Some of these stories appeared, sometimes in different form, in the following publications: “The Misses Moses” and a selection from “Aliens in the Prime of Their Lives,” Narrative; “Fallen Nellie” and “Alamo Plaza,” Ecotone; “Are You Mister Lonelee?” The Yalobusha Review and A State of Laughter, ed. Donald R. Noble; “Terrible Argument,” Short Fiction (UK); “Water Dog God,” The Oxford American and Best American Mystery Stories 2000; “Visitation,” The New Yorker and The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2010; parts of “Ordinary Monsters” (“Her Tribe,” “Intermission,” and “Going Down”), Bombay Gin; “Carl’s Outside,” The Greensboro Review; “Noon,” The Idaho Review; “Vacuum,” Granta.
