The four of them trudged through the woods for hours. Nina got so tired that she stopped paying attention to where she was going, what the others said, or anything else. All that mattered was forcing herself to pick up one foot after the other, putting each foot down a little farther ahead of the other. She remembered how she'd told herself the other kids might slow her down — what a joke.

She was the slow one.

She was the one the others turned around and waited for, impatiently.

Finally Alia danced back to Nina and took her hand and said, "You can sit down now. We're going to wait while while Percy and Matthias do something."

Nina sank down to the ground and let her head flop back against a tree trunk. It felt better than any pillow.

"Do you want something to eat?" she said drowsily.

"Oh, yes!" Alia said. "Can I?"

Nina untied the food bag from around her waist and opened it toward the little girl.

"Take whatever you want," Nina said.

"I think — just something small," Alia decided. "Until the boys come back. They'll know how to make the food stretch out."

Nina didn't even bother staying awake to see what Alia chose. The next thing she knew, Alia was gently sliding an orange slice into Nina's mouth.

"This will give you energy," Alia said.

Nina chewed and swallowed. She hadn't had oranges much. This one was sweet and juicy. And one slice wasn't nearly enough. All it did was remind Nina how ravenous she was. She pawed through the food bag and pulled out a box of cereal. She ripped off the top and began pouring it into her mouth. She'd never gobbled anything down so quickly before in her life.

"It's your food, not ours," Alia said. "But shouldn't you save some to make sure we have enough for our trip?"

In the dark Nina hadn't even realized that Alia could see what she was doing. Nina blushed and stopped chew^ ing. She'd been eating so greedily that some of the cereal flakes had bounced off her face and fallen to the ground, ruined.

"Did Percy and Matthias say you were my boss while they were gone?" Nina grumbled.

"No," Alia said.

Nina began picking cereal out of the box, one flake at a time, and carefully placing each flake on her tongue.

"Where are they, anyway?"

"Um, they can tell you when they get back," Alia said uncertainly.

This was maddening. Nina felt like throwing the whole box of cereal at the little girl. But just then she saw a glim' mer of light bobbing through the woods. Coming toward them.

'Alia, look!" Nina whispered. "It's the Population Police. They're following our trail! We've got to run. . " She jumped up, only barely managing not to spill the rest of the cereal.

"Nina, relax. It's Percy and Matthias," Alia answered.

"How do you know?"

"That's our signal. The way the light jumps."

Nina looked again, and it did seem like the light was bobbing in a particular pattern: twice to the right, once to the left. Then twice to the right, once to the left again.

"Where'd they get a flashlight?" Nina asked.

Alia didn't answer.

A few minutes later the light went out. A twig crackled behind Nina and she stiffened, but it was only Percy and Matthias, sneaking closer.

"Safe?" Alia asked.

"Yep," Percy said.

"Where were you? Where'd you get the flashlight?" Nina asked.

"We found it. Wasn't that lucky?" Matthias said.

Nina noticed he had answered only one of her ques-tions. And she didn't entirely believe that answer. Flashlights were valuable, especially if they had batteries. She'd never even seen one until she went away to school.

Who would leave a flashlight just lying around out in the woods?

"Nina offered us food," Alia said.

Nina fought down her irritation. She hadn't offered them food — she'd shared it with Alia. And why did she get the feeling that Alia was mostly trying to change the subject? But she couldn't think of anything to do but hold out the food bag with an ungracious, "Here."

Percy and Matthias each pulled out a box of raisins.

"It's almost dawn," Percy said. "I think it's safe for us to rest for a while. We can take turns sitting sentry."

"Sentry?" Nina asked. "You mean—"

"One person watches while the others sleep," Alia said.

Nina narrowed her eyes, thinking. Alia sounded like she knew all about sitting sentry.

"I can go first," Nina said. "I got some sleep already, while you were out 'finding' things." She hoped they would notice the ironic twist she put on those words, but nobody said anything.

Within minutes, it seemed, the others were sound asleep, curled up together in a heap on the ground. Nina stared out into half darkness that seemed to be filled with mysteries. She wanted to turn on the flashlight, as if light could be company for her. But it was too dangerous — the light would only advertise their location to anyone who might be nearby. And the flashlight was too much of a mystery itself. Just thinking about it scared Nina.

Nina turned around and looked at the other three kids. rw-

As the darkness faded, Nina watched the other kids' features emerge from the shadows. She'd spent so much time with them without light, she'd never had a chance to really study their faces. In sleep, Alia looked sweet and cute and cuddly. Even though she had a streak of dirt across her cheek, her light hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. Her dress was ragged and dirty, but the rips in the skirt had been mended with tiny, meticulous stitches. Nina wondered who had sewn those stitches, who had done Alia's hair. Had Percy and Matthias been sitting in the darkness of the jail cell every day carefully combing Alia's hair? Where had they learned to do that?

Maybe Alia had done it all herself. Nina remembered how confidently she'd climbed the stairs back at the prison, how confidently she'd turned back and mouthed the words, 'All clear." Where had Alia learned to be a lookout?

Nina looked out into the woods again — after all, she was supposed to be the lookout now — but nothing stirred. Not so much as a fern frond moved in the wind. She turned her gaze back to the other kids, settling this time on Percy. Everything about Percy was sharp — his nose, the set of his mouth, the bony elbows jutting out of his oversized, rolled-up shirtsleeves. His dark hair was longish and tangled. If he was the one who served as Alia's hairstylist, he used up all his effort on her and didn't do a thing for himself.

Huddled against Percy's back, Matthias looked worried, even in his sleep. His eyes squinted together and he moaned softly, as if he was having a bad dream. He turned his head from side to side, and his brown hair flopped down over his eyes.

What did Matthias dream about? What did he think about? Who was he, anyhow? She wondered, vaguely, if he'd killed someone to get the flashlight. For a minute, she could almost imagine it It didn't seem impossible. So now the Population Police wouldn't be looking just for escaped prisoners, but murderers as well.

Nina shivered. Any way she looked at it, she was lost in a strange woods, in danger, with three kids she didn't trust. For all she knew, they could be like Jason — ready to betray her at any second. Crazy ideas sprouted in her mind: Maybe they were planning to kill her and steal her food. Maybe they were trying to figure out a way to turn her in to the Population Police and get a reward, without getting caught themselves. Maybe Nina should be running away from them right now, as fast as she could.

Alia sighed softly in her sleep, and that sound was enough to stop Nina's panic. Nina wasn't sure what to make of Percy and Matthias — after all, the last boy she'd trusted had betrayed her. But surely sweet, lovable Alia couldn't be in on a plot to hurt Nina.

Could she?

Nina stared back into the woods again, a strange, wild place with branches jutting out at odd angles and vines hanging down like curtains. Nina couldn't have said if this woods looked like the one by her school or not. She'd never seen the other woods by daylight, only groped through it in the dark, clinging to Jason's hand. This sun-lit woods was a terrifying place. The leaves on the trees seemed to hide eyes; the underbrush was probably crawling with snakes. Worse yet, Nina had no idea which way she was supposed to go to get to safety. But Percy did. Matthias did. Probably even Alia did.

Whether Nina wanted to trust the other kids or not, she had to.

She couldn't survive without them.
