Part Five

"Blayne?" Diana had walked out onto the balcony. She walked up to her sister slowly. Blayne had not seemed to have heard her.

Diana stared at the back of her sister sadly. Perhaps she more than anyone knew just how much this must hurt.

"Yes Diana…" Blayne said without turning.

"I though you hadn't heard me." Diana walked up to her now and leaned on the balcony in front of her.

Blayne said nothing and continued to stare into the night.

"Mother is resting finally. I'm sorry I wasn't more help with the rest of the guests."

"It's all right, it's all finished now," Blayne answered softly.

"Blayne, why did she go?"

Blayne turned towards Diana and what Diana saw in her eyes broke her heart. Blayne walked back into the house without uttering a word.

Diana's eyes stared at her sadly as she watched her leave.

* * *


Gabriella turned around and smiled as her mother walked into her studio.

"Hello Mama. What brings you by?" She said without getting up from the stool she was sitting on while she worked on a block of plaster.

"I just wanted to make su

re you were all right."

"I'm fine."

"Are you?" Her mother pulled up another stool and sat next to her daughter as she stared at the piece that Gabriella had been working on.


"Are you still angry with me?" Her mother asked as she looked shamefully at her daughter.

"No…" Gabriella put down the carving tool and took her mother's hands into her own. "I was never angry with you Mama."

"Then why all this?"


"It has been weeks and you are not here. You didn't come back," Her mother said desperately.

"Mama, what are you talking about?" Gabriella said indulgently.

"You haven't been the same."

"Time changes us all, Mama," Gabriella said sadly but smiled.

"It's more than that. I even see it in your work." Her mother looked around the studio as she spoke. "There is a sadness that permeates from it all."

Gabriella looked away. "No, it's all okay Mama. I have just been tired that's all."

"How are things with Joseph?"

"Fine, things are fine." Gabriella picked up the scalpel again.

"Why don't you leave him?"

Gabriella turned to face her mother again and the shock in her face showed. "Why would you say something like that?"

"Because you are walking around like the dead. I want to see my daughter. If being here with him means this… we never wanted that for you. I know that Papa and I used to …but not like this." Elena's eyes filled with tears. "We wanted you to be happy. He is a good provider. I wanted you…"

"Mama…" Gabriella said softly as she took her mother into her arms. "I stayed with Joseph because I wanted to. No one made me do anything."

"All that I have ever wanted for you is to have a good life. I wanted you to be happy, to know love."

"I know love Mama, I know love," Gabriella said sadly.

At the words spoken by her daughter Elena pulled away from the embrace and stared deeply into her daughter's eyes.

"It's not Joseph, is it?" It had been a question but her mother knew as soon as her daughter's eyes suddenly became sadder.

"Of course it is." Gabriella looked away too quickly.

"You fell in love," Elena stated it so simply.

"Mama, don't do this…" Gabriella walked away from her mother wrapping her arms around herself.


"No! I can't do this with you. I'm not strong enough for this," Gabriella said desperately. "Please…leave me alone."

Elena stared at her daughter and saw the pain in her features. She knew the signs all too well and it cut at her deeply that her child should feel the same pain that had marked her her whole life.

"Does he love you?"

Gabriella closed her eyes as tears ran down her face. Her body began to shake as the sobbing got louder.

Elena was next to her immediately and embraced her. "Oh mi nina. No llores mi nina." Elena asked her child not to cry as she cried herself.

She had always prayed that her daughter would find love. When Gabriella had brought Joseph home she could tell that her choice was to please her father. He had wanted her to have a secure future and Gabriella adored him. She had at the time thought that perhaps it would be best. And as the years passed by she saw the change come ever Gabriella so slowly. Gabriella was only herself when she was working or with the children.

Elena now realized that love was beating strongly within her daughters chest. She knew her child. She also knew the signs. And what she saw broke her heart.

"Who is he?" Elena asked softly.

Gabriella then suddenly pulled away. "Can't do this Mama, I can't."

"Does he love you?"

"Please…" Gabriella begged.

"Let me help you."

"You can't help me. No one can help me," Gabriella said in frustration. "No one would understand!"

"Leila, I don't care if you want to start a new life with this man. I will help you. And what does it matter if people don't understand?"

"It's not that simple…"Gabriella said sadly and sat down looking away.

"I know it's not. People divorce now. The children love you. I love you. Joseph in time will have to accept this. I will help you Leila." Her mother placed her hands over her daughter's.

"Would you Mama?" Gabriella said as she looked up with tear filled eyes. "I don't' think so."

Elena looked taken aback. "Why would you say that?"

Gabriella stared at her mother wanting to believe with all her heart that the words were true but she knew it could never be.

"Elena," Joseph said from the door with a smile. "What a nice surprise. Can you stay for dinner?"

Both women turned as Joseph walked into the studio. Gabriella turned back to her sculpture.

"Hello Joseph." Elena said politely.

He walked up to Gabriella and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "How is the piece coming along sweetheart?"

"Making good progress today."

"Good, good."

Elena looked at her daughter then at her son-in-law. She had sat by her whole life and just let others dictate what she should do. Gabriella had to have a choice. She would see that she did.

"Joseph, can you leave us for a few minutes. I need to speak with my daughter."

Joseph looked at her surprised and nodded as she quietly left them.

Elena watched as he walked out to the studio and closed the door behind him. She then turned to her daughter and took a deep breath. Gabriella's back was still to her.

"He is a good man. But he is not for you," Elena said flatly.

Gabriella closed her eyes tight and wished she could just not hear another word.

"Tell me why you are sitting there and not fighting for what you want. Do you want to end up like me?"

Gabriella turned and faced her.

"Yes you heard me." Elena was angry. "Your father was a good man too. But I didn't love him. I'm sorry you have to hear that but it's true." Elena's eyes were spilling over with tears too now. "I was in love with another man. I always had been."

Gabriella wept openly as she saw the pain in her mother materialize itself. She had always known that there was this great sadness but she had never understood why.

"I don't want this for you." Elena cried. "Because you are like me. It will be with you your whole life."

"Mama…please don't."

"I have to. I won't let this happen to you too."

"You don't understand."

"Then make me understand!" Elena cried out in desperation.

"I'm in love with a woman!" Gabriella cried out in frustration. When she saw the shock in her mother's face she looked away and turned around. She could not face it.

They were surrounded with silence in what seemed like a lifetime. Then finally Gabriella began to speak.

"It just happened. I look at her and I…" Gabriella said sadly. "No one would understand not even you."

"Who is she?" Elena asked soberly. "Do I know her?"

"You met her briefly."

"Blayne Anberville," Elena suddenly said.

Gabriella turned again and saw the expression of disbelief on her mother's face.

"Do you see now, Mama."

Elena stared back at her daughter. "Did she seduce you?"

"No…I wanted her as much as she wanted me," Gabriella said honestly. "I am the one that left her. She loved me and I simply walked away from her." Gabriella finished saying as tears ran down her face.

Elena looked at her child, walked up to her and took her once again in her arms.

"Mama, it hurts so much. It hurts so much." Gabriella wept as her mother's arms tightened around her.

* * *

"Chaz, where is your sister?" Abigail asked her son as she walked up to him in the garden.

"She's around here somewhere. Are you feeling better mother?"

Abigail had been inconsolable for the last few weeks but that particular morning she got and wanted to settle some things in her home.

"I am, thank you." Abigail said as her eyes misted over. "I miss him."

"I know mother. We all do." Chaz said looking away. He had loved Arthur in his own way. He had to admit that the old man had never tired of trying to make something out of him as he used to put it.

"Chaz, we will all need each other now. I don't want to loose any of you."

Chaz looked towards his mother. "Mother…"

"You three are all I have, Chaz. And you three are all you have."

Chaz stared at her not understanding.

"As much as you fight it, Blayne and Diana will always be a part of you. They carry your blood and in the end they are all you will be able to count on. Remember that my son. Always remember that." Abigail walked away leaving him to analyze the words.

* * *

"Where is she, Diana?"

Diana smiled at her mother.

"Where is your sister?"

"Is everything all right, Mother?"

"It will be once I take care of a few things," Abigail said angrily.


"Where is she?"

"Blayne is by the pond."

Abigail then left her as she went looking for Blayne.

"Mother she's had a rough time lately…." Diana said with concern.

Abigail looked back and nodded in acknowledgment before she began walking again.

"We have all had a rough time lately." Abigail mumbled to herself. She was going to deal with Blayne and the circumstances in which she had found her in with Gabriella. It was time to get things and life back on track. They had to or they would all fall apart. She felt the aura of death all around her and she feared it.

* * *

It had been four weeks since Arthur had died. And the pain of loosing him was still raw inside her. He had always seen the best in her and it hurt to know that she would never be able to make him understand her nor could she erase the look of disapproval in his face from her mind. She had grown thin from missing meals and she felt listless and empty. Blayne was also ignoring the business. She simply just didn't care anymore. Gabriella was gone and she would forever want her Blayne knew that as surely as she knew that her life would never again hold any beauty. She carried her sadness deep within her. Only when she was alone like this did she allow it to surface and take what little relief that weeping gifted her with.

Blayne sat down and leaned her back against the tree as she faced the pond. Arthur and she had come here so often when she was a child. God how she missed him and how much of a disappointment had she been to him in the end.

She leaned her head back and could almost make herself feel Gabriella lightly kiss her lips as the wind blew softly by. A deep sob rose from within her filled with so much sorrow that she thought she would die at that very instant. Blayne sobbed openly without covering her face as her face looked up towards the sky.

Abigail froze before this and stared in horror. She had never thought to see her child in such pain. All the anger inside her disappeared as she faced the incredible sorrow of the scene before her.

She had received a concerned call from Harry Bancroft earlier on that morning. He was worried that business matters were not being looked at and that Blayne had been virtually unreachable for weeks. None of that mattered now as Abigail stared in shock. She watched as Blayne cried without consolation. She wept like something wounded and dying. The strong woman that Abigail knew as her daughter was simply not there. Before her was a young woman who cried as if her heart was ripped from her.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Blayne pleaded between the crying. "Why did you leave me to this, Gabriella?" The tears ran down her face unchecked. "I love you."

The last words broke Abigail's heart as she heard them. She walked away leaving her daughter holding the pieces of a broken heart.

As she walked back to the house she thought many things. And then she took a deep breath and resolved to change what she could. This was Arthur's legacy. And it suddenly occurred to her that she didn't want it to be hers.

* * *

Abigail didn't speak to Blayne that day nor did she ever broach the subject of Gabriella. The will had been read and as expected it held no surprises. Arthur as it turned out never changed it and all was left mostly to Abigail with the exception of a few things to trusted and faithful employees. It had however been clearly stipulated that Blayne would always have the majority voting shares into the company. So in effect Blayne had been left with the control over it all.

Diana shrugged it off and Chaz somehow also seemed to except it. He had packed up and was touring the Riviera again for the winter. Diana however had stayed close to home and close to Blayne. Abigail just watched and waited. In time she had to believe that Blayne would become her old self again.

And as the weeks became months the semblance of the old Blayne became evident and Abigail breathed with a sigh of relief. Her family had managed to survive it all. It was as if Gabriella and her mother had never existed.

With this Abigail began to breathe easier. She was preparing for the holidays as as usual she was expecting her children to arrive momentarily.

Diana got home first. "Hello Mother." She walked up and kissed her mother's cheek.

"Hello darling," said Abigail as she was putting another fixture on the tree.

"Chaz arrive from Monte Carlo yet?"

"Last night," Abigail said with a smile.

"And Blayne?" Diana asked softly.

"She's running late but will be here after dinner." Abigail said as she continued to decorate the tree.

"I haven't seen her for awhile. Have you spoken with her recently?" Inquired Diana as she sat down close to where her mother was.

"You know how Blayne is. She is very busy these days and doesn't really have time to call that often."

Diana frowned at the flippant way her mother was taking things. Did she know about Blayne and Gabriella? Diana wasn't sure. The last time she had actually seen Blayne was like seeing and speaking to a stranger.

"Well, I guess we shall see how she is when she gets here tonight."

* * *

Blayne never made it for the decorating that evening; she called that she was tied up at the office. She promised to come but could not give a time as to when. She asked them to all go to bed that she would eventually arrive and they would spend Christmas day together.

Blayne walked into a silent house. She passed by the great room and saw the decorated tree. She stood in front of it for a moment or so and realized that it had looked the same way year after year. Except that this would be the first year without her father. She smiled sadly at how Arthur loved giving out presents in the morning. And as always good memories were followed by the one's that haunted every time she closed her eyes. At least during the day she could fill her hours with work but the nights would inevitably bring the same dreams over and over again.

She then walked quietly towards the Library. It suddenly occurred to her that this was her favorite room in this house. So much living had been done here. Here she had had long talks with her father and here in the very same room she had loved and held Gabriella. And as she felt the power that merely remembering held over her she shut her eyes trying to shut out living. Because living was just too painful and just existing was easier.

She had intentionally not come earlier. She wasn't exactly sure how she would react with everyone. It had been months since she had come to visit. The house, the grounds, everything looked the same. Even the Christmas tree held the old and comfortable visage. But life was not as she wished it was. If granted one wish what would she wish for? What did she want for Christmas?

It was easy. She would wish to live one hour over and over again for the rest of her life. She walked slowly towards the window and stared out. How many times had she stood in the same spot throughout the years searching and not finding the answers of what she wanted for herself? Sadly, now she new. The one thing she wanted she would never have.

She looked down and saw the burgundy decanter and poured herself a large drink. Looking at it for a moment she then raised it to her lips. Before drinking she raised it up and softly celebrated her anguish. "Merry Christmas my darling." As the tears ran down her face she drank all the contents within the glass.

Blayne poured the amber liquid into the glass once more and filled it to the rim. She then took the glass with her as she headed up the stairs towards her bedroom.

She never noticed the dark figure that had remained silent in the room.

* * *

Elena hurried to open the door to stop the persistent knocking. In front of her stood an elegant woman.

"Can I help you?" Elena asked politely.

"Yes, I hope you can. My name is Abigail Aston-Carlyle."
