn’t contact her; we got Christmas cards as usual but that was all. Her mobile was always switched off and any messages Mum or I left were never returned, until a couple of years ago she called and said she was coming to Auchterarder for a visit. She did, stayed for a couple of weeks, told them nothing at all about what she’d been up to, then vanished again, with barely any warning that she was off.’ Dawn paused. ‘That was it, until a couple of weeks ago, when she landed on them again. She wouldn’t say anything about what she’d been doing, not to Mum, not to Dad, not to me, other than that she’d decided to take a break from everyone. She stayed for a while, then, as before, pissed off again. You said you’ve spoken to her. D’you mean she got in touch with you?’

‘In a manner of speaking.’ I told her about the supposedly casual visit to my dad, and about our telephone conversation.

‘She said, “Much worse than hurt”? God help whoever did it, then, for there’s only one thing that my sister takes lying down. Take some advice, my dear Oz: don’t get involved.’

‘I’ll hear what the story is, Dawn, and then I’ll take a view.’

‘Let me know what’s happening.’

‘Promise. Thanks; take care of that big koala of yours.’

When I put the phone down, Audrey was standing beside me. ‘That’s done. She’s on the two o’clock shuttle from Heathrow, ticket to be collected. I didn’t know you had two sisters, Oz.’ She turned slightly pink when I explained who Prim was.

I turned to the business that had been lined up for me the day before. I called the man from the television company. He wanted me to play on one of those ‘guess the celebrity’ panel games. It would have meant letting cameras into our home, so I declined, politely but irrevocably, without a second thought.

Next, Susie, Audrey and I spent an hour drafting a brief for Mr Potter, and Clark Gow, his firm, setting out our financial position, as of that moment, and as it would be in two years, once I had completed my latest contracts and the partial flotation of the Gantry Group had gone through. When it was ready for transmission, Audrey called him and asked for his e-mail address so that she could send it.

‘You know what he’s going to tell us, don’t you?’ said Susie, when it was done. ‘He’s going to say the same as Roscoe did, that we should go and live in some tax haven or other.’

‘Probably,’ I conceded. ‘So let’s the two of us and our kids go for a walk round our bloody great garden to remind ourselves why we should stay here.’
