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of Colt Revolvers, 68, 225

evolution of firearms and, 32

of Hawken rifles, 96, 98

of LeClair customized weapon, 138–39

of long rifles, 5–6

of M1 Garands, 196, 199, 205, 214

of M14 rifles, 210, 211, 241

of M16 rifles, 241

of Mk11 rifle, 251

of muskets, 7

of Remington Rolling Block rifle, 100–101

rifling and, 3

of Sharps Big 50, 98, 99

of Sharps rifles, 44, 100–101

of Spencer rifles, 40, 47

of Springfield 1873 Trapdoor carbines, 103

of Springfield M1903 rifles, 126

of Tommy Gun, 168–69

Accuracy International, 137, 138, 139

ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) cartridge, 153, 175–76

Adobe Wall, Texas: Indian attack at, 99–100

Afghanistan conflict, 162, 213, 249

Air Force magazine: Baggett story in, 161

Air Force, U.S.: assault rifles of, 238, 240

AK assault rifles, 204, 209, 210, 238, 244, 247

Alamo, Battles of the, 25, 26, 27, 29

aluminum rifle, 238

Ambrose, Stephen, 187

American long rifles. See long rifles, American/Kentucky

American Rifleman: top ten guns of all time named by, 149


armor-piercing, 254

for assault rifles, 237, 239–40

blowback breech system and, 175

for Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, 74

for Colt Single-Action Army Revolver, 71

for family of .38 caliber, 224

hollow point, 228

for long rifles, 8

for M1 Garands, 195–96

for Mausers, 123, 126

Minié‚-ball, 32, 34

for muskets, 7, 32

Ordnance Corps decisions about, 123

police department requirements for, 221–22

post-Spanish-American War design of, 124

in Revolutionary War era, 6

for rifles, 32, 34

Rocket ball, 35

as same for rifle and revolver, 96

size of, 126–27, 195, 228

on Smith & Wesson M3 revolvers, 68

“Spanish Hornets,” 116

for Springfield M1903 rifles, 126, 137

for 338 Lapua Magnum, 139

for Tommy gun, 175–76, 184, 186

for Winchester M70 rifle, 137

for Winchesters, 91

See also type of ammunition

Antietam, Battle of, 45

AR-1 assault rifles, 238

Ar-5 assault rifles, 238

Ar-10 assault rifles, 239–40, 274

AR-15 assault rifles, 240–41, 251–52, 253, 254–55, 274. See also M16 rifles

Argonne Forest (France), 143–46, 147–48

Arisaka Type 99 (Japanese rifle), 196

ArmaLite, 238–39, 240, 274

Army M24 Sniper Weapon System, 137

Army Ordanance Corps/Department, U.S., 121–23, 169, 174

Army, U.S.

AR-15s and, 240–41

basic/official weapons of, 65, 151, 196

Colt Revolvers/pistols for, 65, 68, 69, 71, 149, 151, 223

and handgun face-off, 150–51

Indian Wars and, 100

M1 Garands and, 196, 202

and M4 Carbines, 246

M14 rifles for, 239, 241

Maxim guns and, 173

modification of Springfield 1873 Trapdoor carbines by, 102–3

in Philippines, 149

Rangers in, 192, 198–200, 201

and Smith & Wesson revolvers, 68, 69

Springfield M1903 rifles and, 269

Tommy gun and, 176

See also specific person, battle, or war

arsenals, U.S., 121–23

assault weapons

ammunition for, 237, 239–40

cartridges for, 239–40

definition of, 237

evolution of, 237–41

German, 237

scopes for, 238

as standard military weapons, 236

in Vietnam War, 236

weight of, 237, 238

See also specific manufacturer or model

Atlanta, Battle of, 45

aught-six. See Springfield M1903 rifles

aught-three. See Springfield M1903 rifles

Austin, Stephen, 60

Auto-Ordnance Corporation, 175, 176, 178, 183–84

automatic weapons, 55, 209. See also specific manufacturer or model

Ayoob, Massad, 79, 157

Baggett, Owen, 160–61

Ball, Charles, 87–88

“Banana Wars,” 157–58

bank robberies, 85–93, 181, 183, 252, 254


aluminum, 238

of AR-10 assault rifles, 239

on carbines, 44, 248

on Colt Revolvers, 58, 71, 224, 225

and double-barreled shotguns, 80

of Gatling guns, 171

and gun-making in revolutionary America, 3

of Hawken rifles, 96

of long rifles, 3, 5, 6, 7

of M4 Carbines, 248

of M16 rifles, 246

of Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle, 251

of muskets, 3

of Sharps Big 50, 98

of Sig Sauer 516s, 255

of Springfield M1903 rifles, 126

of Tommy gun, 184, 186

Barrett, Paul, 230

Basilone, John, 158

Batraville, Benoit, 157

Battle of the Bulge, 205–8

bayonets, 8, 19, 21, 124, 126, 134, 208, 248, 274

Bean, Roy, 69

Beaufoy, Henry, 10

Belleau Wood, Battle at, 128–29, 131–36, 135

Bemis Heights, Battle of, 10

Benet guns, 173

Benet, Stephen Vincent, 123

Bennet, T.G., 153

Berchtesgaden, Germany, 208

Berdan, Hiram, 43, 44

Berry, Ben, 133

Billy the Kid, 69

bird guns, 24

Birdzell, Donald, 216, 218

Black Hawk Wars, 34

black powder, 5, 6, 41, 61, 66, 106, 107, 116–17, 124, 147, 224, 259

Black Rifle. See M16 Rifles

Blakeslee cartridge box, 39

blowback breech system, 175

“blunderbuss” muskets, 24

bolt-action weapons, 116, 123, 124, 137, 202. See also specific model

Bradley, Omar, 136, 206

Bragg, Braxton, 45

breechloaders, 29, 42, 45, 48, 52, 54, 100, 122. See also specific model


Enfield muskets of, 33

Koons medal from, 200

Lee-Enfield rifles of, 201

M1 Garands and, 200–201

in Revolutionary War, 1–3, 8, 10–12, 13–16, 13, 18–23

Revolutionary War era guns of, 7

Tommy gun and, 184, 185

Vickers guns and, 173

in World War I, 128, 129

Broadwell, Dick, 87, 90, 91

“Brown Bess” musket, 7, 24

Browning, Bruce W., 153, 155

Browning, John Moses, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 161, 173, 195

Browning, John (son), 151–52

Browning Auto-5 Shotgun, 153

Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), 153, 182, 186, 271

Browning Hi Power pistol, 153

Browning M2 machine gun, 153

Browning M1900 pistol, 155

Bruce, Robert, 53, 54

buffalo hunting, 98–99, 100–101, 101

Bull Run, Battles of, 41, 45

Bullard, Robert Lee, 136

bullets. See ammunition/bullets

Burgoyne, John, 2, 3, 10–11, 12, 13

Burma: M1911 in, 160

Burnsides, Ambrose, 41


definition of, 6

See also specific model

California Highway Patrol: shootout with, 227, 228

“California Joe” (aka Truman Head), 43

Cannae, Battle of, 21–22

cap and ball pistols, 61–62, 74

caplocks. See percussion-cap guns

Capone, Al, 165–66, 167, 168, 178


for cavalry, 24, 39, 44

in Civil War, 44, 51, 52, 102

during Civil War, 44, 51, 52

on frontier, 44

lightweight, 190

rifles compared with, 44

in Texas Wars, 24

See also specific manufacturer or model

Carlson, Evans Fordyce, 186

Carlson’s Raiders: in World War II, 186

Carson, Kit, 65–66

Carter, Jimmy, 220


ACP, 153, 175–76

for assault rifles, 239–40

black powder, 107, 116–17, 124

for Chauchat machine guns, 174

Colt Single-Action Army Revolver as first Colt pistol to use, 68

copper, 35

for hunting rifles, 99

for M14 rifles, 210

for M16 rifles, 245, 246

metallic, 99

for muskets, 7

Pedersen’s design and, 195

post-Spanish-American War design of, 124

and redesign of Mausers, 123

rimfire, 35, 40, 222, 266

self-contained, 222

for semi-automatic pistols, 228

for Smith & Wesson .357, 228

for Smith & Wesson M3 revolvers, 68

smokeless, 107, 118, 124

for Springfield M1903 rifles, 126, 127, 269

for .338 guns, 139

for Tommy gun, 175–76

for “Union Repeating Gun,” 169

for Volcanic repeating pistols and rifles, 222

for Winchester M1873, 96, 106

for Winchester Magnum, 137

See also specific gun manufacturer or model

Cassidy, Butch (aka Robert LeRoy Parker), 69, 71

Catlin, Albertus Wright, 113, 128, 129, 132, 133


carbines for, 24, 39, 44

in Civil War, 39, 44, 47, 48–50

handguns for, 58, 150

at Little Bighorn, 102–6

muskets used by, 7

in Revolutionary War, 7, 19, 21

Spencer Repeaters for, 55

See also Rough Riders

Cemetery Ridge, Battle of, 48

Chancellorsville, Battle of, 54

Charleville muskets, 7

Chattanooga, Battle of, 45

Chauchat machine guns, 174

Chicago Tribune: Hickok-Tutt shootout story in, 75

Churchill, Winston, 184, 185

Cicchinelli, Joseph M., 207, 208

Civil War

carbines in, 44, 51, 52, 102

cavalry in, 39, 44, 47, 48–50

civilian gun ownership and veterans of, 67

Colt Revolvers in, 65, 68

Enfield muskets in, 33

Gatling guns in, 105, 122, 169–71

gun manufacturing during, 44

muskets in, 41, 41

Ordnance Corps decisions during, 122

Ripley actions during, 40–42

Sharps rifles in, 41, 42–45, 43, 52, 98

sharpshooters/snipers in, 43, 44–45

Spencer Repeaters in, 31, 38, 39, 40–42, 45–48, 46, 48–50, 49, 51–52, 53–54, 55, 95

Springfield carbines as recycled from guns of, 102

Springfield muzzle-loading rifles in, 33

“Union Repeating Gun” for, 169

See also specific battle

civilian gun ownership

of AR-15 rifles, 252

Civil War veterans and, 67

Claiborne, Billy, 83

Clanton, Billy, 77–81, 82, 83

Clanton, Ike, 77–81, 82, 83

Clapp, Wiley, 143, 149

Cody, Buffalo Bill, 69, 74, 267

“Coffee Mill Gun,” 169

Coffelt, Leslie, 218, 219, 220

Coffeyville, Kansas: Dalton gang robbery at, 85–93

Collazo, Oscar, 215–16, 218–20

Colt, Samuel, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66

Colt .32 Revolvers, 221

Colt .38 Long Revolvers, 149

Colt .44 Revolvers, 89

Colt .45 Automatic Pistols, 143, 150–51, 233. See also Colt Single-Action Army Revolvers “Peacemaker”; M1911 Colt Pistols

Colt Detective Special Revolvers “Dick guns,” 216, 223, 226

Colt Frontier Revolvers, 71, 96, 267

Colt M1851 Navy Revolvers, 67, 74, 76

Colt M1860 Revolvers, 65, 267

Colt M1873 Revolvers. See Colt Single-Action Army Revolvers

Colt M1877 Double-Action Revolvers, 222–23

Colt M1895 Machine Guns, 173–74

Colt M1900 Pistols, 155

Colt M1908 Revolvers, 180

Colt M1911 Pistols

in Afghanistan, 162

and Army’s handgun face-off, 150–51

in “Banana Wars,” 157–58

Browning design of, 151, 153, 270

commemorative SEAL, 149

customized, 149

design and development of, 175

of Dillinger, 179, 180

in Iraq, 162

in Korean War, 161–62, 270

Kyle’s modification of, 156

Kyle’s preference for, 232

law enforcement and, 162–63, 180, 270

loading/firing of, 155–56

and marketing of other Colt weapons, 224

as official Army sidearm, 153

origins of, 149

overview of, 270

pictures of, 143, 152, 179, 270

popularity of, 163

reputation of, 148–49, 157

of Sgt. York, 147

as standard sidearm for U.S. military, 141, 158

in Vietnam War, 162, 270

weight of, 156

in World War I, 143, 145, 157, 270

in World War II, 158–61, 159, 270

Colt Navy Revolvers, 67, 223, 224

Colt New Police Revolvers, 224

Colt Official Police Revolvers, 216, 224–25, 226

Colt Paterson Revolvers, 58–59, 60, 63, 65

Colt Police Positive Revolvers, 224

Colt Revolvers

of Roosevelt (Teddy), 119, 120

on Western frontier, 73

See also specific model

Colt Single-Action Army Revolvers “Peacemaker”

accuracy of, 68

and Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid, 69, 71

and Colt-Smith & Wesson rivalry, 222

description of, 66–69

on frontier, 57–62, 60, 71–81, 83

in Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, 78, 79–81

importance of, 58

as legend/classic, 62, 69, 70, 83

mass production of, 63

nicknames for, 58, 267

overview of, 267

percussion locks on, 63, 65

pictures of, 57, 70, 267

range of, 68

Texas Rangers and, 57–62, 60, 63, 65

for U.S. Army, 68, 69, 71

Colt snub-nosed pistols, 225

Colt’s Manufacturing, 63, 64, 176, 222, 229, 240, 267, 273, 274. See also specific model

commandos, 184, 186, 191, 192, 198, 199–200, 201

computer guns, 140

Connell, Evan S., 102

Connelly, Charles T., 90

Connors, Chuck, 268

Cornwallis, Charles, 14, 15, 23

cowboys. See frontier; specific person

Cowpens, Battle of, 15–16, 18–22, 22, 23

CQB rifle (M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle), 212

Craft AR-15 rifle, 253

Crazy Horse, 103, 104


Glock weapons and, 230, 232

and guns as products of their time, 260

Tommy gun and, 165–69, 176, 178, 179, 180–83

See also specific person or gang

Crockett, Davy, 25, 26

Cuba/San Juan Hill: Rough Riders and, 113–21, 114, 117, 120, 123, 126–27

Currier & Ives painting, 17

Curtis, Paul, 151

Custer, George Armstrong, 48–50, 53, 72, 102–6

customization of guns, 138–39, 252

D-Day (June 6, 1944), 158–59, 186–87

Dallas, Texas: police department in, 227, 229, 232, 254–55

Dalton, Bob, 86–93

Dalton, Emmett, 86–93

Dalton, Grat, 86–93

Dalton Gang, 69, 85–93, 92, 93

Daly, Dan, 132–33

Davis, Jonathan, 65

Davis, Richard Harding, 113–14, 118

deer rifles, 107

Defense Department, U.S., 211

“Dick guns.” See Colt Detective Special Revolvers

Die Hard 2 (movie), 230, 232

Dieppe, France: raid on, 191–93, 198–200

Dietz, James, 256

Dillin, John, 3

Dillinger, John, 179, 180, 181

Dixon, Billy, 99–100

double-action revolvers, 223. See also specific model

double-barreled shotguns, 80

Drug Enforcement Administration, 232

dump pouches, 228

Durbin, Donnie, 189–90

Durkee, Dick, 208

Earp, Morgan, 69, 77–81, 82, 83

Earp, Virgil, 77–81, 82, 83

Earp, Wyatt, 69, 77–81, 82, 83

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 206

El Dorado (movie), 108

Elliott, David, 90

Emberlin, Rich, 229, 254

Enfield M-1917 Bolt-Action Rifles, 143–44

Enfield muskets, 33, 34

Ezell, Edward, 150

face-off: handgun, 150–51

Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, 238, 240. See also ArmaLite

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Colt Official Police revolvers and, 225

Florida felons shootout with, 227, 228

G-men as nickname for, 183

gangsters and, 180, 181, 183

Glock use by, 232

M1911 and, 162

.38 Specials and, 227

Tommy gun and, 180

training for, 227

FG42 Assault Rifles, 237

Flagler, Daniel Webster, 123


caplock as improvement on, 25, 29

muskets, 7, 24, 32

North & Cheneys, 58

as rifles in U.S. arsenals, 122

See also specific model

Florida: FBI-felons shootout in, 227, 228

FN Mimimi Machine Guns, 271

Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 51–52

Fraser, Simon, 2–3, 10–12, 23

Fredericksburg, Battle of, 54

Fremont, John, 65–66

French machine guns, 174

From Here to Eternity (movie), 141


Browning designs for, 155

carbines on, 44

Colt Revolvers on, 57–62, 60, 71–77, 73, 77–81, 83

end of the, 111

repeating rifles on, 94

Winchesters on, 85–93, 100, 102, 104–5, 104, 109, 110, 111

See also Dalton Gang; hunting rifles; Texas Rangers; Texas Wars; specific person or fight

Funk, Leonard A. Jr., 188

Gaines’s Mill, Battle at, 45

gangsters. See criminals/gangsters; specific person

Garand, John Cantius, 193, 195–96, 197, 211, 272

Garrett, Pat, 69, 267

gas systems, 209, 211

Gates, Horatio, 14

Gatling guns, 105–6, 119, 122, 169–71, 170

Gatling, Richard Jordan, 169–70

Gaylord, Chic, 224–25

Gentry, Curtis, 151–52

George, John, 201, 202


assault weapons of, 237

Gewehr 98 rifles of, 127

Karabiner K98 Mauser rifle of, 204

Lugers of, 188

M1 Garands and, 205

Maxim guns and, 173

StG44 assault rifles of, 204

See also specific battle or war

Gettysburg, Battle of, 45, 48–50, 49, 53, 54, 95

Gewehr 98 rifle, 127

Gillespie, Robert, 62

Gillis, Lester. See Nelson, Baby Face

Glock 17 Pistols, 229–30, 231, 232

Glock, Gaston, 229–30

Goliad, massacre at, 25, 27

“grape” shot, 171

Gregg, David McMurtrie, 48, 50

grenade launchers, 248, 250, 257

Guadalcanal, 158, 186, 201, 203, 204

guerilla tactics: in Revolutionary War, 10, 13, 18–19

Gulf War, first, 211

gun manufacturing

during Civil War, 44

of Colt Revolvers, 63

and guns as products of their time, 259

of M1 Garands, 197

of M1911 Colt Pistols, 156

mass production and, 63, 156, 184, 195, 197

and numbers of guns, 261

of semi-automatic rifles, 195

standardizing of, 63

of Tommy gun, 184

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (Tombstone, Arizona), 77–81, 82, 83


customization of, 138–39, 252

in the future, 262

hand-made, 3, 5, 259

numbers about, 261

as products of their time, 259–62

as tools, 259, 260, 261

See also specific manufacturer, model, or topic

Haiti, 157–58

Hallahan, William, 198

handgun face-off, 150–51


for cavalry, 58

See also specific manufacturer or model

Hanger, George, 1

Hanneken, Herman, 157

Hannibal, 21

Hanten, Mark, 221, 225, 254–55

Harbord, James, 136

Harpers Ferry Arsenal (Virginia), 122–23

Haskins, Jerry, 139

Haskins Rifles, 139

Hathcock, Carlos, 137

Hawkens guns, 96, 98

Hayford, Robert, 182

Hays, John Coffee, 57–58, 59, 61, 62

Hemingway, Ernest, 141

Henry, Benjamin Tyler, 35

Henry Repeaters, 34, 38, 95, 105, 268

Herren, John, 245

Hester, Leigh Ann, 255–58, 256

Hickok, Wild Bill, 69, 72–77

HK-91 Rifles, 254

HK-416 Rifles, 252

Hole in the Wall Gang, 71

Holliday, Doc, 69, 77–78, 79, 80–81, 82, 83

hollow point bullets, 228

Hoover’s Gap, Battle of, 47–48

Hotchkiss, Benjamin Berkeley, 172, 174

Hotchkiss Machine Guns, 171–72, 174

Houston, Samuel Jr., 23, 24, 25, 27–28, 28, 29

Houston, Samuel Sr., 14, 23, 24

Howard, John, 20–21

hunting rifles

buffalo and, 98–99, 100–101, 101

long rifles as, 5–6

muzzle-loading, 96, 98

and numbers of guns, 261

Remington 700 Rifles as, 137

Winchesters as, 109, 111

See also specific model

Ia Drang Valley, Battle of, 236, 241–45

Indians/Indian Wars

at Adobe Wall battle, 99–100

Colt Revolvers and, 59–61, 60

end of, 101

at Little Bighorn, 102–6

long rifles and, 6

Ordnance Corps decisions during, 122–23

Remington’s picture of, 59

rifle uses by, 104–5

Sharps Big 50 and, 99–100

U.S. Army and, 100

Winchesters in, 100, 104–5, 104, 122–23

See also Little Bighorn, Battle of


Hester in, 255–58, 256

Kyle (Chris) in, 137, 250–51, 253

Kyle (Jeff) in, 246

M1911 in, 162

Marines in, 250

snipers in, 137, 139

J frame guns, 225

Jackson, Andrew, 36

Jaeger hunting rifles, 3, 265

James, Frank, 86

James, Jesse, 86, 86

James-Younger Gang, 86


Arisaka Type 99 rifle of, 196

See also specific battle

Jefferson, Thomas, 15, 36

John M. Browning Firearms Museum (Ogden, Utah), 156

Jonathan Davis Incident, 65

Jones, James, 141

Jones, William E., 136

Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 238

Kawaguchi, Kiyotake, 204

Keith, Elmer, 98

Kelly, “Machine Gun” (aka George Celino Barnes), 182–83

Kennedy, John F., 232

Kentucky rifle. See long rifles, American/Kentucky

Kettle Hill, Battle of. See Cuba/San Juan Hill

King, Jeffery, 181

Knox, Henry, 122

Koons, Franklin “Zip,” 191–93, 198–200, 262

Korean War

M1 Garands in, 209, 210, 272

M1911 Colt Pistols in, 161–62, 270

Springfield M1903 Rifles in, 136

“Tommy Guns” in, 168

Kouma, Ernest R., 161–62

Krag .30 Rifles, 149

Krag-Jorgensen M1896 Rifles, 116, 117, 123

Kyle, Chris

bolt-action weapons used by, 137

Craft AR-15 Rifle of, 253

favorite sniper weapons of, 138

firing of long rifle by, 5

Houston ancestors of, 14

in Iraq, 137, 139, 156, 250–51, 253

and lever-action rifles, 94

M16 Rifle use by, 250–51

M1911 in collection of, 149, 156

M1911 preference of, 232

as Navy SEAL, 5, 54, 139, 250–51, 253

pictures of, 253

as sniper, 5, 137, 139, 156, 250–51, 253

Winchester M1892 as favorite of, 107

Kyle, Jeff, 94, 246, 248, 251

LaGarde, Louis, 175

Land Pattern Muskets “Brown Bess,” 7, 24

Lapua .338 Magnum, 139

law enforcement

Colt M1911 Revolvers and, 162–63, 180

gangsters and, 180–82

Glock 17 Pistols and, 229–30, 232

M16 Rifles and, 252, 254–55

practice for agents of, 222

semi-automatic weapons and, 163, 228–29

.38 Special as main gun of, 163, 273

Tommy guns and, 176, 179

training of agents for, 227–28

See also FBI; police departments; Secret Service, U.S.; Texas Rangers; specific person

Leavelle, Jim, 232–33

LeClair, Monty, 138–39

Lee-Enfield rifles, 201

Lefebvre, Louis, 243

Lehman, John, 122

LeMay, Curtis, 240

lever-action rifles, 34, 79, 85, 94–95, 107. See also specific model

Lewis Machine Guns, 173, 174, 182

Lewis, Meriwether, 58

Lincoln, Abraham, 31, 34, 35–38, 37, 40, 42, 50–51, 52, 169, 171, 266

Lindsey, Julian R., 147

Little Bighorn, Battle of, 102–6, 104, 123

long rifles, American/Kentucky

accuracy of, 5–6

barrel of, 5, 6, 7

black powder for, 147

bullets for, 8

of Crockett, 26

design and development of, 3, 5, 265

firing of, 5, 6–7

hand-made, 3, 6

as hunting rifles, 5–6

importance in Revolutionary War of, 3, 5

legacy of, 29

loading/reloading of, 8, 11–12, 19, 265

nicknames for, 5, 265

overview of, 265

pictures of, 1, 4, 265

on Plains, 96

popularity of, 5

primary uses for, 5–6, 265

problems with, 8

recoil of, 5

in Revolutionary War, 1–3, 8, 9, 10–12, 19, 265

of Sgt. York, 147

Texas Wars and, 24, 25, 26, 28

weight of, 5

Lopez, Baldomero, 210

Lugers, 145, 156, 157, 188, 215, 218. See also Mauser Luger

M1 Garands

accuracy of, 196, 199, 205, 214

as American classic, 214

ammunition for, 195–96, 272

assault rifles as offspring of, 238

automatic weapons compared with, 209

bayonets on, 208

benefits of, 202, 205, 214

bolt-action rifles compared with, 202

British and, 200–201

design/development of, 193, 195–96, 272

German views about, 205

and guns as products of their time, 260

importance of, 193

improvements on, 209

in Korean War, 209, 210, 272

loading/firing of, 195, 196, 198, 199, 202, 272

M14 Rifles compared with, 211

mass production of, 197

military and, 196, 201–2

overview of, 272

pictures of, 191, 197, 207, 272

problems with, 202, 204

range of, 214

reputation of, 193, 198, 200

semi-automatic weapons compared with, 209

sights of, 199, 202

Springfield rifles compared with, 199, 202

in World War II, 186, 190, 191–93, 194, 198–202, 203, 204–8, 207, 272

M2 Machine Guns, 161

M4 Carbines, 246, 247, 248, 250, 255, 256–58, 256, 274

M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, 212, 213

M14 Rifles, 209–13, 212, 238, 239, 241, 245–46

M16 Assault Rifles

in Afghanistan, 249

barrel for, 246

bayonets on, 248, 274

cartridges for, 245, 246

design and development of, 237–41, 274

early military actions for, 127

grenade launchers on, 248, 250

importance of, 244–45

in Iraq, 250–52, 256–58

law enforcement and, 252, 254–55

loading of, 241

M14 compared with, 241, 245–46

overview of, 274

pictures of, 235, 249, 274

price of, 241

problems with, 245–46

rails of, 248, 250

recoil of, 241

as replacement for M1 Garands, 211

revisions to, 246, 247, 248

scopes for, 250

sights for, 246, 250

snipers and, 250–51

trading for, 250, 251

in Vietnam War, 235–37, 237, 241–46, 243, 248

weight of, 241, 250

M16A1 Assault Rifles, 246, 248, 274

M16A2 Assault Rifles, 246, 274

M16A3 Assault Rifles, 246, 248, 274

M16A4 Assault Rifles, 246, 274

M25 Rifles, 211

M60 Machine Guns, 204

M231 Assault Rifles, 274

M249 Machine Guns, 256–57

MA-1 Survival Rifles, 238

MacArthur, Douglas, 196

Maccabee, Paul, 180

machine guns

Army Ordnance Department and, 169, 174

of Browning, 153

design and development of, 169–74

in Korean War, 161

MP5 family of, 190

squad-level, 190, 271

weight of, 174

in World War I, 131, 132, 133, 134, 143, 144, 147

in World War II, 158

See also specific manufacturer or model

magazine-feeder rifles, 55

Maguire, Russell, 184

Makin Island: World War II battle on, 186

Marine Corps, U.S.

in Afghanistan, 249

in “Banana Wars,” 157–58

“Carlson’s Raiders” of, 186

Colt M1911 Pistols and, 151, 157–58

in Iraq, 250

in Korean War, 209, 210

and Kyle-Marine gun trade, 251

Lapua rounds and, 139

M1 Garands and, 201–2, 209, 210

M16 Rifles and, 246, 274

official sidearms of, 151

and Springfield M1903 Bolt-Action Rifles, 201

Tommy guns and, 176, 186, 187, 190

in World War I, 129, 130, 131–36, 135

in World War II, 158, 186, 187, 201, 204

Marlin 30-30 Rifle, 94

Marm, Joe, 244

Marsh rifles, 36, 40, 42

Marsh, Samuel, 36

Marshall, John, 22

Mason, William, 267

Masterson, Bat, 100

Mauser .338 Magnum SR93, 139

Mauser guns

as bolt-action rifles, 123, 124

bullets for, 123, 126

influence on Springfield M1903 Rifles of, 124, 125, 269

as model for Japanese Arisaka Type 99 rifles, 196

Ordnance Corps decisions about, 123

smokeless powder of, 118

U.S. copies/improvements of, 123, 124, 125, 127

in World War I, 127, 128, 128

See also Lugers; specific model

Mauser K98 Karabiner rifle, 204

Maxim guns, 172, 173

Maxim, Hiram, 172

McAuliffe, Anthony C., 206

McCafferty, Keith, 99

McCall, Jack, 77

McClellan, George, 41

McGivern, Ed, 79–80

McLaury, Frank, 77–81, 82, 83

McLaury, Tom, 77–81, 82, 83

McLemore, Theo, 209

McMillan stocks, 137, 139

McNamara, Robert, 241

McQueen, Steve, 141

Meade, George, 48

Mechanicsville, Battle at, 45

Merrill, Frank, 186

Mexican-American War (1846–48), 29, 65


Pershing raids in, 127, 156–57

Texas Wars and, 23–25, 27–29

See also Texas wars

MG 42 Machine Guns, 204

Mike, Jason, 256, 257

Military and Police Revolvers (Smith & Wesson Model 10), 223–24

military, U.S.

assault rifles as standard weapons for, 236

bureaucracy of, 122

Colt .45 Pistols as official sidearm of, 151

Glock pistols and, 230, 232

M1911 Pistols as standard sidearm for, 141, 158

NATO M9 Beretta as standard sidearm of, 162

prejudice against repeating rifles in, 93

Tommy gun and, 184, 186–89

See also specific branch

Miller, Charlie, 162–63

Minié-ball bullets, 32, 34, 35

Minié‚ Claude-Etienne, 32

Miquelet lock, 24

MK11 rifle, 251

MK12 Special Purpose Rifles, 251, 274

MK13 sniper weapons, 138–39

MO-44 Assault Rifles, 237

Mooar, J. Wright, 99

Moore, Harold, 235, 236, 241–45

Morgan, Daniel

in Carolinas, 13–16, 18–22

at Cowpens, 15–16, 18–22, 23

role in Revolutionary War of, 12

at Saratoga, 8, 9, 13

Moro tribesman, 149


gangster, 167, 168, 181

Glock weapons in, 230, 232

of Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, 83

snipers in, 141

snub-nosed revolvers in, 226

Springfield M1903 Rifles in, 140–41

.38 Special in, 215, 226

Tommy guns in, 167, 168, 181

Winchesters in, 108, 268

MP5 Submachine Guns, 190

MP40 gun, 159

Murphy, Timothy, 1, 2–3, 6, 8, 10–12, 23, 138, 255, 262


accuracy of, 7

barrel of, 3

bayonets on, 8, 19

“blunderbuss,” 24

of British, 7

bullets for, 7, 32

in Civil War, 41, 41

cost of, 41

Enfield, 33

firing of, 6–7

flintlock, 7, 24, 32

percussion lock, 32

in Revolutionary War, 7, 10, 16, 18, 19

Revolutionary War-era, 53

rifles compared with, 3, 53

smooth-bore, 6–7, 32, 35–36

Spanish-style, 24

in Texas Wars, 24

See also type of musket

Muth, Lawrence, 157

muzzle-loading guns, 33, 51, 55, 96, 98, 122. See also specific manufacturer or model

National Firearms Museum (Virginia), 98

National Rifle Association, 109

NATO M9 Beretta: as standard military sidearm, 162

Navaro, John, 54–55

Navy Mk12 Special Purpose Rifles, 251

Navy revolvers, Colt, 67, 223, 224

Navy, U.S.

M1911 Colt pistols as official sidearms of, 151

Spenser Repeaters and, 38, 42

Tommy guns and, 176

See also Navy revolvers, Colt; SEALs

Nein, Timothy, 256, 257

Nelson, Baby Face (aka Lester Gillis), 180–82, 262

New Haven Arms Company, 34

New York City Police Department, 220–21, 225, 226, 232

New York Times building (New York City): Gatling guns on roof of, 170–71

Nielsen, Henry, 239

9mm automatic guns, 157

Normandy, 136–37, 159

North & Cheneys M1799 guns, 58

North Hollywood, California: Phillips and Matasareanu bank robbery in, 252, 254

Oakley, Annie, 107

Okinawa: World War II battle on, 187

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 232–33

Owens, Bob, 227, 228

Para-Ordnance, 149

Patton, George S., 191, 198, 206, 267

Peacemaker. See Colt Single-Action Army Revolver

Peary, Robert, 107

Pedersen, John D., 195, 196, 272

Peralte, Charlemagne, 157

percussion-cap “caplock” guns, 25, 29, 32, 42, 63, 65, 68, 98, 122

Perot, H. Ross, 229

Pershing, John J., 115, 127, 129, 131, 156–57

Petersburg, Battle of, 45

Petty, William, 221

Philippine Islands, 149, 150

Pickett’s Charge, 48, 49, 50


Indian Wars and, 100

Spanish-style, 24

in Texas Wars, 24–25

See also specific model or manufacturer

Plains rifles. See specific model or manufacturer

police departments

early years of, 220–21

evolution of weapons for, 220–26

Glock use by, 230, 232

gun requirements for, 221–22

and guns as products of their time, 262

M16 Rifles and, 252, 254

.38 Specials and, 220–22, 227

See also law enforcement

Pony Express riders, 66

Power, Bill, 87, 90, 91

Powers, Darrell “Shifty,” 205

practice, gun, 213, 222. See also training, firearms


of muskets, 41

of Sharps rifles, 44

of Spencer Repeaters, 41

of Tommy guns, 176

primers, 32, 68

“Protecting the Herd” (Remington painting), 94

Pullen, Ashley, 257

rails: of M16 rifles, 248, 250

range. See specific manufacturer or gun

rapid-fire guns

development of, 169–74

See also machine guns; specific manufacturer or model

Ray, John, 159

Red Hawk, 104

Red River War (1874–75), 100

Remington Arms Corporation, 137, 175. See also specific model

Remington, Frederic, 59, 94

Remington .222 Rifles, 240

Remington 700 Bolt-Action Rifles, 137

Remington guns: popularity of, 138

Remington M11 Shotguns, 153

Remington Rolling Block Rifles, 100–101

repeating rifles, 93, 94. See also specific manufacturer or model

Research Armament Industries, 139

Revolutionary War

British guns in, 7

British in, 1–3, 8, 10–12, 13–16, 13

and British surrender at Yorktown, 22, 23

Burgoyne surrender during, 12, 13

Cowpens battle during, 15–16, 18–22, 22, 23

Currier & Ives painting about, 17

long rifles in, 1–3, 5, 8, 9, 10–12, 19, 265

muskets in, 7, 10, 16, 18, 19

Saratoga and, 1–3, 8, 10–12, 13, 23

southern battles during, 13–16, 18–22, 23

See also Cowpens, Battle of; Saratoga, Battle of; specific person


cap-and-ball, 147

See also specific manufacturer or model

revolving rifles, 63

Richards, Charles Brinckerhoff, 267

rifle-muskets, 48, 51, 53

Rifleman (TV), 268


advantages of multiple-shot, 55

barrel of, 3

bullets for, 32, 34

carbines compared with, 44

muskets compared with, 3, 53

in Revolutionary War, 16

See also specific manufacturer, model or type of rifle

rifling, 3

rimfire cartridges, 35, 40, 222, 266

Rio, Frankie, 165–66

Ripley, James, 40–42, 44, 52, 53, 169

Rocket balls, 35

Rocky Mountain Rifles, 98. See also Hawkens guns

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 184, 186

Roosevelt, Theodore

in American West, 109, 110, 111

Colt revolver of, 119, 120, 267

comment about Winchesters of, 85

in Cuba/San Juan Hill, 113–21, 114, 117, 120, 123

as New York City Police Commissioner, 221

and Springfield M1903, 124, 126–27

and Winchester repeaters, 117

See also Rough riders

Rosa, Joseph G., 72

Rose, Alexander, 44

Rosecrans, William S., 45, 47

Rough Riders: at San Juan Hill, 112, 113–21, 114, 117, 120, 123, 126–27

Ruby, Jack, 232–33

Ruger .38 Police Revolvers, 273

Ruger Mini-14 Semi-Automatic Rifles, 227

Rummel Farm: attack on, 49

Runaway Scrape, 25, 27

Russell, Ken, 159


AK47s and, 209, 238, 247

Maxim guns and, 173

and Smith & Wesson revolvers, 68–69

Salman Pak, Iraq: attack in, 255–58, 256

San Jacinto, Battle of, 24, 27–28, 29

San Jacinto Monument, 29

San Juan Hill, Battle of, 112, 113–21, 114, 117, 120, 123, 126–27

The Sand Pebbles (film), 141

Santa Anna, Antonio L¢pez de, 24, 27, 28, 28

Saratoga, Battle of, 1–3, 8, 10–12, 13, 23

Savage Arms, 184

Saving Private Ryan (movie), 141

Sawyer, Craig, 212–13

Schlieffen, Alfred von, 21–22


for assault rifles, 238

improvement in, 140

for M14 rifles, 211

for M16 rifles, 250

for Mk11 rifle, 251

night, 212

on Springfield M1903 Rifles, 136–37

Scott, Doug, 105


AR-15 Assault Rifles used by, 251

CQB rifle of, 212, 213

Kyle as, 5, 54, 139, 250–51

and M14 rifles, 212, 213

M1911 commemorative model for, 149

and role of special operation forces, 54

and .38 cartridges, 139

Second Caco War (1919–20), 158

Secret Service, U.S., 162, 216, 218–20

self-loading rifles

development of, 193, 195

Spencer repeater as forerunner of, 55

Selma, Alabama, Battle at, 51–52

semi-automatic weapons, 153, 155, 163, 193, 195, 209, 228–29. See also specific manufacturer or model

Seminole War, 63

Sharps Manufacturing, 38

Sharps rifles

accuracy of, 44, 100–101

Big 50, 98–99

“California Joe” with, 43

in Civil War, 41, 42–45, 43, 52, 98

price of, 44

range of, 100–101

reliability of, 44

Springfield rifles compared with, 42–43

Winchester’s purchase of, 95


in Civil War, 37, 43, 44–45

See also sniper(s)

Sheetz, Brian, 149

Shepherdstown, Battle of, 45

Short Land Pattern Musket, 7


double-barreled, 80

See also specific manufacturer or model

Siege of Cicero (1926), 165–66

Sig Sauer 516 Rifles, 252, 255

Sig Sauer pistols, 139, 229


on Colt Official Police revolvers, 225

and computer guns, 140

laser, 250

on long rifles, 6

on M1 Garands, 199, 202

on M14 rifles, 211

on M16 rifles, 246, 250

telescopic, 44

on Winchesters, 91

simplicity: evolution of firearms and, 32

Singer Sewing Machine Company, 158

“six-shooters,” 65

Smith & Wesson Corporation

advertising for revolvers for, 223

Colt as competitor of, 222

founding of, 222

police use of weapons from, 229

snub-nosed pistols of, 225

.38 Police Revolvers of, 273

Winchester purchase of, 34

See also specific model

Smith & Wesson .342PD revolver, 225

Smith & Wesson M1 Revolvers, 222

Smith & Wesson M3 Revolvers, 68, 222

Smith & Wesson M10 Revolvers (Military and Police Revolvers), 223–24

Smith & Wesson pistols, 78

Smith, Horace, 222

Smith, W.H., 133

smokeless powder, 224


AR-15 weapons used by, 251

and Army M24 Sniper Weapon system, 138

black powder cartridges and, 117

in Civil War, 44

and computer guns, 140

development of weapons for, 138–39

gauging of accuracy by, 138

Haskins Rifles for, 139

in Iraq, 137, 250–51

Kyle as, 1, 5, 137, 139, 156, 250–51, 253

long rifles and, 8

M14 Rifles and, 211

M16 Rifles and, 250–51

in movies, 141

in Revolutionary War, 18–19

Springfield M1903 Rifles and, 136–37, 141

in Vietnam War, 211

Winchester M70 and, 137

in World War II, 137

See also sharpshooters

Soldana, Rafael, 25

Spanish-American War (1898), 103, 117, 174. See also Cuba/San Juan Hill

Spanish M1893 Mauser rifle “Spanish Hornet,” 115–16, 116, 117–18, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125, 269

speedloaders, 228

Spencer, Christopher, 38, 50–51, 266

Spencer M1865 Carbines, 39

Spencer Repeaters

accuracy of, 40, 47

in Civil War, 31, 38, 39, 40–42, 45–48, 46, 49–50, 49, 51–52, 53–54, 55, 95

design and development of, 31–32, 34–38, 40

firing of, 95

as forerunner of modern guns, 55

and guns as products of their time, 259–60

limitations of, 95

Lincoln and, 38, 40, 50–51, 52, 266

loading of, 266

overview of, 266

pictures of, 31, 39, 46, 49, 266

popularity of, 95

price of, 41

psychological advantages of, 54, 55

Spotsylvania, Battle of, 45

Springfield Arsenal (Massachusetts), 122–23, 197, 269

Springfield M1842 Rifles, 32

Springfield M1861 Rifle-Muskets, 34

Springfield M1873 Trapdoor Carbines, 102–3, 116–17, 123

Springfield M1903 rifles

accuracy of, 126

ammunition for, 126, 137, 269

barrel for, 126

bayonet on, 124, 126, 134

cartridges for, 126, 127, 269

design and development of, 117, 124, 175

loading/reloading of, 201

Mauser influence on, 124, 125, 269

in movies and novels, 140–41

overview of, 269

pictures of, 113, 117, 125, 269

Roosevelt (Teddy) views about, 124, 126–27

snipers and, 136–37, 141

training program for use of, 131

in World War I, 127, 130, 131, 132–33

in World War II, 136–37, 201, 269

Springfield M1911 TRP Operator, 156

Springfield rifles

M1 Garands compared with, 199, 202

muzzle-loading, 33

Sharps rifles compared with, 42–43

Springfield Smoothbore Muskets, 35–36

Springfield, Missouri: Hickok-Tutt Gunfight in, 72–77

sprung loading tube, 39

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (Chicago, 1929), 178

Steele, John, 159

Stewart, Jimmy, 108, 268

StG44 Assault Rifles, German, 204, 237, 238

Stilwell, Joseph, 186

Stoddard, William O., 35, 36

Stoner, Eugene, 239, 240, 274

Stuart, James Ewell Brown “Jeb,” 48–50

Sudden Impact (movie), 215

Summers, Harrison C., 186–87

Sundance Kid (aka Harry Longbaugh), 69, 71

Supica, Jim, 228

Sutton, Willie, 183

SWAT teams, 254, 262

Szima, Alex, 199, 200

T25 Rifles, 209

Taft, William Howard, 126

Tarleton, Banastre, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22–23

Taubert, Albert A., 157–58

Taurus International, 273

Tefertiller, Casey, 79

telescopic sights, 44

Terrell, Kate Scurry, 28

Texas Rangers

Colt Revolvers and, 57–62, 60, 63, 65

founding of, 60

M1911 and, 162–63

sketch of, 60

Texas Wars, 23–25, 27–29. See also specific battle or person

.38 Long revolver, 224

.38 Short revolver, 224

.38 Special + P Revolvers, 224, 225

.38 Special Revolvers

advantages of, 224

and attempted assassination of Truman, 215–16, 217, 218–20

as classic American wheelgun, 214

as main gun of law enforcement agencies, 163

in movies, 215

overview of, 273

pictures of, 215, 273

police departments and, 220–22

popularity of, 217

Ruby-Oswald killing and, 233

See also specific model

Thomason, John W., 134

Thompson, “Big Bill”: robbery of wife of, 180–81

Thompson, John Taliaferro, 174–76, 177, 178, 184, 271

Thompson Submachine Guns “Tommy Guns”

accuracy of, 168–69

advertising about, 177, 179

ammunition for, 175–76, 184, 186

and attempted assassination of Truman, 218

barrel of, 184, 186

British and, 184, 185

Colt Corporation and, 176

design/development of, 174–76, 178, 271

and development of rapid-fire guns, 169–74, 271

gangsters and, 165–69, 176, 178, 179, 180–83

and guns as products of their time, 260

in Korean War, 168

law enforcement and, 176, 179, 180

mass production of, 184

military and, 176, 184, 186–89

in movies, 167, 168

overview of, 271

pictures of, 165, 177, 179, 185, 271

popularity of, 176

price of, 176

problems with, 184

reputation of, 168, 184, 190, 260

sound of, 168

Spencer Repeaters as forerunner of, 55

Vietnam War and, 168, 189–90

weight of, 189

in World War II, 168, 184, 186–89, 190, 199, 260, 271

.357 Combat Magnum/Registered Revolvers, 228

.357 Magnum Revolver, 65, 224, 227, 228, 233

Thunder Bear, 103

Tombstone, Arizona: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral in, 77–81, 82, 83

Tommy Gun. See Thompson Submachine Guns

Torresola, Griselio, 215–16, 218–20

training, firearms, 53, 227–28, 233, 254

Trevelyan, George Otto, 22

Truman, Harry S.: attempted assassination of, 215–16, 217, 218–20, 219

turkey shoots, 147–48

Tutt, Davis, 72–77

Two Moons, 104

Union Repeating Gun “Coffee Mill Gun,” 169

Union Switch & Signal, 158

Urschel, Charles: Kelly’s kidnapping of, 182–83

Vickers guns, 172–73

Vicksburg, Battle of, 45

Vietnam War

M14 Rifles in, 210, 212

M16 Rifles in, 235–37, 237, 241–46, 243, 248

M1911 Pistols and, 162, 270

snipers in, 211

Springfield M1903 in, 136

Tommy Guns in, 168, 189–90

Villa, Pancho, 156–57

“Volcanic” repeating pistols and rifles, 35, 222

Vonnegut, Kurt, 141

Walker Colt Revolver, 65

Walker Creek, Battle of, 57–62, 60

Walker, Samuel, 63, 65

Walker, Texas Ranger (TV show), 54

Walther P38 Pistols, 215, 216, 218

War Department, U.S., 122

Washington, George, 13, 22, 36, 122

Washington, William, 19, 20

Waud, Alfred, 46

Waxhaw Creek, massacre at, 15

Wayne, John, 107


of assault rifles, 237, 238

and guns as products of their time, 261

of long rifles, 5

of M14 Rifles, 210–11, 241

of M16 Rifles, 241, 250

of Maxim guns, 172

of Tommy guns, 189

Weiss, Hymie, 168

Welles, Dr., 92

Wesson, Daniel, 222

White House Police: attempted assassination of Truman and, 216, 217, 218–20

White Thunder, Daniel, 103–4

Whitney, Eli, 64, 65

Wilder, John T., 45–48

Williams, Lloyd, 131

Wilson, James H., 51–52

Winchester, Oliver, 34–35, 95, 153, 222

Winchester Repeating Arms Company, 95, 153

Winchester 73 (Jimmy Stewart movie), 108, 268

Winchester M70 Rifles, 137

Winchester M1866 Rifles “Yellow Boy,” 95–96, 105, 153

Winchester M1873 Rifles, 85, 96, 105, 106, 268, 268

Winchester M1876 Rifles, 106, 107, 109, 111

Winchester M1886 Rifles, 97, 106, 107

Winchester M1892 Lever-Action Repeaters, 107, 153

Winchester M1892 Rifles, 268

Winchester M1893 Pump-Action Shotguns, 153

Winchester M1894 Rifles, 97, 107, 153

Winchester M1895 Rifles, 97, 101, 153

Winchester M1897 Pump-Action Shotguns, 153

Winchester Magnum “WinMag,” 137, 139

Winchester rifles

advertising for, 97

bullets for, 91

Dalton Gang robbery and, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93

firing of, 91

on frontier, 85–93, 100, 102, 104–5, 104, 109, 110, 111

in Gunfight at O.K. Corral, 80

in Indian Wars, 100, 104–5, 104, 122–23

lever-action, 79, 85, 107

at Little Bighorn, 102, 104

in movies, 108

Ordnance Corp decisions about, 123

pictures of, 86, 108

popularity of, 107

in Remington painting, 94

and Roosevelt (Theodore), 109, 117

sight for, 91

uses for, 93–94

See also specific model

women: guns and, 255–58

World War I

M1911 Colt Pistols in, 143, 145, 157, 270

machine guns in, 131, 132, 133, 134, 143

Mausers in, 127, 128, 128

Maxim guns in, 173

recruitment for, 130

Springfield M1903 Rifles in, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133

York’s actions in, 143–45, 146, 147–48

See also specific battle

World War II

Browning Automatic Rifles (BAR) in, 186

Colt M1911 Pistols in, 158–61, 159, 270

German surrender in, 208

M1 Garands in, 186, 190, 191–93, 194, 198–202, 203, 204–8, 207, 272

Springfield M1903 Rifles in, 136–37, 201, 269

Tommy Guns in, 168, 184, 186–89, 190, 199, 260, 271

See also specific battle

Wounded Knee, Battle of, 105

WXYZ Building: Summers capture of, 186–87

Wyman, Willard, 239

X-ray machines: detection of guns by, 230, 232

Yale, Frankie, 178

Yellow Wolf (Comanche chief), 62

York, Alvin Culluth, 143–46, 146, 147–48


Battle of, 45

British surrender at, 22, 23
