“ I think I feel a little better, Tulin, now.”

Tulin folded the shawl and laid it tenderly on the divan. “Yes, valide. I’m glad.”

“When this business of the bridge is over, would you send to the Kislar aga? I think he and I need a little talk.”

“Yes, valide. What do you want to talk about?”

The valide let her eyelids droop. “What about? Oh, your future, my dear. And mine, too.”

Tulin stood respectfully at the foot of the divan. “The Kislar aga is expecting us at Besiktas tomorrow, valide. Perhaps you should talk to him then?”

The valide cocked her head. “Tomorrow, is it? Tiens! Time flies so fast.”

“Yes, valide. Would you like a tisane, now?”

“No, thank you, my dear. I’m quite comfortable.” Her eyes roamed around the room she knew so well. “I’m very comfortable, right here. You’ll send for the Kislar aga, won’t you?”

Tulin turned to the fire and put another log on the blaze.


“Yes, valide. Yes, I’ll send for the Kislar aga, right away. Just let me light the lamps before I go.”
